Devil-Slaying Sword/C13 One Punch to the Head!
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Devil-Slaying Sword/C13 One Punch to the Head!
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C13 One Punch to the Head!

Silence enveloped the area.

Soong Yuan realized he was still alive. He sat up, stunned, and remained motionless for a long while as he processed the events. It dawned on him that he owed his life to Hsiao Yan.

The Celestial Thunder Killing Array's intensity had doubled in its final moments. It was the most chaotic, intense, and violent barrage, yet Hsiao Yan had managed to withstand it by depleting all his cultivation.

Following that, Hsiao Yan was completely drained. The protective golden cauldron he had conjured vanished, and his Golden Cauldron Sword shattered into numerous fragments. Concurrently, the Celestial Thunder Killing Array's magic had been fully expended, causing the Magic Array to deactivate.

Fortunately, the last burst of Tian Leizi was intercepted by Soong Yuan's Thousand-cauldron Umbrella.

The ordeal was over.

Hsiao Yan remained unconscious from his internal injuries, while Soong Yuan was left without a scratch.

The one-eyed man and Sunn Liang also survived, thanks to the lightning-resistant cloaks provided by the enigmatic woman, which saw them safely through the Thunder Array's deadly assault.

The inconspicuous little house had collapsed, and the unassuming small table within had broken apart. The brocade box that had rested on it split in two, and the Universe Compass tumbled out, enveloped in a thick layer of green light that kept it intact.

Amid the rubble, Sunn Liang picked up the Universe Compass, incredulous. "Why would Qian Xiaoruo leave such an important item here?" he wondered.

"Damn it," the one-eyed man cursed gruffly. "It was that damn traitor's doing, leaving this compass behind on purpose."

"But why leave it here, and for us? Is it some kind of welcoming gift?" Sunn Liang was puzzled. "What could be the reason behind this?"

"Hmph, let's not overthink it. Our first order of business should be to take him down," the one-eyed man growled, pointing towards another heap of debris.

There stood a figure in the distance, a man of average build wearing a pale blue shirt with a clear, bright countenance—it was Soong Yuan. He dusted off his clothes and, turning around, caught sight of the one-eyed man and Sunn Liang.

"Hmm, we must kill him to keep him quiet. The fact that we've acquired the Universe Compass must remain a secret," said Sunn Liang, the scholarly-looking man, his face contorting sinisterly.

The two men quickly made their way toward Soong Yuan.

Soong Yuan had Zero Cultivation.

The one-eyed man was at Foundation Stage Level Four, while Sunn Liang was at Foundation Stage Level Two.

Moreover, the entire Thousand Thunder Inn lay in ruins, with no survivors. Additionally, Hsiao Yan was gravely injured, leaving Soong Yuan with no one to rely on but himself at this critical moment.

Without uttering a word, he pulled out a small, square wooden box and immediately opened it. Without any hesitation, he pressed the Heaven Character compartment, and with a whoosh, an Intestine Breaking Blade shot out.

The one-eyed man, however, easily deflected the blade with a casual swing of his Ghost Fire Blade. He didn't even need to channel his Vital Spirit to summon the Ghost Fire; a simple flick was all it took to send the Intestine Breaking Blade clattering to the ground.

Soong Yuan quickly pressed the Earth Character compartment in the box, releasing all twelve remaining Intestine Breaking Blades at once. They spread out in a fan shape, hurtling towards the one-eyed man and Sunn Liang. But with a single wave of his Samadhi True Fire Fan, Sunn Liang created a sweeping gust that knocked all the blades aside.

"Damn it!" cursed the one-eyed man. "You really think you can take on two Foundation Stage masters with these pathetic trinkets that don't even qualify as magical artifacts?"

Soong Yuan didn't bother with a response. Instead, he relentlessly activated the rest of his magic treasures and talismans, unleashing a fierce barrage of attacks.

He understood his parents' dilemma: with Zero Cultivation and no Vital Spirit reserves, he couldn't use higher-grade magic treasures or talismans. His only option was to have the craftsmen at the smithy and talisman workshop specially modify some items, incorporating activation mechanisms or tear-activated talismans. This allowed him to wield these magic treasures and talismans despite his lack of cultivation.

Lacking the Enhancement of Vital Spirit, such modifications inevitably reduced the grade and potency of the treasures and talismans. But it was the only option he had.

