Divine Monarch/C13 Humiliate Ye Chen
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Divine Monarch/C13 Humiliate Ye Chen
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C13 Humiliate Ye Chen

You should realize that if Ye Chen were truly a Grade One alchemist...

She wouldn't have any qualms about becoming Ye Chen's concubine, or even his servant.

The prestige of a Grade One alchemist within a thousand meters of Heavenly Cloud City is unparalleled. Even the Outer Academy elders of the War Cloud Sect would have to approach him with the utmost respect!

But considering Ye Chen's current state, with his Bone Structure and Martial Soul shattered, how could he possibly craft any Medicine Pills? The flicker of hesitation in Shen Lingwei's eyes quickly turned to cold disdain.

"Shen Lingwei, remember this: the once-genius Ye Chen is now nothing more than a stray dog everyone's eager to kick!"

"He's not even in the same league as you anymore!"

"He's completely beneath you!"

With this thought, Shen Lingwei's eyes hardened, and she spoke with icy clarity.

"Ye Chen, had your Bone Structure and Martial Soul remained intact, I might have considered staying by your side."

"But now, the gap between us is as vast as that between the moon and the stars, a firefly and the sun—utterly incomparable! You're now just a piece of trash in Heavenly Cloud City, while I... I am fated to be among the top five talents of the War Cloud Sect, the woman of Qin Huai!"

Observing Ye Chen's composed face, Shen Lingwei shook her head and declared without a trace of doubt.

She figured that even if Ye Chen could produce ten perfect Spirit Fount Pills, they were likely just rewards from his days as a top ten talent in the War Cloud Sect Outer Academy.

Why pine for the Medicine Pills when, once married to Qin Huai, she could have as many as she wished?

Why be envious of a fallen dog who might not even see the light of another day?

Hearing Shen Lingwei's biting words, Ye Chen couldn't help but feel a mix of amusement and disbelief.

He had never expected the Shen family, whom he had barely given a second thought, to be so presumptuous, even going so far as to mock him to save face.

"How about this? Since the Shen family looks down on the Ye family, I'll write a letter of divorce right now and release Shen Lingwei from our household... This should suit you and your father perfectly. What do you say?"

After shaking his head, Ye Chen let out a scoff, unapologetically retorting,

"Ye Chen, the agreement between the Shen and Ye families was nothing more than a verbal one. And look at you now, a complete disgrace. How could you possibly be a match for Lingwei, let alone worthy of a divorce letter? If anything, it's the Shen family who should be casting out trash like you!"

Hearing this, Shen Hanzhou sneered, unable to resist taunting him.

"Ye Chen, with your pathetic state, you're not fit to divorce me. If anyone's doing the divorcing, it's Shen Lingwei who will be getting rid of you!"

"Furthermore, I suggest you quit struggling... and don't even think about trying to prove yourself to me. With your current pitiful strength, you're probably not even on par with any of the War Cloud Sect's Outer Academy disciples. How could you ever be worthy of me?"

Shen Lingwei chimed in with her own sneer.

"Shen Lingwei, what makes you think you're in any position to talk about divorce? ...And you're right about one thing—given the Shen family's penchant for clinging to power and behaving like lowlifes, you're certainly no match for the Ye family, and definitely not for me, Ye Chen!"

"So, here's a divorce letter for you and your daughter. Take it!"

"At the Outer Academy Competition, I'll not only take down Qin Huai, the so-called heir of the Qin family, but I'll also personally divorce you in front of the entire War Cloud Sect Outer Academy, and make sure the Shen family is driven out of Heavenly Cloud City!"

Ye Chen said with a detached smile and an icy tone.

"Ye Chen, you worthless fool, do you really think you're still the prodigy you once were?"

"I'm going to avenge Yan Fan right now!"

Shen Hanzhou's face contorted with rage upon hearing Ye Chen's mockery. His fury unleashed, he let the power of his fifth-level Martial Soul Stage erupt, launching a fierce punch at Ye Chen.

Behind him, a mighty tiger Martial Soul, crackling with deep blue lightning, materialized. It bore six glowing yellow stripes—clearly, it was Shen Hanzhou's Yellow Rank Sixth Grade Martial Soul, the Azure Thunder Tiger!

The moment Shen Hanzhou's Azure Thunder Tiger Martial Soul materialized, his presence surged dramatically. With a single punch, he unleashed a colossal force of over 10,000 Jin, a power that ordinary Martial Soul Stage Level Two warriors simply couldn't withstand.

Shen Lingwei watched the display with a cold, mocking laugh. To her, her father's fifth-level Martial Soul Stage cultivation, combined with the sixth Yellow Rank Martial Soul of the Azure Thunder Tiger, made the prospect of killing Ye Chen—who was now without the support of his Bone Structure and Martial Soul—effortlessly simple.

"Shen Hanzhou, how dare you!" Ye Yuanming exclaimed, witnessing Shen Hanzhou's rash attempt to kill Ye Chen over a mere disagreement. His own formidable Martial Master Stage Level One power surged forth, ready to repel Shen Hanzhou and rescue Ye Chen.

"Father, why don't I take care of this old dog myself?" Ye Chen suggested with a detached smile. He rose to his feet and gazed at the onrushing Shen Hanzhou with a look of scorn. "With my current Level Two Martial Soul Stage cultivation, the eighth-tier Yellow Rank Heaven Devouring Dragon Soul, and the immense power of the Dragon Blood Stage from the Nine Dragon Heaven Swallowing Technique, teaching Shen Hanzhou a lesson will be a walk in the park."

"This... very well," Ye Yuanming conceded, seeing Ye Chen's nonchalant attitude and apparent confidence. After a moment's hesitation, he retracted his Martial Master Stage power. He was still in the dark about Ye Chen's loss of Bone Structure and the destruction of his Martial Soul.

The Shen family had derided Ye Chen as worthless, but Ye Yuanming simply thought they were envious of Ye Chen's connection to the more gifted and resourceful Qin family. He hadn't considered other possibilities.

Thus, he still believed Ye Chen to be among the top ten prodigies of the War Cloud Sect. Given Ye Chen's third-level Martial Soul Stage cultivation from his time at the sect, along with his awakened Yellow Rank Grade Nine Martial Soul and Eighth Grade Yellow Rank Bone Structure, Ye Yuanming was confident that Shen Hanzhou posed no real challenge for his son.

"You're just a decrepit old hound, probably no better than your good-for-nothing son. You've got no real skills—just a penchant for strutting around before others, only to end up getting pummeled into a lifeless mutt!"

Ye Chen watched as Shen Hanzhou charged toward him and let out a cold, mocking laugh, his face etched with scorn.


In an instant, Ye Chen activated the Nine Dragon Heaven Swallowing Technique within him, and with a surge of energy, he unleashed a ferocious punch.

There were no elaborate techniques, no invocation of the Heaven Devouring Dragon Soul or the Heaven Slaying Sword Martial Soul.

It was a mere display of his raw physical power, channeled into a single devastating blow.

And yet, as Ye Chen's fist rocketed forward, a faint echo of a dragon's roar emanated from his right fist, signaling that the force behind it had reached a staggering, fearsome peak.

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