Divine Doctor: Determine Your Life/C17 Fortunately He Didn't Fail the Mission
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Divine Doctor: Determine Your Life/C17 Fortunately He Didn't Fail the Mission
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C17 Fortunately He Didn't Fail the Mission

Next, Ye Feng and a few experts worked together to finalize the treatment plan.

Lu Fengyu, the director of the brain surgery, was in charge of craniotomy. Ye Feng was in charge of taking out the shrapnel and unblocking the meridians.

Before the surgery, Ye Feng went to the ward to examine the patient in detail. He compared the treatment plan several times before he felt relieved.

Craniotomy was very dangerous.

The concentration of the nerves in the brain was the most mysterious part of the human body. At the same time, it was also the most vulnerable part.

After the craniotomy, the craniotomy would be unstable, cerebral hemorrhage, cardiopulmonary dysfunction, and postoperative complications.

When everything was ready for the surgery, the patient had already been pushed into the sterile ward.

Ye Feng and Lu Fengyu changed their clothes. After disinfecting the patient, they prepared to start the surgery.

Lu Fengyu looked at the various monitoring data on the instruments at the side and said,

"The patient's physical condition is normal. Prepare the anesthesia!"

Ye Feng waved his hand and said, "Let me do the anesthesia."

He took out the silver needles and sterilized them before stabbing them into the old man's Hewan Acupoint. The old man's breathing gradually stabilized, and the anesthesia had taken effect.

Compared to medicine and anesthesia, acupuncture and anesthesia had controllable effects. There were no side effects.

In the old man's current situation, acupuncture and anesthesia were better than medicine and anesthesia.

Lu Fengyu did not hesitate anymore. He picked up the scalpel and cut into the place he had determined beforehand.

First, he cut open the surface of the head and exposed the skull.

He came down and opened the skull. Immediately, the blood vessels, nerves, and brain tissue appeared before his eyes.

At this time, a beeping alarm sounded from the detector beside him. Many data were already at the critical point.

Lu Fengyu took two steps back and said to Ye Feng, "I'll leave it to you when you come down!"

This was what they had discussed earlier. Lu Fengyu would be the one to open the skull, and the rest would be left to Ye Feng.

Ye Feng stepped forward. The silver needles that he had prepared earlier were inserted into the old man's Baihui acupoint. At the same time, he circulated his true qi and guided it into the old man's body through the silver needles.

The old man had been suffering from long-term illness and had suffered a great loss in his vital energy. Ye Feng wanted to stimulate a few of his acupuncture points and stimulate the old man's vital energy.

After that, Ye Feng circulated the needles as if they were flying. One silver needle after another disappeared from his hand and appeared on all the acupuncture points on the old man's body.

Outside the operating theater, there were already many people standing. They were anxiously waiting for the results of the surgery.

Xue Zhengshan felt uneasy. Although he believed in that young man, it was related to his father's life. He could not calm his heart.

"Where is this Dr. Ye from? Why haven't I heard of him before?"

Someone suddenly asked in a low voice.

"I've never seen it either. It seems to be from the Medical Department."

Zhang Bo quickly went forward and said, "That kid just came out of prison. He should be lucky. He caught a dead mouse and cured two patients."

"That can't be! It seemed that the director called him over just now. "

"Maybe they have some special relationship."

In the operating theater, Lu Fengyu looked at the numbers that kept flashing on the instrument and reminded him.

"Dr. Ye, the patient's intracranial pressure is dropping very quickly. Please do it as soon as possible!"

When Ye Feng heard this, he nodded.

Then, he stretched out his right hand and used all his strength to urge the true qi in his body to flow into the old man's head.

The true qi that had entered his body was like Ye Feng's tentacles at this moment, extending along his meridians to where the shrapnel was.

In Ye Feng's perception, the shrapnel was indeed tightly attached to a nearby nerve. He was afraid that it would soon become one with the nerve.

Ye Feng did not dare to be neglectful. He urged his True Qi and tried to separate the shrapnel from the nerve.

