The Silent Hero of Mountain Peach Village/C29 A Thorough Investigation
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The Silent Hero of Mountain Peach Village/C29 A Thorough Investigation
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C29 A Thorough Investigation

In the past, a kick from Shen Yong would have sent Ma San flying into the wall, dead on impact. Back in the West Realm, Shen Yong's focus was on vital points for special missions, aiming to eliminate enemies swiftly. Things have changed, though. He made a promise to the Mountain Peach Golden Immortal to abstain from killing, so now his goal is to incapacitate opponents as quickly as possible without taking lives.

Since inheriting the Immortal Doctor Secret Technique, Shen Yong has gained a profound understanding of human anatomy and pressure points, allowing him to neutralize an adversary without causing fatal harm. His recent kick on Ma San looked devastating, but in reality, Shen Yong had cleverly used just enough force to knock Ma San out cold, his head hitting the wall without shedding a drop of blood.

Deng Chong, however, was oblivious to this. He glanced at Ma San, crumpled in the corner, unsure if he was dead or alive. He suspected Shen Yong was a concealed expert sent by the Gray Path's Big Brother, which filled him with dread and suspicion.

"Sincerity? Is someone after my life?" Deng Chong wondered, growing increasingly fearful. "I haven't crossed anyone from Cloud River County's Gray Path lately, have I? Or is there another Gray Path Big Brother backing Mountain Peach Village?"

As these thoughts raced through his mind, Deng Chong's forehead broke out in a cold sweat. "Excuse me, big brother! What do you mean by 'sincerity'? Are you here for my life?" he asked, wiping away the sweat and gathering his courage.

"Damn it! You're overthinking it again! Why would I want your life? What's it even worth?" Shen Yong replied with scorn.

Relieved that his life wasn't in danger, Deng Chong quickly pushed a chair over to Shen Yong, wiped it clean, and offered it with a sense of reprieve. "Big brother! Please, have a seat! I get it now! You're after money, right? Name your price! Whatever amount you want, if I, Deng Chong, can provide it, it's yours!"

"Quit overthinking it, alright? I didn't come here for the money! I'm here because of Mountain Peach Village!"

Shen Yong settled into the executive chair, legs crossed, and inquired, "So, tell me! How do you plan to handle the situation in Mountain Peach Village? Let's see some real commitment!"

Deng Chong finally got it—Shen Yong was talking about showing genuine commitment to resolving the Mountain Peach Village issue.

"Big brother, rest assured! I'll ensure the peaches from Mountain Peach Village are purchased on schedule, and I'll offer a price that's 30% above the market rate. Is that sincere enough for you?" Deng Chong proposed.

Shen Yong shook his head, "That's not sincere."

"What about buying at double the market rate? Would that work for you, big brother?" Deng Chong pressed on.

"Just drop it! It's clear you can't think of a truly sincere solution," Shen Yong dismissed.

His gaze icy, Shen Yong fixed Deng Chong with a stare. "However, you still need to come up with a genuinely sincere way to resolve this. Based on your previous suggestions, I've come up with one for you. Interested in hearing it?"

Confronted with Shen Yong's chilling look, Deng Chong shivered and nodded submissively, "Yes, I'll listen!"

"Good, that's what I want to hear."

Shen Yong laid out his terms, "Firstly, go to Mountain Peach Village and kowtow three times to Chief Lee Kun, asking for his forgiveness. And for those loaders from our village who previously worked for you, provide them with an extra month's wages.

Secondly, pay Shen Wanshan two hundred thousand in compensation and, in his presence, admit to being a fool.

Thirdly, when the peaches are ripe, purchase them at triple the market price.

Got all that?"

Deng Chong was momentarily dazed, thinking to himself, "These demands sound oddly familiar. They're the complete reversal of what I suggested earlier. If only I hadn't said that!"

Noticing Deng Chong's hesitation, Shen Yong delivered a sharp slap to his face and demanded coldly, "I asked you a question! Did you get all that?"

"Y-yes, got it loud and clear!" Deng Chong stammered, clutching his face and nodding vigorously.

"Is this solution workable for you?" Shen Yong pressed on.

"Absolutely! I'll make sure to follow your instructions to the letter!" Deng Chong assured him.

"Good. Now, take a pen and draft a commitment letter with everything I've mentioned. Affix your thumbprint and the factory's official seal on it—and make it quick!" Shen Yong instructed, adding a stern warning, "And don't even think about double-crossing me!"

"Understood! I'm on it!" Deng Chong complied.

Deng Chong meticulously transcribed the contract according to Shen Yong's resolution. After having Shen Yong review it for accuracy, he applied his thumbprint and stamped it with the factory's seal.

"Hold the contract up in front of you. I want to take a 'handsome shot' to test out the camera on my new Fruit-brand phone," Shen Yong teased.

Left with no choice, Deng Chong obliged, displaying the contract for the photo.

Shen Yong snapped a full-body shot of Deng Chong, then pocketed the contract for safekeeping, just in case Deng Chong ever tried to dispute it.

"Have you memorized all three points?" Shen Yong queried.

"Clear as day," Deng Chong confirmed.

"Excellent. You have one month to deliver on your promise. Fail, and the fallout will be worse than you can imagine," Shen Yong cautioned.

"No worries! Consider it done!" Deng Chong vowed, thumping his chest for emphasis.

Pleased with Deng Chong's earnest demeanor, Shen Yong felt his irritation subside. He knew that even if Deng Chong reneged, he had other means to handle the situation. With the commitment letter in hand, Shen Yong left the Canned Food Factory without further ado and made his way to the agricultural market.

Once Shen Yong was out of sight, Deng Chong promptly dismissed the middle-aged security guard at the factory gate. He then instructed Ma San and his female secretary to exhaust every resource at their disposal to uncover Shen Yong's background.

The Deng family, as one of the "Four Kings and Three Tyrants" of Cloud River County, boasted extensive connections and influential patrons.

Ma San and the secretary quickly secured video footage, capturing a clear image of Shen Yong to circulate through their network. Before long, they had pieced together Shen Yong's identity.

The secretary compiled all the information on Shen Yong onto an A4 sheet and laid it before Deng Chong.

Deng Chong picked up the A4 sheet and scrutinized it, his eyes bulging wider than eggs.

It read:

Shen Yong!

Son of Shen Wanshan!

Undergraduate dropout!

Spent five years raising pigs in the military!

While feeding the pigs, he fell into the sty and was attacked by a sow, sustaining severe injuries to his brain and body!

Classified as intellectually disabled!


"Damn it! What an idiot! A complete moron turned stupid by a pig! I've been played by an idiot!?"

Enraged by the information, Deng Chong crumpled the paper into a ball and threw it to the floor.

"Young Master Deng! Considering what you've agreed to with that fool, do you still intend to follow through?" cooed the female secretary, nestling up to Deng Chong.

"Of course, I'll do it! And I want to do it with you!"

In a rush of lust, Deng Chong pulled her close and began to undo the buttons of her white blouse.

Completely overtaken by desire, he had utterly dismissed Shen Yong's earlier warning.

Meanwhile, Shen Yong, waiting for Zhang Chuntao at the farmers' market, sneezed inexplicably, feeling a sudden warmth in his ears.

Unbeknownst to him, Deng Chong had unearthed his personal details.

However, the information Deng Chong had acquired was entirely fabricated, except for the name.

Should Shen Yong ever lay eyes on this bogus dossier about himself, he'd surely be overcome with laughter to the point of passing out.

"It's nearly nightfall! Where on earth is Ms. Chuntao?"

Shen Yong, growing impatient, grumbled to himself.

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