Devil-Slaying Sword/C18 It Could be Eliminated
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Devil-Slaying Sword/C18 It Could be Eliminated
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C18 It Could be Eliminated

"However, you're so handsome, how could I bear to kill you?" chuckled the girl with the flat nose.

Soong Yuan didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

Had a stunning beauty like Qian Xiaoruo, the most celebrated beauty of Appropriate Prosperity City, complimented Soong Yuan on his looks, he would have been thrilled. But receiving praise from this girl with a flat nose... Soong Yuan felt no sense of accomplishment whatsoever.

"You're quite cute," Soong Yuan replied, not quite meaning it.

Yet, the girl with the flat nose lit up with delight, nodding her head enthusiastically. "I think so too," she said earnestly.

Damn, she actually agreed, considering herself cute!

Soong Yuan almost spat out the pancake he had just eaten.

Suddenly, they both felt something was off and turned around.

The pancake vendor, with no current customers, had been listening to their conversation. Overcome with curiosity, she couldn't help but ask, "What's the deal with you two kids?"

Soong Yuan and the girl with the flat nose quickly made their exit.

In a nearby deserted alley, Soong Yuan got straight to the point: "Who are you? And why are you trying to kill me?"

"I'm Little Qing..."

Little Qing didn't hide anything, explaining that the fake Universe Compass had been given an Enhancement, the Traceless Formula.

This meant that anyone trying to locate the Universe Compass would inadvertently reveal their location to Qian Xiaoruo through the Traceless Formula if they got their hands on the fake one.

Qian Xiaoruo had sent Little Qing to take out whoever ended up with the fake Universe Compass, not expecting it to be Soong Yuan.

"Look, you're meant to be our Miss Lei's future husband; I wouldn't dare harm you," Little Qing said with a warm smile. "And you know, up close, you are indeed handsome—more so than from a distance. I just couldn't bring myself to do it."

Soong Yuan felt dizzy.

Suddenly, a gray streak appeared in the sky, vibrating faintly and displaying a Talisman Pattern. Little Qing reached out and grabbed it—it was a Communication Talisman from Qian Xiaoruo.

The message was brief, just two words: "Don't return."

Xiao Qing's complexion turned ashen, her breathing quickened. After a moment of silent thought, she realized the direness of the situation. "This is bad, Miss is in danger."

The remote inn had been secretly established as a secure refuge by the Thousand Thunder Sect months earlier. It was exceptionally safe, guarded by Zhao Mingli, Zhuge Ming, Zhou Li, and 15 Elite Disciples, all dedicated to protecting Qian Xiaoruo.

The insider threat, Xiaocui, had been eliminated before they moved to the inn, rendering it nearly impossible for anyone to find them.

Nevertheless, Qian Xiaoruo unexpectedly sent Xiao Qing a Communication Talisman with a clear message: "Do not return."

It was evident that a grave incident had occurred at the inn, and it seemed likely that Qian Xiaoruo had encountered grave danger.

Determined to save her mistress, Xiao Qing set out, with Soong Yuan insisting on joining her. He even declared with conviction, "I'm going to save my fiancée."

In reality, Soong Yuan was apathetic about Qian Xiaoruo's well-being. He even thought her death might be more convenient, as it would relieve him of his worries about her potentially dangerous methods. His primary concern was the Universe Compass.

With the Universe Compass in Qian Xiaoruo's possession, he had to find her to stand a chance of acquiring it.

The inn had become a scene of carnage.

Corpses were strewn about haphazardly: Zhao Mingli, Zhuge Ming, Zhou Li, and the 15 Elite Disciples, all dead.

However, Qian Xiaoruo's body was missing.

Holding back her grief and rage, Xiao Qing carefully examined the wounds on the bodies and concluded, "Vicious Thunder Grandma is behind this. They've all been killed by Thunder Lightning Type techniques. While our Thousand Thunder Sect is proficient in such methods, in the entire Central Earth Realm, only Vicious Thunder Grandma is on par with us. Yet her Magic Spells are more brutal and ferocious, making them distinguishable. She must have kidnapped Miss Lei... she needs her body for her own purposes."

"Ah?" Soong Yuan was baffled. "But isn't Vicious Thunder Grandma just an old lady? Why would she need Qian Xiaoruo's body? Her tastes are... unusual."

"You've got it wrong," Flat Nose Xiao Qing snapped, glaring at Soong Yuan. "Miss Lei has the Thunder Tribulation Body, an incredibly rare phenomenon that appears once every thousand years. Vicious Thunder Grandma practices the Infinite Thunder Aura, which requires using Miss Lei as a lightning rod to attract the Supreme Thunder Aura, helping her achieve a breakthrough in her cultivation."

"If only we had known years ago that Vicious Thunder Grandma had such intentions. She has already tried to kidnap the young lady three times, each attempt foiled by my Thousand Thunder Sect. But this time... if she succeeds, the young lady might survive, but she'll be reduced to a mere shell, unable to cultivate, a person with Zero Cultivation."

Soong Yuan scratched his ear, the phrase "Zero Cultivation trash" sounding awkward and harsh to his ears.

Xiaocui held out her hand to Soong Yuan and said, "Give it to me. I need to go save the young lady."

Soong Yuan understood immediately.

Xiaocui meant that since the Universe Compass was with Qian Xiaoruo and Soong Yuan had the means to detect it, he should naturally hand over the device that could locate the Universe Compass. With it, Xiaocui could find Qian Xiaoruo's location and rescue her.

There was no need for secrecy at this point.

Soong Yuan took out the Universe Crystal Ball, but he insisted on making one thing clear: "I'm going with you to rescue Qian Xiaoruo."


Xiaocui nodded in agreement. She appreciated that in a moment of danger, he wasn't just thinking of saving his own skin but was also intent on rescuing the young lady. His behavior was admirable.

If only she knew Soong Yuan's true motives...

Soong Yuan was primarily interested in the Universe Compass. He was even willing to negotiate with Vicious Thunder Grandma for it. The Universe Compass would be his, and as for Qian Xiaoruo, the old witch could do whatever she wanted with her, even if it meant devouring her alive.

If Xiaocui knew Soong Yuan's true thoughts, she would certainly want to kill him.

"Here's what we'll do: you help me pinpoint the young lady's location, and then I'll go in by myself," Xiaocui suggested, her brow furrowed. She remembered how Qian Xiaoruo always called Soong Yuan 'trash.' He had been a nobody with Zero Cultivation, but now he was at Body Refining Grade One Level Three, which was slightly better but still not very useful.

She said, "When it's time, you stay out of it."

"You think I'd be of no use if I went," Soong Yuan, a man of medium build with a clear complexion and dressed in a pale blue shirt, said calmly. "But what use would you be if you went? Vicious Thunder Grandma is a Thought Dividing Stage Great Cultivator, and you're only at Foundation Stage Level Two. The difference is too great; you wouldn't stand a chance."

Xiaonuo understood that Soong Yuan was telling the truth; she didn't stand a chance against Vicious Thunder Grandma, not even for a single round.

However, the thought of not attempting to save her mistress was unbearable to her.

But the harsh reality was that even if she tried, she wouldn't be able to save her mistress, which only deepened her sense of powerlessness.

What could she do?

With the City Protecting Magic Array activated, the entire city was locked down. No one could leave, and there was no way to get a message to the Thousand Thunder Sect in Appropriate Prosperity City.

Overwhelmed by despair, Xiaonuo broke down in tears.

She crouched on the ground, weeping inconsolably.

In that moment, Soong Yuan squatted down beside her, gently patting her back, and offered a glimmer of hope, "I can defeat Vicious Thunder Grandma."

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