Doctor In Women's Prison/C1 Women's Prisons
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Doctor In Women's Prison/C1 Women's Prisons
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C1 Women's Prisons

My name is Shen Fei. On the year I graduated, I found my first job, delivering takeaway food to a restaurant.

That day, I received a receipt. The address was a bit far, but I gave him an extra twenty dollars in tips. I took my meal and rode my broken electric donkey out of the city, arriving at a deserted suburb half an hour later.

"20, Scholar Road, suburban area of Qing He City... There's no such place. " I mumbled blankly.

Finally, under the guidance of a few local residents, I came to a large iron door that was thick and tall, and was stunned by what I saw.

It was an extremely spacious building. The courtyard was surrounded by tall walls and there were towers at intervals. There were searchlights on top of them and armed police armed with guns. There were a few dark-red buildings hidden in the woods.

There was a signboard by the door with a few big words written on it.

"Qing He Women's Prison."

The cold, quiet, and even a little depressing atmosphere made me freeze on the spot.

"It can't be here, right?"

I came back to my senses and looked at the list. That's right, there was number 20 on it. Then I looked at the sign of the women's prison. There was also number 20 on it.

To be honest, prison could be considered a mysterious place for any ordinary person!

It was also my first time in prison. Even though it was a delivery rather than being brought in, I was still a little nervous. After a long while, I knocked on the door, my hands trembling a little.

"What nonsense are you thinking about? It's not like we did anything wrong!"

Hearing the sound of footsteps from inside, I imagined that a few vicious prison guards would come out from inside. However, when a small window on the door opened, my eyes suddenly widened, and I immediately froze on the spot.

It was a female prison guard!

Contrary to my expectations, the one who opened the window was a valiant policewoman. She was dressed in the uniform of the prison guard system, and her face was rather white, a little baby fat, but she wasn't ugly at all. Instead, her eyes were watery, like the eyes of a lovable little swallow.

"For what?" the policewoman asked me warily.

"It's for takeout. It's ordered by a Ms. Shu surnamed."

I raised the menu and the dishes to show that I wasn't a bad person.

"surnamed Shu?" The policewoman was stunned, she took the menu and read it carefully for a long time before she frowned, "That's enough, give me the food, you can leave now."

"No, this is hot food. I need this special thermal container in my hands to keep it warm. Besides, I haven't paid for the takeout yet." I grunted.

He heard the sound of a walkie-talkie. A few seconds later, a heavy bolt moved, and the door opened to reveal a crack.

"Come in." The policewoman shouted.


I stopped the little electric donkey and stepped inside.

It was definitely my first time in prison, and I was looking around like a curious baby.

The cold-blooded military police stared at me as a stranger. Not far away, a playground was swept clean and the surroundings were covered with barbed wire. Layers of metal gates separated the areas.

"What are you looking at?"

The policewoman scolded me sternly, giving me a fright.

"Don't just look around, this is an important place for the legal system. You can enter from here and go to room 302 on the third floor." The female guard brought me to one of the white brick buildings and told me solemnly.

"Thank you."

I smiled at her and thanked her. Somehow, when the female officer saw me smile, her face flushed and she turned her head away.

"Hurry up."

she said bluntly.


With a grunt, I walked up the stairs to the third floor. The feeling I got from this building was that it was very quiet and the floor was very clean. There were all kinds of rules and regulations written on the walls.

After finding room 302, I knocked on the door. "Is this Ms. Shu? I'm here to deliver food."

"Come in."

A woman's voice came from inside.

I looked up.

"Warden's Room."

It was still a female warden, and with a grunt I pushed the door open and walked in. I saw that it was an office, with a desk facing the door, and bookshelves on both sides of it.

But to my surprise, there was a woman at the desk.

The woman was in her early thirties and very pretty, but unlike the female guard below, she wasn't wearing a police uniform. Instead, she wore a decent business suit, a white shirt, and a hairpin, probably due to the heat, that had been pushed down low on her collar.

From my vantage point, I could see a deep gully on her chest and the transparent sling.

What was even more amazing was that the woman's body was emitting a mature and capable charm. Although she was not as valiant and heroic as the female prison guard just now, it could be because of her aura. She was exuding a unique aura of a superior being.

"You must be a little brother for take-out, thank you for your hard work."

