Doggish Jianghu/C22 Kneel
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Doggish Jianghu/C22 Kneel
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C22 Kneel

After dinner, second brother brought Stupid Brother and left in a hurry.

Before they left, Master Wu had specially instructed them not to speak carelessly. He knew that Second Brother and Stupid Brother were not people who walked the underworld, so it was difficult for them to be a little courteous. This sort of courtesy was normal, but seeing that their enemies were discussing it, it was clear that they were being weak.

"Baobao, why didn't you let me go?" Master Wu skillfully lifted the teapot's lid, gently wiping off the tea droplets, and then placed the teapot's lid back to its original position. With a puzzled look on his face, he asked: "You know very well that they don't understand the things that we do …"

"You're so smart, do you even need to ask me?" Bai Baoguo leaned on his chair and drank his tea: "In your opinion, what is the purpose of making them go today?"

Master Wu was silent for a moment, as if he had thought of something Bai Baoguo had said to him in the beginning, and then smiled in relief.

"It seems like you're determined to keep these two Northeast Chinese." The Master Wu said with a smile.

Bai Baoguo chuckled, then placed the teacup on the table and leisurely said: "The underworld is the martial arts world, and the martial world is the underworld, so it doesn't matter how white they are, it's impossible for them to wash their hands and escape from this world, not to mention these two new disciples. What I need now is to keep the two of them willingly, and not let them leave."

"There are only two things that can keep them here. One is kindness, and the other is enmity." Master Wu lowered his head slightly and looked at the scratches on the table. His gaze was very complicated, "Baobao, are you sure they will become enemies with Little Ke and those beasts?"

"Do you know how many people I brought with me today?" Bai Baoguo laughed and asked.

Master Wu frowned: "Didn't you say that he only brought six people?"

"Yeah, I'm not lying to you guys, but I didn't say that I would follow them." Bai Baoguo's smile was extremely disgusting, as though he was looking at a naked beauty standing in front of him, her eyes were pulsing with an indescribable light, the word 'excited' perfectly described his gaze, but the words excited to describe him, lacked the vulgarity that could not be hidden in his eyes.

"Of the thirty people, at least four of them were brought along. If Little Northeast could run back with a big idiot, then I really would have to kneel down and call them master."

"I really can't come back." The Master Wu nodded.

"Xiao Ke was stabbed by me the last time. He should still be lying on the sickbed." Bai Baoguo said with victory in his hands: "Dirty braid is one of Da Ke's trusted aides, this beast must have been ordered by Da Ke to immediately kill me during the negotiations, if not they wouldn't have been able to bring so many people over."

"They really want to fight us head on?" Master Wu frowned.

The old fox is staring at me, so is Da Ke. A few days ago, Little Northeast sent Old Teeth to the hospital, although Uncle TungYong did not say anything, he was not at ease inside, probably waiting for the chance to kill me, so I had to show my might. Bai Baoguo pointed at his head: "Dirty Braid and the others are here to kill me, Little Northeast's two grandsons will not get back at me today."

"Aren't you afraid of an accident?" Master Wu helplessly said: "If they were directly killed by those dirty braids, then your heart would ache for them."

"Bullshit, all of us have made our move today. That …"

Bai Baoguo suddenly shouted out: "Mute! Get out! "It's time to go back to work!"

The power of this voice was not small, it scared the gentle and weak Master Wu, who almost dropped the teacup to the ground. The mute also seemed to be frightened, a muffled sound came from the room, and then the mute walked out of the room while rubbing his face, and looked at Bai Baoguo unhappily while gesturing.

"He said you scared him out of bed." Master Wu took a sip of tea to suppress his shock, helping the mute to translate the sign language.

"F * ck!" Is laozi's voice really that loud!? " Bai Baoguo roared again, and stared fiercely at the mute.

The mute shivered, not daring to speak anymore.

After I finished writing this, I suddenly remembered a story that Second Brother told me. This story was also told to him by the Master Wu, and it had something to do with Bai Baoguo's voice.

He remembered that in the year 97, there was a karaoke competition held in the city, he couldn't remember how many rewards there were, but he just remembered that there were a lot of people on the day of the competition. Other than Bai Baoguo, all of them were young people in their early twenties.

That's right, Bai Baoguo had truly participated in this competition, and he was the first person to go up on stage.

Upon hearing the host introduce the contestants' names, many of the lackeys below were shocked.

Fuck, he's Bai Baoguo?!

Master Wu was fully aware of the power of Bai Baoguo's voice, he immediately chose a place far away from the stage that Bai Baoguo could see, and then waved his hands to cheer him on.

At that time, the song Bai Baoguo was singing was "The Chinese", it was the song sung by Liu Dehua the same year, and he could still be considered as a old bloke standing at the forefront of the trend.

When he shouted out the first line of the lyrics "5000 years", countless of people present felt deaf. Fuck, was there even a need for such a volume amplifier?!

This was not the most exaggerated point.

According to the Master Wu, the few youngsters standing next to the audio system were immediately stunned by Bai Baoguo's shout.

