Doggish Jianghu/C31 Whistle
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Doggish Jianghu/C31 Whistle
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C31 Whistle

The internal conflict in "Donghe Gui" seemed to have been resolved, at least from the perspective of an outsider.

Right now, the old cunning fox and Bai Baoguo's forces were almost worn out, with at least a dozen people dying on both sides. Just the bail that was dropped in the police station was not a small number, not to mention the large sum of family and medical fees.

On the afternoon of the same day in the teahouse, Uncle TungYong displayed his usual steel-blooded attitude. In a few short hours, the old cunning fox and Bai Baoguo had lost almost half of their subordinates.

Many people have received his own subordinates, the United States name to stop the internal strife of his subordinates.

Master Wu, old fox, Bai Baoguo, these three smart people were all sighing with emotion. Uncle TungYong had played too deeply with this move.

In the beginning, he had no way of holding back the old cunning fox's strength, because he did not have any reason to do so. However, after he displayed his weakness, the old cunning fox and Bai Baoguo had a falling out.

Mingxiu walked on the road and secretly worked on Chen Cang.

With just one move from Uncle TungYong, the situation of « East Peace Gui » stabilized.

In the end, even after Bai Baoguo and the others had messed around for a few years, the victor was still that old Uncle TungYong.

But, in the eyes of the Master Wu, it was just digging his own grave. It might not be long before he would...

"Take this with you." Master Wu threw two of the five squads to Second Brother and the rest, and nodded his head: "The bullets are all filled up, each gun has five. You guys can use them yourselves."

The second brother nodded and played with the 5 combo in his hands curiously. This was the first time he had seen it with his own hands.

"But I advise you not to use a gun." Master Wu said sincerely.

"You don't need a knife to use a spear?" "There are people with guns on the other side …" Stupid Brother asked curiously.

"The gun is a bit ruthless. It's just a fight, there's no need to kill people." Second brother said objectively.

"That's right. If you want people to admire you, then use a blade." Master Wu pointed to the blade on the table: "The spear will only make people afraid of you, the blade will make people submit to you, when the opponent does not move, you guys better not use it either."

Second Brother thought for a while and finally agreed.

"You will understand in the future." The Master Wu sighed, then laughed at himself: "At the beginning I was like all of you, thinking that this is an era, it's better to use a spear than a blade, but do you know what the Baobao told me?"

"What did he say?"

"The underworld is the underworld, isn't there a war between nations, there's no need to kill yourself, leave everything else aside, using guns will take one's life, don't you see that all gangs in the underworld use machetes?" It's easy to kill people with a dagger, so you don't need to fight in a group with a dagger. " Master Wu caressed the machete on the table: "The underworld is doing it for money, they are making money for good, if we fight, there is no need for you to fight to the death."

Second Brother and Stupid Brother did not understand, but they only remembered that sentence.

Seeing that they did not understand, Master Wu laughed: "Do you know of Great Prince Wang Qing Shan?"

"This name sounds a little familiar …" Second Brother frowned.

"Aiyah, I remember! Isn't Wang Qingshan the same person we met in the restaurant when we were hiding from the public security? "

After being reminded like this, Second Brother instantly remembered the middle-aged man with the northeastern accent.

"You know him?" Master Wu was a little surprised.

"I've only met him once. It's hard to say if I know him or not." Second Brother nodded.

Master Wu laughed, his eyes had a tinge of fear, as if he had thought of something terrifying.

"Great Prince is a nickname given to him by the underworld. There are also people who call him the King of the Northeast, but he still calls himself Wang Qingshan." Master Wu said softly: In the Xinhe district, the name Wang Qing Shan is even more terrifying than his nickname. There are people in our city that are not afraid of the Baobao, but none of them are not afraid of Wang Qing Shan.

"Everyone is afraid of him, but everyone admires him. God damn, he can really hit me." Master Wu could not help but curse.

"How much can you fight?" His second brother was very curious about this problem because they were both from the same village in the Northeast, and to be honest, he felt that he had a lot of face since they were both from the same village in the Northeast.

"So it turns out that the Baobao had a grudge with him. We were blocked on the second day." Master Wu laughed bitterly: "I, Mute, Baobao, and the nine hooligans that we brought along, were blocked by him alone."

"And then?"

"Two of them were hacked to death by Wang Qingshan on the spot. When the Baobao was stabbed, Wang Qingshan pulled out his blade and the intestines of the Baobao appeared. However, because his life was too tough, he did not die." Master Wu had a face full of lingering fear: "Four of the mute's ribs were broken by Wang Qingshan's kick, I think I'm the only one here that's still fine."

"You ran?" Second brother asked doubtfully, thinking that only in this kind of situation would Master Wu be able to survive.

With his gentle and weak appearance, second brother thought he could easily slap him until he fainted.