Soon, Soong Yuvfu and Jia Chunmei had exhausted all the magical treasures and talismans they had prepared for Soong Yuan. Unscathed, the one-eyed man and Sunn Liang advanced toward Soong Yuan with smirks on their faces. Sunn Liang even arrogantly stowed his Samadhi True Fire Fan, spread his hands wide, and taunted, "Hit me, kill me. Come on, I'm right here. Let's see what you've got left."

The gap between them was immense. Cultivators at the Foundation Stage possessed a robust Vital Spirit, enabling them to summon a Protective Light Barrier and enhance their bodies with Vital Spirit. Such defenses made their bodies tougher than even the finest Iron Essence or steel. Even if Soong Yuan tried to stab Sunn Liang's eyes or cut him with a pig-slaughtering knife, it would be futile.

Sunn Liang was toying with him like a cat with a mouse. Meanwhile, the one-eyed man stood back, observing with a cold detachment, muttering curses under his breath.

From twenty feet away, Soong Yuan stepped forward, confidently raising a finger at the mockingly laughing Sunn Liang. "One punch from me is all it takes to kill you," he declared calmly.

Sunn Liang burst into laughter, while the one-eyed man let out a contemptuous snort.

With another step, Soong Yuan astonishingly closed the twenty-foot gap in an instant, appearing before Sunn Liang. He threw a punch, and the impact on Sunn Liang's face released a muffled, thunderous boom.

Sunn Liang's head exploded like a shattered watermelon, spewing a gory mix of red and white.

The one-eyed man, taken aback, instinctively retreated three steps and hastily drew his Ghost Fire Blade, eyeing Soong Yuan with heightened wariness. It dawned on him, "You little punk, you've been practicing the Iron Mountain Fist!"

"Indeed," Soong Yuan responded with a smile.

In this world, everyone pursued cultivation, and those who couldn't, due to physical limitations, were deemed worthless. Soong Yuan refused to be considered worthless. Thus, unable to pursue Qi Refining, he dedicated himself to Body Refining.

Qi Refining involves inhaling and absorbing spiritual energy from the environment, converting it into vital energy, and storing it within the dantian. This energy can then be utilized in conjunction with Magic Spells, magical treasures, and talismans as needed.

Body Refining also requires the inhalation and absorption of external spiritual energy, transforming it into vital energy. However, instead of being stored in the dantian, this energy is integrated into the skin, flesh, meridians, internal organs, and bones—essentially, it fuses with every part of the body's interior. Cultivation through Body Refining is a martial practice, treating the body itself as a weapon.

For Soong Yuan, Body Refining was an ideal fit. He could easily inhale and absorb spiritual energy from his surroundings and convert it into vital energy. The challenge with his Spirit Losing Body was that, although he could convert energy, he was unable to retain it in his dantian. Nevertheless, this didn't prevent him from integrating the energy throughout his body, making Body Refining especially suitable for him.

Soong Yuan had opted to practice the Iron Mountain Fist. Yet, he was only at Body Refining Grade One Level Three, roughly equivalent to the fifth or sixth level of the Qi Refining Stage. In a standard fight, he wouldn't stand a chance against Sunn Liang. Indeed, Sunn Liang wouldn't even need to resort to his Samadhi True Fire Fan; his Vital Spirit alone would suffice to defeat Soong Yuan.

But today, Sunn Liang's arrogance and underestimation of his opponent proved to be his downfall. He simply stood there, allowing Soong Yuan to strike him without even activating his Vital Spirit for protection. His complacency led to his demise.

"Damn it, the Iron Mountain Fist is worthless," the one-eyed man concluded after observing the fight. He bellowed, "Kid, you're merely at Body Refining Grade One Level Three, and the Iron Mountain Fist is just a basic technique of Body Refining. Your actual combat ability is even less than that of a junior at the seventh level of the Qi Refining Stage. Hmph, Sunn Liang was a fool for being so careless, and that's why you were able to take him by surprise."

With his sole eye fixed intently on Soong Yuan, the one-eyed man advanced cautiously, step by step. "I'll be careful. I'm not Sunn Liang. Kid, you're as good as dead. Damn it."

Soong Yuan waved his hand dismissively and looked at the one-eyed man with a seemingly earnest expression. "Honestly, dealing with you is even easier. All I have to do is frown, and you'd be dead."

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