Disorderly Alien World/C2 Unknown
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Disorderly Alien World/C2 Unknown
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C2 Unknown

In a large forest, the smallest trees that could be found everywhere required two people to hold each other. The forest was very quiet. Other than the sound of the wind blowing and the rustling of the leaves, there was no other sound. Soon, a man and a woman came from afar. The boy was about seventeen or eighteen years old. His appearance was average and his eyes were full of spirit. The boy turned around and asked, "Hey, little girl, how long until you arrive?" The girl floated behind the boy. She was about fourteen or fifteen years old, small, with long black hair that reached her waist. His face was round, with a hint of baby fat on it. His facial features were very delicate. His eyes were big and dark, as if he could speak.

The boy's name was Li Mu. He had been in this world for several days. Li Mu was lying on the mountain, basking in the sunlight. He was accidentally struck by a falling rock and ended up here.

Li Mu originally thought that since she was still on Earth, there was nothing she could do about it. After all, the nearby mountain forest resembled his home's back mountain. Although she couldn't get out, this was normal. Every month, Li Mu would get lost at the back mountain once or twice. It wasn't until the third day that Li Mu realized he'd caught up to the girl and crossed the river.

The girl was dressed strangely, wearing a light red robe that wrapped around her, a light yellow cloth around her waist tightened her delicate waist, a pair of pointy little barbarian boots on her feet, and her long hair was tied up by a white silk ribbon. Her sleeves were not long, only reaching halfway to her forearm, revealing her fair and tender wrist and half of her arm. He wore a high-quality jade bracelet on his left wrist and a beautifully carved black wooden bracelet on his right. Each of the ten slender fingers was adorned with a ring of different colors and styles.

The girl was holding a wooden staff that was about half a meter long. There were a lot of engravings on the staff. It was this wooden staff that allowed Li Mu to confirm that he had transmigrated, because it was the legendary staff! For a few days the girl had used it to light fires and fetch water. Sometimes, he would even use it to teach her a lesson. A large fireball that was several tens of centimeters wide really hurt when it landed on her body …

"Very soon, very soon." She looked at the sky and then at the ground, but she just didn't look at anyone.

Seeing the girl's indifferent expression, Li Mu felt depressed. She had been gone for three days! Thus, Li Mu simply sat down, turned his back to the girl, and refused to leave. "I've been walking for so long, I'm very tired. I can't walk anymore."

"Can't move?" The girl smiled evilly and said, "Why don't I help you!" With that said, he raised the wooden staff in his hand and a stream of light flowed out from the top of it. With a shake of the girl's wrist, the light drew a strange rune in the air. The symbol faintly lit up and suddenly flew out a bird-shaped object that was completely engulfed in flames. It lightly flapped its wings and flew towards Li Mu.

"Damn, it's this move again." Li Mu rolled to the side. Did Li Mu really dodge? Of course not. The flaming bird made a 360 degree turn behind Li Mu and charged directly towards Li Mu's back.

Li Mu felt the Fire Bird explode as a violent force pushed him forward, causing him to almost fall to the ground. Li Mu steadied his body and stood up. He allowed the flames to crawl all over his body, but he remained unmoved. Li Mu's entire body was on fire. The raging flames wantonly licked Li Mu's body. Every inch of her skin and every strand of her fur was burning. The fire continued to burn on Li Mu's body, but he just stood there without moving. The flames covered his face, making it impossible to see his expression.

When the girl saw Li Mu being burned, she felt sorry. She drew a rune and it transformed into a big water ball, flying slowly towards Li Mu. At the same time, the girl followed the water ball and flew towards Li Mu. The flame was quickly extinguished by the girl's ball of water. After being burned by the flame, Li Mu was not harmed in the slightest. Not even a hair of her body was damaged.

However, the girl's Firebird still had some effect. Although it couldn't burn his body, his personal belongings were still burnt. For example, there were some items that could be used as clothes …

When the girl arrived in front of Li Mu, she discovered that he was naked. The girl hurriedly retreated. She was accidentally hit by a branch. Her center of gravity was unstable and she was about to fall down.

Seeing this, Li Mu hurriedly went forward to catch it. Due to the urgency, Li Mu didn't notice his movements and forgot about his clothing. Unconsciously, Li Mu's right hand made a close contact with her buttocks.

"You hoodlum!" The girl covered her eyes and quickly retreated. After all, she was a girl, and adolescent girls already had a hazy understanding of those things.

In front of a girl, no matter what the reason was, the fruit could not escape the title of Brawler. Li Mu released the girl to stand helplessly at the side and said with a wry smile, "You did this to me. It has nothing to do with me. Do you still have clothes? "

The lady's face flushed in anger. The girl slowly ascended into the air. She quickly waved the wooden staff in her hand and drew a complicated, large-scale magic rune in front of her.

"You scoundrel, prepare to die!" It seemed like the girl had really lost her mind from her anger and was about to explode. The girl stood in the air and cast a spell in front of her. The forest where Li Mu was in suffered an inhumane destruction as a large number of firebirds struck the trees.

