Doggish Jianghu/C21 Chen wanhe
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Doggish Jianghu/C21 Chen wanhe
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C21 Chen wanhe

The girl who had met second brother twice was standing on the other side of the street with a bag of books in her hand. She was standing in one of the shops and was talking to the owner with a conflicted expression on her face.

Simple dress, the ponytail of a street in the nineties.

These two things, which did not excel in any other woman, made the young girl look very attractive.

"Can you really not make this cheaper?"

"It's no less than that. That's the price. If you don't believe me, go and take a look at the other shops. My clothes are in stock."

"But our students don't have that much money, boss you should just spend less …" How about cheap three dollars? "

Second Brother was extremely vulgar as he hid outside the store. He peeked his head in slightly and saw the scene of the girl bargaining with the boss.

Seeing his second brother's confused reaction, Master Wu was also curious. He followed his second brother and walked out of the shop, but he was not as vulgar as second brother, and directly stood outside the door and looked inside.

"Isn't this Master Wu!?" The owner's eyes were sharp, upon seeing the big shot standing outside, he immediately ran out and bowed while saying: "All the money is ready, we are just waiting for you to come and take it!"

"I'm not in a hurry to collect the money, let me introduce you." Master Wu dragged second brother to his side, pointed at second brother and laughed sinisterly: "This is second brother's disciple, Northeast Brother, he will also help protect this street in the future."

"Good day, Northeast Brother!" The boss obediently called out, his face had a look of fear, thinking to himself that the Little Northeast was currently so red that they turned purple, fighting a dozen people by himself, and even his old teeth were crippled by him, just by thinking about it, one could imagine how ruthless he was.

"Ah …" "Hello." Second Brother acted as if he was possessed by the Stupid Brother. He stared at the girl in a daze, and with a silly smile, he nodded and replied to the boss. It was unknown whether he was talking to the boss, or greeting the girl that he was staring at without blinking.

The young lady first looked at Second Brother and the others curiously, then set her gaze on Master Wu.

She was not like the ordinary young girls who could not shift her eyes away when they saw a handsome man. She only looked at Master Wu a few more times out of curiosity, and then looked at Second Brother, crying out in shock.

"It's you!" The girl's eyes were filled with surprise and joy. She ran up to second brother, raised her head slightly and looked at him carefully, as if confirming something. "Why are you here?"

"Sister …" "Hello, sister …" Second Brother blurted out a few words to the northeast in excitement. Soon after, he also realized that this wasn't quite appropriate and quickly changed his words, "Hello Miss!"

Seeing Second Brother so nervous, Master Wu did not know whether to laugh or cry. He asked: "You two know each other?"

"I don't know him." Second brother shook his head honestly.

"Hehe …"

Stupid Brother squatted on the side, looked at Second Brother, then looked at the girl, and started to emit creepy laughter.

"My name is Chen Wanhe." This girl suddenly said to second brother in a very low voice. Other than second brother, no one could hear what she said clearly.

"What's your name?"

This time, Master Wu heard everything clearly. Without waiting for second brother to speak, he took over.

"You can call him Little Northeast."

Chen Wan He looked at Master Wu strangely, then turned to look at Second Brother, as if she was waiting for Second Brother to speak.

"Call me Little Northeast." When second brother saw Master Wu giving him a meaningful glance, he did not think too much and subconsciously went along with what Master Wu said.

"Is that your nickname?"

"I guess so …" Second Brother nodded seriously, "That's what my friends call me anyway."

Chen Wanhe did not press on any further, and only lightly smiled, probingly asking, "Can I treat you to a meal?"

Second brother's brain short-circuited and temporarily didn't react. He just stood there in a daze.

"It can be considered as me thanking you for saving us last time." Chen Wanhe's smile was very pretty, and her eyes were extremely natural. At that moment, Second Brother inexplicably thought of that Chinese painting he saw in his grandfather's house when he was young.

There was no woman in the picture, only a pool of lotus flowers swaying in the wind.

"I've walked two-thirds of the way down this street. I'll take you there for the rest of the night." Master Wu seemed to have understood something as he walked to the side while beaming and called out to Stupid Brother, "Big idiot, let's go back first."

"No, I want to go with my brother." Stupid Brother shook his head.

"Aiya, your grandson, how could you not understand!" Second brother glared at Stupid Brother in exasperation: "Hurry back, tonight, this brother will take you to eat delicious food."

Stupid Brother pouted, he stood up and muttered as he patted his pants.

"To forget about sex."

"Oh my god, you even know how to say idioms?!" Second Brother was truly shocked.

Stupid Brother said proudly: "I learned it from watching TV. I'm smart. If we could have a few more televisions, I would have learned more than you!"

I swear, if not for the presence of an outsider, and a beauty like Chen Wan He watching over us, Second Brother would definitely beat up Stupid Brother, this piece of trash that can't even get a proper seat.

F * ck, don't talk about what you learned from watching TV, it's such a waste!

"Is this your brother?" Chen Wanhe covered her mouth and laughed.

"My little brother is a bit of a fool, don't worry, sis." He secretly observed Chen Wan He to confirm that she really did not have any intention of looking down on the Stupid Brother. He only smiled, and then became happy.

Really, second brother was very happy at the time, because this was the first time in second brother's memory that a woman did not look down on Stupid Brother.

