Divine Doctor: Determine Your Life/C8 Medical Ethics
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Divine Doctor: Determine Your Life/C8 Medical Ethics
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C8 Medical Ethics

That puked out black sticky substance that reeked.

"Dad, how are you?"

The black slim man asked with a worried expression.

The old man was unable to answer. He continued to vomit, each time stronger than the last.

Finally, he spat out a dark red blood clot.

Ye Feng patted the shoulder of the dark skinned man and said with a smile, "Don't worry. Your father is fine."


The man raised his head and stared at Ye Feng with sparkling eyes.

Ye Feng said confidently, "I said he's fine, but he's fine."

Ye Feng took a bottle of water and tissue from the side and handed it to the man. He said, "It's about time. Wipe it for him."

After the old man wiped and drank some water, his exhausted body finally recovered a little.

"Old man, how do you feel now? Do you still feel uncomfortable anywhere?"

Ye Feng asked with a smile.

The old man touched his stomach. The swollen feeling from before had disappeared without a trace, and the pain in his body had also disappeared.


The old man did not say a word and tears immediately gushed out from his eyes.

With a 'plop' sound, the old man kneeled down towards Ye Feng and knocked his head heavily on the ground.

"Thump, thump, thump..."

Every time he knocked, his head would come into direct contact with the floor. This scene made the surrounding crowd and doctors' eyes tear up, and they couldn't help but shed tears.

Ye Feng was shocked, and he quickly went up to help the old man up.

When Ye Feng helped the old man sit on the chair, his forehead had been knocked open, and there were bloodstains on it.

"Old man, don't be like this. How can I take this? I am a doctor. My duty is to cure diseases and save people."

"You are a good person and a good doctor."

The old man said with tears all over his face.

"We have begged a lot of doctors. Only you don't mind. Only you are willing to treat me."

When Ye Feng heard this, his heart immediately felt heavy.

In this world, it was not new for doctors to dislike patients.

In some hospitals, in order to not affect the reputation of the hospitals, patients with serious illnesses were directly refused to receive treatment.

It was the same for doctors. For the sake of their titles, they never took over difficult surgeries because it would lower the success rate of their surgeries.

This father and son pair did not have money or status, and their bodies were even more tattered.

Doctors had the right to choose. If they did not treat this patient, they could even treat the next patient.

As for patients like them, how could they have the right to choose?

Ye Feng could not help but take a deep breath. Doctors were kind, and doctors were kind.

"Alright, alright. Elder, I will prescribe two prescriptions for you. One is for internal use, one for morning, middle, and night. The other is for external use, once a day."

As Ye Feng spoke, he laid on the table and wrote down the prescriptions.

After he finished writing the prescriptions, he reached into his pocket and only took out more than a hundred yuan. He immediately felt a little awkward.

He looked at his colleague beside him and said, "Who can lend me some money?"

Cao Yu pulled open her bag and took out all the money in her wallet and handed it to Ye Feng. There were about 300 to 400 yuan.

Seeing this, the other people also extended their hands to help. The surrounding crowd also handed over money.

After a while, Ye Feng had a large pile of money in his hands, which was a few thousand.

He handed the money and the prescription to the man and said, "This is everyone's goodwill. Take it to buy medicine. As for the rest, buy some delicious food for the old man to supplement it."

Originally, the man refused, but under Ye Feng's insistence, the man finally took it.

He knelt on the ground and kowtowed three times to the crowd before supporting the old man and leaving.

Ye Feng smiled and said to the surrounding people, "Thank you for everyone's help, thank you."

After this matter, the surrounding crowd swarmed to Ye Feng's consultation table.

This was because Ye Feng not only used his medical skills to win everyone's trust, but also used his medical ethics to conquer everyone.

"Godly doctor, this won't do. I have to ask my mother to come over quickly. She keeps calling for waist pain."

"Yes, yes, I also have to call my daughter over. The little Godly doctor not only has good medical skills but also has a good heart. I just don't know if he will like my daughter."

