Doggish Jianghu/C10 Gambling
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Doggish Jianghu/C10 Gambling
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C10 Gambling

There are three broad categories of people in the world who can swear.

One was called a man.

One was called a woman.

The last was Bai Baoguo.

Stupid Brother used to think that his second brother's dirty words were the toughest in the world. With the other party's female relatives as the center of the circle and the other party's ancestors and male relatives as the focus, he would be able to walk the world alone.

But when Bai Baoguo said "I'll throw your mother to the ground!" The Stupid Brother opened his eyes the moment the vulgar words came out.

F * ck, this set of martial arts with the characteristics of north and south mixed in. It's too f * cking hard.

"Baobao, don't be angry …" Second brother resisted the urge to scold back, gritting his teeth he said: "You know, my brother and I are both part of the same family, this kind of thing like killing people … …"

"Then forget about this matter. God damn, I even gave you two a high look. You two are cowards." Bai Baoguo waved his hand. Seeing Wang Qingshan stood up, Bai Baoguo subconsciously held the tip of his chopsticks tightly, and asked happily: What's wrong, your majesty? You don't want to be the cook and pretend to be Lei Feng? "

"Don't make fun of me, or I'll make an opening for you again." Wang Qingshan calmly said.

"What are you doing?" Seeing Wang Qingshan's strange gaze, Bai Baoguo frowned and put down his chopsticks.

Wang Qingshan said, "Go back and sleep."

"Go my ass, drink with laozi." Bai Baoguo scolded his second brother and the others, "You two trash, if you understand what's going on, then go and get that grandson of yours. Die, no need to live, if he dies tonight, I'll go and fetch you guys back, and send you out of the city."

"I'll be wandering around that area before 11 PM. If it's like this, you don't have to look for me. I'll come pick you up."

Bai Baoguo said his last sentence.

Second brother was silent for a moment, then looked at Wang Qingshan who had just sat down with a complicated look, he gritted his teeth and said: "Baobao, Big Brother Wang, we will head back first, you two take your time to eat."

"F * ck off." Bai Baoguo scolded.

After the two brothers left, the restaurant became quiet for a while. Wang Qingshan then said something.

"It's rare to see you like this."

"That's right, it's rare to see such a thing like this." Bai Baoguo took a bite of the dish and laughed: "You can tell?"

"You're in a very dangerous situation right now." Wang Qingshan said, gloating with a smile, "Old Fox is keeping an eye on you, he only needs to seize this opportunity to kill you. Do you think this is the last time we will meet?"

"That person isn't simple." Bai Baoguo justified his words flatly, "This is an important time for me to snatch the power from him. That grandson is determined to kill me, and his current condition isn't too good either."

"One, I don't have as much money as him, two, I don't have as much other people. Even the Uncle TungYong is aligned towards him …" Bai Baoguo smacked his lips. Although he said it like that, there was no fear on his face. It was a very calm expression.

"You're telling me so much, don't tell me you want me to help you?" Wang Qingshan acted as if he was about to get up, "You know, I don't want to get involved with the internal affairs of other societies. If I want to get involved, I have to get my money. Go find our boss."

"F * ck, did I ask you to get involved?" Bai Baoguo asked.

Wang Qingshan sat up straight and did not speak anymore, because he knew that Bai Baoguo still had something to say.

"You also said that it is rare to see me like this. If I love talent so much, how can I not be like this?" Bai Baoguo's face was filled with displeasure: "These two youngsters are pretty good, and looking at them, they seem so straight and upright, f * cking like a grandson, extremely foolish."

Wang Qingshan almost flipped over the table as he glared at Bai Baoguo. "Do you need me to fix the problem that your mouth only owes you?"

"Hey, fuck you, don't be impatient." Seeing that Wang Qingshan was getting anxious, Bai Baoguo did not dare to continue spitting vulgarities. He used his hand to pat his mouth and said, "It's not like you don't know, I was born with this disease, let's continue."

"Ever since I started, I've only had the thought of taking someone in twice. The first time, I didn't even get the chance to open my mouth, and they just came to worship me at the pier. The second time is now." Bai Baoguo smiled shrewdly. His eyes, which were originally brimming with happiness, now revealed a rarely seen look of profoundness, completely inconsistent with his usual deranged appearance.

If it was said that the usual Bai Baoguo was like a big hooligan whose words were dirty and moody, then the current him was more like a strategist.

Perhaps only he himself knew what was going on in that crazy mind of his.

Those who had fought with Bai Baoguo before all knew that the old bloke was definitely not as simple as it seemed.

Actually, it was quite normal. On this black path, those who were able to survive had their strengths.

Let alone Bai Baoguo who had become a flag, since he could suppress all those who wanted to pull out the flag to become famous, then they must have their own methods.

"There are three things that make me feel the most accomplished in my life. One is that I have completely wiped out my original nemesis, and once I became the hall master of a hall, my achievements will be like dried bones. Two is that before I even go to collect Lao Bo, he has already delivered himself to my doorstep to pay my respects to my pier."

As he said till here, Bai Baoguo's tone became even more proud. It was obvious that the latter made him feel even more proud than the former.

Wang Qingshan nodded in deep thought, "Being able to keep up with that dog Lao Bo is indeed one of the most awesome things in your life."

"Last thing, you know."

"Mn, Master Wu pays his respect to your pier."

After Wang Qingshan said this, he could not help but think of the smiling young man.

The situation in Donghe and Guili was very clear.

Bai Baoguo, the old cunning fox, these two big bastards had completely fallen out with each other just for the sake of the dragon's head.

