Divine Monarch/C11 Eighth Grade Yellow Rank Heaven Devouring Dragon Soul
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Divine Monarch/C11 Eighth Grade Yellow Rank Heaven Devouring Dragon Soul
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C11 Eighth Grade Yellow Rank Heaven Devouring Dragon Soul

Regrettably, the current conditions were rather primitive. Despite Ye Chen's expertise in alchemy at the Divine Emperor Realm, he was unable to concoct any Medicine Pills above the first grade. His only option was to adhere strictly to the rules, starting with the Spirit Fount Pill.

With a resounding "Boom!" Ye Chen, having steadied his mind, swept his hand across the table, sending all three sets of herbs tumbling into the alchemy furnace. He then coaxed the Earth fire from beneath the furnace, his face set with determination.

The initial step in pill crafting was refinement—a stage that would leave any onlooking alchemist utterly astounded. Refinement is notoriously the most challenging phase, often resulting in Medicine Pills riddled with impurities or of subpar quality.

Most alchemists proceed with extreme caution during this phase, meticulously extracting each herb separately. Ye Chen, however, daringly tossed all the herbs into the furnace to refine them simultaneously—a feat virtually no ordinary alchemist could achieve.

Another "Boom!" echoed as Ye Chen's Martial Soul Stage power erupted, channeling vast torrents of Spirit Energy into the Grade One furnace, swiftly refining the three sets of herbs. His hands deftly formed pill seals, injecting them into the furnace with practiced ease, free from any hint of clumsiness.

After the time it takes half an incense stick to burn, Ye Chen had successfully extracted all impurities from the herbs. Thick white smoke, born of the discarded impurities, wafted from the furnace, revealing the pure emerald essence of the medicinal liquid at its base.

Now came the second phase: Core Condensation. For Ye Chen, solidifying a mere Grade One Spirit Fount Pill was hardly a challenge.

Merely seven minutes later, at Ye Chen's low command, the emerald liquid within the furnace began its transformation. Guided steadily, it took on a spherical form, eventually solidifying into individual emerald Medicine Pills before finally coming to a rest.

With a swift "Sou!" the successful condensation of the medicinal liquid prompted Ye Chen to execute the final pill seal. One by one, the jade-green Spirit Fount Pills cascaded into the awaiting Jade Bottle.

"I've successfully crafted twenty Spirit Fount Pills, all at First Grade Perfection Level. It seems this batch turned out quite well."

Ye Chen observed the fruits of his labor with a satisfied smile, murmuring to himself.

Considering he lacked the aid of a Strange Flame and a superior alchemy furnace, and with his current prowess at the first level of the Martial Soul Stage, concocting a Medicine Pill accompanied by heavenly and earthly phenomena was an immense challenge.

Yet the twenty Spirit Fount Pills he now held, though merely at Perfection Level, were significantly more potent than those he had previously acquired from Yang Wei and Tu Qi.

Typically, Medicine Pill grades are categorized into four tiers: low, middle, high, and perfect.

However, those exuding a pill's fragrance or manifesting heavenly and earthly phenomena are deemed the fifth tier, the pinnacle of grades!

The Spirit Fount Pills he had earlier obtained from Yang Wei and Tu Qi were of the lowest grade, their medicinal strength and Spirit Energy paling in comparison to even one-fifth of the potency found in the pills he now possessed.

"With these twenty Perfection Level Spirit Fount Pills, I could likely elevate the Heaven Devouring Dragon Soul to around Yellow Rank Grade Nine. But since my father, Ye Yuanming, has just advanced to Martial Master Stage Level One and needs to consolidate his power, I'll use only ten and reserve the rest for him."

Reflecting on his father's recent breakthrough and the need for stability, Ye Chen nodded decisively, storing ten Spirit Fount Pills in his Storage Bag and setting the other ten on the table.

With a gulp, he ingested five Spirit Fount Pills in succession, commencing their refinement.

Given the Heaven Devouring Dragon Soul's voracious appetite for Medicine Pills, a single Spirit Fount Pill was insufficient. Without a moment's hesitation, Ye Chen swallowed five pills in one fell swoop, aiming for a breakthrough of the Heaven Devouring Dragon Soul.

As the five Spirit Fount Pills dissolved within him, Ye Chen instantly felt an overwhelming surge of medicinal power coursing through his body.

Inside his body, the Heaven Devouring Dragon Soul suddenly sparked with a golden radiance, tightly enveloping the medicinal power of the Medicine Pill and voraciously devouring it.

Yet, Ye Chen felt a twinge of disappointment. The five Spirit Fount Pills failed to elevate the Heaven Devouring Dragon Soul to the eighth grade of the Yellow Rank. They only managed to lift his cultivation from the first to the second level of the Martial Soul Stage. The remaining medicinal effects of the pills were completely absorbed by the Heaven Devouring Dragon Soul, leaving nothing behind.

"Maybe if I take the last five Spirit Fount Pills..." Ye Chen mused, a glint of determination in his eyes. Without hesitation, he ingested the remaining pills and immediately set about refining them.

"Boom!" This time, as the five Spirit Fount Pills dissolved within him, a swirling vortex of green Spirit Energy erupted from within.

The Heaven Devouring Dragon Soul, sensing the vast Spirit Energy vortex, wasted no time. It opened its massive maw, and with a burst of golden light, engulfed the swirling Spirit Energy inside Ye Chen.

Moments after the Heaven Devouring Dragon Soul consumed the green vortex, Ye Chen felt a surge of power as eight brilliant yellow lights flared on the Dragon Soul's form. It was a clear indication that the Heaven Devouring Dragon Soul had ascended to the Eighth Grade of the Yellow Rank!

The Dragon Soul then unleashed a torrent of golden Spirit Energy that surged towards his Dantian.

Ye Chen's body shook violently as the golden energy coursed through his limbs, completing a full circuit before steadily flowing into his Dantian. His aura exploded forth with newfound intensity.

Second level of the Martial Soul Stage!

As the golden Spirit Energy infused into Ye Chen's Dantian, his cultivation leaped from the first to the second level of the Martial Soul Stage in an instant!

Furthermore, the Nine Dragon Heaven Swallowing Technique within him began to activate autonomously. With its continuous motion, he vividly felt his inner strength swell and spread like a relentless tide.

Sixteen thousand jin!

Seventeen thousand jin!

Eighteen thousand jin!

After his strength surged to a staggering 18,000 kilograms, Ye Chen felt the power within him begin to plateau.

At that moment, he could distinctly sense that his Nine Dragon Heaven Swallowing Technique had ascended to the sixth level of the Dragon Blood Stage.

Should he manage to reach Level Ten of the Dragon Blood Stage, he would unlock the first tier of the Nine Dragons Heaven Swallowing Tower within him, thereby gaining the first Martial Ring enhancement from the Heaven Devouring Dragon Soul!

"However, the Heaven Devouring Dragon Soul's demand for Spirit Energy is immensely high. It looks like once I've handed over the Spirit Fount Pill to my father, I'll need to head back to the War Cloud Sect. There, I'll undertake some sect missions to acquire Low Grade Spirit Stones, which I'll use to trade for a vast quantity of medicinal herbs. This will be essential in elevating the quality of the Heaven Devouring Dragon Soul."

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