Disorderly Alien World/C18 Black beast
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Disorderly Alien World/C18 Black beast
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C18 Black beast

"Hmph. Then go. I don't believe that you can do something that even I can't do." The black beast did not believe that a human's ability was stronger than its own.

The Great Elder staggered into Li Mu's room with the small bottle in his hand. He carefully unstoppered the bottle and dripped the few drops of colorless liquid onto Li Mu's forehead.

When the colorless liquid made contact with Li Mu's skin, a burst of rainbow colored light appeared above his head. All sorts of spiritual energy slowly approached from all directions as more and more spiritual energy gathered, turning this corner of the library into a sea of light.

With Li Mu as the center, the surroundings were filled with spirit energy. However, there was no spiritual energy around the black beast and the grand elder. When the spiritual energy passed through the grand elder's body, it would make a detour and not come into contact with his body. Within a meter of the black beast, there was a vacuum of spiritual energy. It wasn't that the spiritual energy specifically didn't want to get close, but every time the spiritual energy got close, it would be devoured by the black beast's black flames.

"How did you do it? What did you just use?" The black beast could not believe its eyes. This human had actually succeeded!

"Originally, Li Mu's body had something that caused fear in the Spiritual Qi. However, after Sir's treatment, it seems to have disappeared. I used the 'Tears of the Elves' just now, which can increase the human body's compatibility with spirit energy. " The Head Elder raised his hand and saw all kinds of spiritual energy slide past his hand. He did not want to come in contact with him, much less enter his body.

"The Tears of the Elves? This thing is actually stronger than me. " The black beast sat straight on the ground, sweeping its tail across the ground, "Old man, has anyone ever touched his body before?"

"Eh?" The Great Elder was not sure what it had said, "What can be counted as moving?"

"Did someone really do something to him?" The Black Beast looked at the Great Elder with disdain. It never thought that he would actually be unable to understand its words.

"We did examine his body, but I don't think so …"

"Stop!" You want to touch his body with that little bit of strength of yours? I'm talking about the kind of people who have strength similar to mine. " Black Beast interrupted the Great Elder's words. It seemed like he still did not understand, "It seems like only those few people here have this ability. Has your Old Ancestor come back?"

"The last time was when the Old Ancestor personally came to solve his problem." The Head Elder realized that he could no longer keep up with the thoughts of the creature in front of him. It was too chaotic, too much jumping.

"No wonder. So it turns out that they have been here before. I really wonder how they thought of it. They actually …" The black beast suddenly stopped mid-sentence. It raised its head and stared fixedly at Li Mu.

It turned out that the spirit energy around Li Mu had started to dissipate. Not long later, the gathered spirit energy returned to its calm state and blended into the surroundings. A few faintly discernible streams of air revolved around Li Mu.

"This guy is a bit weird, sigh! I'll go back first, but I'll keep an eye on him. Also, you guys are not allowed to teach him anything. " Suddenly, a silver vortex appeared in front of the black beast. The black beast leapt and disappeared into the center of the vortex. Soon, the silver vortex also disappeared into the air of the library.

"Looks like this kid isn't simple. He has already reached the second Divine level!" His future path will definitely not be ordinary, and he will not walk an easy path. " The Grand Elder looked worriedly at Li Mu, worried for him in the future.

Slowly, the Great Elder left the library. Li Mu was the only one left to officially begin his cultivation.

In the dream, Li Mu returned to his home on Earth and laid on his bed, quietly looking at the ceiling. He didn't need to think about anything else as he just laid there, dumbfounded.

Just like this, Li Mu fell asleep again in his dreams. Li Mu was so mesmerized that she seemed to hear someone call his name, but she just didn't know who he was or where he was.

Not long after, a very gentle wind rubbed against Li Mu's body. It was very comfortable and warm.

When Li Mu woke up, he found that he was still in the library. As this was a cave, he didn't know what time it was. Although the light around him was very gentle, Li Mu's eyes still needed some time to adjust. "Brother Lan, you're awake. Come and eat." Meng Yue's sweet voice sounded in front of Li Mu.

Li Mu stood up and stretched. "Mengyue, you've come. What delicious things did you bring?"

Li Mu impatiently opened the lid of the bamboo basket in Meng Yue's hands. There were only four delicate dishes inside, a plate of steamed carp, a plate of fried pork with three strands of meat, a dozen or so steamed balls, and a few green vegetables.

"Little sister Mengyue, why is there only this little thing? It's not even enough to fill the gaps in my teeth." Li Mu was obviously dissatisfied with these dishes.

Meng Yue fiercely glared at Li Mu. "This is for the elders, it's yours."

Following Meng Yue's gaze, Li Mu saw the two buckets beside her. It was half a meter tall and about forty centimeters in diameter.

Li Mu opened the lid of a wooden bucket and a gust of hot air blew over. When the water vapour dispersed, a full bucket of food appeared in front of Li Mu. There were many types of meat, including the entire chicken leg and duck wings, several pieces of pork and sheep ribs, and most of all, various large chunks of meat. At the bottom of the meat, there was a layer of vegetables, and at the bottom, there was white rice.

"One of the buckets belongs to Yu Qin. Don't move." Meng Yue took out a spoon and passed it to Li Mu before she took the bamboo basket to look for the Fourth Elder.