... ""

The news of the young Godly Doctor's free volunteer medical consultation spread like wildfire.

Xu Li from the Rentian Hospital had a gloomy expression.

After that, no matter how hard the people of the Rentian Hospital shouted, there were only a few people who went to seek treatment. In the end, they could only leave in a sorry state.

Cao Yu could not help but cheer when she saw this.

However, it did not take long before she could not be happy, because there were too many people who came to seek treatment.

Ye Feng was so busy that he didn't even have time to eat lunch, but he didn't feel irritated at all.

His previous idea was right. Treatment was indeed the best way to improve his medical skills and accumulate experience. The things he had learned and practice combined made him gain a lot.

The sky was getting dark and the sun was setting.

Unknowingly, it was already four or five o'clock in the afternoon. The volunteer medical team from the First Hospital also planned to pack up and return.

At this moment, not far from the square, someone suddenly exclaimed.

A middle-aged man covered his chest and slowly fell to the ground.

His brows were tightly furrowed, his face was pale, and there were even beads of sweat rolling down his face.

"Director Li, Director Li, what happened to you?"

A man who looked like a secretary hurriedly called out. At the same time, he took out his phone and dialed the emergency number.

"Isn't this the owner of Glorious Real Estate, Lee Mingda? What's wrong with him?"

"I don't know. It looks like he has a heart attack."

Xi Xinzhi was the first to notice what had happened. He threw away the work in his hands and ran over.

He reached out to touch Lee Mingda's pulse and said to the secretary, "I am a doctor from the First Hospital of the City. He has myocardial infarction. Do you have any medicine with him?"

The secretary hurriedly replied, "I came out in a hurry just now and forgot to bring it."

Xi Xinzhi did not delay any longer. He first put Lee Mingda on the ground, then took out a box of silver needles from his pocket.

He took out the silver needles and sterilized them with alcohol cotton, then stabbed at several acupuncture points on Lee Mingda's chest.

His hand speed was extremely fast. In a moment, he accurately inserted more than ten silver needles into the acupuncture points on Lee Mingda's chest.

Time passed minute by minute. However, Lee Mingda's face was still full of pain. He did not get any better.

"How could this be?"

Xi Xinzhi also looked confused. He put his hand on Lee Mingda's wrist again to diagnose his pulse.

When he touched ___'s wrist, his facial expression changed dramatically.

Judging from the pulse just now, Lee Mingda's condition was indeed getting more and more serious.

It was currently the peak period after work. If this continued, Lee Mingda might die before the ambulance arrived.

His acupuncture just now was not wrong. It was just that he did not know why it did not work.

"Doctor Xi, why don't you let me take a look?"

Ye Feng walked over and said to Xi Xinzhi with his body bent.

Xi Xinzhi quickly stood up and moved aside. What happened today made him understand that although this young man in front of him was young, his medical skills were not vague.

He might even be better than him.

Ye Feng stretched out his right hand and took Lee Mingda's pulse again.

After a while, he understood what the problem was. He reached out his hand and pulled out the silver needles from Lee Mingda's chest one by one.

With just this move, Xi Xinzhi knew that Ye Feng's Acupuncture Arts was definitely much higher than his own.

It had to be known that the strength and technique of an ordinary person's acupuncture was different. If one did not know the profoundness of the technique and made a move rashly, it would definitely cause a disaster.

Ye Feng did not hesitate to pull out the silver needle that he had inserted, and Lee Mingda did not seem to have any abnormalities. How could Xi Xinzhi not admire him?

The secretary originally thought that there was a doctor who could save his boss's life.

Who knew that the doctor would touch and stab him, but his boss did not react at all.

He was immediately enraged. " Hey, you quack doctors, do you know how to treat illnesses?"

Ye Feng ignored him, and continued to use his hand to feel Lee Mingda's chest.

"I'm talking about you. Did you hear me? If anything happens to my boss, you will lose your lives!"

"Don't think I don't know what TCM is. It's all a scam!"

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