This operation consumed a lot of true qi. Ye Feng, who was pouring all of his true qi into the shrapnel, was covered in sweat in a short while.

"Wipe the sweat!"

The nurse beside him quickly took a handkerchief to wipe Ye Feng's sweat.

This process took eight minutes before Ye Feng completely separated the shrapnel.


Ye Feng focused his attention. He could not be careless in retrieving the bullet. The angle was very important. He could only find the trajectory of the bullet and retrieve it along the trajectory. Otherwise, it might hurt other places.

He held the forceps and took out the shrapnel with lightning speed. The whole process was as smooth as flowing water.

As Ye Feng took out the shrapnel, the numbers on the monitoring instrument slowly returned to normal.

He had completed the important task, but he needed to take one step.

Ye Feng circulated the remaining true qi in his body and cleared the blocked meridians one by one.

"I'll leave the suturing of the wound to you guys!"

Ye Feng retracted his hands and took a deep breath.

After he removed the silver needle from He Gu acupoint, he instructed, "Don't touch the other silver needles yet. Take them after the patient wakes up."

The surgery door opened and Ye Feng walked out.

When they saw the operating theater door open, everyone was surprised.

A craniotomy usually took at least three to four hours. Why did he come out in less than two hours?

Could it be... could it be a failure?

Zhang Bo immediately jumped out and shouted, "I already said that this kid is unreliable. How could a country bumpkin who just came out of prison treat any illness?"

"He is a big liar. He treats human lives so carelessly. We should call the police and arrest him."

Xue Zhengshan's heart suddenly skipped a beat. Could it be that he really failed?

Ye Feng saw that everyone was looking at him with concern and smiled.

He said, "The surgery went well."

At that moment, Lu Fengyu also followed him out. He took a look at the patient's condition inside and asked the assistant doctor to suture the wound. Then, he could not wait to chase after the patient.

He wanted to ask how Ye Feng did it.

Although he watched Ye Feng's operation the whole time, he was still a little confused.

He did not know how Ye Feng perfectly separated the shrapnel from the shrapnel.

Just now, he had stayed inside for a while longer. He had carefully examined the patient's surgical area, but there were no extra traces.

Lu Fengyu could not help but ask, "Dr. Ye, how did you do it?"

Ye Feng asked with a blank face, "How did you do it?"

Before Lu Fengyu could say anything, the director, Zhao Tiancheng, pulled him aside and asked him about the surgery in detail.

Ye Feng saw Xue Zhengshan who was not far away. He walked forward and said, "Fortunately, I did not fail the mission."

"Thank you, doctor. You have worked hard. You should go and rest."

Xue Zhengshan saw Ye Feng's tired look and quickly said.

Ye Feng's face did not look good at the moment. After two consecutive hours of rapid surgery, he was highly focused, and all the True Qi in his body had been used up.

His face was so pale that it was scary.

When Ye Feng walked to the VIP ward, Gong Qingyan was also shocked.

"Dr. Ye, you... What happened to you? Your face is so pale that it's scary. "

Ye Feng waved his hand and said, "It's nothing. I just had an operation. I'm too tired. I'll just rest for a while."

"Where is Liy?"

"Here, she fell asleep."

Gong Qingyan pointed to the bed and Ye Liy was sleeping soundly on the bed. It seemed that Gong Qingyan had also fallen asleep just now.

"I am really sorry to disturb you!"

Gong Qingyan used her fingers to pull up the hair that fell down and lightly smiled, "No need to be so polite. Quickly go back and sleep."

Ye Feng nodded and went in to carry Ye Liy.

"Miss Gong, thank you for helping me take care of my sister. It's late. You should rest early. Good night."

"Good night."

After waking up, Ye Feng did not know anything.

He opened his eyes again and was woken up by a phone call.

In a daze, Ye Feng picked up the phone and heard a girl's voice from inside. "Stinky little brother, are you up? You have to go shopping with me today!"

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