Divine Monarch/C10 Heaven Slaying Sword Breakthrough
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Divine Monarch/C10 Heaven Slaying Sword Breakthrough
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C10 Heaven Slaying Sword Breakthrough


Suddenly, a sharp sound of bone snapping echoed as Shen Yanfan's other leg was brutally shattered. The wound was so deep that bone was visible, presenting a ghastly and pitiful sight.

Just as Ye Chen had predicted.

If Shen Yanfan hoped to leave the Treasure Pavilion alive, he could no longer depend on his legs to walk out; he would have to roll out using his own body.

However, there was a catch—the threshold of the Treasure Pavilion was rather high...

Given Shen Yanfan's current state, it was doubtful he could easily roll over it.


At that moment, the faces of the surrounding martial artists blanched at the sight, their expressions turning to those of revulsion. Their gazes shifted to Ye Chen, now brimming with fear and horror.

What a joke...

Ye Chen's mercilessness spared not even the Shen family's Young Master, crippling him without hesitation. To Ye Chen, these ordinary warriors were no different from a swarm of ants.

"Ye Chen, you dare to cripple my legs? If my father learns of this, he will never forgive you... Just you wait. The day will come when I'll have you torn to shreds!"

Overwhelmed by numbness and agony, Shen Yanfan could no longer endure the torment. He glared at Ye Chen with a crazed fury and screamed.

He was convinced that even with Ye Chen's restored strength, he wouldn't dare to kill him in front of witnesses!

Once he left the Treasure Pavilion and returned to the Shen family, he was determined to have his father, Shen Hanzhou, seek retribution. He longed to see Ye Chen, the worthless fool, groveling at his feet!

"I must say, you've got quite the defiant tongue... Too bad it's just too irritating. In your next life... I suggest you prepare your last words a bit earlier."

With those words, Ye Chen didn't hesitate. His foot came crashing down with the force of a sledgehammer on a watermelon.

In an instant, Shen Yanfan's head burst open like a watermelon, blood gushing forth in torrents.

A twisted mix of ferocity and bitterness was etched on his face. He had never imagined that Ye Chen would defy the Shen family and strike him down right at the entrance of the Treasure Pavilion.

Before he could even change his expression, he was dead on the spot!

The Young Master of the Shen family was dispatched with such swift decisiveness right in front of the Treasure Pavilion. The onlookers collectively inhaled sharply, their minds reeling in confusion, their faces a picture of stunned disbelief.

A true hard case!

This was the definition of a hard case!

Without a second thought, he had cut down Shen Yanfan, showing no concern for the powerful Shen family backing him!

That's what everyone watching was thinking, almost in unison.

"Shopkeeper, now that Shen Yanfan is dead, might I inquire if this Cold Iron Armor is available?"

Ye Chen glanced at Shen Yanfan's body with a cold sneer, dismissing the fleeing Shen family guards without a second thought. He strode into the Treasure Pavilion and addressed the shopkeeper.

"Absolutely... Young Master Ye Chen, here is the Cold Iron Armor you requested. I've kept it aside for you."

The shopkeeper, visibly shaking, hurriedly put on a welcoming smile as Ye Chen approached.

He wasn't about to make a fatal mistake...

If he refused, he feared he'd share the same fate as the recently deceased Shen Yanfan!

"Do you have the three types of herbs needed to concoct the Spirit Fount Pill?"

Having had enough of Shen Yanfan's time-wasting, Ye Chen was in no mood to browse the market any longer. He quickly identified the three herbs necessary for the Spirit Fount Pill and asked outright.

"Yes, yes, yes! We have plenty of those herbs here at the Treasure Pavilion. How much does Young Master Ye Chen require?"

The shopkeeper, eager to please, quickly gathered all three herbs and looked to Ye Chen for confirmation.

"I'll take the lot."

Upon seeing that the shopkeeper had only a handful of the Spirit Fount Pill herbs, Ye Chen shook his head and decided to buy them all.

After all, there were hardly any alchemists in Heavenly Cloud City.

And these herbs, essential for Medicine Pill crafting, would typically be sent to regions with more alchemists. There, the alchemists would turn them into ready-made Medicine Pills, which would then be distributed to Treasure Pavilions everywhere for sale.

The profits for the Treasure Pavilion were, of course, considerable.


The shopkeeper beamed at the news, quickly packaging the herbs Ye Chen required and handing over the Cold Iron Armor.


Upon returning to the Ye household, Ye Chen skipped a meal and, after a brief greeting to his father, Ye Yuanming, he headed straight to his private courtyard.

"Now, let's see if this Armor, forged from Cold Iron Source Stone, can elevate the Heaven Slaying Sword to a new tier!"

Back in his room, Ye Chen retrieved the Cold Iron Armor from his Storage Bag and summoned the Heaven Slaying Sword, his face alight with anticipation.


In that instant, the Heaven Slaying Sword in Ye Chen's grasp erupted with a potent vibration and a fierce tug, a golden radiance swiftly enveloping the armor.

As the golden light burst forth, the Armor, crafted from the Cold Iron Source Stone, was instantly blasted into innumerable fragments.


The Heaven Slaying Sword then unleashed a fearsome suction, voraciously absorbing the shattered remains of the Cold Iron Armor.

Ye Chen felt a jolt throughout his body as a formidable presence surged from the Heaven Slaying Sword in his hand.

Yellow Rank, second grade!

Yellow Rank, third grade!


It was only after reaching the third grade of the Yellow Rank that the formidable presence within the Heaven Slaying Sword began to wane.

"Who would have thought the Heaven Slaying Sword could consume rare ores and metals to enhance its grade? And to think that merely absorbing this Cold Iron Armor would propel it to the third grade of the Yellow Rank!"

Admiring the three yellow glows dancing on the Heaven Slaying Sword, Ye Chen smiled contentedly and murmured to himself.

Now, with a Seventh Grade Yellow Rank Heaven Devouring Dragon Soul and a Heaven Slaying Sword Martial Soul of the same rank that could further ascend, one could only imagine his current prowess. Within the entire outer sect of the War Cloud Sect, there would be few who could match him!

"With the Heaven Slaying Sword now at the Third Grade Yellow Rank, it's time to concoct a batch of Spirit Fount Pills to boost the Heaven Devouring Dragon Soul's grade and enhance my own cultivation."

Ye Chen retrieved the first-grade alchemy furnace he had acquired after defeating Yang Wei from his storage bag. After giving it a quick clean, he laid out all the herbs he had gathered from the Treasure Pavilion on the table.

"Unfortunately, this alchemy furnace's quality is somewhat lacking. It's only capable of producing first-grade Medicine Pills, and I even have to exert my Spirit Energy to coax out the Earth Fire necessary for the refining process," he lamented, placing the furnace down with a resigned shake of his head.

In his past life, he had not only owned a top-tier Heaven Rank alchemy furnace but also mastered dozens of unique Strange Flames. Combined with his prowess as an Alchemy Emperor, the Medicine Pills he crafted would often provoke extraordinary phenomena between heaven and earth!

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