Devil-Slaying Sword/C16 The Old Lady Was Very Fierce
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Devil-Slaying Sword/C16 The Old Lady Was Very Fierce
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C16 The Old Lady Was Very Fierce

In the Conference Hall of the Blazing Fire Sect, the air was thick with outrage as members clamored for retribution.

"We must unearth Qian Xiaoruo, even if it means excavating every inch of the earth, and exact a brutal punishment."

"We must seek justice for the one-eyed man, Sunn Liang, and our twenty fallen brothers."

"To hell with it, we're taking on the Thousand Thunder Sect."

"Let's not forget, it was the cursed Thousand Thunder Sect that forced us out of Appropriate Prosperity City. And now, Qian Xiaoruo has sprung a trap, obliterating two of our Vice Sect Masters and twenty Elite Disciples overnight. Our sect has been dealt a severe blow. It's time to settle scores, old and new..."

"Boss Qian, we await your command."

"Sect Master, we are at your beck and call. Let's take down Qian Xiaoruo."

Qian Ji had emerged from his seclusion at dawn, elated to have advanced from Foundation Stage Level Four to Level Five. He had envisioned a grand celebration to mark his achievement, but was instead greeted with the sect's profound loss, stirring a mix of frustration and fury within him.

Despite his less-than-stellar frog-like appearance, with a half-bald head and protruding eyes, Qian Ji's longstanding tenure as Sect Master and his deep cultivation imbued him with an innate sense of authority. Seated simply, he exuded a natural command over the room.

With a subtle gesture, the room full of elders and deacons, along with over thirty others, quieted down.

"Zuocheng, what's your assessment?" Qian Ji inquired, turning his attention to him.

Lee Zuocheng, who had been silently observing with his arms folded and a watchful eye, had been internally criticizing, "The one-eyed Dragon and Sunn Liang were on a fool's errand, overreaching and recklessly provoking the Thousand Thunder Sect. Moreover, on that night, Qian Xiaoruo had given a warning, offering an opportunity to leave the Thousand Thunder Inn. Those who heeded the warning were spared, but these obstinate fools stayed behind. Their fate was well-deserved. Idiots."

However, when Qian Ji posed the question, Lee Zuocheng shared a different insight: "There's something strange at play here. We've examined the bodies. It's evident that Brother Sunn Liang met his end from a body cultivator's fatal punch, while the One-eyed Dragon was felled by sword intent. What's perplexing is how these events unfolded within the Celestial Thunder Killing Array. Logically, anyone caught in the array should be fully focused on surviving Tian Leizi's onslaught. How could they possibly have the capacity to also attack the Blazing Fire Sect? All twenty of our other brothers were killed by the lightning strikes. Why were these two the only exceptions..."

Lee Zuocheng's unspoken implication was clear: avoid any confrontation with the Thousand Thunder Sect.

A young man with eyes as bulging as a frog's suddenly jumped forward, blurting out impatiently, "Enough beating around the bush. We need to track down that wretch, Qian Xiaoruo. Only by finding her will we unravel what really happened in the Celestial Thunder Killing Array."

"Right, we have to find that woman and settle the score."

"It's pretty simple, if you ask me. The one-eyed man and Sunn Liang must have endured the worst of the Celestial Thunder Killing Array. The vile Qian Xiaoruo, seizing the opportunity, likely sent assassins to strike when they were at their weakest, their Vital Spirit nearly drained. Overwhelmed, they were defeated."

"That sounds quite likely."

Murmurs of agreement rippled through the group.

Lee Zuocheng rolled his eyes and chose to remain quiet.

The young man with the striking eyes led the uproar, his face red and neck thick with righteous indignation. They were united in their determination: to find Qian Xiaoruo and put an end to her.

Qian Ji sighed and gestured for silence, instantly quieting the Conference Hall.

He declared solemnly, "Strength is everything. The Thousand Thunder Sect is the second most powerful sect in Appropriate Prosperity City, far stronger than us. In comparison, our Blazing Fire Sect seems quite insignificant. To challenge the Thousand Thunder Sect would be like a rabbit daring to challenge a jackal—it's suicidal. We remember the grudge of being driven out of Appropriate Prosperity City, and we mourn our brothers who were slain. Our desire for revenge is not lacking; it's our ability to exact it that's missing. Strength is everything."

The crowd was left speechless, enveloped in a heavy silence.

However, a dry voice from among them spoke out, "Well put. Strength determines everything."

Qian Ji paled, startled. Even with his cultivation at Foundation Stage Level Five, he stood up as if facing a great enemy, his eyes locked on a withered old woman in the crowd.

She was the unexpected voice.

She wasn't a member of the Blazing Fire Sect, and no one could pinpoint when she had entered the Conference Hall. Not even Qian Ji, the highest cultivator present, had noticed her presence. This revealed that the elderly lady was far more formidable than anyone in the room, Qian Ji included.

Lee Zuocheng and the young man with bulging eyes quickly understood the severity of the situation, and a sense of terror spread among them.

Who was this enigmatic powerhouse who had suddenly appeared? What did she want?

The crowd grew tense, moving with careful caution and distancing themselves, leaving a clear space around the elderly woman.

Qian Ji was well aware that anyone stronger than his Foundation Stage Level Five must be a Thought Dividing Stage Great Cultivator.

He hurried forward, bowing deeply. He had barely begun to say "Senior..." when the old lady interrupted him, evidently having no interest in small talk with Qian Ji.

Her harsh, dry voice cut through the air again: "Strength is everything. Very well, since I am the strongest here, I will be the one to make all decisions for the Blazing Fire Sect from now on."

Her statement caused an uproar among the crowd.

A deacon, visibly upset, murmured under his breath, "This is tyranny..."

Without a word, the old lady pointed a finger, and a bolt of lightning struck the deacon, leaving a fist-sized hole in his chest that allowed a view clear through to the other side. His screams filled the air as he fell to the ground, dead.

"Vicious Thunder Grandma," Lee Zuocheng exclaimed, recognizing her. "This elder is one of the infamous Five Great Monastery Cultivators of the Central Earth Realm, known for her expertise in Thunder Type techniques, the Vicious Thunder Grandma."

The Five Great Monastery Cultivators were known for their brutality and unpredictable strength, instilling fear in the hearts of many. Cultivators would often go out of their way to avoid them.

Today, against all odds, this harbinger of doom had come to their doorstep. Qian Ji knew that if the Vicious Thunder Grandma was displeased, she could wipe out the entire Blazing Fire Sect in an instant.

Indeed, strength was the ultimate authority.

Qian Ji bowed deeply to the Vicious Thunder Grandma, saying with utmost respect, "Elder, whatever your wishes, our sect will serve you faithfully."

The Vicious Thunder Grandma, expressionless, moved forward and seated herself in the Sect Master Position, previously occupied by Qian Ji. She looked around the room and spoke in her unique, unnerving voice, "Blazing Fire Sect, activate the City Protecting Magic Array immediately. Seal all Teleportation Magic Arrays. No one is to leave Multicolored City. I will search the entire city for Qian Xiaoruo... I need her body."

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