Devil-Slaying Sword/C5 Too Crazy!
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Devil-Slaying Sword/C5 Too Crazy!
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C5 Too Crazy!

Outside Dong Family Village, by the banks of a shallow stream, Soong Yuan washed away the bloodstains covering his body and changed into fresh clothes. He then produced two Speed Talismans, handing one to Hsiao Yan, signaling his intent to make haste back to Multicolored City.

Nestled at the foot of Crystal Shattering Mountain, Multicolored City was the gateway to Boiling Spring.

Hsiao Yan, however, furrowed his brow and shook his head slightly. In a grave tone, he advised, "The old woman has lost her mind, and it seems you're not far behind. You're acting crazy... I suggest you head straight back to Appropriate Prosperity City and seek Bai Su's assistance. She might have a way to lift the Resentful Spirit Blood Spell from you."

Soong Yuan offered a serene smile, appreciating Hsiao Yan's concern, yet he simply responded, "No."

Previously, the old woman and Soong Yuan had struck a bargain: Soong Yuan vowed to avenge Dung Xin within ten days, and in return, the old woman provided a Universe Crystal Ball. This egg-sized orb, casually crafted from leftover green silk magnetic crystal after Dung Xin made the Universe Compass and inscribed with Talisman Patterns, served as a detection device.

When within a hundred paces of the Universe Compass, the Crystal Ball would automatically resonate and emit a green glow. Dung Xin had even devised a short Magic Spell for detection, enabling a cultivator to activate the spell, sense the Crystal Ball, and pinpoint the Universe Compass's location with unerring accuracy within that range.

What was once a whimsical creation by Dung Xin had become crucial for Soong Yuan's current quest. With the Universe Crystal Ball, Soong Yuan could find the Universe Compass, no matter how well Qian Xiaoruo concealed it.

Possessing the Universe Compass was essential for Soong Yuan to accurately locate Boiling Spring on Yin Yang Day, which offered him a chance to rejuvenate his physique.

Dung Xin's mother, the old woman in question, had traded the Universe Crystal Ball for Soong Yuan's pledge of vengeance. Yet, she harbored fears: that Soong Yuan might renege on his promise after receiving the Crystal Ball, or that he might fail to identify Dung Xin's killer within the ten-day limit. Furthermore, she doubted whether Soong Yuan had the capability to eliminate Dung Xin's foe, even if he knew their identity. In essence, if Soong Yuan failed to fulfill his vow of retribution, the old woman would never consent.

Therefore, she sacrificed herself to activate the Resentful Spirit Blood Spell.

"The Resentful Spirit Blood Spell, originating from the Yin Extermination Sect—a super sect within the Desert Domain—is an extremely rare and sinister technique. It's typically employed by those harboring deep-seated hatred and grievances who, due to their weak cultivation, are incapable of exacting revenge. Thus, they resort to this dark and obscure method, sacrificing themselves to become a blood mist of resentful spirits that then curse others, compelling them to fulfill a certain task. If..." Hsiao Yan paused, his expression grave.

Soong Yuan spoke calmly, "If the person cursed by the Blood Spell fails to keep their promise, they will be devoured by the vengeful spirit. Their body will rot, decay in agony, and they will perish within three days."

"Your agreement with her was a mistake," Hsiao Yan stated, looking directly at Soong Yuan, his face devoid of emotion. "You vowed to avenge Dung Xin. You've acquired the Universe Crystal Ball and have been afflicted by the Resentful Spirit Blood Spell. You must honor your promise to lift the curse, and you have only ten days to do so. Honestly, I see no way for you to fulfill your vow."

"Who murdered Dung Xin? Where is the killer? How do we find them? And once found, Soong Yuan, are you capable of killing them? You must personally execute the murderer to dispel the Resentful Spirit Blood Spell. Yet, given your current physical state and lack of cultivation, the magical artifacts your parents have provided will hardly suffice."

"I've closely examined the wound on Dung Xin's chest, and there's something peculiar about it. It appears..."

After a brief pause to choose his words carefully, Hsiao Yan continued with a hint of chill in his voice, "It appears to be inflicted by a Yin object. However, to my knowledge, there are no sects within Appropriate Prosperity City, the neighboring cities, or even the entire Central Earth Realm that craft such Yin objects. This scarcity extends to independent cultivators as well. Therefore, it's highly probable that an Alien Realm Special Cultivator has come here and is responsible for Dung Xin's death."

