Doctor In Women's Prison/C20 Express One's Feelings
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Doctor In Women's Prison/C20 Express One's Feelings
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C20 Express One's Feelings

"Then what do I do now?" I seriously asked Shu Caihe.

"Now we don't have to do anything. We just wait and see." Shu Caihe looked at me and said.

"Why?" I curiously asked Shu Caihe.

"Do you think we can do it in a short time? What we need to do now is to act as if we don't know anything and nothing has happened. We need to find the right time." Shu Caihe said earnestly.

"Alright!" I nodded, then went to switch my watch back to Dong Chang-Run.

"Alright, the fewer people who know about this, the better. It's not like I have no choice but to tell you." I also know that the fewer people who know about this, the less likely they are to know about it. I believe that if it wasn't for the fact that Dong Zhanglun had set his mind on me, Shu Caihe wouldn't have done this.

"Yes, yes. If there's nothing else, I'll be leaving first!" I said to Shuzhaohe.

"Eh, wait a moment." Shu Caihe called out to me.

"What's wrong!" I asked Shu Caihe doubtfully.

Shu Caihe pointed to the watch in my hand.

"Oh, I'll go look for Dong Changlun right now and return this watch to him." I awkwardly said. I nearly left and forgot about this matter.

After going out, I took off my watch, and went straight to Dong Chang-Lun's office.

"Dong, dong, dong!" I knocked on the door.

There was no reply, probably because no one was there. I knocked on the door to make sure.

"Come in!" Suddenly, Dong Changlun's voice came from behind the door. I opened the door and saw a woman walking out with her head lowered. At that time, I didn't pay much attention to it and just wanted to return the watch.

"Secretary Dong." I greeted him politely.

"You're here, ah. We just talked about something and made you all wait for a long time. Sorry about that." Dong Zhanglun said with a smile.

"It's nothing. I'm not that important, so I wanted to return this to you." I took my watch out of my pocket.

"Doctor Shen, what do you mean by this?" Dong Changlun asked me in confusion.

Secretary Dong, I'll go back and think about it. This is my responsibility, so I can't accept this watch. I took out my watch and placed it on his desk.

"How can I take back this gift that I just gave? And even more so, is it because Doctor Shen looks down on my gift?!" Dong Changlun said a bit angrily.

"Secretary Dong, you're mistaken. Are you thinking about me? I'm grateful, but I can't accept this watch." My attitude is especially resolute, Dong Changlun looked at your righteous attitude and did not evade.

"Alright, then this one!" Dong Changlun said as if he was deep in thought.

"Then there's nothing else, I'll go out first!" After I saw Dong Changlun accept the watch, I left in peace.

"Mhmm!" Dong Changshun nodded and ignored me.

After leaving, I felt refreshed and light all over. As expected, I'm still not suitable to take bribes. Now that I'm like this, I feel much more comfortable.

When I got back to the office, I was ready to start work. I couldn't let Dong Changlun and the others find any clues about me.

Suddenly, a note slipped out of my folder. What is this? I picked it up and looked at it. Tonight, at eight o'clock, I will be waiting for you on the field to sign your name, Bei Xiaoluo.

Why is she looking for me? Although I am a little curious, but after a while, when the night went by, I found out.

After a while, the sky darkened, and I arrived at the sports field as promised. From afar, I saw Bei Xiaoluo waiting for me. Today, Bei Xiaoluo felt a little strange. He didn't wear his usual clothes, instead he found a set of casual clothes.

"Bei Xiaoluo!" I saw that Bei Xiaoluo didn't see me, so I shouted at her for the rest of her life.

"Shen Fei!" When Bei Xiaoluo saw me coming, he was about to get up and run over, but I saw her suddenly twist her ankle and fall to the ground.


"Are you alright?" I saw her fall to the ground and rushed over to help her up.

"How was it? Where did it fall?" I asked worriedly, feeling that the fall was not light.

"The palm and the ankle are all broken." Bei Xiaoluo felt wronged as he spoke.

"Don't move, I'll take you to my office. Where's the alcohol and disinfectant? I'll disinfect it for you." After saying that, I picked up Bei Xiaoluo in my arms.

This is the first time I've interacted so intimately with Bei Xiaoluo. Bei Xiaoluo is very light and soft, there's no feeling in his arms, he's leaning into my arms, his arms are tightly wrapped around my neck, his whole head is in my arms. I feel that she's a little nervous, I'm also a little nervous, I don't know if she heard my rapid heartbeat.

At this time of day, the entire office building was empty. I opened the door to the office and gently placed Bei Xiaoluo on a chair.

"You wait for me, I'll get you some disinfectant." I turned back to the cabinet and looked for disinfectant.