"No, Wang Qingshan said that it would be a shame if he didn't beat up an iron-clad scholar like me." Master Wu said helplessly: "In Xinhe district, I admire only two people. One is Baobao, and the second is Wang Qingshan. He really isn't an ordinary person."

"We can do it with just these few people." Stupid Brother unhappily said: "Look at how scared you are, speaking of this matter, your face has turned white, are you afraid of the side effects?"

"Five of us had guns that day, but Wang Qingshan didn't get shot. He charged into the crowd and killed us. One of us was about to shoot him, but he cut his hand off." The Master Wu was not affected by Stupid Brother's words. He smiled and shrugged: "After Baobao told us this, if you want to deal with Wang Qingshan, then don't let him get any closer. Otherwise, no matter how many guns you have, it won't work."

Stupid Brother was speechless, his face was full of an expression of disbelief.

"I remember the Baobao saying, there is someone in Wang Qingshan's family who is a guerrilla, and the way to cut people is taught by his family." Master Wu clicked his tongue. "The machete he uses is different from normal machetes, it's the kind that works like killing devils in anti-Japanese movies. His head is pointed, and a red cloth is tied to the back of the machete hilt.

Just as Master Wu was about to say something, the mute suddenly pushed open the door and walked in, gesturing with his hands towards Master Wu.

"The person is ready. The LPG tank will be delivered in a while by car with the mutes. Take your people and lead the way." Master Wu nodded at Second Brother: "Don't embarrass Baobao."

"What about you?" The second brother asked curiously, "Are you not going to take a look at the situation?"

"Don't. I'm afraid of death. I'll stay behind and cheer for you guys." The Master Wu laughed heartily, not concealing the slightest bit of his cowardice, "Wait for your return, I'll treat you guys to a supper tonight. The four of us can go out to eat something good."

"He should be back in two hours. If he's fast, he might be back in an hour." The second brother joked as he placed the five combo into the long bag Master Wu had prepared for them. He also stuffed the machete into the bag along the way, "The other party will not move, and we won't move either. Don't worry."

Stupid Brother also imitated second brother as he organized his equipment. After that, he smiled and said in a serious tone, "Tonight, I want to eat seafood that is in my way."

"No problem." Master Wu was also amused by Stupid Brother: "What do you want to eat? I'll treat you whatever you want. Go quickly."

"Let's go." Second brother waved his hand and led Stupid Brother out.

There were no longer any pedestrians on the street outside the gambling booth. There were over fifty bullies standing by the side of the street, smoking, and squatting down to chat with the people around them. Everyone was filled with excitement.

Chopping people was a good thing for hooligans like them. Unless they were cowards, they would still feel excited about these things.

No matter what, this was a way to become famous. Once famous, one could earn money and bring along a large group of people to act tough. These were the dreams of countless hoodlums.

"Northeast Brother, the car is ready. Shall we go over now?" A middle-aged hooligan came over and asked his second brother.

"Sure, can you finish the two trucks?"

"It's fine, our trucks are big, and we all go standing, so it won't be too crowded." The punk smiled.

With that, the hooligan ran to the side of the street and shouted, "Gather!"

F * ck me.

When his second brother heard the words "gathered", he could not help but think of the class that he had attended when he was young, and how the class monitor would yell every time he heard it.

Hearing someone call a group, these hooligans all ran over in a very orderly manner. Almost all of them had a bunch of things in their hands.

"This is the Northeast Brother! This is the Stupid Brother! " The old bloke who called the gathering shouted to the group of hoodlums: "Today, they are the first sheep that brought us to ruin the place! Baobao said to go there and listen to the orders of these two big brothers! Do you hear me? "

"I heard it!"

Seeing that everyone nodded, old bloke smiled and asked Second Brother: "Why don't you say a few words to everyone?"

"Why does this sound like a teacher lecturing …" Stupid Brother started to mutter, then was stared at by second brother until he didn't dare to make a sound.

"Let's go and mess things up today, we have to …"

It was the first time second brother spoke in front of so many people so he couldn't help but be a little nervous. After that, he realized that he had already forgotten his words in embarrassment. He had even thought of something just now …

In the end, Stupid Brother was the one who saved the situation. Of course, his words that carried the accent of the Northeast made everyone laugh.

"Damn it!" Meet and do it! "If you're going, just screw that bastard Bracelet!"

Two large trucks carrying more than fifty hooligans, with a loud rumble, they sped towards the direction of Ballroom.

In the car, Second Brother felt his heartbeat quicken uncontrollably, and his hands began to tremble.

"Northeast Brother, we can't let that dirty braid escape, it's not easy to stop this brain."

"Don't worry, he won't be able to escape." Second Brother leaned back in his chair with a smile on his face, "Fuck, today we will teach him how to conduct himself!"

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