Divine Monarch/C9 Shock the Entire Audience
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Divine Monarch/C9 Shock the Entire Audience
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C9 Shock the Entire Audience

In the midst of a deafening silence, Shen Yanfan's face contorted with rage. He bellowed and launched a ferocious punch at Ye Chen.

His fist was charged with the formidable power of the Tenth Level Body Tempering Stage, packing a force of over a thousand kilograms!

He was already envisioning Ye Chen's dire fate. With Ye Chen's meager abilities, he was certain that the punch would leave him beaten to a pulp, if not groveling for mercy on his knees!

Yet, Ye Chen remained motionless, standing his ground.

It wasn't until Shen Yanfan's punch was upon him that Ye Chen shook his head in disappointment.

In comparison to Yang Wei and the blood-spattered leopard he had previously slain, Shen Yanfan's strike was laughably weak, not even worthy of his attention, let alone capable of scratching an itch!

With a cold smirk, Ye Chen activated the Nine Dragon Heaven Swallowing Technique within him. The power of the Dragon Blood Stage Level Five surged forth, and he countered Shen Yanfan's punch with a devastating blow.

The Nine Dragon Heaven Swallowing Technique endowed him with a staggering 15,000 Jin of strength!

The disparity in their power was colossal, with Ye Chen's strength dwarfing Shen Yanfan's by dozens of times!


The collision of their fists sent a thunderous echo through the air.

Many warriors around the Treasure Pavilion watched with smug anticipation for Ye Chen to be sent flying by the punch.

But to their utter astonishment, it was Shen Yanfan who was sent reeling back like a kite severed from its string, crashing to the ground outside the pavilion with a thud.

The sound of his arm bones shattering was heard clearly by all as he hit the ground.

"Ah... Ye Chen, you despicable wretch, you deserve death!"

Shen Yanfan's wail of agony filled the air as his face turned ghostly pale. Writhing in excruciating pain, he rolled on the ground clutching his right arm.

"Ye Chen, you dare injure our Shen family's Young Master? You're asking for death!"

The two guards behind Shen Yanfan were momentarily stunned by the turn of events. Quickly snapping to their senses, their expressions darkened. Without hesitation, they drew their blades and viciously struck at Ye Chen.

If anything were to happen to Shen Yanfan inside the Treasure Pavilion, they feared they'd be in deep trouble.

At that moment, their only option was to capture Ye Chen and deliver him to Shen Yanfan for punishment.

Ye Chen watched the scene unfold with an amused smirk. Standing his ground, he channeled the Nine Dragon Heaven Swallowing Technique to its peak, creating an impenetrable defense around himself.

He was genuinely curious to see just how formidable his physical defenses had become with the enhancement of the technique.

The two guards flanking Shen Yanfan relentlessly struck at him with their long blades, which eventually became notched from the force of their blows. Yet on Ye Chen's body, there were merely a few pale marks.

Not even his skin was breached!

"Pathetic insects, you're practically begging for death!"

Observing the guards, now gasping for air and struggling to grip their trembling sabers, Ye Chen scoffed derisively and bellowed.


No sooner had his words faded than Ye Chen launched a fierce punch, catapulting the guards out of the Treasure Pavilion and tumbling to the ground before a nearby Shen Yanfan.

Ye Chen stood there, hands clasped behind him, exuding the commanding presence of a war deity.

A hush fell over the Treasure Pavilion, which quickly erupted into chaos.

Everyone was in disbelief at the spectacle before them!

Ye Chen, once crippled by having his Bone Structure removed and his Martial Soul shattered, had effortlessly vanquished Shen Yanfan, the Shen family's Young Master at the pinnacle of the Body Tempering Stage. Not to mention, the two guards, equally skilled at the same stage, couldn't inflict the slightest injury on him!

Ye Chen needed only two punches to defeat Shen Yanfan and his guards!

With a single punch, Shen Yanfan, at the Tenth Realm of the Body Tempering Stage, was sent flying like a lifeless hound!

And with that same devastating punch, the two Shen family guards, also at the Tenth Layer of Body Tempering, were hurled through the air, landing like discarded carcasses on the ground!

It seems that Ye Chen's Martial Soul and Bone Structure might not have been stripped away and shattered as the rumors suggested!

Otherwise, how could Ye Chen effortlessly dispatch three martial artists at the tenth level of the Body Tempering Stage?

Now, the eyes of everyone present were fixed on Ye Chen, their earlier scorn and schadenfreude replaced by sheer shock and disbelief.

Indeed, Ye Chen remained the top prodigy of Heavenly Cloud City!

Even more, he was still ranked among the top ten experts of the War Cloud Sect's outer sect!

Defeating Shen Yanfan, a tenth-level Body Tempering Stage fighter, and his two guards with a single punch indicated that Ye Chen's cultivation was at least at the third level of the Martial Soul Stage, if not higher!

"How... How is this possible!? How could a piece of trash like you defeat me?!"

Shen Yanfan, previously sneering and scornful, now stared at the approaching Ye Chen with terror etched across his face, his body trembling uncontrollably as if sieved.

From their recent clash, it was clear to him that Ye Chen was far from the cripple the rumors had painted him to be.

If Ye Chen's Bone Structure and Martial Soul had indeed been destroyed, he must have some other ace up his sleeve, because his combat power was nothing short of terrifying.

Realizing this, Shen Yanfan was overwhelmed with hopelessness...

If only he hadn't insulted Ye Chen earlier and had simply handed over the Cold Iron Armor, he wouldn't be in this humiliating position—pinned to the ground, the butt of jokes across Heavenly Cloud City.

"Shen Yanfan, I warned you. If you didn't leave, I'd make you face the terror of death," Ye Chen said with a cold, mocking smile.


No sooner had the words left his mouth than Ye Chen's foot came down on Shen Yanfan's knee.

With a mere exertion of force, over ten thousand pounds of power erupted, rendering Shen Yanfan's right leg as fragile as tofu, instantly crushed to mush beneath Ye Chen's devastating stomp.

Upon closer inspection, one could even make out the ghastly white of bone amidst the ruin of his right leg.

Clearly, Shen Yanfan's right leg was utterly destroyed, so mangled that not even a top-tier, second-grade healing pill could remedy such damage.

"Ye Chen, you bastard, I swear you'll pay for this in blood!"

Overwhelmed by the numbness and searing pain in his right leg, Shen Yanfan's fury surged, and he snarled at Ye Chen with a savage look in his eyes.

"An eye for an eye, huh? I wouldn't have pegged the Shen family for being such pushovers, what with all your tough talk."

"Well, I'm curious to see just how long you can keep up that bravado."

No sooner had the words left his mouth than Ye Chen bore down on Shen Yanfan's other leg.

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