Divine Doctor: Determine Your Life/C6 Volunteer Medical Consultation
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Divine Doctor: Determine Your Life/C6 Volunteer Medical Consultation
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C6 Volunteer Medical Consultation

Thinking about this, her face turned red to her neck.

"Uncle Gong, according to this prescription, take it twice a day. Two sessions of treatment will do."

After Ye Feng received the silver needles, he immediately wrote a prescription and handed it to Gong Zhenting.

At this moment, Zhao Tiancheng walked over with a smile on his face.

"Mr. Ye's medical skills are really extraordinary. On behalf of the hospital, I would like to invite Mr. Ye to be the chief physician of the First People's Hospital of Jiangzhou. What does Mr. Ye think?"

"Director Zhao is flattering me. I am still young, so how can I do that? If this gets out, everyone will laugh at me."

"Besides, I have a younger sister that I need to take care of. Thank you for your kindness, Director."

Ye Feng immediately refused. Not only did he have some things to do, but he also did not want to be tied up in the hospital.

Seeing Ye Feng refuse, Zhao Tiancheng said again, "How about this, I invite you to be a special specialist and do not need to treat you. How about it?"

Gong Zhenting also chimed in from the side, "Ye, I think you will listen to Associate Hospital Director Zhao. Your medical skills are excellent. You might as well take the opportunity to benefit the people."

This sentence moved him.

Although he had gotten his master's medical skills, he still lacked experience and knowledge.

Now that he was able to come into contact with a large number of medical cases, it would be beneficial for his medical skills to improve.

"If that's the case, I won't reject it."


The next day, Zhao Tiancheng came looking for him.

"Mr. Ye, here is your medical qualification certificate and the hospital appointment letter."

"By the way, our department is going out for a voluntary medical consultation today. Do you want to come with us?"

"I can't ask for more. The hospital director can just call me Ye. 'Mr. Ye' can't afford it."

When Director Zhao heard this, he was even more satisfied with this young man.

He said again, "Why don't we take this opportunity to bring you to the TCM department first and get familiar with everyone."

Very soon, the two of them arrived at the medical room.

Compared to other departments, the TCM department was slightly quieter.

"Come, let me introduce a new colleague to you. He is a special invited specialist from our department of TCM. Welcome, everyone!"

Zhao Tiancheng brought Ye Feng into the TCM department and said loudly.

Ye Feng quickly greeted everyone. "My name is Ye Feng. Nice to meet you all. I hope you can take care of me in the future."

Everyone looked at each other. Liu An whispered to himself.

"Specially invited expert? So young?"

Huang Xingxiu laughed and said, "Welcome, welcome!"

"Doctor Huang, Ye said he wants to go to the volunteer medical consultation too. You can arrange it for him."

After Zhao Tiancheng said that, he patted Ye Feng's shoulder and left.

After a simple introduction, Ye Feng walked around and quickly understood the situation here.

There were a total of six doctors in the department of TCM, and Huang Xingxiu was the department director.

The two attending physicians were called Xi Xinzhi and Liu An.

There were also three interns, two men and one woman.

Very quickly, Huang Xingxiu made arrangements. Xi Xinzhi and Ye Feng would bring two interns out for a volunteer medical consultation, while the rest would stay behind.

The location of the volunteer medical consultation was arranged in a square two kilometers away from Jiangzhou's First Hospital.

This place was close to the city center, and there were tens of thousands of people passing by every day.

By the time Ye Feng and the others arrived, the place had already been built beforehand.

Knowing that it was a free volunteer medical consultation at the First Hospital, there was already a queue in front of the consultation table. There were about thirty to forty people.

Xi Xinzhi and Ye Feng sat behind a table respectively.

The first patient was a strong man. He was a little reserved and sat directly in front of Xi Xinzhi's consultation table.

"I am a farmer. Recently, I have been feeling pain in my waist, and I can't use my hands. I can't do any heavy work. Doctor, please take a look at me."

"Come, Big Brother, lie on this small bed."