Although they were a part of the same society, it was not good for them to make big moves, but little movements would come out frequently, while the old man from Uncle TungYong pretended to not know anything and allowed them to fight freely.

But most of the time, he would lean towards the old cunning fox a little. This point made Bai Baoguo puzzled.

Why did he choose the old fox over him?

Bai Baoguo thought about this question, but in less than two minutes, he had a conclusion.

Fuck, can't I just kill them all?

Although this was a little difficult, but it was the easiest and most direct way to go about it.

"If it wasn't for Master Wu and Mute helping me, I think I would have been hit even harder." Bai Baoguo placed the empty wine cup on the table, took out a cigarette and lit it, then shook his head: "Let's not talk about this, since you know that I do not like taking people, you have to wait for people to pay respects to my pier, but today I want to take the initiative and make an exception, to give them a chance."

"Dammit, they still don't want this chance." Wang Qingshan frowned, "If it wasn't for..."

"If it wasn't because we are familiar with each other, you wouldn't want to let those two walk the path. After all, our path isn't easy, so you probably would have arranged for people to send them out of the city. According to your idea, you're both from the same village, so you should help them." Bai Baoguo shrugged his shoulders, "But we're familiar, you didn't give them a way out, and I didn't give them a way out. I just wanted to force them a bit …"

"When they kill someone, are they going to use this as a threat?" Wang Qingshan sneered and said, "I thought you had some tricks up your sleeves to take them in, I didn't think that..."

"Bullshit, I'm not that fucking despicable!" Bai Baoguo stared at Wang Qingshan angrily: "I must have another way, what are you thinking?!"

With that, Bai Baoguo got up and walked over to Wang Qingshan's side. He then sat down and began to explain his plan in a low voice.

After hearing what Bai Baoguo had said, Wang Qingshan frowned and gave an extremely objective evaluation, "You are so despicable."

"F * ck." Bai Baoguo scolded, and then he gave Wang Qingshan a rough idea of how he knew his second brother.

Wang Qingshan felt that it must have been because Bai Baoguo had thought about it from the beginning. What he lacked the most now was a capable warrior.

Bai Baoguo thought that Wang Qingshan was such a f * cking idiot.

"From the very beginning, I had thought that they were pleasing to the eye, which was why I decided to help them. At that time, I really didn't have the mood to do so." Bai Baoguo said helplessly: "But I went back to sleep, and after thinking about it for a while, I feel regret. It's such a waste to let this kind of person go."

"And you just happened to see them today and got ready for it?"

"Right." Bai Baoguo nodded his head and admitted it: "The situation is very tense now, and I cannot afford to lose face anymore, I will take any one of them, after all life is more important than face, if I were to ask for more face, I would probably be killed by that fox bastard."

"It's just two youngsters, is there a need to be like this?" Wang Qingshan smiled in disdain.

"That silly looking person might not be able to tell, but that skinny tall man beside him is definitely not a mediocre person."

Wang Qingshan did not deny it and asked, "Is that so?"

"It's easy to obtain a thousand weapons, but difficult to obtain a single one. I know those words better than anyone else. I do not think that people are wrong. They are worthy for me to do this. If you do not believe me, just watch as they carry the banner."

"You don't even know whether he'll help you or not. Are you that confident?" Wang Qingshan asked with a smile.

"I don't think humans are wrong. There must be someone who will die tonight."

After Bai Baoguo said this, he stood up and hurriedly left the restaurant, leaving Wang Qingshan who had a face full of curiosity sitting there alone.

At that time, Wang Qingshan was very curious, because he knew that Bai Baoguo usually liked to brag, but before this, it was rare for Bai Baoguo to be serious and did not seem like he was bullshitting.

Suddenly, Wang Qingshan laughed.

"This is going to be interesting."

At the same time, Second Brother and the others were not so relaxed.

Sitting on the bed, Stupid Brother had a conflicted expression.

However, he was not as anxious as he was at the start. Instead, he seemed to be thinking about something.

Second brother was the same. He was vexed as he thought about what to do next.

After getting the contractor to work on it, he would leave far away?

What if the contractor was really killed but no one came to protect him?

Bai Baoguo had indeed saved him, but this matter was related to a person's life. If he really was captured by the police, that would be the result of his death.

However, he had no way to deal with it, and now he was faced with a dilemma.

"Bro, why don't we go to the train station again? We can't do this." Stupid Brother's face was full of confusion: "That bastard is indeed not a thing, but we definitely cannot kill him, dad and the others …"

Second brother looked up at his silly brother and smiled.

"It's fine, we'll sleep peacefully tonight. Since this matter is over, let's go to the train station tomorrow to take a look."

"Fine, as long as we're careful, we might actually be able to go back." Stupid Brother laughed very happily. Seeing that his brother had an idea, he did not intend to continue thinking about that headache.

"Let's have a good rest. We'll wake up early tomorrow."


After a while, the sky turned completely dark.

Stupid Brother also unknowingly fell into a deep sleep, his snores causing the sky to tremble.

Second Brother was lying on the bed, not sleeping at all. He was just waiting with his eyes wide open.

After listening to Stupid Brother's snoring for a long time, Second Brother confirmed that he was fast asleep before he sat up. Without the slightest bit of hesitation, he quietly left the room.

A few minutes later.

At the hardware store across the street, Second Brother put the new screwdriver he had just bought on the back of his waist and walked toward the street without a word.

From second brother's point of view, this was a simple gamble.

Doing it might kill you, but not doing it might kill you.

He felt.

He should make a bet.

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