Disorderly Alien World/C12 Outside
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Disorderly Alien World/C12 Outside
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C12 Outside

Hearing these words, Li Mu quickly jumped up. "Fine, where are we going?" No matter how much food there was, it would not be enough to fill his stomach.

"Come out and wait outside. I'll find someone to teach you." After saying that, he walked out. As he passed by the door, he patted Meng Yue's head. "Go clean up the table. The two of them have finished eating."

Li Mu hurriedly followed. Yu Qin also wanted to go, but she really couldn't walk. She could only cast a floating technique on herself and leisurely followed behind Li Mu.

Li Mu noticed Yu Qin who was following behind them as they walked out of the house and asked. "You've come too, you've just had your fill. You should rest well at home." But they also want to learn how to use soul power. In the past, they were always unwilling to teach me. " Yu Qin said pitifully.

Li Mu had no choice but to let her follow him. In any case, whether or not he taught her was Uncle Li's business, so it had nothing to do with him.

After a while, Uncle Li came back with a person. This person was someone both Li Mu and Yu Qin recognized. He was the son of the hunter, Zhang Ye, who lived beside Yu Qin's family. He was five years old this year.

Yu Qin took out her magic wand and cast a spell on Zhang Lil 'Ye. He only saw a white light enter his little brother's body, and his little body actually floated into the air, flying towards Yu Qin. Yu Qin caught Ye Zichen's arm and hugged him.

"Aiya! Lil 'Ye, you're very fat, it's time to lose weight. " Yu Qin pinched Lil 'Ye's chubby little face and said. Big Sister Qin, quickly let me down! " It was clear that Lil 'Ye didn't like being hugged, especially in the air. Thus, he struggled in Yu Qin's embrace, wanting to escape from her demonic claws, but it wasn't that easy for Yu Qin to get rid of him. She hugged Lil' Ye tightly, not willing to let go.

"Cough cough, little Qin'er, if you still want to learn Soul Arts, I suggest you put Lil 'Ye down, because he's the one who's going to teach you later." Seeing that Yu Qin was bullying Lil 'Ye again, Uncle Li couldn't help but remind her.

"Aren't you going to teach us? "How did it become a small leaf?" Li Mu was very confused, because he knew Lil 'Ye. He often accompanied Yu Qin to play with Lil' Ye these few days, so why did Lil 'Ye learn the Soul Art all of a sudden? She could even teach him. Yu Qin was also confused, but she still didn't put down Little Ye.

"From the perspective of soul power, soul power is something that every Forsaken Dragon Clan member has. It's something that they're born with. "Soul power is different from spirit energy, it cannot be cultivated. After it is born, no matter how much it has, it will not increase, and when it is exhausted, it can only recover on its own, and at a very slow rate. However, there are a few things that can speed up the recovery speed, such as the Purple Spirit Bamboo."

Uncle Li pointed at the purple bamboo forest not too far away and said, "Soul arts are the way to use one's soul power. No one who knows soul arts would dare to use it, because soul power is a kind of cursed power. When one uses a soul art, a mysterious power will forbid it.

Li Mu and Yu Qin were so scared by Uncle Li's words that they couldn't even close their mouths. "Since soul power is so dangerous, I might as well not learn it." At first, he only wanted to learn the soul technique to protect himself and bully others, but if he used it to protect others, it would result in their deaths. Li Mu felt that it was better not to learn it.

"Young man, show some courage. Actually, most soul skills won't kill you. Only a small portion of them will die after being used up." "Uncle Li looked down on Li Mu." "That's good. I can't learn from the dead." Li Mu heaved a sigh of relief. That's right! Who would want to learn how to be a dead man! Uncle, I also want to learn from those who won't die. " Yu Qin said unhappily in the air.

"I'm sorry, but our village left in pursuit of great power. That's why we only have powerful soul skills. We don't have any of the things you've said!" Uncle Li's single sentence had broken their little minds.

"However, it is not certain that you will die. If your cultivation is strong enough, you will be able to resist the mysterious power that comes after you use it." Uncle Li's words were like snippets of meat, causing Li Mu's heart to palpitate in fear.

"That's okay, then hurry up and teach us!" "Yes!" Li Mu said excitedly. Didn't I say that Lil 'Ye will teach you guys? With that, he wanted to leave, "Why is Lil 'Ye here to teach us?" Li Mu still didn't understand.

Because the soul power of children under the age of six has yet to awaken, they are unable to cast any soul skills. Any bigger than that would be impossible, and for those who are six years old or older, even if they only hear the incantation of soul skills, their body's soul power will still be able to respond, so our village's soul skills are only passed on to children under the age of six. Uncle Li said while walking, "But you guys don't have to be afraid. I've already tried. You just need to listen to the Soul Spell and you'll be fine."

Eldest Uncle Li casually cast a spell. "I've added a soundproofing enchantment for you. You can begin."

"Big Sis Qin, Big Sis Qin, put me down!" Lil 'Ye struggled with all her might, "Otherwise, I'm not going to teach you!"

Yu Qin slowly landed and gently placed Lil 'Ye on the ground, "Lil' Ye, be good, can you teach Big Sis?" I'll teach you magic later. "

"I'll keep my word. Don't lie to me like last time." Lil 'Ye pouted and said. A dog that lied to you! "I swear." Yu Qin extended three slender fingers and made a vow.

