Doggish Jianghu/C32 Start
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Doggish Jianghu/C32 Start
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C32 Start

Because of second brother's surprise attack, not to mention the dirty braid, even the sanitation workers three streets away heard about it. Today, Donghe Gui was going to chop people.

Just like this, when second brother's truck stopped, almost all the waiters and mistresses in Ballroom left this place. The only ones left were the hoodlums carrying those guys.

"Fu Ji" was going to have a death match with "Donghe Gui" today. The leaders on both sides were not people of high status. They were all dirty braids and second brothers, the kind of bastards who were like red sticks.

Everyone in the underworld was focused on this place. They probably wanted to see just what kind of fight would end up like.

"There are more than 80 of them on the other side. They're 30 higher than us." The guy who was driving jumped down from the car. When he saw the situation turn bad, he wasn't afraid at all. Just like the other guys, he used transparent adhesive tape to wrap around the knife handle in his hand.

There was only one advantage to doing so, and that was to ensure that the knife would not fall out of his hand.

At least he wouldn't fall to the ground from exhaustion when he was slashing, and at least he wouldn't be chopped up by a stronger person and sent flying.

"Are there still people behind to support them?"

"Nope, the closest 'Fu Ji' is Da Ke's, it's even farther than our gambling house." That bastard laughed: "If they had called people over, Master Wu would have definitely arranged for people to come over too."

"Fifty against eighty. That's a little difficult." The bastard added, "Should we call for someone?"

"Don't, if you see us not fighting, then the grandson will definitely rush over to fight us." The second brother shook his head, "Fighting is just like fighting. If we call for help, it means we have to be terrified. They will definitely beat us to death."

With that, Second Brother looked at Stupid Brother, who was learning to tie knives with his hands, and reminded him: "In a while, when we fight, we will still follow the rules."

"Yes, keep an eye on the opposing leader." Stupid Brother said as he tugged on the head of the transparent tape.

Beating more people meant scaring people, and fighting less people meant fighting to the death. This was something second brother had learned over the years.

In that battle in the village, he gave his second brother and the others at least a thousand experience points. When there were few people fighting, they would stare at the leader and beat him to death. By the time he laid down on the other side, the other side would have already lost.

"Little Northeast! Fuck you! Didn't you get cleaned up enough by laozi that day? "

Dirty Brick was holding a machete in his hand and began cursing from twenty meters away. His voice was loud, and it was likely that he wanted to use what had happened that day to shake the morale of his second brother and the others.

"Dirty braid!" You f * cking have the guts to not run! " roared the second brother at the top of his lungs.

Hearing this, Dirty Braid also laughed, thinking to himself, I have so many people on my side, and I'm still running JB?!

The night wind was very cold, but the bullies standing under the neon lights only felt a wave of heat.

Both sides had already started cursing. Perhaps this was one of the tasks of these hooligans. They would curse before they attacked, scolding themselves first before attacking.

Seeing that he was ready, second brother raised the machete in his hand and roared with a ferocious expression.

"F * ck!"

The two sides had a total of more than a hundred people. With a loud roar, they charged to the middle of the street carrying the fellows, causing the blades to land on the enemies' bodies.

At this moment, the bloody battle led by the Little Northeast of "Donghui" and "Fu Ji" had completely begun.

Second Brother and Stupid Brother have a unique characteristic when fighting with each other, they would never follow behind others. In my memory, for every fight with numerous people, they would always be the two people standing at the front.

This time was no exception.

When the two sides started clashing, second brother was the first to collide with the people from "Fu Ji". At that time, he did not immediately use his blade, but used a side kick to send the person in front of him flying, and that person started to cough out blood the moment he landed on the ground.

As a human, he would remember the words of the Master Wu.

Second Brother had said afterwards that he didn't want to kill those innocent grandsons, so he wanted to do something to that bastard, only that was all.

As the saying goes, when enemies meet, their eyes will turn red. When they saw their second brother running in their direction, their dirty braid's eyeballs also turned red as they rushed towards that direction.

Not to mention spending money that was enough to make his heart ache for a year, he was even scolded by Da Ke like a dog that had its head drenched in blood.

Right now, other than wanting to kill Bai Baoguo, this sinister old scum, the only other thing he wanted to do was to kill Second Brother and the others to vent his anger.

If second brother and the rest did not attract his attention, would his reputation be destroyed?

"Damn it!" Hack that leader to death! "

"Don't let Little Northeast escape! They don't have as many people as we do! Kill them all! "

When Stupid Brother saw the lackey who was not too far away from him yell that out, he relied on his tall and sturdy advantage to rush to the front of the man and raised his hand to stab him.

As I said before, the Stupid Brother has a lot of strength and can be considered to be a type of innate strange strength.

When the bastard was cut, I think he had a new understanding.

