Doggish Jianghu/C29 Access channel
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Doggish Jianghu/C29 Access channel
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"Is he dead?" Bai Baoguo walked to Second Brother's side and lightly kicked him. "F * ck off, hurry up and get up."

The unconscious Second Brother shivered before slowly opening his eyes. He sat up with a wry smile, no longer showing any signs of wanting to be a corpse.

"Baobao, your attacks are really heavy." Second Brother said in a muffled voice while rubbing his still bleeding nose.

"I can't not beat you, at least I have to trick the Uncle TungYong." Bai Baoguo squatted down, took out a cigarette, and passed it to Second Brother: "They also know that we are acting, but no one said anything, since I am giving face to Uncle TungYong, and Uncle TungYong knows that we are acting, but he did not speak, so the fox did not say anything.

Second Brother looked at the badly mutilated corpse beside him and shivered.

"The sandpiper and clam fight, the fisherman will reap the rewards. The Uncle TungYong has made a huge profit. Fuck!" Bai Baoguo shook his head and left with the cigarette in his mouth.

Seeing that Bai Baoguo had left, second brother also anxiously stood up to follow, but when he reached the stairs, he could not help but look at the corpse on the floor.

"Life is really not worth much …" "Just like that, I killed a …" Second Brother felt a little cold all over his body. Perhaps this was the result of excessive bleeding from his nose, or perhaps Second Brother was afraid.

Helping Bai Baoguo was a blessing, but this dao was too dangerous! If Bai Baoguo was not present today! Wasn't he the one who died?!

Thinking about the scene of being surrounded by the dirty braid that day, second brother couldn't help but feel a little guilty.

To be honest, fear of this kind of negative emotion everyone has, but everyone is afraid of this different point.

After going through so many life and death situations, he still had to continue on this path. How could he not be afraid?

"I need to find a chance to talk to Baobao … "It's better to bring him back to his hometown …" Second brother thought as he hurried downstairs.

He never thought that all of these negative emotions, as well as the thought of going home, would be shattered by Bai Baoguo in less than ten minutes.

One of them was driven by a mute, while the other was one of the old bloke s under Bai Baoguo's command.

After seeing second brother's swollen face, Stupid Brother's expression changed. He walked over to second brother's side and asked: "Who did it?"

"Didn't you see them fly down from upstairs?" The second brother said helplessly, "If we don't suffer any losses, then we have profited."

Stupid Brother recalled, recalling the scene when he flew in, he nodded: "Alright, we did profit from it."

Seeing Stupid Brother's foolish smile, second brother could only shake his head, and follow Bai Baoguo onto a van at the back. Stupid Brother also happily followed along.

The mute was riding in the car in front, and the direction he was heading towards was not the direction of the bet, but to do things according to Bai Baoguo's explanation.

"Tomorrow is the first of September." With a cigarette in his mouth, Bai Baoguo pulled out a leather bag from under the seat. After unzipping it, he placed his hand inside and tapped on it for a while, then took out a stack of money.

"Around eight thousand. This is yours." Bai Baoguo said as he passed the money to Second Brother.

When Second Brother saw the pile of money, he could not help but become excited. When he wanted to extend his hand to receive it, Second Brother still courteously said, "So much …. "This isn't so good …"

"Ah, don't want me to put it away." Bai Baoguo nodded his head benevolently, and acted as if he was going to put the money back in his bag, but Stupid Brother quickly stopped him, and said with a face full of smiles: "Yes! I have to! "

"See how direct your little brother is, you can act cool." Bai Baoguo glared at Second Brother before handing the money over to Stupid Brother. He then took out a stack of money from his bag, which was tied up with a rubber band.

This bundle of money should be more than 10,000 yuan.

"Get rid of Old Teeth. This is a reward for you. Laozi has long disliked that idiot." Bai Baoguo leaned back in his chair, his face full of enjoyment: "Originally, I shouldn't have given you the money since you were embarrassed, but I think, you should be able to get your face back."

Second brother smiled and didn't say anything, but a trace of anger toward the dirty braid flashed across his eyes.

"Take the lead tonight, bring this Big Idiot along and help this daddy do my dirty braiding." Bai Baoguo clenched his teeth, his expression extremely fearful: "Dammit, if you really want to stomp on me, you have to stomp on my people, today you must teach the grandchildren of Fu Ji a lesson."

"Take off your dirty braids and blow Ballroom up." Bai Baoguo said: "That place is quite far from us, it would be difficult to defend."

"Just the two of us?" The most he thought of was to sneak attack, or to find some dirty braids to block him on the way, but he didn't dare to think of directly attacking the enemy's base camp.

"No, lead the way. Fifty people." Bai Baoguo turned his head, scolding angrily as though he was threatening: "I can't do this! I'll kill you all! "F * ck!"