"Don't be reckless, okay?" Li Mu shouted from within the sea of fire, but his voice was drowned by the crackling sounds of the Fire Bird. The girl only thought of how to throw out all the spells she knew and smash the hoodlum to death. Why did the girl only think of using magic to hit people? In fact, a few days ago, the girl had already discovered that Li Mu's body had a characteristic of being immune to magic injuries. In other words, if a fireball were to hit his body, it would be better to say that it was a spark that jumped out from the fire.

When the magic landed on him, it only had a slight impact that affected him, so he could only take off his clothes. Just one pervert, the girl wanted to bring him back to the village so the elders could study him, lest those old bastards say that they had nothing to do all day. Thus, Li Mu was captured by the girl and brought back to be studied by the old geezers. In the beginning, Li Mu was definitely unwilling, but under the threat of the girl, Li Mu still agreed with the idea of making a great contribution to the village.

Because the girl told him that there were a lot of magical beasts in this forest, and most of them weren't too friendly with outsiders. Although Li Mu didn't quite believe the girl's words, he hadn't found a single moving organism after walking for a few days. He felt as if he had walked into the territory of some powerful magical beast. This was what was written in all the novels online, even though all the pigs in the novels would risk their lives to enter the home of the demonic beast, snatch its children, have or tear apart its tendons, eat its flesh, and become invincible in this world … However, Li Mu didn't treat him like a pig's foot, because in his past, he had always been a supporting role and was merely a passerby. Among the passersby, he was also an unremarkable B.

Passerby B: Ordinary among ordinary people.

It was this mentality that accompanied him for seventeen years.

The girl was flying high in the air. One after another, terrifying spells fell from the sky. The potholes on the ground and the burning tree trunks showed just how powerful the spells were. As for our Li Mu? In fact, he escaped the danger zone when the girl went crazy. Although the girl had confirmed that Li Mu was indeed immune to magic a few days ago, she was still afraid when she faced the girl's powerful magic. What if she was killed?

Although a Fire Bird couldn't burn him, but hitting him would still hurt.

In a bush about a hundred meters away from the girl, Lan Jue was lying on his stomach, enjoying the display of fireworks. Watching such a wonderful performance, Li Mu couldn't help but shiver. If this battle situation were to fall on her body, then no matter how strong her physique was, she wouldn't be able to withstand it.

Thus, Li Mu pondered on how he could deceive this little girl. If he succeeded, he would have a strong bodyguard in the future. From the looks of it, a girl's strength was pretty good in this world. Well, first of all, we have to get on good terms with her.

After all, the girl was still young and didn't have much energy. After only ten minutes of venting, her magic had been completely used up. The girl slowly landed on the ground. She held onto the wooden staff with one hand and took deep breaths. Her small face was flushed and covered in sweat.

He looked really exhausted. The anger in his eyes was slowly extinguished, replaced by deep worry. After all, the girl knew her own strength. Among the younger generation in the village, her strength was also at the top.

Just now, the girl had used her full strength. Other than a few life-saving techniques, she had also thrown out all the magic she knew. I wonder if anything will happen to him? " The girl uneasily asked herself, "If I had known earlier, I would have left some magic. Then I could have put out the fire and saved him." She saw the girl walking up and down in a hurry, and sometimes she wanted to rush into the burning woods. Li Mu found it somewhat funny. "This child is really conflicted!" Li Mu silently said in his heart. Forget it, let's just go out. " Li Mu pulled on his new leaf pants to ensure that they were of good quality and that they wouldn't fall off any leaves as soon as he walked. Otherwise, how could he fool a little girl? Perhaps he would have to rely on her in the future. Li Mu lightly walked behind the girl and patted her on the shoulder. "Don't worry, he won't die from the fire. Since you cared about him, why did you keep beating him up?"

"I don't want to either. Who let that rogue touch my butt …" "Scoundrel!" At the beginning, the girl was still in deep guilt and had forgotten that there were only two people here.

The girl quickly realized that the one speaking was the hooligan. In a moment of desperation, she raised her wooden staff and struck Li Mu's head. But would Li Mu be hit by a little girl? Obviously not. Li Mu easily grabbed the wooden staff and forcefully pulled it, wanting to disarm the girl. The wooden staff was a girl's lifeblood. It was impossible to let it go that easily. Thus, the girl was pulled by Li Mu. Li Mu casually held her back, and the girl fell into Li Mu's embrace.

Just a moment ago, he was touched by this hoodlum's butt, but now he was hugged by him. Suddenly, the girl felt wronged, and tears began to flow from her eyes. Seeing the girl sobbing in his arms, Li Mu's face instantly fell. Fine, one doesn't have to do two things at once. Give her some color.

Thus, Li Mu used all his strength to tightly hold the girl in his embrace and threatened, "Don't move, be careful not to strip you naked and hang you on a tree."

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