Digimon Adventure : Digital Call/C13 You're Late Idiot!
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Digimon Adventure : Digital Call/C13 You're Late Idiot!
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C13 You're Late Idiot!

"Good!" Hua Shang secretly contacted the Digimon Virtual Pet in his chest while looking at the battle that had come to an end. He smiled abnormally happily.

At that moment, the five Hua Shangs in Hua Shang's hands gave the bandit leader a final blow and successfully converted it into their evolution experience.

Hua Shang did not know how much experience a rank 7 professional gave to the Hua Shangs, but looking at the five Digimon Virtual Pets on the Agumons and the golden stripes on the ground, Hua Shang knew that this battle could be considered a great harvest, not to mention that the other Digital Monsters had more or less completed an evolution speed stripe.

When Hua Shang's own strength did not increase much, his Digital Monsters could greatly improve. This was a very good piece of information.

The moon was high in the sky, and the cold light of the twin moons shot down, covering the last of the bandits who had lost their lives due to greed.

The battle began under the moonlight and ended under the moonlight. The exhausted guards perked up and began to clean up the battlefield.

Their companions had also been killed. Under the heavy atmosphere of grief, Hill and Wama, the only women present, could not help but feel sad at the same time.

After all, they had sacrificed themselves to protect them.

Very quickly, the dead knights were lined up together. A fire lit up in Hill's hands. At that time, she had requested that she be able to help the brave knights on their final journey.

At this time, a distant, clear and deep nameless song echoed in the air. It was the melody of the leaves in Hua Shang's hands.

Playing the leaves was just a game he played when he was young. However, at this moment, it was the Elegy of the people who had left. The scene was different, and the meaning of the song was different.

The Gemini Moon was still cold. Under the faint light, it was completely silent. Only the song that Hill and the others heard echoed in the deep and desolate song. It floated in the air and rose into the silent night sky.

Hua Shang's figure seemed so lonely. It was a kind of concept. If it wasn't for the fact that they had just experienced a life and death battle, it would be hard for others to feel the hidden meaning.

At this moment, it was very beautiful. Hua Shang was as gentle as he was now. He was like two different people compared to the previous Hua Shang who had a strong killing intent. Hill and Wama looked at and listened blankly. They were not only stunned.

After a long time, the melodious music finally drifted away. It was as if they had gotten the warmest. As if the pure soul had been cleansed, the pain in their hearts had disappeared quite a bit.

The fire had also extinguished, just like how the lamps of the dead had been extinguished. The knights ultimately belonged to the yellow earth, and the final evidence of their existence had also vanished with the wind.

Wama gently pulled Hill's arm. "Miss, they won't disappear, right? I can still feel their existence."

Hill nodded and looked at the sky. "I can feel it too. Their heroic spirits will always protect us."

Finally, with Gaul in the lead, the remaining knights lined up in a row. They raised the swords in their hands and gave their comrades their final blessings.

Hua Shang looked behind him and stared blankly at the solemn knight salute in front of him. He did not know what he was thinking about. He kicked his foot and said, "Hey, servant, when did I tell you to stop? My shoulders are still very tired."

Illusion, it was definitely an illusion! Looking at that hateful smile, Qi Gowei swore that what he saw before must have been an illusion. Once again, he unwillingly reached out his hand and continued to hold Hua Shang's shoulder with his white hair.

Just like that, Hill and the others did not come over to say anything to Hua Shang. Hua Shang did not do anything else. He just stood there quietly. Occasionally, the sound of insects chirping could be heard, embellishing the hearing of everyone present.

It was really late at night.

Hua Shang was very tired. He sat up on the ground. Suddenly, the sound of hooves could be heard. It disturbed everyone who was tired.

Was it another enemy?

The knights did not know that although they were tired, they still faithfully carried out their duties and surrounded Hill.

As the fire approached, a heavily armored Wind Cloud Beast appeared in front of everyone.

That was Achilles. Why was he here? Hua Shang frowned and looked at the strange Alex. As if he had thought of something, he smiled strangely. Then, he closed his eyes and let him do whatever he wanted.

Finally, Achilles' expression returned to normal. He jumped down from the Storm Beast and walked quickly to Hill and the others. He hurriedly said, "Miss Hill, what happened? Why?" He looked at the remaining traces of the battle around him, as if he was very confused.

"We just encountered an attack by bandits." It was Wama who spoke. She walked out from behind Hill.

Achilles' expression immediately changed. "What? Are you guys alright?"

Hill shook his head. "The bandits were beaten back by us, but they also sacrificed a lot of people. Then, why are you here, Young Master Achilles? "

"Oh, it's like this. We were going to eliminate a group of bandits nearby. It should be the group that attacked you, but I didn't think of it. " Achilles suddenly stopped talking. With a pained expression, he said, "I'm sorry, Miss Hill. It's all my fault for not being able to manage things properly and causing you to be injured!"

Hill shook his head and said, "It's not your fault. It's just that we happened to run into each other. Moreover, you were originally going to exterminate them."

"Thank you for your understanding, Miss Hill. How about this, I see that you guys have also suffered a lot of damage. If this goes on, you might encounter other dangers along the way. How about I send you on your way?" Achilles looked deeply at Hill and said.