Really, I'm not exaggerating this point. I was knocked unconscious by the sound wave.

Wang Qingshan, who had specially come to support his old friend, chose to leave this place without saying anything further. After a few hours, he couldn't help but give Bai Baoguo a call.

"Bai Baoguo, Bai Baoguo, are you going to sing or kill people?"

Many people would never forget that day, even if it was now 2014, if you went to that city to find a few middle-aged men, they would definitely know about the legendary Hai Cheng Ge Wang Bai Baoguo.

Back to the main topic.

It was also because Bai Baoguo's voice was too loud, that the one thing that the mute guy was most afraid of was Bai Baoguo scolding him. Therefore, when he saw Bai Baoguo glaring at him, he very experienced lowered his head and quietly waited for's orders.

"Master Wu, go and blow the whistle for our men. Prepare six more trucks." Bai Baoguo stood up, and fury slowly surfaced on his face: "Fuck, today this daddy will bring some people to plunder Da Ke's old nest!"

The Master Wu nodded his head. Then, he stood up and went to the hall through the betting booth, and started to arrange everything in an orderly manner.

At the same time.

Second Brother and Stupid Brother had already reached the corner of Great South Street, which was less than three kilometers away from Bai Baoguo's base camp.

Originally, the person who charged protection fees in this place had always been Bai Baoguo. However, two days ago, Da Ke had completely disregarded the rules and stepped in with his people, then personally stabbed two of Bai Baoguo's people to death with his blade.

"After this street is our 'Fu Ji'." These were Da Ke's original words, and also the reason why he angered Bai Baoguo.

The hoodlum who brought Second Brother and the others here stopped and pointed at Ballroom who was not far away, then respectfully said to Second Brother: "That is where the negotiations will be held today."

"How many people did he bring?" Second Brother looked around the street and could not help but ask.

"Just a few." That bastard said uncertainly: "Anyways, that's what the watchman said, Baobao didn't tell you?"

Second Brother shook his head: "Baobao told us about it, but now I feel that something isn't right. We haven't seen any hooligans in this street, don't you think that's strange?"

Hearing this, the lackey also looked around the street in confusion. After looking for a long time, he still wasn't able to figure out what was going on.

"It's almost time, shall we go in first?"

"Alright." The second brother nodded, "Why can't we just mess this up? Since it's a negotiation, there shouldn't be any fights."

A few minutes later, the hooligan walked into the Ballroom with second brother. Originally, he wanted to find a waiter to ask where the other person's people were, but after entering, they were stunned.

There were no customers in the hall of Ballroom, not even waiters. There were only seven people waiting there.

Judging from their attire and the tattoos on their arms, they should be the negotiators of "Fu Ji".

The one with braids in his early thirties should be the leader, because he was the only one sitting on the chair, while the other six were standing, the leader clearly visible.

"He's here." That bastard scratched his head with his hands, looking at and the others who had just walked into the great hall with an impatient expression: "Where is that old bastard Bai Baoguo?"

"The Baobao did not come. He asked me to come and talk to you." Second Brother spoke in a neither haughty nor humble manner, and when he thought of Master Wu's nagging before their departure, he forced himself to become stubborn: "Who are you?"

"Brother Da Ke's subordinates are dirty." Then, he politely asked his second brother, "Which grandson are you?"

"Little Northeast." Second Brother walked over and pulled out a chair to sit down, feeling slightly nervous.

This is my first time negotiating with someone, I can't afford to embarrass myself, I have to stay steady and be strong …

Bracelet picked up his glass and splashed the wine all over his brother's face.

"Where's my face?" Dirty Braid looked at his second brother who was in a sorry state, without a care for the Stupid Brother who was staring at him angrily, calmly allowed his subordinates to pour him a cup of wine, and asked him, "Bai Baoguo, you must be tired of living, right? You want a bastard like you to put on a stage and sing a play with me? "

Stupid Brother could not hold it in anymore and took a step forward to take action. However, what welcomed his punch were two black muzzles.

"God damn, you don't know how to bring people to meet me?"

Cold sweat had already appeared on second brother's back. He carefully looked at the 5 combo in the other side's hands and felt helpless. He knew that he had made a mistake today.

"I heard you're pretty good at fighting, why don't you try moving now?" Dirty Braid stood up and splashed wine all over Second Brother's face. Then, he smashed the wine cup on Second Brother's head.

After the glass shattered, a few cuts appeared on second brother's forehead, blood mixed with wine and flowed down.

"Kneel." Dirty Braid yawned and said with a bored expression, "Or I'll let you listen to the gunshot."

"You're courting death!"

Stupid Brother growled. Looking at his expression, he really wanted to charge forward and dirty his hair, but he was a normal person after all.

People would die if they heard the gunshot. Stupid Brother knew this.

"Three people and you dared to come to me to negotiate? Then I'll be fucked, causing me to prepare so many brothers." Dirty Bracelet whistled, and twenty to thirty people rushed down from upstairs, surrounding Second Brother and the others.

"I'll say it again."

Dirty Bracelet took the five combo hair from his subordinate and aimed it at second brother's head.


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