"Alright, I'll believe you again." Lil 'Ye sat right down on the floor, "I'm so tired, Sis Qin, I was so tired just now." It's because Sister Qin is bad that you are magnanimous. Don't bother with me. " Yu Qin also sat down at the side. Li Mu saw that the two of them had already sat down. No matter what was underground, she just sat down.

"Where's the soul technique? I learned it from Big Brother Sheng at the village entrance. I don't know if it's effective, I've never tried it before." Lil 'Ye rolled up her legs and sat properly. It seemed that she was well-mannered, unlike the two sitting across from her, one with her legs open, hands behind her back, and one with a bent leg hugging her knee, looking like a street squatting …

"The two of them did not speak, and just quietly listened to Teacher Ye's teachings." There are six types of soul skills. They are 'Gold', 'Wood', 'Water', 'Fire', 'Earth', and 'Hex'. The soul skill is released by a category name in addition to an incantation. " Lil 'Ye's little face was very serious, without the slightest hint of child's play. Although he was still young, he knew the importance of soul magic, so he did not dare to underestimate it. Li Mu and Yu Qin listened attentively, and didn't dare to breathe too loudly for fear of missing something.

"Our village doesn't have many soul spell incantations, I only know one from Brother Sheng's teachings." "Yeah," Lil 'Ye said embarrassedly. It can't be? You only know one sentence? " Li Mu couldn't believe her ears. She could only learn one sentence after a long time.

"Uncle Li said that other brothers and sisters still have more. He told me to learn it in the future." Lil 'Ye said very innocently, "I'll teach you guys something first, then I'll teach you guys something else next time."

"Hmm, I think you can teach us what you know. The next time we find another child to learn, or when you go to learn, just call us." Li Mu said helplessly. Although Confucius had said that he wouldn't humiliate Li Mu, he really couldn't let go of his pride when he told Li Mu to learn from a group of children.

"The soul technique I know belongs to the category of fire. The name of it is' Fire Burning Heaven '. It is the most powerful technique of fire." Lil 'Ye said proudly. Although he only knew one technique, it was the strongest one aside from the' Forbidden Spell '.

"Is there nothing else?" "This …" Li Mu didn't dare to believe it was so simple. That's what Big Brother Da Sheng said. " Lil 'Ye had not tried it either, how could he know if it was real or fake?

"Don't tell me that just by shouting 'Fire Burning Heaven' …" At this point, Li Mu felt that something was amiss. He felt a boundless energy rise up within his body. It first circulated rapidly within his body, and it became faster and faster. His body could no longer withstand it and began to flee.

"Brother Lan, what's wrong?" Seeing Li Mu stop mid-sentence, Yu Qin asked. Li Mu did not reply because he was trying hard to control his own body. He believed that he possessed soul power, and those three words were truly incantation for a soul technique.

Streams of red energy emitted from his body. Gradually, Li Mu's entire body was enveloped by this red energy.

When Uncle Li noticed the abnormality of Li Mu's body, he quickly removed the soundproofing enchantment and rushed forward, one hand pressing down on the top of Li Mu's head. A green energy was emitted from Uncle Li's hand, forcefully suppressing the red energy within Li Mu's body.

"What happened? Lil 'Ye, what moves did you teach him?" Uncle Li's suppression was only temporary. Soon, the energy in his body began to stir, as if it was going to break through the suppression of Uncle Li.

"I just taught him …" Forget about your full name, just tell me what kind of level it is. " The strongest move of the fire type. " At this point, Lil 'Ye began to sob. He was very scared, he never would have thought that something like this would happen. After all, he was still a child with five marrows.

"Burning Heaven!" Uncle Li sucked in a breath of cold air. "He couldn't have chanted that incantation once, right?" "Yeah, he just said those three words, and he already became like this." Yu Qin picked up Lil 'Ye, and gently caressed Lil' Ye with her hand, and comforted, "Lil 'Ye, don't be scared, Big Sister is here."

"Although I said that you guys are fine after hearing the incantation, I didn't say that it would be alright if you recite it!" Hurry up and leave with Lil 'Ye, I can't even control it anymore. " Uncle Li shouted.

Yu Qin took out her wand and quickly cast a spell, and the two of them immediately disappeared.

"Motherf * cker, how could this brat's soul power be so strong?! Those guys aren't human at all, they actually created this brat!" Uncle Li said bitterly.

"Pfft!" Uncle Li finally could not hold on any longer. After being hit by the powerful force, he spat out a mouthful of blood and his body quickly flew backwards.

"A gentle wind caught Uncle Li's body and put him on the ground." "Earth Qiang, what's going on?" It turned out that the four elders had no choice but to stop what they were doing after sensing the powerful soul power undulations. They had no choice but to come over and take a look.

"I got someone to teach this kid soul technique. He accidentally chanted the incantation to burn the sky, and then it became like this." Uncle Li spat out a mouthful of blood and said helplessly.

At this time, the red energy had already enveloped Li Mu's entire body, making it hard to see his figure. From afar, it looked like a burning bonfire.

At the same time, the sky also began to change. The entire sky started to turn red, like the evening sky, but it wasn't as red as the evening sky. It was as if the entire sky had turned red, as if it was made of blood!

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