The Silent Hero of Mountain Peach Village/C22 The Beauty of the Motorcycle Came to Him
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The Silent Hero of Mountain Peach Village/C22 The Beauty of the Motorcycle Came to Him
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C22 The Beauty of the Motorcycle Came to Him

The elderly couple was quite generous with their affection, embracing and sharing a quick peck on the lips.

When word got around the farmers' market about the charming love story unfolding among the seniors, people leaped with excitement and gathered around to see.

But they arrived just a tad too late; the courtship was already drawing to a close.

Shen Yong couldn't help but feel a twinge of envy for the old man and woman. True love had found its way!

Who says romance requires flowers, picturesque views, or a beauty by your side? The elderly pair at the market entrance, clutching their cauliflower, were the picture of romance!

It seemed Shen Yong had played matchmaker for an elderly couple that had little to do with him!

Yet, as time went on, Shen Yong's swift consolidation of Cloud River County's business community owed a great deal to the influence of this couple who found each other later in life.

With joy written all over their faces, the old man and woman approached Shen Yong, hand in hand.

"Young man! We can't thank you enough!" the old woman exclaimed with heartfelt appreciation.

"There's no need for thanks, Big Sister Small Red Hat! I hardly did a thing! If you're looking to thank someone, thank the Juicy Sweet Peach!"

Selling the Juicy Sweet Peach was Shen Yong's true aim!

Helping the elderly gentleman had simply been a convenient side task.

"Indeed! Handsome young man! How did you come across such delightful Juicy Sweet Peaches?" inquired the old lady, her curiosity piqued.

"Fellow villagers! These Juicy Sweet Peaches, once cultivated in space, were so scarce they were reserved for state banquets and hosting dignitaries. But with increased production, they now grace the tables of upscale five-star hotels in big cities!"

To win over the villagers, Shen Yong spun another tale, "Honestly, I was once a sous-chef at a five-star hotel and got to know the head chef. He saw how hard I worked and knew it wasn't easy for a kid from the sticks like me. One day, he handed me a few Juicy Sweet Peach pits and shared the secrets of cultivating the trees, urging me to try my hand at growing them back home!"

"I never saw it coming! The heavens have smiled upon me, allowing me to cultivate the Juicy Sweet Peach tree successfully! It's the first harvest this year! I wanted my fellow villagers to savor this delicacy that graces national banquets, which is why I'm here selling them. You won't find them anywhere else!"

Shen Yong's tale seemed logical and strikingly believable.

The surrounding crowd listened intently, nodding and showering him with compliments.

"We truly misjudged this young man earlier!"

"To think that the Juicy Sweet Peach is a treasured fruit served at national banquets! It's quite the rarity. No wonder we've never come across it!"

"The Juicy Sweet Peach is extraordinary! Not only is it scrumptious, but it's also beneficial for lung health!"

"Indeed! With such benefits, we have every reason to buy these Juicy Sweet Peaches!"

"I'm curious about the price per jin. A Juicy Sweet Peach of such quality must command a steep price!"

"How could we possibly price such a precious Juicy Sweet Peach by weight? Look, the young man doesn't even have a scale! We should ask him how he's selling them!"

Hearing the crowd's murmurs, Shen Yong couldn't help but feel a smug satisfaction.

There's no business without shrewdness!

This phrase, once detested by Shen Yong, was now growing on him.

He had explained all that was necessary and spun his tale; the crowd was now convinced!

As for the possibility of someone verifying the facts later, Shen Yong was utterly fearless.

After all, who would dare to delve into aerospace technology and the secrets of the national banquet?

Even if someone tried, they'd be chasing state secrets, impossible to uncover!

Given the lofty status he had crafted for the Juicy Sweet Peach, the price couldn't be too modest.

Otherwise, it would undermine the authenticity.

Yet, it couldn't be exorbitant either, as that would alienate the common folk.

After some deliberation, Shen Yong gestured for silence, calming the excited onlookers.

