Disorderly Alien World/C20 True male
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Disorderly Alien World/C20 True male
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C20 True male

"As expected of my son. Only true men can eat big chunks of meat and drink in big bowls." It seemed that his son would be able to receive his true inheritance.

Lil 'Ye's mother glared at Big Ye, "You're courting death. You want to make your son drink? Don't even think about it!"

"Lil 'Yun-jie, you don't have to say it like that. Lil' Ye still needs to drink some wine later. Don't worry, just a bit." Uncle Li Tu Qiang had to interject a few words between them. After all, they had important things to do in a while.

"Since Lil 'Ye has broken through, then let's leave. It's time to acknowledge someone as your master." The fat elder was the first to leave the cave, followed by Little Ye's family. The children who were watching curiously all dispersed.

"Little Black, come out. It's time to go." Blacky was a black kitten that Li Mu had found in the library last month. It was a palm-sized kitten and for some reason, it liked Li Mu. It would stick on Li Mu's body all day and couldn't shake it.

In the beginning, a portion of Li Mu's lunch always mysteriously disappeared. Li Mu became angry. After a few days of ambushing, she caught a kitten. Her large eyes revealed fear and her delicate body trembled. Seeing how pitiful the kitten was, the softness in Li Mu's heart was touched. Therefore, Li Mu adopted the cat. Since its fur was black and it had a pair of jet-black eyes, Li Mu named it "Little Black".

Blacky unhurriedly jumped down from the bookshelf and walked over to Li Mu with elegant steps. It lightly leaped onto Li Mu's shoulder and grabbed Li Mu's clothes with its little claws.

Li Mu turned her head and looked gently at Little Black. "Hold on tight, you're about to leave."

Yu Qin, who was at the side, giggled as she approached, "Xiao Hei, come over to elder sister. I'll give you something nice to eat."

Blacky closed its eyes and lightly shook its head, indicating that it was unwilling. Its tail flapped rhythmically on Li Mu's back.

"Hmph, do you still have to be in charge of this?" "Come down here!" She lifted Little Black with one hand and supported Little Black's butt with the other. "Big Brother Lan, I'll take Little Black first. I'll return it to you later." With that, he skipped away. Blacky turned its head to look at Li Mu with a resentful expression.

Li Mu shook his head and smiled bitterly as he followed her out, thinking to himself, "Little Black, it's been hard on you. It's not that I don't want to help you, it's just that I can't win against your sister. You better take care of yourself."

In the village square, a dozen people were gathered. Their goal was a ceremony, a 'disciple ceremony'.

The Abandoned Dragons had a special ceremony when they took a master. This ceremony was not something that could be done just for show, but rather, there were specific steps. As the name implied, master and disciple would mix their blood in a mysterious bowl of wine, and then share the wine. From then on, there would be a connection between the master and disciple's minds, and even if they were separated by thousands of miles, they would be able to sense the general situation of the other party. Of course, this "Blood Fusion" would be used by husband and wife, parents and children, as well as lovers.

When Li Mu arrived at the square, he saw Meng Yue walking over from afar with two bowls of food in her hands.

Li Mu hurried over and the excited ceremony was about to begin. From today onwards, he would be the disciple of the "fourth master" of the village. There was no other way. The elders no longer accepted disciples, so they could only choose Uncle Li.

Without any complicated rituals, the second elder talked for a while before starting the "Blood Fusion".

Meng Yue held three bowls of light blue wine and stood between Uncle Li and Little Ye. Lil 'Ye picked up the awl from the tray, pierced her index finger, and dripped a few drops of blood into the three bowls.

Just as Li Mu was about to step forward and complete the "Blood Fusion", a petite figure instantly appeared and stood in front of Li Mu. She quickly pricked her fingers with the awl and dripped her blood into two bowls.

"Li Mu was puzzled, extremely puzzled!" What! Wasn't it me and Lil 'Ye taking Uncle Li as their master?! " Li Mu shouted in his heart, but he maintained his calm expression.

Li Mu caught Little Black who was jumping over from Yu Qin and gently caressed it. Yu Qin, what are you doing here? Isn't this the time when Uncle Li was recruiting? Why are you here to cause trouble! " Li Mu said in dissatisfaction.

"Who said it's just Uncle Li taking in a disciple? I'll take it as well."

Just like Yu Qin, Uncle Li only dripped into the two bowls of wine. He picked up the bowl of wine and handed it to Yu Qin, "Qin'er, from now on, you are someone else's master. You have to act like a master and not be as crazy as before."

Yu Qin took the wine and stuck out her tongue mischievously, "How am I crazy!"

Li Mu's mind was in a mess. What and what! Why did Yu Qin also take in her disciple?

After the three of them finished drinking, Lil 'Ye knelt down towards Yu Qin and Uncle Li, "Master, please accept me as your disciple." After saying that, he kowtowed three times.

Li Mu remembered. Lil 'Ye cultivated both magic and martial arts, so he needed two masters. So it turns out that he didn't have a share of being her disciple today. Li Mu smiled bitterly as she looked at Little Black on her hand. I thought they were very good to me, but now …

Blacky stood up and lightly rubbed its head against Li Mu's wrist as it mewled in a low voice. "Meow ~"

"Got it, my Little Black is the best for me." Lightly rubbing Blacky's neck with his index finger, Blacky turned its head to the side and closed its eyes, enjoying this caress.

