Devil-Slaying Sword/C8 Tonight
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Devil-Slaying Sword/C8 Tonight
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C8 Tonight

The Thousand Thunder Inn, with its vast expanse of over a thousand rooms, stood eerily silent and deserted.

At present, its only occupants were Qian Xiaoruo, Zhao Mingli, and a mere twenty-one others.

Within the inn's courtyard, Qian Xiaoruo strolled with effortless grace.

Zhao Mingli, a man in his fifties with a robust build and an elder of the Thousand Thunder Sect, stood as solid as a rock while calmly informing Qian Xiaoruo, "We've ascertained that at least fourteen groups, totaling over seventy people, are poised to strike. This includes the Blazing Fire Sect, One Eyed Dragon, and Sunn Liang, who have all decided to act even in the absence of our Sect Master Qian Ji, who is still in seclusion. Tonight is sure to be lively."

"Very well," Qian Xiaoruo replied, her tone cool and composed.

"Our inn's staff have already evacuated under Zhuge Ming's leadership. Zhou Li is setting up the defenses inside the inn according to your wishes. The Level One defense, the Maze Illusion Array, is now operational, and the Celestial Thunder Killing Array, our second line of defense, is mostly in place. The key area, the Hundred-plate House, will be ready in another four hours. However, tonight, Multicolored City will undoubtedly be thrown into chaos," Zhao Mingli said, hesitating as if there was more he wished to say.

Qian Xiaoruo, whose natural beauty was enhanced by her delicate features and preference for a bare face, turned to Zhao Mingli with a gentle smile, asking softly, "Elder Zhao, do you think we can avoid the chaos tonight by slipping quietly into Multicolored City, keeping a low profile and remaining unseen?"

The unshakeable Zhao Mingli nodded, his tone heavy, "Everyone wants the Universe Compass, and we have it. If we hide, they won't be able to find us."

"They will find us," Qian Xiaoruo stated, her voice still calm.

Hearing this, Zhao Mingli's steadfast demeanor faltered, and his face turned ashen as he realized what she meant: there was a mole among them.

"This morning, we departed stealthily to secure the Universe Compass from the Dong Family Village before making our way to the Thousand Thunder Inn in Multicolored City. We've been discreet to avoid detection. Yet, according to our spies in Multicolored City, my whereabouts started to spread just an hour after we left Appropriate Prosperity City."

Qian Xiaoruo strolled gracefully to a rattan chair in the small courtyard and seated herself.

She produced a white crystal plate that bore a striking resemblance to a common dining plate. Yet, when Qian Xiaoruo channeled a bit of Vital Spirit into it, the pristine surface displayed a topographic pattern of mountains and rivers—the Universe Compass.

"Who is it?" Zhao Mingli asked as he stepped forward, the ground noticeably quaking. He was seeking the identity of the traitor.

"We don't know yet," Qian Xiaoruo calmly responded. "However, I suspect the traitor will show themselves tonight."

"Oh, the snare you've laid is to catch the traitor, then?"

"There's more to it than that."

As she toyed with the Universe Compass, Qian Xiaoruo continued, "It's impossible for us to keep a low profile, so rather than attempting to conceal ourselves, we might as well confront the situation head-on. The Universe Compass—you all desire it, and I'm willing to part with it. With so many vying for it, let's see who has the skill to claim it. I'm eager to find out who will be the last one standing."

Zhao Mingli still harbored some worries: "The Blazing Fire Sect is the local powerhouse, and they've always had a grudge against our Thousand Thunder Sect. That one-eyed brute, crippled by Boss Qian, is like a mad dog after Miss's throat. And Sunn Liang is a sinister fellow, armed with a top-tier magical weapon, the Samadhi True Fire Fan."

"As for the other 14 groups, most are in the Qi Refining Stage, but there's no doubt some are highly skilled and vicious... If Dung Xin were to perish, and the sole remaining Universe Compass in the world were to fall into the wrong hands, it would be a terrible shame."

"It wouldn't be a shame," Qian Xiaoruo declared with equanimity. "The Universe Compass has become a target, a hot potato, a source of disaster. Whoever ends up with it will be courting trouble. Heh, tonight, whoever manages to lay their hands on it should be congratulated—they'll be welcoming a plethora of problems come morning."

Zhao Mingli couldn't quite grasp the mistress's meaning. Was she suggesting that she would forgo the Universe Compass to avoid the hassle? If that were the case, wouldn't her entire journey have been in vain?