"Fellow villagers! The Juicy Sweet Peach isn't sold by weight, but at a fixed price per piece! Ten yuan each!"

Shen Yong presented a Juicy Sweet Peach from his basket, adding, "Take a look, each one weighs nearly half a jin!"

No sooner had Shen Yong's words fallen than the elderly lady sporting a Small Red Hat called out cheerfully, "Handsome young man! I'll take twenty!"

"Right away!"

Shen Yong deftly bagged twenty Juicy Sweet Peaches into two plastic bags. Instead of handing them to the old lady, he passed them to the balding Uncle Xie Ding, asking, "Uncle! You're still spry, aren't you? Could you lend Big Sister Small Red Hat a hand with these twenty Juicy Sweet Peaches?"

"Absolutely! I'm as fit as ever!"

Uncle Xie Ding, with a proud puff of his chest, took the peaches and boasted, "This waist of mine! It's as sturdy as it was in my youth, full of vigor!"

The old lady chuckled at Uncle Xie Ding's antics, and with a smile, she pulled out a wad of cash from her wallet, offering it to Shen Yong, "Handsome young man! Please accept this small gesture of my gratitude! Here's ten thousand yuan for curing Brother Liu's sickness!"

"Sister, your thoughtfulness means the world to me, but I can't take all this money from you. Just the two hundred yuan for the peaches is enough."

Shen Yong selected two bills from the stack, insisting, "I provide treatment and help others without charging a penny."

Despite his current financial pinch, Shen Yong stood by his principles, refusing to accept any excess money.

"A gentleman seeks wealth in an upright way! Such a fine young man," the old lady praised, pocketing the rest of the money. "Young man, if you ever find yourself short on cash, come find me in the Red Sun Community!"

"Sure thing! No problem at all! You're truly a kind sister."

Shen Yong's response was nonchalant, not really taking her offer seriously.

As soon as Shen Yong's stall opened for business, it was a runaway success. Onlookers flocked to make their purchases.

Some bought eight or ten, planning to share with their families.

Others bought just one or two, eager for a taste.

The agricultural market buzzed with activity, and the Juicy Sweet Peaches sold like wildfire.

Before long, the five hundred kilograms of peaches Shen Yong had brought were nearly gone.

Unbeknownst to him, Shen Yong's wallet had grown considerably thicker.

Just then, the distant hum of an engine grew louder, approaching fast.


The red Hazaki GT motorcycle screeched to a halt in front of Shen Yong's stall, completing a slick drift before stopping.

"Hey! You, in the military coat, you idiot! How many Juicy Sweet Peaches do you have left? Don't bother selling to anyone else—I'm buying them all!"

The voice of a striking woman cut through the air.

Shen Yong bristled at being called 'idiot' once more. Yet, his irritation was less than it used to be.

After all, the Juicy Sweet Peaches had fetched a handsome sum, filling Shen Yong with such joy that he wasn't inclined to sweat the small stuff. Besides, who could fault his unique fashion sense?

Had it been any other day, Shen Yong wouldn't have hesitated to confront anyone—man or woman—who dared insult him. They'd be asking for a slap!

But as he looked up, Shen Yong found himself captivated by the vision before him—a beauty astride the motorcycle.

Her long, flowing black hair danced in the breeze, complemented by a tight black tank top, denim hotpants, and mid-calf leather boots. One slender leg planted firmly on the ground, the other casually draped over the bike, she exuded undeniable sex appeal.

The woman's dark ensemble, paired with the fiery red motorcycle, struck a balance between sensuality and a wild edge.

Her large black sunglasses nearly concealed her delicate, pale face—reminiscent of a peeled hard-boiled egg—lending her an air of mystery.

Motorcycle beauty!

The aura of sexiness, fervor, wildness, and mystery that radiated from her instantly brought Su Yaner to Shen Yong's mind.

"Like! It's uncanny!" Shen Yong thought to himself. "Could it be Yaner? How did she know to find me here?"

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