Divine Monarch/C8 A Marriage Contract
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Divine Monarch/C8 A Marriage Contract
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C8 A Marriage Contract

"Who is this guy? He's so brazen, he doesn't even show respect for the young masters of the Treasure Pavilion or the Ye family?"

A warrior unfamiliar with the ins and outs of Heavenly Cloud City couldn't help but voice his astonishment.

"Tsk tsk, you seem to be out of the loop regarding the power dynamics here. The man you see is none other than Shen Yanfan, the young master of the Shen family and a notorious playboy of Heavenly Cloud City! Rumor has it his cousin is a disciple of the War Cloud Sect Inner Academy. No one in Heavenly Cloud City would dare cross him."

"Exactly. And to add to that, Shen Lingwei, the Shen family's young lady, is betrothed to Ye Chen of the Ye family. Sadly, it's rumored that Ye Chen, once a prodigious disciple of the War Cloud Sect, has had his Bone Structure and Martial Soul destroyed. He's a shadow of his former self."

"It's probably because Ye Chen's abilities have been crippled that Shen Yanfan, who used to grovel before him, now struts around so arrogantly."

Upon hearing the warrior's question, several of the local warriors began to murmur explanations among themselves.

Off to the side, Shen Yanfan, overhearing the crowd's comments, looked towards Ye Chen with a smug grin, his face awash with scorn and mockery.

Had Ye Chen's talents remained intact, Shen Yanfan would have surely handed over the Frost Iron Armor and sought to ingratiate himself through his sister Shen Lingwei's engagement to Ye Chen.

But just a few days prior, he overheard his father planning to take Shen Lingwei to the Ye family to annul the engagement.

The reason being that Ye Chen had been reduced to a mere husk of his former self. Marrying off the Shen family's precious daughter to such a 'waste' would be a stain on their honor.

With this turn of events, there was no longer any reason for him to suck up to the man he now viewed as worthless.

In fact, he was determined to give Ye Chen a thorough thrashing before his sister Shen Lingwei formally broke off the engagement!

"So, Ye Chen, what do you think about what I just said to you?"

With this thought in mind, Shen Yanfan approached Ye Chen. His eyes, filled with contempt, briefly swept over Ye Chen before he fixed his gaze on him, a cold smirk playing on his lips.

"Shen Yanfan, if you value your life, I suggest you scurry out of the Treasure Pavilion. But if you're hell-bent on a death wish, I won't hesitate to acquaint you with the true terror of death," Ye Chen said, his voice steady and his expression unflinching as he met Shen Yanfan's cold stare.

"Fear of death? What a laughable notion! You, whose Bone Structure has been ripped out and Martial Soul shattered, dare speak to me of fear? To me, you're nothing more than the once-celebrated prodigy of Heavenly Cloud City, now reduced to a stray dog that everyone's eager to kick," Shen Yanfan retorted, barely containing his amusement as he clutched his stomach and sneered at Ye Chen.

"If you had any sense, you'd kneel and beg for mercy this instant. Maybe then, I'd let you, this worthless cur, keep a shred of dignity. Otherwise, I'm afraid things will get much more unpleasant for you," Shen Yanfan taunted, eyeing Ye Chen with a mischievous glint.

"You expect me to kneel and apologize? You're not worthy! And let me remind you, arrogant fools like you often end up dead at the hands of others. Got it?" Ye Chen replied, shaking his head and looking back at Shen Yanfan with a cold, mocking smile.

"Courting death!" Shen Yanfan spat out.

"Ye Chen, don't let the fact that you're engaged to my sister go to your head. Let me be clear: it won't be long before the Shen family formally breaks off the engagement. And when that happens, I can't wait to see the spectacle of your reaction," Shen Yanfan sneered, convinced that Ye Chen would be stricken with fear and horror upon hearing the news—a perfectly natural response for someone who had become nothing more than trash.

Ye Chen's only true support, aside from the Ye family, was his sister, Shen Lingwei. Yet, to his dismay...

"It appears the Shen family is nothing more than a group of opportunists clawing for power. Since you've chosen to betray our kindness and stoop to shamelessness, I'll ensure you experience the bitter taste of regret."

Ye Chen's response to Shen Yanfan's declaration was a dismissive smile.

Decades ago, the Shen family, seeking to establish themselves in Heavenly Cloud City, eagerly proposed a marriage alliance with the Ye family.

As for his connection with Shen Lingwei, there was no affection to speak of. Their encounters over the past decade were sparse, and Ye Chen could hardly be bothered to acknowledge her during those rare meetings.

Shen Yanfan's announcement of the engagement's dissolution left Ye Chen unfazed.

Should the Shen family attempt to use him as a stepping stone to secure their status in Heavenly Cloud City or to pressure the Ye family, they would soon come to regret their actions.

"Ye Chen, you dare to label the Shen family as ungrateful and shameless? Believe me, with a mere gesture, I could make your life a living hell!"

Shen Yanfan's menacing laughter halted abruptly after Ye Chen's retort, his face contorting with rage.

The Shen family's dependence on the Ye family for their position in Heavenly Cloud City, and their eagerness to call off the engagement, had long been a source of ridicule in the city.

Now, with Ye Chen airing this dirty laundry publicly, it was a severe blow to the Shen family's dignity.

The mocking laughter of the onlookers only intensified Shen Yanfan's humiliation, making him feel as though he'd been slapped dozens of times. He wished he could just disappear underground.

"Shen Yanfan, if you don't leave now, you might find yourself without the opportunity to flee Treasure Pavilion later—even if you beg for it."

Upon seeing Shen Yanfan's contorted face, looking as though he had swallowed a fly, Ye Chen let out a cold laugh and spoke.

There was a collective intake of breath.

The crowd, previously amused, fell into a hushed silence at Ye Chen's words. The Treasure Pavilion was so quiet you could hear a pin drop.

It was clear to everyone that they were witnessing the terrifying murderous aura emanating from Shen Yanfan.

Anyone foolish enough to laugh now might not even realize how they met their end.

Moreover, the prevailing thought among them was whether Ye Chen had lost his mind.

Having had his Bone Structure extracted and his Martial Soul destroyed, Ye Chen was essentially a cripple, virtually powerless. Yet, he still had the audacity to taunt Shen Yanfan, the scion of Heavenly Cloud City. Was he not inviting his own demise?

"Ye Chen, prepare to meet your end!"

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