"Endure it, it's a little painful." I turned on the disinfectant and took out a pack of cotton swabs to dip in.

"Hiss …" "It hurts!" Bei Xiaoluo grimaced in pain.

"Say, you work in prison all day, learning how to wear high-heeled shoes. You're fine now, you must have hurt from the fall." I said a little angrily.

"Then I'll wear it for you to see!" Bei Xiaoluo felt wronged as he spoke.

"What did you say?" I didn't quite catch it.

"Nothing …" It's really embarrassing to death today! " Bei Xiaoluo buried his head under his neck as he spoke, his little face so red it made one want to kiss him.

"It's fine, I'll just pretend I didn't see it." I comforted her.

"Oh yeah, why are you looking for me today?" After I finished helping Bei Xiaoluo with the poison, I pulled over a chair and sat beside her as I spoke.

"That... "Nothing …" Bei Xiaoluo said with a red face.

Although I knew that Bei Xiaoluo didn't say anything, from her shy appearance and her special disguise today, I could roughly guess what was going on.

"Erm, if you have something to say, then say it." I looked at Bei Xiaoluo.

Bei Xiaoluo buried his head in his neck and took a deep breath, "Shen Fei, I don't know what to say, but I want to tell you, I like you, I liked you from the beginning, so when I found out that you were our new therapist, I was especially happy. Although I don't know if you liked me, but I still want to tell you, I don't want to hold back, if you don't like me it doesn't matter, I'm working hard." Bei Xiaoluo spoke a long paragraph in one breath and then looked at me with a flushed face.

I was also stunned. Although I knew that she would tell me these things, but sometimes she would come too suddenly and didn't know how to reply.

"What's wrong with you? Why do you keep staring at me? " Bei Xiaoluo lowered his head and said shyly.

I didn't say anything. I reached out a hand and lifted Bei Xiaoluo's chin so that she was looking straight at me. I watched her tense up, and the way she bit her lip.

I leaned closer and closer to Bei Xiaoluo. The closer I got, the closer my mouth got to Bei Xiaoluo's. When my lips lightly covered Bei Xiaoluo's lips, I could no longer control my emotions. I lightly sucked.

At first, Bei Xiaoluo was also stunned for a moment. Then, he slowly replied back to me. Perhaps it was because her skills weren't good enough, as he clumsily responded to me with a tongue stringing around in my mouth.

Slowly, I began to guide her, letting her tongue follow my rhythm. I really want to be a little unsatisfied with the current intimacy, I have a hot, dry body, let me think of more than I can't help.

The urge to pull her into my body, the urge to hold her with one hand, the urge to gently unbutton her. I followed the direction of the button all the way to Bei Xiaoluo's shirt and caressed his chest. I never knew that it was all Bei Xiaoluo's chest that was so soft.

"En!" Bei Xiaoluo also started to react, shouting unnaturally.

This kind of voice made me even more excited. Holding onto Bei Xiaoluo's skin, I started to feel more and more excited. Bei Xiaoluo's initial shyness also became more and more active.

"Dong, dong, dong!" At that moment, a knock on the door sounded.

F * ck, who's so good at finding time? Although I cursed in my heart, I still stopped what I was doing and moved away from Bei Xiaoluo.

Bei Xiaoluo was also startled. Seeing his disheveled clothes, he hurriedly pushed away his own clothes.

"Dong, dong, dong!" Is anyone there? " A woman's voice came from outside the door.

"He's here!" I adjusted my emotions and, seeing that Bei Xiaoluo had finished packing, I got up to open the door.

"Doctor Shen, why are you here?" The person who was standing outside the door was the person on duty, He Xiaoyu.

"What's wrong? What's the matter? " I lean on He Xiaoyu doubtfully.

"Nothing, I was on duty. I just came to see if anyone was waiting for me in your room. I thought you forgot to turn off the lights, but I didn't expect you to be here." He Xiaoyu explained.

"Eh, Bei Xiaoluo, why are you here too?" He Xiaoyu asked in surprise.

"I saw her just now, and she broke her leg, so I brought her here to wipe some medicine." I explained for her without waiting for her to speak.

"Are you alright?" He Xiaoyu asked doubtfully.

"I'm fine!" I'll take a break and then go. " Bei Xiaoluo said as he shook his head.

"Alright, if someone is here, then I'll be leaving first." As He Xiaoyu spoke, she closed the door and left.

After watching He Xiaoyu walk out of the room, I heaved a sigh of relief. This feeling was too exciting.

I turned my head to look at Bei Xiaoluo. At this moment, her face was thoroughly red, and her mouth was red and swollen. When I looked at Bei Xiaoluo's appearance, I couldn't help but laugh out loud.

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