Hill was slightly similar, but in the end, he still nodded. Indeed, their strength had been greatly damaged, and there was no way for them to replenish their manpower on this road.

Achilles was instantly overjoyed. He then ordered his knights to help heal the injured people on the field and set up camp. And he himself had been sticking to Hill's side, constantly asking for warmth and so on.

Naturally, Achilles also saw Hua Shang sitting at the side, but he deliberately ignored his existence and did not mention it.

After a night of silence, the Gemini Moon withdrew its silence and the red sun walked out.

Wuma carried some food into the tent that Achilles had set for Hill. She had already woken up.

"Miss, have something to eat."

After a night of tiredness, Hill was hungry as well. He ate the food that Wuma passed over and enjoyed the dry and hard Walker Dry Cake with his maid. Although the taste was ordinary, it was still very fragrant.

As if he had thought of something, Hill suddenly stopped.

"Miss?" Wama asked curiously.

"Wama, give Nafiel one too." Hill said softly. This was the first time he had said this name so gently.

"Yes." Wama also nodded lightly. This was also the first time he did not feel disgusted.

Hua Shang lazily stretched his waist and sat in meditation for the whole night. He felt refreshed. He looked at Qi Gewei, who was sleeping soundly on the tree trunk. He smiled gently and did not wake him up.

At this time, Wuma slowly walked over. She had been thinking about how to wake Hua Shang up, but now that Hua Shang had woken up, it saved her some trouble. But then she started to worry. She did not know what kind of attitude she should use to treat Hua Shang.

In the end, Wuma silently put down the food in front of Hua Shang and turned to leave.

"Wait." Hua Shang looked at Wuma who was a few steps away and suddenly said.


Hua Shang smiled. "Nothing. I just thought you looked very cute."

Wuma suddenly felt her face was hot. She did not know if she was blushing or not. She was lost in thought for a moment. It was Hua Shang who smiled.

"I lied to you. Haha."

"What? You bastard! " Wuma angrily stomped his feet, dropped the sentence, and waved his sleeves to leave.

Hua Shang shrugged and looked indifferent. No one knew what he was thinking. He distributed a portion of the food and placed it in front of Qi Gewei. He started to eat first, and he was extremely hungry.

Before long, everyone woke up one after another and casually ate their dry rations. No one could see any expression on their faces. Qi Gewei also woke up. When he woke up, he saw the food in front of him. He looked at Hua Shang, who was staring blankly at the sky, thinking about something, and started to eat without a sound.

When Qi Gewei was halfway through the food, Hua Shang suddenly said, "Servant, I'm thirsty."

Qi Gewei stood up expressionlessly and said, "Got it."

Everyone had their breakfast. After tidying up, they started their journey.

Hua Shang was still the same. He followed Hill's carriage not far away. Storm Beast's pace was neither fast nor slow. Hua Shang was very pleased. Moreover, he did not have the annoying way of scolding him before he went to Wuma.

From the start until now, there was no movement in the carriage. It was as if Hua Shang, who was following beside him, was the same. It was as if Hua Shang was a transparent existence. The two women in the carriage also remained silent. They subconsciously didn't want to discuss any problems, much less talk about Hua Shang. They just quietly thought about some things.

The leader of the knights walked to Hua Shang's side and smiled at him. He was not as cold as before.

The world of knights was actually very simple. They respected the strong. Why would they bother with the battle last night? If it was not for Hua Shang, they would have been completely wiped out. Compared to Gaul's previous impression of Nafiel, this favor was extremely mysterious.

However, there was one thing Gaul was sure of. The Third Young Master of the Louis Family in front of him was not as terrible as he had imagined. Instead, he was a man of courage. Although Hua Shang's body was not very old, his blood-soaked fighting appearance had left a deep impression on Gaul.

Gao Lu suddenly realized that he liked dealing with Hua Shang. It was a strange feeling between men, and it was very sincere. He wanted to understand this mysterious Third Young Master.

Compared to Hua Shang and Gaul talking about joy, Achilles seemed especially gloomy.

Along the way, he had found all kinds of topics to attract Hill's attention. But Hill was also like, "Yeah." "Mmm. He answered with no interest at all. He was extremely indifferent.

At this time, he had been shut in. He was a little angry. Suddenly, he saw Hua Shang looking in his direction. He smiled gently. To Achilles, it was such a disdainful smile.

A nameless anger immediately surged up. Alice's self-proclaimed forgiving heart was powerless against Hua Shang. It was only a slight provocation, but she could not hold it in anymore.

Alex rode the Storm Beast and quickly walked in front of Hua Shang. He said lightly, "Is it very funny?"

"Isn't it funny?" Hua Shang asked.

"Don't be so proud of yourself," Alice said. Achilles gritted his teeth.

Hua Shang shrugged. He looked like he didn't care, which made her angry again.

Hua Shang urged the Storm Beast to walk towards Gaul. After walking a few steps, he suddenly turned around and looked at Alice. He suddenly said, "You seem to be late, idiot."

With that, he walked away.

Did he know anything? Achilles suddenly felt a strong sense of unease. The way he looked at Hua Shang immediately became extremely gloomy.

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