The woman lifted her head slightly and pointed to the table beside her. "Just leave it there."


When I heard her pleasant voice, I felt a little overwhelmed. I took out the food from the thermos and said, "Lady, you'd better eat while it's hot. After all, it's too far from here. I've been rushing here for almost half an hour."

"Alright, I understand."

The woman put down the document in her hand and stood up, looking like she was about to dig out a purse. "How much?"

"One hundred and thirty yuan. The other one, not twenty dollars more." I replied shyly.


As soon as the woman took out her money, the sound of hurried footsteps came from outside the door, followed by the flustered female guards who rushed into the warden's office.

"Warden Shu, this is bad. I don't know how number 3023 managed to reach the rooftop, but he looks like he's about to jump off a building."


Hearing that, Shu Caihe's face changed drastically. Gritting her teeth, she berated, "What do you guys think of him?"

"Warden Shu, didn't you tell us to bring her here? She was always quiet, how could we have known that she would cause such a ruckus?"

The young female prison guards were on the verge of tears.

"3023 has no date, and she just transferred to our prison. I know that she caused a lot of trouble in the last prison, so in order to pacify her, I found out that she likes to eat mao tofu, so I ordered a takeout for her so that she could serve her sentence in our prison. Who would have thought that this woman would cause so much trouble!"

Shu Cai stamped her foot in anger and took out her walkie-talkie, "Immediately alert all prison guards. Liu Qingxuan, He Xiaoyu, the two of you follow me to the rooftop."

Seeing He Xiaoyu nervously reach into her pocket for her gun, Shu Caihe glared at her. "You still think you can't provoke the prisoners? "Put away your guns. We're going up to save them, not to cause any more trouble!"

"Yes, yes, yes, Governor Shu."

The policewoman named He Xiaoyu looked as though she was about to face a great enemy. Her face was frighteningly white.

Seeing a group of female prison guards rushing out, I panicked and shouted from behind, "About that, I haven't paid you yet."

"What are you trembling about? Stay in my room."

The warden turned her head and glared at me before leading her subordinates to the rooftop.

At this moment, I suddenly caught up to him.

Perhaps due to such a big incident, the people in the prison were a bit confused. Although there was no alarm bell, the atmosphere was still tense. No one actually noticed an outsider like me.

Just like that, I followed the warden and the others to the roof.

The door of the Sky Platform had already opened, Shu Caihe and a few female prison guards were standing in the middle of the Sky Platform, you could vaguely see a corner of the Sky Platform, which was also beside the railing, there was a woman standing there. That woman was wearing a light blue prison uniform, she looked extremely pale and pale, filled with despair, and was currently crazily shouting.

"Don't come over. If you come over again, I'll jump."

He screamed, tears blurring his eyes.

"3023, don't be rash."

Shu Caihe consoled her with a serious tone, but it was to no avail. Instead, Number 3023 became even more crazed.

"Warden Shu, what should we do? If anything happens to the prisoners, we will all be subject to administrative punishment."

Several female prison guards were extremely anxious.

"All of you, shut up." She thought for a moment, then said to the female prisoner, "3023, you are still young, don't be rash. You have to think about your family, your parents, and that's right, you also have a daughter, you don't want her to hear about your suicide by jumping off a building, right?"

I heard the warden's words and rolled my eyes. 'I've just heard it, this woman has no future, and the warden told me you're still young. Does that mean you're going to have to spend the rest of your life in prison and suffer?' How the f * ck could he say that? Wasn't this too stimulating?

I curled my lips and couldn't help but lean forward.


In the distant lighthouse, a military police officer looked through his binoculars at me, an outsider.

"Warden Shu, why is there an outsider here?"

The other party asked through the walkie-talkie.


Shu Caihe turned around and saw that it was me. She immediately glared at me and scolded me, "What are you messing around with! Who told you to come up! Do you know where we are …"

Before he could finish his words, I interrupted him. "All of you are just messing around!"

"All of you, get out of the way."

My life was in danger, so I didn't care about anything else and just shouted as I pushed her away.

The group of female prison guards looked on dumbfoundedly as I walked towards inmate 3023. I washed my throat before speaking in an persuasive tone, "About that … Hello, I'm a delivery boy."

3023 was stunned for a moment.

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