Hsiao Yan fell silent.

Soong Yuan understood all too well.

In fact, there was another issue just as daunting as the Resentful Spirit Blood Spell and the Alien Realm Special Cultivator... Qian Xiaoruo, that girl.

Soong Yuan's objective was the Boiling Spring, and Qian Xiaoruo was after the same prize. Having secured the Universe Compass, and with the untimely demise of Dung Xin, the compass in Qian Xiaoruo's possession was likely the last of its kind. Ownership of this compass was the key to locating the Boiling Spring.

Soong Yuan had no choice but to attempt to take it by force.

But could he succeed?

Qian Xiaoruo wasn't alone; she was protected by a cadre of experts from the Thousand Thunder Sect. Moreover, her own formidable abilities were something Soong Yuan, with his Zero Cultivation status, couldn't hope to match. How could he possibly outmaneuver her?

A gentle breeze swept by, offering a moment of cool respite.

From their elevated position, they could gaze down upon Dong Family Village. The homes were scattered haphazardly, their peacefulness belying the recent turmoil.

Just a short while earlier, an old crone had unleashed the Resentful Spirit Blood Spell, sacrificing herself to become a cloud of blood mist. From this mist emerged a three-inch grey shadow, which devoured the blood mist with the ferocity of a dragon consuming a rainbow. The shadow then latched onto Soong Yuan's back, burrowing into his body with force.

Soong Yuan experienced excruciating pain.

His body shook violently, and from each of his 36,000 pores, blood spurted out in unison. His condition was pitiful, his body streaked with blood. Following this ordeal, Soong Yuan and Hsiao Yan departed Dong Family Village and found solace by a stream, where they cleansed themselves and donned fresh garments.

Though he had shed much blood and suffered greatly, Soong Yuan's health remained intact.

The grey shadow birthed from the blood mist was the Resentful Spirit, a manifestation of the old woman's sacrifice. It had taken residence within Soong Yuan, a revolting presence, yet it would not influence his actions, thoughts, or emotions for the next ten days, lying dormant within him.

The critical juncture would come after these ten days.

Should Soong Yuan succeed, he would fulfill his vow and exact revenge for Dung Xin, causing the Resentful Spirit to disintegrate and vanish.

However, if Soong Yuan failed to keep his promise and avenge Dung Xin, the Resentful Spirit would awaken and turn on him with a vengeance.

Soong Yuan was deep in thought, considering his fortunate possession of three Innate Divine Thoughts, which he could use to counter Qian Xiaoruo and the Alien Realm Special Cultivator.

"My strategy is to triumph amidst the chaos," he mused.

Soong Yuan locked eyes with Hsiao Yan and explained with a calm demeanor, "The Yin Yang Day and the Boiling Spring are not only beneficial for cultivators to rebuild their physiques but also play a crucial role in the art of refining tools and concocting pills. Thus, the Boiling Spring is highly coveted. However, it appears that Qian Xiaoruo is the only one likely to secure it, especially now that Dung Xin is dead and she possesses a Divine Artifact like the Universe Compass."

"It's quite straightforward. Qian Xiaoruo will be the center of attention, and as we approach the Boiling Spring, the chaos will only intensify. Of course, dealing with the Thousand Thunder Sect won't be easy... Thankfully, with the Universe Crystal Ball in my possession, I can navigate any turmoil and locate the Universe Compass first. That's my opportunity."

"And then there's the enigmatic Alien Realm Special Cultivator, a ruthless being who murdered Dung Xin. I don't need to know his identity or seek him out. Once I acquire the Universe Compass from Qian Xiaoruo, he will inevitably come to me, as he too seeks the Boiling Spring and requires the Universe Compass. At that moment, I will have just one task: to eliminate him."

With his resolve set, Soong Yuan was ready to act.

"Securing the Universe Compass from Qian Xiaoruo and eliminating the Alien Realm Special Cultivator who dispatched the Imperial Censor... But Soong Yuan, you make it sound so effortless," Hsiao Yan, standing tall and resolute, remarked with a sigh, "You're being overly audacious."

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