Digimon Adventure : Digital Call/C9 I'm Just Passing by to Freeload!
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Digimon Adventure : Digital Call/C9 I'm Just Passing by to Freeload!
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C9 I'm Just Passing by to Freeload!

"Miss, why is he here? Didn't you say he was exiled by his family?" Wama asked in confusion.

Hill frowned. "Maybe I was wrong. He shouldn't be here. This place is the opposite of where he's going." Hill's words were a little uncertain. A person could tell that his eyes were playing tricks on him. But the two of them could also see that. Could it really be him?

"Why don't we follow him and take a look."

Hill shook his head. "No, we should go back. If it was really him, he would have walked over on his own."

Wilma said with a look of deep agreement, "That's true. If it was him, Miss Hill would have pestered us like a dog the moment she saw us. She would say 'Cousin' one after another, and it would make one's bones turn numb!" Then, he imitated and called out a few words, "Cousin."

"You're going to die. Don't you want this month's Zero Flowers?"

Wuma immediately begged for mercy. The two of them chatted and laughed as they walked back to the hotel.

As for Hua Shang? He still smiled gently.

"Do you know those two women?" Qi Gewei asked in boredom.

"How do you know?"

"Your eyes." Qi Gewei shrugged and mimicked Hua Shang's tone.

"I met someone I know. Interesting. Hehe. Alright, "Now that the show is over, let's continue shopping."

Seeing Hua Shang walking a few steps away, Qi Gewei cursed in a low voice. But after that, the feeling of embarrassment came again.

"Oh, and don't say bad things about your master behind your back, okay? Servant!"

To be honest, Hua Shang's body had indeed grown into a good skin bag. In addition, he was dressed in top quality clothes. Along the way, he had attracted the attention of many young ladies and ladies. Although he was in the dark, he had been in the underworld for a long time. He had also stayed in the flowers for quite some time, but he still saw all kinds of information in his eyes.

"Hmm, maybe it's time to find a woman." That was what Hua Shang thought. He had been in this world for a few months. Hua Shang realized that he really needed a woman to adjust his body and mind. Perhaps Hill would be a good choice. In his memory, she was an excellent woman, but she didn't like the original owner of the body.

"F * ck, there's no condom in this world!" Thinking about this, Hua Shang could not help but admire the medical standards of this world. He had never heard of many cases of venereal disease. If he had to try, he would not be able to let it go.

"It's time to find some underlings." He looked at the thin Qi Gewei in front of him. Perhaps being a servant wasn't bad, but some things were better done by others. For example, the big brother Qi Gewi killed was a good fighter.

After a short while of shopping, Hua Shang thought about what would happen next. He had already returned to the hotel. The hostess still had that charming expression on her face. Perhaps she could ask if there was any special service in the hotel, Hua Shang thought to himself and strode into the door.

"Sir, you are back. Do you want to have dinner first?" It was still the waiter from before. In fact, in the Zacalido Hotel, every few customers had a special waiter to serve them. Some special guests were even professionals.

"Take the food back to your room and eat first." Hua Shang said indifferently. He changed into a new set of clothes and walked into the hotel dining room. He didn't attract much ridicule. Compared to the unhappy time when he first came, he had already forgotten that he was in a corner. No one would stand up for a rich customer who beat up a waiter, and the person who was beaten up would know the strength of the person they looked down on. They would also become as gentle and pure as the wind and clouds.

Hua Shang was still thinking about the biological matters, and whatever he thought came to him.

It was Hill and her maid, Wuma. In this hotel, they had met by chance, and the entanglement between them might not be clear for a while. However, as a man, Hua Shang still used his gentlemanly style.

With one hand behind his back, he came to Hill, who was a little stunned. Hua Shang pressed the etiquette in his memory and politely placed one hand on his chest. He bowed slightly and said, "I'm very glad to see you again, Miss Hill."

As a well-educated noble, Hill had to return the courtesy. Although he was reluctant, his eyes were still as calm as water. "Yes, Nafiel, you're right."

"So, will you come and have dinner with me? Respected Miss Hill?" Hua Shang smiled.

For a moment, Hill suddenly felt that the person in front of her was so different from before that she thought they were two different people. "No, I'm sorry, I already have an appointment." Hill gently refused.

"Is that so? That would be too much of a pity, but Miss Hill, can I know that friend of yours? " I think we'll have a good dinner. " Hua Shang did not want to give up.

At that moment, Wuma couldn't help but walk up to them. He pointed at Hua Shang and said angrily, "Why are you still so persistent? You were chased out when you were in the capital. You still look like a human when you spoke just now. Who knew you were still so shameless? Get lost, our young lady doesn't want to see you! " Finishing, He took out a long whip in one hand and swung it in the air a few times. The sound kept coming.

Hill frowned and scolded softly, "Wilma, be careful."

"Hmph!" The girl unwillingly retreated behind Hill, but her eyes never left Hua Shang.