"Brother Li Mu, I want meat!" The crisp and clear voice of a child woke Li Mu. He raised his head and saw that it was Little Ye.

Lil 'Ye reached out her meaty hands towards Li Mu, while staring at the meat in the bucket expectantly. There was no helping it, Li Mu could only take out a chicken leg and give it to Lil 'Ye, "Here, take it, don't dirty your clothes."

Li Mu picked up a large piece of meat and prepared to eat. Suddenly, Li Mu felt a chill run down his spine, as if dozens of hungry wolves were eyeing him.

"Gulp." A faint gulping sound could be heard. Li Mu raised her head and discovered that almost all of the children had already finished cultivating. Moreover, all of their gazes were focused on Li Mu. To be more precise, they were focused on the chunks of meat in his pail.

"Sigh!" Come here. " Li Mu waved at the children. He really had no way of resisting such an adorable child. "Just call me 'Brother' and give it to them to eat."

The children cheered as they rushed up. "Big brother, I want a chicken leg!" "I want this piece of beef!"

"One at a time. Line up and get your clothes dirty, or else mother will scold you when we get back …"

"Lil 'Ye, why did you come again …"

"You said that Lil 'Ye has two? You want two as well?" "Alright, here you are, don't tell the other children …"

"You all heard it, alas! "Then two pieces for each of us …"

"Lil 'Ye, stop taking it …"

The scene was extremely chaotic. The children fought amongst themselves for the spoils. In the end, Li Mu discovered that she was completely unable to control herself. In the end, Li Mu's lunch was divided amongst the children …

Li Mu leaned against the wall and sat down. Holding the last piece of meat in his hand, he had the urge to cry.

"Brother, I want it too!" A small white hand stretched out in front of Li Mu.

"Although I am reluctant to part with them, I have given them so much, so this piece is not too much for me." Take it! " In order to leave a good impression on the children's hearts, Li Mu was willing to risk everything.

"Thank you!" She took the piece of meat and thanked him very politely.

The voice sounded familiar. Who was this? Li Mu raised his head and saw the owner of the small hand. It was actually Yu Qin! She held her lunch in one hand and Li Mu's meat in the other.

"Yu Qin, you're still young, how dare you pretend to be a child and cheat me!" Li Mu's nose was crooked from anger. Although Yu Qin obviously still had a lot of meat left in her hands, she still had to lie to the last piece of meat in her hands.

"I'm only fifteen years old, so I'm still a child." Yu Qin replied with a smile.

"Hurry up and eat. I have some questions to ask you about cultivation." Seeing Yu Qin carry the rice bucket to the distance, it seemed like she wouldn't share the lunch with Li Mu.

"I seem to have succeeded in my training last night, but how did I do it?" Li Mu pondered on the side. "Don't tell me it's just sleeping?" "It shouldn't be that simple …"

Li Mu decided to try again, as the so-called "practice is the only test of truth".

Closing his eyes, he sat cross-legged and prepared to cultivate once more.

After a while, Li Mu suddenly opened her eyes and picked up the grey scroll beside her. She skimmed through it, then closed her eyes and continued to cultivate.

"..." He sealed his five senses and calmed his heart to listen. "Using my body as a nest, and my spirit as a guide …" Li Mu closed his eyes and recited the spell in his heart. There was indeed a reaction. Waves of air lightly circulated around Li Mu. It was soft, numb, and very comfortable.

"I got it!" Li Mu rejoiced in his heart. He didn't dare to be negligent and continued to recite the incantation.

"..." It was as if the clouds were like mist, or as if … Like... "Like …" Halfway through, Li Mu was stuck. There was nothing he could do about it. There were roughly a thousand characters of incantations on the sheepskin scroll, so it wasn't easy to memorize them. Li Mu had no choice but to take a few more glances.

When he opened his eyes, he saw a faint, colorless stream of air flowing through his body. He reached out his hand and touched the stream of air curiously. He didn't feel anything, just a few wisps of cool air.

Li Mu relaxed. At the very least, he wasn't the commonly seen "Devil Martial Talent" in novels, so he could cultivate normally. While inspecting the sheepskin scroll, he continued to recite the incantation. Although he was multitasking, he was very relaxed. Li Mu had learned how to eat while watching TV and eat the dishes she wanted to eat. In junior high school, Li Mu had learned how to do two different assignments at the same time with both hands. In high school, it was even more amazing.

Although the current situation was child's play for Li Mu, it was still a piece of cake. However, Yu Qin, who was not far away, was so scared that her heart almost jumped out of her chest.

One must know, on the Forgotten Continent, there is a common sense that everyone knows about, which is that when you train you must focus on it. Spiritual energy was not something that could be easily talked about. When people cultivated, their bodies would fully open up to receive spiritual energy. However, if you don't control them properly, they will run around and lose all their cultivation, which is considered lucky. If they explode or die quickly, most of them will become paralyzed, and the uncontrollable spiritual energy will often play a role in your body. At that time, you will know what is worse than death.

When cultivating spiritual energy, one had to focus all of their energy to control the spiritual energy in their body. This required a high level of spiritual energy, so whether a normal person could cultivate it depended on the strength of their spiritual energy.

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