Usually, when second brother sees Stupid Brother, all of the female friends he has met would either tease him to make a fool out of himself or make him say some silly things. Then, they would laugh until their flowers trembled or look at Stupid Brother with extreme contempt, disdaining to even look at a Big Idiot like Big Idiot.

To be honest, was Stupid Brother really stupid?

I have always believed that this is the true portrayal of the Stupid Brother.

Hearing Chen Wan He's laughter, Stupid Brother turned to look at her, then laughed from the bottom of his heart, and waved at second brother.

"I'll go back with Master Wu first! Brother, remember to come back for dinner tonight! "

After Master Wu and the others left, Chen Wan He turned around and saw the owner of the shop who had previously negotiated with her, holding a package of clothes, standing at the entrance of the shop and looking at her.

"Miss, this is for you." The boss respectfully said. His eyes kept glancing at second brother, as if he was afraid that this legendary man would suddenly explode and kill him.

"Ah …" Chen Wanhe stared blankly at the boss and shook her head. "Just now, we were not …"

"Aiya, I was blind just now!"

"Boss, how much is this?" Second Brother took out his shabby wallet. The macho Second Brother still felt that he couldn't let a woman pay for his money, even if she wanted to buy her own things. That wouldn't do!

In fact, I more or less understand second brother's ability to urinate.

F * ck, if you hadn't taken a fancy to this girl, would you have paid for it?! You old miser! It's the new year now, are you waiting for me to smoke with Stupid Brother!?

"Don't, Northeast Brother! This is my gift to you all! " When the boss saw that his second brother was going to pay, his legs went weak and he almost fell to the ground.

At that time, the boss really was afraid at heart. At that time, all he could think about were Bai Baoguo's deeds.

He remembered that a year ago, Bai Baoguo had a conflict with a certain restaurant owner. It was said that the problem of the protection fee could not be resolved easily, and the last negotiation was held at that owner's restaurant.

After Bai Baoguo and the boss finished their discussion, he still felt dissatisfied, so he wanted to go back and rest after eating dinner. He wanted to think of a way to take care of the boss, and whether he should just get stabbed to death or cut off his hand …

While thinking about these complicated questions, he was about to leave the restaurant while smoking his cigarette. However, just as he stood up and took a few steps outside, he was stopped by the boss.

"Pay up." As the boss told him, the people standing behind him were all from "Fu Ji".

"Oh, the money." Bai Baoguo nodded, he counted the number of people on the other side, and after confirming that they did not have any firearms, he took out his wallet and placed it on the table: "If you did not die, all of this would be yours."

"What do you mean?"

"Damn it, even seven trash like you are acting so arrogantly in front of me …"

In short, on that day, Bai Baoguo had made his move, and the result had been brilliant.

Although he had been hacked three times, the people in front of him had all fallen and no one stood up again.

There were only two left, who had died from severe bleeding. The rest were either knocked out unconscious by Bai Baoguo, or thrown down from the third floor to the ground floor by him. No matter how hard they fought, they wouldn't be able to break their bones.

As for the boss, his fate was not good at all.

Bai Baoguo held the chopsticks and ate straight into the owner's eyes. When he pulled them out, the owner was already done with it, and in the end, Master Wu was still the one who led the people to save the situation, not only did he have the skills to help clean up the place without leaving a single trace of blood, he even specially called for three black carriages, and directly transported the people to the crematorium no matter if they were dead or alive.

Apart from the grandson who left behind the water in his lungs, the rest of the people had already been turned into ashes to nourish the earth.

This matter had told many people that if you offended this hooligan, you might be chopped to death, but if you offended Bai Baoguo, you would most likely die a horrible death.

In the end, Chen Wanhe did not let her second brother pay. She counted out eleven pieces of money from her purse and directly stuffed them into the hands of the clothing store owner. Then, she took the packed clothes and brought her second brother to the tea shop.

Throughout this whole process, second brother always asked him to pay, but Chen Wanhe just wouldn't agree.

"You don't have to help me pay." Chen Wanhe said with a serious expression. She had no intention of joking around, "Besides, I'm here to buy clothes, so of course I have to pay for it myself."

"Then I'll treat you to tea later?"

"I'll treat you today." Chen Wanhe winked at Second Brother and smiled, "You can just treat me again in the future."

Hearing Chen Wanhe's soft voice, second brother felt his bones soften as he smiled foolishly and nodded his head.

Aiya, there is still a future. Isn't this...

Second Brother spent the whole afternoon happy, perhaps this was the first time he was this happy since he left home.

Love at first sight is rather unreliable.

But second brother still felt that he seemed to have fallen for this girl.

Until the evening when the two of them bid farewell to each other and agreed to meet again, his second brother would always walk lightly as if he had become an immortal when he returned to the gambling house.

"What happened to you?" Bai Baoguo flipped through the account book and suspiciously looked at second brother who was walking in with a silly smile on his face.

"I …"

Second brother wanted to express the feelings in his heart, but Bai Baoguo waved his hand and interrupted him without hesitation.

"We'll talk about it in the future. Go and do something for me tonight, you idiot." Bai Baoguo's face was filled with anger, "Fuck that bastard Da Ke, he really dares to step on my street, I will f * * king kill him!"

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