Devil-Slaying Sword/C1 A Huge Choice
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Devil-Slaying Sword/C1 A Huge Choice
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C1 A Huge Choice

Soong Yuan was faced with a monumental decision: either marry Qian Xiaoruo or flee Appropriate Prosperity City under the cover of night.

The choice weighed heavily on him.

Qian Xiaoruo, the most beautiful woman in Appropriate Prosperity City and the daughter of the Thousand Thunder Sect's master, seemed a fitting match for Soong Yuan, the weakest male cultivator in the city and the son of the Shennong Hall's master. Yet...

"I only exchanged pleasantries with Qian Xiaoruo at last year's Sect Meet. We hardly know each other," Soong Yuan mused, perplexed. "Why then, has her father come to ask for my hand in marriage today?"

"There's something suspicious about this."

Jia Chunmei, Soong Yuan's mother, spoke with a grave tone, "The Thousand Thunder Sect is a formidable force, the second-largest sect in Appropriate Prosperity City. Our Shennong Hall, however, is a minor sect with a focus on Spirit Plants and limited strength. Old Monster Qian usually dismisses us, yet today he personally seeks a marriage alliance for his daughter. There must be an ulterior motive."

"Qian Xiaoruo is quite gifted in cultivation, having reached the Foundation Stage at a young age. My son Yuan, on the other hand, has an unusual constitution that prevents him from cultivating. Despite being close in age to Xiaoruo, Yuan's cultivation level is virtually nonexistent. Considering the vast disparity, it's unlikely that such a proud and ambitious young woman would take an interest in my Yuan."

Soong Yuan's confusion only deepened. "With such significant gaps in both sect status and cultivation levels, why would they propose marriage?"

"I can't fathom their reasons," Jia Chunmei admitted, shaking her head.

Soong Yuvfu, Soong Yuan's father, furrowed his brow and hesitantly added, "I've heard rumors that Qian Xiaoruo brings misfortune to her husbands."

Indeed, both Jia Chunmei and Soong Yuan had heard the whispers. It was one of the more notorious pieces of gossip in Appropriate Prosperity City—Qian Xiaoruo had been betrothed to three male cultivators, and each had met an untimely and mysterious death.

After their engagement and before the formal marriage, they had already settled into the Thousand Thunder Sect. Shortly thereafter, they died under mysterious circumstances.

As a result, many suspected that Qian Xiaoruo was cursed.

Another, even more horrifying theory circulated: Qian Xiaoruo was likened to a witch who drained male cultivators of their Yang energy, leading to their demise. It was a grim picture.

Soong Yuan shook his head, indicating his disbelief.

Qian Xiaoruo was exceedingly beautiful, ethereal as drifting clouds and delicate as a gentle stream. No, Soong Yuan couldn't reconcile such a lovely image with that of a dual cultivation sorceress.

"What if it's true?" Soong Yuvfu asked cautiously.

"Whether Qian Xiaoruo is cursed or involved in draining Yang energy through dual cultivation, this marriage proposal is highly suspicious. There's definitely something amiss, and we cannot consent to it," Jia Chunmei declared, her tone direct and forceful. "Of course, we feigned agreement in front of Old Monster Qian, merely as a delay tactic."

"Old Monster Qian is a formidable practitioner and acts tyrannically. We couldn't outright refuse his marriage proposal," Soong Yuvfu explained. "But we absolutely cannot hand Yuan over to the Thousand Thunder Sect. Therefore, our only option is to dissolve Shennong Hall and flee Appropriate Prosperity City under the cover of night."

Jia Chunmei looked at Soong Yuan with a resolute nod.

Clearly, she and her husband Soong Yuvfu had already made their decision.

In Appropriate Prosperity City, within the walls of Shennong Hall and the Soong residence, Soong Yuvfu's study became the setting for a pivotal family decision.

"No," Soong Yuan stated firmly. "Running away is beneath us."

