Disorderly Alien World/C4
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Disorderly Alien World/C4
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"Our village is called the Abandoned Dragon Village, everyone here is from the Abandoned Dragon Clan."

Yu Qin laid in Li Mu's embrace and told him about the Forgotten Continent's situation. Yu Qin was also a little girl, and this was their custom. Women were born with only their first name, without a last name.

"My father was the village's number one warrior. Five years ago, a dragon came to our village to seek revenge.

"Then, there are tears in Yu Qin's eyes again.

Li Mu broke out in a cold sweat. How powerful would a village that had provoked a dragon be?

No wonder Yu Qin was so strong at fifteen. She had a father that could slay dragons.

Li Mu patted off the ashes on his clothes and continued to listen to Yu Qin recount the story of his father.

He had a few sets of men's clothing in the girl's storage ring, all belonging to her dragon-slaying father. A few days ago, Yu Qin was afraid of Li Mu dirtying her, so she kept him naked.

When Yu Qin took out her father's clothes, Li Mu felt the urge to kneel down and worship the Dragon Slaying Robe.

"When I was hugged by you just now, I felt just like how my father hugged me all those years ago."

Yu Qin wriggled in Li Mu's embrace and changed into a more comfortable position.

"And your mother?"

Li Mu asked casually.

As soon as she finished speaking, Li Mu noticed that Yu Qin's soft body had become stiff.

Yu Qin buried her face in Li Mu's arms and coldly said, "I don't want to talk about that woman."

He felt the change in Yu Qin's feelings.

Li Mu didn't pursue the matter any further.

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