Xi Xinzhi got up and went to the small bed that he had prepared in advance. He gestured for the big man to come over.

After the big man laid down, Xi Xinzhi pressed a few times on the big man's waist. He then took out a plaster from the medicine box at the side.

He put it neatly on the big man's waist and said, "It's done."

"What?! That's good?"

The burly man jumped off the small bed. He seemed to be in disbelief and even twisted his waist a few times. He did indeed feel much more relaxed.

"It's not a big problem. It's just waist muscle strain. Don't do heavy work for a week. The plaster will be removed after a week."

Xi Xinzhi sat back at the consultation table. He removed the poison from his hand and gestured to the next person.

The big man who had just realized what had happened thanked him repeatedly before he left.

Ye Feng looked at him and nodded slightly. Xi Xinzhi's treatment was quite normal, and there were no problems with it.

However, if he were to use his hands, the effects of the two needles would be immediately apparent.

The second person was a woman in her thirties. She was still sitting in front of Xi Xinzhi. This person only had a cold, and Xi Xinzhi only gave her a prescription.


A few of them had gone to look for Xi Xinzhi, but there was no one on Ye Feng's side.

The intern who followed Ye Feng was the young girl, her name was Cao Yu.

Although her appearance was not outstanding, she could still be seen. Her round oval face had some baby fat.

At this moment, she was quite depressed because Ye Feng did not treat patients, so she could not learn anything.

In fact, she also knew that in the field of doctors, everyone felt that the older one was, the better their medical skills would be. Especially today, it was a volunteer medical consultation for TCM.

Ye Feng looked to be in his twenties, and his appearance was quite handsome, but when it came to treating patients, it did not depend on his face.

Suddenly, Cao Yu had an idea and walked straight to the front of the queue.

At this moment, there was a young man in front of the queue. He was wearing glasses and he looked like a white-collar worker.

Cao Yu said enthusiastically, "Brother, you can come over here. You can also take a look here."

"Over there? Can you treat illnesses at such a young age? It can't be an intern who just graduated from university, right? "

What's wrong with an intern? Isn't an intern human? Cao Yu cursed in her heart.

But she still smiled and said, "This is a specialist invited by our hospital. His medical skills are very high!"

"Expert? I think he is a brickmaker."

Cao Yu was about to go crazy. Was this person a leverage?

"Don't worry. Anyway, I don't want you to spend money. If you don't look well, you can just go over there and take a look."

She had been unwilling to admit defeat since she was young and continued to persuade.

In the end, the young man was moved. He sat in front of Ye Feng's consultation table.

"I am a programmer. I have an occupational disease. My neck is stiff and painful every day. It is not easy for me to recover."

Ye Feng also saw what happened just now. He slightly nodded at the man and then stood up behind the man.

First, he put his ten fingers in position. Then, he rubbed his shoulders and neck back and forth like he was kneading dough.

This movement seemed simple, but it was actually not ordinary. When Ye Feng rubbed, he also added a method to straighten his bones, and slowly restored the man's deformed cervical vertebra to its original state.

The man only felt as if his neck was burning, and the pain was unbearable.

However, when Ye Feng finished rubbing and lightly tapped his neck with his finger, the man felt as if a cool breeze blew past, and he felt much more relaxed.

When he felt that his neck had gotten rid of the stiffness and returned to normal, a bright smile appeared on the man's face.

He immediately gave Ye Feng a thumbs up and said, "Little brother's medical skills are not bad. In just a short while, I seem to feel that my occupational disease has been cured."

With a successful case, everyone believed in Ye Feng's medical skills and was willing to let him diagnose and treat him.


"According to the medicine on this prescription, after going back and taking it for two weeks, your illness will be fully cured."

Ye Feng passed over a prescription that he had prepared and instructed.

This was the twelfth patient he saw.

At this moment, a medical vehicle drove over and parked in the square.

It was right opposite of the volunteer medical consultation in the First Hospital.

"The volunteer medical consultation in Rentian Hospital is not only free of charge, but also free of charge. First come, first serve."

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