Divine Doctor: Determine Your Life/C2 Let Go of My Daughter
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Divine Doctor: Determine Your Life/C2 Let Go of My Daughter
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C2 Let Go of My Daughter

Another shout was heard. The doctor and the nurse said in unison, "Deputy Director, this person broke into the hospital and tried to murder the patient."

When Zhao Tiancheng heard the nurse's words, he looked at the hospital bed.

He saw Ye Feng who was giving acupuncture.

His expression immediately changed. Could this be the long-lost Nine Meridian Acupuncture Technique?

Ten years ago, he was fortunate enough to witness this acupuncture technique coming back to life. He didn't expect to see it again today.

Thinking of this, he loudly said, "Shut up, he's saving people!"

With a shout, the caregiver and the doctors who came earlier shut their mouths and did not dare to speak anymore.

Five minutes later, there was actually black blood flowing out from the needle hole.

Ye Feng put away the needle and wiped the black blood clean.

Even though it was only a short five minutes, the little girl's condition was recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Her complexion changed from wood to wood and became rosy.

Only then did Ye Feng wipe away the sweat on his forehead and let out a long breath.

His sister's condition could be considered to have stabilized.

However, he still needed to brew some medicine to fully recover.

As for the matter of his sister being poisoned, he would find out sooner or later, so that the person who poisoned her would die a horrible death.

On the other side, Zhao Tiancheng saw how effective Ye Feng's needles were after just a few needles. He was so shocked that he almost couldn't speak.

This person was so young, but his medical skills were actually so brilliant!

As he was thinking, he heard a loud noise coming from outside the door.

When the associate hospital director saw this, he frowned slightly.

Before he could go out to check on the situation, a nurse rushed over at this moment.

"Vice hospital director, it's not good. Miss Gong's illness has flared up again. This time, it's even fiercer than before. I'm afraid... I'm afraid that she won't be able to hold on for long!"


The Vice hospital director became anxious.

Miss Gong's full name was Gong Qingyan, and she was the only daughter of the richest man in Jiangzhou, Gong Zhenting.

Two years ago, Miss Gong found out that she had a congenital heart disease and was unable to cure it in these few years. She only relied on conservative treatment to extend her life, but the situation was getting worse and worse.

As such, his eyes fell on Ye Feng.

Could this young man create a miracle?

Zhao Tiancheng looked nervous until Ye Feng finished putting away the needles and covered his sister with a blanket. He said, "Sir..."

Ye Feng glanced at the dean and knew that he had something to ask of him.

He raised his hand and interrupted him. "If you have something to say, let's go out and talk."

Soon, Zhao Tiancheng invited Ye Feng to the dean's office.

"Sir, it's like this. I have a congenital heart patient in my hospital. Her condition is quite special. I don't know if you can help her. After the matter is done, you will have to thank me heavily."

Ye Feng thought for a moment and nodded in agreement.

His master had once said that the first priority for a doctor was medical ethics, and the second was medical ethics.

Since there was a patient who needed his treatment, he should help.

It would also be a great help to his medical skills if he were to come into contact with more of the patients' medical cases.

Very soon, the two of them arrived at a VIP ward.

On the spacious and pure white sickbed lay a young girl of about 18 or 19 years old.

Her thin lips trembled lightly, and her eyebrows were as beautiful as a painting.

Even though the young girl's skin was as pale as paper, it still couldn't conceal her appearance as if she was a fairy descending to the mortal world.

Just a glance was enough to cause one to be unable to help but feel tender and loving.

Ye Feng approached and carefully sized up the young girl. After that, he stretched out his hand and pressed on the young girl's pulse.

The young girl's body was exceptionally cold.

Her pulse was beating very fast. Because she was fighting against the disease, at this moment, her brows were tightly knitted. It was as if she was enduring a great pain, causing her body to tremble slightly.

Ye Feng frowned slightly, his liver and spleen were sluggish, the five elements in his body were imbalanced, and his Yuan Qi did not grow.

"Mr. Ye, how's the situation?"

"I can treat it, but I can't let anyone disturb me. You wait outside the door. Don't let anyone in."

The dean heard this and looked at the young girl lying on the bed. He answered and walked out.

Ye Feng focused his mind and calmed his mind. His gaze fell on the young girl. After thinking for a while, he said, "The situation is special. I apologize for offending you."

He then unbutton the button and took off the thin shirt.

The girl's skin was exposed just like that.

Ye Feng took a deep breath. A stream of air in his body slowly gathered in his palm and then injected into the silver needle in his hand.

His hands moved like flowing water. In just a moment, dozens of silver needles pierced into more than ten acupuncture points of the injured person.

The trembling girl's condition immediately turned for the better.

Ye Feng slowly placed his hands on the girl's shoulders. The True Qi in his body flowed and flowed towards the girl's body.

Outside the ward, a group of people were rushing over.

The leader was Gong Zhenting and his wife, Su Xinlan. The rest was a young man and a few bodyguards.

"Director Zhao, I just received a notice from your hospital that Qingyan's condition is not good. How is she now?"

Seeing the person who came, Zhao Tiancheng quickly returned. "Mr. Gong, there is a doctor inside treating your daughter. Your daughter will definitely be safe."

The result was not out yet, and he did not dare to guarantee it. He could only reply like this.

"Which doctor is treating Qingyan?" Su Xinlan asked.

Zhao Tiancheng's expression changed, but he could not lie. He could only say, "His name is Ye Feng."

"Ye Feng? Which expert is Ye Feng?" Su Xinlan was familiar with the First People's Hospital these few years, but she had never heard of Ye Feng's name.

"Well..." ___ said.

"Ye Feng is a family member of a patient."

When Zhao Tiancheng's words came out, Gong Zhenting and Su Xinlan's expression changed drastically.

Gong Zhenting shouted, "Director Zhao, why would a family member of a patient treat my daughter? Could it be that your hospital doesn't even have a doctor?"

Gong Zhenting was burning with anger. After all, he was a respectable person, and his daughter had donated a lot of money to the hospital in the past few years.

Now, the hospital actually wanted a patient's family member to treat his daughter. This was really hard for him to accept.

Su Xinlan immediately shouted, "What on earth is going on? You actually let a patient's family member treat my daughter. If there is a problem, can your hospital afford it?"

"This... this..."

Zhao Tiancheng's heart skipped a beat. He originally wanted to ask Ye Feng to save her. If he could save her, it would be his own contribution, but he had forgotten about this matter.

For a moment, he was stunned on the spot, not knowing how to answer.

Su Zhenting did not have time to wait for him. He waved his right hand and a bodyguard walked out from behind him. He stepped forward and kicked the door of the ward open.

At this moment, Ye Feng was still transmitting True Qi to Gong Qingyan. Seeing the commotion at the door, he could not help but frown slightly.

When treating patients and saving people, it was taboo to be disturbed. Fortunately, he was almost done, or else there would be a big problem.

"Let go of my daughter!" Su Xinlan shouted angrily in a sharp voice.

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