She was really fierce! No wonder Phil was so afraid of this woman called Wama. Hua Shang scratched his ears and stretched in front of the two women. "Ah, it's really tiring to talk like this. I really don't know how you guys trained."

"What?" Hill subconsciously replied.

"Nothing. Oh, you guys are eating in this room, right? " Then I won't be polite. Thank you for the hospitality! " Hua Shang walked straight into the private room in front of him.

"Who are you?" The one who spoke was Achilles, the young master of the city lord whom Hua Shang met in front of the city gate.

Hua Shang looked at Achilles. There was also the angry Volma who came from behind and smiled strangely. "Probably a rival in love."

"What?" In a moment of surprise, Hua Shang sat down very generously and sat opposite of him.

Hua Shang pointed at the wine glass in front of him and gestured to Qi Gewi behind him. "Haha, I'm just joking. I'm here to eat." He then pointed to Hill, who had a strange look in his eyes. "She invited me here."

Seeing Hill come in, the similarly strange face of Achilles ignored Hua Shang. He walked over and bowed. "Miss Hill, we meet again. I still remember that meeting in Imperial!" Although Hill was still veiled at this time, But Achilles still praised sincerely, "Miss Hill is still as elegant as before, still as beautiful!"

"Thank you for your praise." Hill returned the bow and said lightly.

"Eh, this wine really doesn't taste good! Waiter, waiter!" Hua Shang suddenly shouted at this time. He looked at the two stunned people and said, "Haha, I'm sorry to interrupt your show. You guys continue. I'm just passing by to freeload. Hehe."

"Sir, may I ask what instructions you have for me?" The waiter came in very quickly. The fast Achilles was about to say something when he was interrupted.

Hua Shang pointed at the wine bottle on the table. "These aren't enough. Get some that are good enough. I am not used to women's wine!"

The waiter hurriedly left. At this time, Wuma could not help it anymore. He walked in front of Hua Shang and grabbed his collar. "You, get out. You are not welcome here."

Hill seemed to have recognized Wuma's actions. This time, he didn't drink her back and calmly looked at the scene in front of him.

Hua Shang smiled and raised his head to look into Wuma's eyes. "If I remember correctly, you should address me as Young Master Li, right?"

"You..." Wuma was so angry that he could not speak. "Shameless!" Wuma shook off his hand and tried his best to calm himself down. He was not worthy of being angry for such a person. "Well, respected young master, please leave this place immediately, okay? We don't welcome you!"

Hua Shang did not say anything, completely ignoring the angry glare of Wuma. At this time, the waiter had already changed to a new wine. "Sir, the wine you asked for has been brought. At this time, the dwarf's most famous Drunken Moon Wine, I guarantee that you will be satisfied."

"Very good. Then, servant, what are you still standing there for?" Hua Shang leaned back lazily and looked at Qi Gewei.

Seeing the master and servant in front of him completely ignoring his existence, one pouring wine and one drinking wine, Wuma finally could not hold it in anymore. He whipped out his whip. Just as it was about to hit Hua Shang, Hill said, "Wuma, stop!"

"Miss, you should know that he is like this." Unwilling to retreat to the side, Wuma knew that his Miss was really angry.

He took a big gulp of the so-called Drunken Moon Wine. "Mmm. The concentration is good, but the taste is bad." Hua Shang said. He took two glasses of wine and slowly came to Achilles' side. "Then," he said. Would you like to have a drink with me, man? Hua Shang finished the wine in one gulp and handed the other to Achilles' side. He looked at him with a smile.

Perhaps Achilles reasonably told him not to pay attention to this hooligan in front of him, but he had no choice but to accept the word "man." He also finished the glass in one gulp.

"Very good!" Hua Shang smiled. "He really is a man." Hua Shang said, "This cup is to celebrate our second meeting." Hua Shang finished the cup first.

"Good! Then, this cup is to celebrate our dinner!"

"Very good, this cup is to celebrate the bill you bought."

"Very good, this cup is to celebrate the many glasses of wine you drank just now."

"Very good. This cup is to celebrate your drunkenness. Hehe." Hua Shang slowly poured the wine in his hand onto Achilles' face, which was still unconscious on the table.

"I'm a little hungry."

"Have you had enough? " If it's enough, please leave! " Hill could not help it. This time, there was no need for Wilma. She wanted to drive this annoying man away.

"Mmm, this tastes good. Servants, remember to order this when I eat in the future." Hua Shang pointed at a side dish in front of him and said.

Hill tried to calm herself down. For the first time, she was angry at the man in front of her. "I remember you were on your way to the territory, right? Why did you come back here? Aren't you afraid that uncle will know?"

Hua Shang slowly swallowed his food and burped." I came because you came. Are you satisfied with that? "


Alright, I'll tell you the truth. Actually, I'm just here to freeload. Now that I'm full, I'll see you again! " Hua Shang walked out of the room after he finished speaking. Hill was a little stunned when he walked out of the room.

"Oh, I forgot! Thank you for the hospitality. Hehe." Hua Shang said at last.

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