"Lil 'Ye, you need to learn martial skills now. What weapon do you want to use?" Uncle Li asked kindly.

"I want to use a sword, a sword like my father's' Dragon Cliff '." It seemed like she had seriously considered this question. Indeed, children still greatly admired their father.

Zhang Dazhi picked up his son, Little Ye, and laughed loudly. "Son, then daddy will give you Longyan, okay?"

Before Lil 'Ye could open her mouth, a deep voice rejected Lil' Ye, "'Long Yan' is no good. Although 'Long Yan' is a good sword, it's too focused on strength. Lil 'Ye's attributes are wind, so she's not suitable to use' Long Yan '." The Third Elder took out two swords from his storage ring. One was an ordinary small wooden sword, and the other was a thin, green sword that was more than a meter long. The sword was about three fingers wide and had no luster. The hilt was made of hard, silver wood. There weren't many ornaments on it, and the white hilt wasn't too big. The whole thing seemed to be very harmonious, and it didn't have the domineering aura of the big-leaved "Long Yan".

"This sword looks very familiar. Third Elder, what is its name?" Lil 'Ye's mother, Zhang Ruyun, took the two swords for her and passed the wooden sword to her. She picked up the other one and carefully examined it herself. After all, Lil 'Ye was still young, he still couldn't hold the sword.

"This is Fourth Bro's' Azure 'sword. This is the best sword I've ever made. Although it can't compare to Wolf Fang, it's still much better than Dragon Yan." Sigh, but you should know, Lil 'Ye, what you like might not be suitable for you! " When the Third Elder saw the faint disappointment in Lil 'Ye's eyes, he sighed. A child was still a child.

"Then, thank you, Fourth Elder!" The big Ye laughed so happily that he lost his sight. It seemed like the elders were rather interested in Lil 'Ye. In the past, Big Ye was worried about Lil 'Ye's future. After all, dual cultivating both magic and martial arts was extremely difficult. Now that the elders all expressed their concern for Lil 'Ye, there was no need for Lil' Ye to worry about her future.

"Blue Boy, come here." The Third Elder shouted to Li Mu, who was about to leave.

"Oh." Li Mu answered absent-mindedly. She lowered her head to play with the cat, slowly moving to Third Elder's side.

"No matter what you say, I am still an outsider. I do not know where I come from, so it is normal for them to not value me. This place will only be a temporary resting place for me. In the future, I will still have to leave. " Li Mu was only about ten steps away from the Third Elder. Li Mu had clearly thought about his situation, and had also adjusted his condition. It was impossible for him to face them head on with a bitter face.

The Third Elder frowned, a glint flashed in his eyes, "How can young people be so slow?!" Next time, be more precise. "

"Understood, I definitely won't do it again. I'll send 4!" Li Mu solemnly raised three fingers. He looked at the three fingers and felt that they didn't seem to be logarithmic. He once again raised his pinky. Hmm, now it was enough.

"Stop playing around. Take it, I'll seal it for you." The Third Elder said with a smile while holding the tattered "Wolf Teeth" in his hand. Indeed, compared to the elegant "Long Yan" and the extraordinary "Cang", "Wolf Teeth" was just a piece of junk.

Many parts of the damaged sword blade had rusted. If one looked carefully, they would discover a few small cracks on the sword hilt, the entire blade was dim and lifeless. Li Mu was suspicious of how he managed to pick this broken sword and cover his eyes.

Since it was his choice, Li Mu wouldn't regret it. When she received the Wolf Fang, Li Mu was very casual and didn't mind. After all, Li Mu was much stronger than before.

As soon as the sword entered his hand, Li Mu felt an intense pressure, and his "Wolf Teeth" became as heavy as a mountain.

"Ah ~ ~" Li Mu tried his best to hold on and didn't let the sword fall. Unfortunately, the "Wolf Teeth" was too heavy and he still stabbed it fiercely into the ground.

Li Mu half knelt on the ground, supporting himself with his left hand. His right hand gripped the sword hilt tightly as he gasped for breath in big gulps. The two-meter long blade was completely embedded in the ground, leaving only the hilt outside. The veins on Li Mu's right hand bulged, and his five knuckles turned slightly white.

"Third Elder, what kind of seal did you put in it? How did it become like this?" Yu Qin was very worried, but she didn't know what had happened.

"I only used Li Mu's blood to add 'Ten Thousand' to 'Wolf Fang.' I never thought that it would actually become so heavy. It seems that the quality of his blood is quite good. Next time, I'll get more." The Third Elder rubbed his hands together as he walked away from Li Mu. His expression was one of extreme excitement, just like an old john who had just seen a 'acquaintance'. It was extremely silver …

The seal of the Forsaken Dragon Clan was very special. On the continent, normal seals would seal strong things, but the Forsaken Dragon Clan sealed weak things. For example, this "Ten Thousand Tooth" seal would seal the light part of the sword spirit, causing it to become heavy. This seal was only suitable for weapons with great potential.

Yu Qin carried Xiaohei, who jumped onto her body at an unknown time, and walked back and forth with a frown on her face. Yu Qin suddenly realized that the seal on the sword was made from Li Muxue's blood, and the effects of Li Mu's use would be maximized. "Big Brother Lan, let go of that sword!"

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