"Back in the Realm of Ten Thousand Woods, Shennong Hall had an entire mountain for our Spirit Plant Garden. But when the Earth Sect coveted it, they forcibly purchased it, offering a mere 15,000 Spirit Stones, and we conceded. Later, in Hundred Herb City, it was we who first discovered the vast Nine Immortal Fruits spirit plant belt. Yet, just three days later, the Seven Fiends Sect bullied us with threats and force, and again, we yielded. In the Small Mountain Realm, the Demonic Erosion Valley, and Origin City, time and again, Shennong Hall has backed down in the face of stronger adversaries. It's been too cowardly."

"Old Monster Qian has given us seven days to prepare, which is plenty," Soong Yuan said, nodding firmly. "This time, we won't run."

Jia Chunmei and Soong Yuvfu exchanged a look, deep in thought for a moment.

Then, with a start, they seemed to grasp his intention. They turned to face Soong Yuan, speaking in unison, "You're planning to kill Old Monster Qian?"

"It's not out of the question."

"No, no, absolutely not."

Soong Yuvfu clutched Soong Yuan's hand, as if to prevent him from rushing off to slay Old Monster Qian that very instant.

"Son, please, take a moment to think this through. Yes, thirteen years ago, we harvested the unparalleled Divine Thought Fruit in the Myriad Wood Realm. After you consumed it, you gained three incredibly powerful Innate Divine Thoughts. With those, even a master like Old Monster Qian wouldn't stand a chance against you in a direct confrontation."

"But the Thousand Thunder Sect is filled with formidable experts. Aside from Old Monster Qian, his two sons are exceptionally strong, not to mention the two Vice Sect Masters and the four Great Elders. And let's not forget Qian Xiaoruo; despite her young age, she's already reached the Foundation Stage. She alone could decimate our Shennong Hall. You only have three Innate Divine Thoughts. How could you possibly defeat the multitude of experts in the Thousand Thunder Sect? It's just not feasible."

Jia Chunmei gently touched her son's shoulder, her voice soft. "The Divine Thought Fruit blooms once every three hundred years and bears fruit just as infrequently, yielding only three fruits—two female and one male. The female fruit is deadly poisonous, while the male fruit is the one cultivators can refine and consume. This shows how incredibly rare and precious the fruit is. Perhaps, in all the Five Great Domains, the Seven Thousand Realms, and the million cities, there isn't another cultivator as fortunate as you, Soong Yuan, to have ingested the Divine Thought Fruit."

"Therefore, Soong Yuan, unless it's absolutely necessary, do not reveal your Innate Divine Thought. And you must not use it unless you're in the gravest of dangers. After all, you only have three, and you need to preserve them to save your own life."

Soong Yuan nodded with a smile.

"I have no intention of recklessly challenging the Thousand Thunder Sect with my Innate Divine Thought. I believe seven days will be sufficient because I've discovered the Boiling Spring. It's fortunately not too far, located within the Crystal Shattering Mountain Range, a mere thousand miles away. Moreover, the Yin Yang Day is just five days from now, so..."

Soong Yuvfu and Jia Chunmei immediately grasped the significance of the Boiling Spring and the Yin Yang Day, their expressions frozen in shock as if they were statues.

"My hope is that on the Yin Yang Day, after the baptism of the Boiling Spring, I will emerge transformed, having undergone Physique Reconstruction. I will truly become stronger, and with that, I can elevate the entire Shennong Hall. Only then might Old Monster Qian think twice and possibly retract his marriage proposal."

"Of course, if Old Monster Qian persists in his obstinacy, I'm prepared to confront him directly. Defeating Old Monster Qian and annihilating the Thousand Thunder Sect are within the realm of possibility. Regarding Qian Xiaoruo, she is, after all, the most beautiful woman in Appropriate Prosperity City. It would be such a waste to dispatch her with a single blow..."

Inwardly, Soong Yuan contemplated a darker thought: "Perhaps I could have my way with her before I kill her."

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