The blade was directly embedded into the man's head. The skull was very solid, but it still could not withstand Stupid Brother's blade.

Although his brain did not burst out, the grandson was still suffering from concussion, his eyelids flipping over as he fell backwards, Stupid Brother took the chance and stepped on the man, using his force, the blade was pulled out from the man's head.

If second brother was here, he would probably have to cut him a few times.

"F * ck, I have a grandson like you that day." Stupid Brother cursed. Seeing that the surrounding people were surrounding him, he felt at ease.

It's nothing. Just five.

Stupid Brother roared and raised his blade.


There was a difference between a professional gangster and an ordinary gangster, especially when both sides were playing, the difference could easily be seen.

Ordinary hooligans who fought in groups only needed to talk and run when they saw that there were dozens more people on their side.

They were all experienced players and knew that they might not be able to run away even if they ran away at this time. They were the ones who lost and it would be better to take out their sabers and fight their opponents.

With fewer people fighting, there were many examples of people winning. This was a common occurrence in the underworld.

In the beginning, the number of hooligans under Bai Baoguo's command had far surpassed that of the《 Fu Ji》 Da Ke. However, after clashing with the old cunning fox, a portion of his subordinates had already been killed, not to mention that quite a few of them had been taken advantage of by the Uncle TungYong today.

Right now, Bai Baoguo was truly not a match for Da Ke, but the quality of the lackeys was still better than Da Ke's.

Da Ke's lackeys were too trash, especially this type of trash with dirty braids.

Dirty Braid was young and his clothes were fashionable, so most of the guys with him were young. Most of them were in their early twenties, and only a small portion of them were young.

But for Bai Baoguo, it was different. Some of them were in their twenties, but there were even more of them in their thirties or forties.

Just based on quality alone, these dirty braids were a bunch of scum with less than five points in fighting strength.

Normally, this group of youngsters would have dared to go head to head against someone with their temper alone. However, I estimate that quite a few of the youngsters would piss their pants in fright from these old dregs.

"Dirty braid!" The second brother chopped down the bastard who was blocking his way. His eyes were bloodshot as he stared at the figure that was no more than five meters away from him. His angry roar was enough to make people tremble with fear. "F * ck your mother!"

Although second brother's skill was not bad and had learned a lot from his many years of fighting and crawling, there were too many people surrounding him. He had also taken three or four cuts, but fortunately, they were not fatal, and they all landed on his back.

At this moment, he was like a man made of blood. His face, arms, and blade were all filled with the blood of his enemies.

Seeing her second brother like this, it wasn't an exaggeration to say that her dirty braid had been scared off.

"Damn it!" A single person dashing to my side is not dead?! " Dirty Brat muttered in his heart as he looked at his second brother in bewilderment. His footsteps slowly retreated. "Is this even a fucking human?!"

"Little Northeast, you motherf * * king don't run!"

Dirty Braid was still backing away, shouting, "Cut him down! Don't let him get away! "

To tell the truth, is Dirty Braid a coward? Absolutely not.

If he was a coward, then he would definitely not be where he is today. Perhaps this was the only time in his life that he felt fear.

Second Brother indeed scared him.

In the chaos, a lot of people from "Fu Ji" had run away. These people were usually young, because they only wanted to leave this place that could kill them, and did not think about what would happen to them in the future.

Da Ke was a vicious and merciless person, he had never been lenient towards deserters.

He recalled that in the year 97, there were a few youths who ran off in a group fight. After that, they were caught by Da Ke the next day and their tendons were actually broken.

"Damn it!" "Why are you running!" Dirty Braid was so angry that he almost went mad. He looked at those young hooligans who were rolling and crawling as they ran, wishing that he could just rush forward and understand them one by one.

"Fu Ji is full of cowards! Brothers, don't hold back! "Kill these bastards!"

"F * ck!" Trying to compete with our 'Donghe Gui' is courting death! "

"Quickly follow Northeast Brother! He and Stupid Brother had already rushed to the group of people opposite of them! "Hurry up and catch up!"

Under the leadership of their second brother, the bastards of "Donghe Gui" fought bravely.

Their laughter and shouts seemed to resound throughout the entire street that was filled with neon lights.

At this time, there were already many people lying on the ground. Ninety percent of them were heavily injured, while some feigned death due to minor injuries.

There were eight people killed on the spot in < Fu Ji >. On the other hand, only two people had died in < East Peace Guest >. No matter what, this could be considered a huge gain.

Dirty Braid thought for a moment, then suppressed the urge to run away.

Damn it, with more people beating him up and him getting chased away, if he were to go back to the hall, he would definitely be skinned alive by Brother Da Ke.

Dirty Braid retreated as he thought about it. Suddenly, he felt someone tugging at his hand, tightly tugging at it.

"Grandson, don't run."

His second brother's smile was very ferocious. The anger in his eyes seemed to foretell the future of his dirty braid.

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