Second Brother nodded and smiled confidently, "As long as we cover his dirty hair, he won't be able to run away."

"This money is so easy to earn. It's much better than when I was a laborer." Stupid Brother counted the money and said excitedly: "If we continue earning like this for another year, we will be able to build a few houses back home."

"This bit of money is f * cking money?" Bai Baoguo contemptuously said: "As long as you do things beautifully and bring honor to this daddy, giving you guys another fifty to sixty thousand would not be a problem."

"So many …" Second Brother suppressed the thought of talking to Bai Baoguo and could not help but be surprised.

This path is very risky and the rewards are great as well. However, it isn't a good thing for them to not spend any of their money …

Second brother was at a loss.

"I know that your hearts aren't in this place, but I still want to talk too much." Bai Baoguo tilted his head slightly, looking at the quickly changing scenery outside the window, he spoke with a serious tone: "You guys can go back and grow land, you know how much money you earn every year, here, you can earn a lot of money other people can't, because you guys have the ability!"

Bai Baoguo's last sentence instantly conquered the Stupid Brother, because he felt comfortable listening to them.

Not only the Stupid Brother felt that way, even second brother felt the same way.

A soldier dies for his own savior.

The two peasant kids, who were often looked down upon in the city, were able to have a person of high status sincerely say these words to them. Furthermore, they were not fawning on them in the slightest.

"I'm lacking people, you guys stay here and help me. I have plenty of money." Bai Baoguo laughed: "You all know what I did, I have done many heartless things, but you all can choose not to do it, all you need to do is help me organize the people."

"Is this a killer?" Second Brother asked with a wry smile. Wasn't it a killer who used money to help people?

"You can say that as well, but all of you are relying on your ability to earn money. It's not shameful at all." Bai Baoguo spoke straightforwardly, and went straight to the point with second brother: "A man can only live this long, if you don't fight for it, it will be a shame for your entire life."

Second Brother did not say anything else as he fell into deep thought.

"I don't think you should have a mediocre past in this life. F * ck, men only live for one breath!" As Bai Baoguo said this, he suddenly clapped his hands, as if he had thought of something. "I can tell that you two are not mediocre people.

Hearing Bai Baoguo's gentle words, both Second Brother and Stupid Brother expressed that they didn't really understand, but they could understand what he meant.

"The boss has become a cultured person." Master Wu could not hold back his laughter.

These words were all said by the Master Wu to Bai Baoguo a long time ago, it's just that the golden scales within his words were mute, and not Second Brother.

Although it had been a long time, Bai Baoguo still remembered, because he felt that these words were too fitting to describe second brother.

"Alright …" Second brother hesitated and said: "Baobao, you think highly of us two brothers. I have to thank you for that, as long as you don't let me do things against the law with my brother …"

These words sounded very contradictory. Hadn't I done this a few times before?

The more second brother spoke, the more conflicted he became.

"F * ck, if you don't know how to speak, then shut up." Bai Baoguo laughed until his eyes were squinted, "Do your best. There will be a day when no one in this city will be able to recognize you.

"Thank you, Baobao …"

No matter what age, money was the most attractive thing. Money could make people lose their minds, let alone that second brother who had never seen so much money before.

Second Brother and Stupid Brother were both children who grew up in poverty. They knew how terrifying the word poverty was, so they were greedy.

I admire them for this, because they are all very open to their greed, never hypocritically concealing it, and are much better than a lot of people who speak of morals.

During the Spring Festival in 2014, second brother, Stupid Brother and I sat on the kang in the northeast, and talked about this matter.

"Second Brother, do you hate Bai Baoguo bringing you along?" I asked him seriously.

"To be honest, I don't hate him for bringing me into the Dao. I just want to thank him." The Second Brother's smile was very relaxed, as if he was not talking about Bai Baoguo, the enemy that had ruined his life.

After receiving the answer, I was still puzzled. I could only continue asking, "If he didn't bring you into the Dao, would you end up in a miserable state?"

After all, he did save me and your Stupid Brother once before. If he had some relationship with the contractor to protect us, I'm afraid that I am either dead or still in prison, so I do not hate him. After Second Brother said that, he picked up a peanut from the table and peeled it off, then threw it into his mouth: "In the end, it's not his fault. We can only blame your Stupid Brother and I for our greed. We are too poor."

He was clear on grudges and grudges, not only did he decide whether to hate or hate just from looking at the situation. This was indeed second brother's temper.

Maybe because he was a straightforward person, Bai Baoguo had never been on his guard against him, but had sincerely kept his second brother and Stupid Brother by his side, using them as Bai Baoguo's real trump card.

Without him protecting us, there would be no future events. Whether we would earn a lot of money in the underworld and live a heartless life, or be sent to jail by the contractor to 'commit suicide', I will definitely choose the former. After all, it is better to die than to live on … "

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