Qian Xiaoruo stood up with a beaming smile and whispered something into Zhao Mingli's ear. The revelation left Zhao Mingli shocked, overjoyed, reassured, and deeply moved. He couldn't help but give Qian Xiaoruo a thumbs-up, praising, "Miss, your strategy for tonight is absolutely brilliant."

With a casual flick of her wrist, Qian Xiaoruo tossed the Universe Compass to Zhao Mingli, instructing, "Place this in the Hundred-plate House."

Zhao Mingli acknowledged the order and excused himself.

At that moment, Xiaocui and Xiaoyun returned.

They were Qian Xiaoruo's personal maids, tasked by their mistress to buy a variety of items from the marketplace in Multicolored City. Their collection included spherical objects, cylindrical objects, box-shaped items, scroll-shaped items, and even something that looked strikingly similar to the Universe Compass. Qian Xiaoruo tested each one carefully, as they were all devices intended to predict the location of the Boiling Spring.

With just three days left until Yin Yang Day, the excitement was mounting.

The Boiling Spring was not the dream of every cultivator, only a select few could make use of it. Where there is demand, there is supply. If Dung Xin could make a Universe Compass, naturally, others would imitate it or create alternatives like the Universe Mirror, Boiling Spring Ball, or Yin Yang Box, each with their own distinctive features.

"Hehe, these gadgets are no match for the Universe Compass," Qian Xiaoruo mused after spending over an hour testing and evaluating each one.

She felt lucky to have the Universe Compass, which would enable her to accurately predict the location of the Boiling Spring two days in advance, ensuring she could harness the Yin Yang Spiritual Energy on Yin Yang Day. The other instruments, even the best of them, could only predict the location a mere half-hour ahead. By the time other cultivators arrived at the Boiling Spring, the infusion of Yin Yang Spiritual Energy could already be finished.

During this, Xiaoyun recalled an incident and mentioned it to Qian Xiaoruo, "We bumped into someone at the market. Guess who, Miss?"

"Who could it be?" Qian Xiaoruo reclined in her rattan chair, stretching out like a lazy kitten, and hazarded a guess, "It couldn't possibly be my fiancé, could it?"

"Haha, that's him, Soong Yuan," Xiao Qing said with a playful laugh.

"He was at the market too, picking out various magical instruments that could predict and locate the Boiling Spring, but he seemed dissatisfied with them," Xiaocui commented calmly.

"Soong Yuan, that waste of space," Qian Xiaoruo muttered, her brow furrowed in annoyance.

The whole idea of proposing to Soong Yuan at Shennong Hall and making him her future husband was Old Monster Qian's own initiative. Qian Xiaoruo was adamantly opposed, but her opposition was to no avail.

"This rare Spirit Losing Body probably hopes to use the Yin Yang Day Boiling Spring to transform his constitution. Hmph, I doubt he'll get anywhere with that," Xiaocui said disdainfully, her ordinary face expressing scorn.

Xiao Qing rolled her eyes at Xiaocui, then said to Qian Xiaoruo with a teasing smile, "But you have to admit, Soong Yuan is actually quite handsome."

"You," Qian Xiaoruo pointed at Xiao Qing, her tone dripping with irony, "find him handsome? Fine, then you marry him."

"Hehe, I'd be willing, but I wouldn't dare. Competing with you for a man? If I did that and Master Qian found out, he'd hit me with a thunderbolt for sure."

"Thanks for that. If you really got together with him... it would save me the trouble."

Qian Xiaoruo thought to herself, "How could a guy with zero cultivation be with me? Sigh, I know Dad is trying to do what's best for me. He might be seeking a marriage alliance on the surface, but really, he just wants to use Soong Yuan's Spirit Losing Body for future plans. But he... That's why I absolutely must succeed with the Heaven Changing Divine Spell that Bai Su customized for me at the Yin Yang Day Boiling Spring to reshape my body."

Suddenly, Xiaocui, who had been quietly observing with a cold expression, interjected, "What if Soong Yuan decides to join the fray tonight?"

"Oh, that would be terrible. With his condition, even with bodyguard Hsiao Yan by his side, he wouldn't last. Shouldn't we warn him? If he shows up tonight, it's practically a death sentence," Xiao Qing responded anxiously.

"Forget about him. That good-for-nothing... he's not my problem," Qian Xiaoruo retorted sharply, giving Xiao Qing a dismissive glance.

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