Doggish Jianghu/C40 Large shrinkage
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Doggish Jianghu/C40 Large shrinkage
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C40 Large shrinkage

Night. 11 PM. The ward.

"Baobao, you really fought with all you had. I only said that at the time, I didn't expect you to be so ruthless as to do this." Master Wu looked at the person who was sitting on the bed and smoking with a face full of admiration.

Bai Baoguo chuckled as he smoked, and said without a care. "Half a life in exchange for a lifetime of glory and riches, worth it, it's f * cking worth it."

"Actually, there's no need to be in such a hurry."

"You don't understand that old bastard in our society who wanted to boil frogs in warm water from the beginning." Bai Baoguo shook his head: "He is too poisonous, otherwise he would not be able to sit in that position."

Bai Baoguo was right, and he indeed understood Uncle TungYong very well.

There were many reasons why the Uncle TungYong was showing weakness and it was also very complicated. But one of the main reasons was that he wanted to see how ambitious his subordinates were, and also wanted to see if he would end up doing well if he were to go down there.

After obtaining the answer, he once again rose to prominence. His methods were far more powerful than anyone could have imagined.

Bai Baoguo and the old cunning fox had fought too hard, and they had already been blacklisted on the Uncle TungYong's blacklist.

Even if the Uncle TungYong didn't act against them at the beginning, they would slowly find a chance in the future to get rid of these two wolf-ambitious disciples one by one.

Bai Baoguo was one of the people who had followed the Uncle TungYong from the very beginning, so his understanding of the Uncle TungYong was just too deep. It was also because of this that he did not dare delay any longer, because …

"I'm afraid of death, even more afraid of dying in the hands of Uncle TungYong." Bai Baoguo said without hiding anything, "Rather than being done in by the Uncle TungYong, it would be better to risk one's life."

"Luckily, the things we arranged were not wrong."

Master Wu laughed out in relief: "Baobao, the gun on you isn't that bad, right?"

"It really is an ordinary earthen spear. It's the kind that can be processed easily with just a little bit of technical work." Bai Baoguo exhaled a mouthful of smoke, and laughed with confidence: "Damn it, my bones are strong, the gun in my hand is not heavy, the bullet is stuck in my bone, if it was a gun from the regular army factory, I would not have taken it."

"I've also asked about this. The young men under Fox's command only have this kind of gun." Master Wu laughed: "The hospital has already been settled, Uncle TungYong will definitely ask, but the answer is definitely the same."

"Sure, we'll put them back when they cooperate."

After Bai Baoguo finished, he laid down on the sickbed and looked at the ceiling lazily, and did not speak for a long time.

Before all of this happened, which was three days before the shooting event, the few influential people who could talk in this hospital were invited by Bai Baoguo to have a cup of tea.

That afternoon's tea had made Bai Baoguo very happy, because he had already achieved his goal.

"After kidnapping the families of these few grandsons, wait until the Uncle TungYong's people come here and ask about my condition, then we can release them." This was what Bai Baoguo had told Master Wu at the beginning, and it was also an extremely simple and convenient way to do things.

It was an old saying in the '80s that no one dared to play the same trick in the' 90s. That would be courting death.

Bai Baoguo thought about all of these things, and his expression became more relaxed.

"They will say that my hand is completely crippled. Uncle TungYong has personally witnessed the wound, as long as these doctors cooperate …"

"As long as Uncle TungYong believes that you are useless, he will definitely deal with the old cunning fox." Master Wu said with certainty: "To him, Bai Baoguo, who is already crippled, is definitely not comparable to the old cunning fox."

"The fox is too much of a threat to him."

"Right now, he probably wants to sit back and watch the battle. Wait until we fight to the death with the fox, he'll come out and save us." Master Wu closed his eyes and rubbed his temples as he slowly said, "He believes that after you become crippled, you will stand by our side. Even if you don't help us too much, you will still more or less side with us."

With that, the Master Wu stood up and slowly walked to the window of the ward.

Looking at the bright moon in the sky, Master Wu was stunned for a moment, then said: "I can guess how the old fox's next chess game will go."

"Tell me about it."

"Creating from nothing. We've already succeeded in this move. I'm afraid that even if this old fox jumped into the Yellow River, he wouldn't be able to clean himself." Master Wu slowly said: "The people who want to kill you are the most famous people under his command, they are all hot-blooded youths who want to quickly ascend to the next rank. It is not strange for them to kill you."

"Actually, I want to know how you made them attack me." Bai Baoguo asked curiously.

"It's simple, this is something that we did alone. According to my arrangements, he accidentally revealed your position when they finished their drinks and left the bar." When the Master Wu said this word, his tone became a little more serious. "Howl a few more times and you'll be able to get on after dealing with Bai Baoguo. Then, hurriedly pretend to take people to deal with you."

"How are you sure they'll do it that day?"

"I'm betting on it. If we lose, we won't lose anything. We can just look for another chance." The Master Wu shrugged his shoulders, "Luckily they were all very anxious for their position. Furthermore, they also drank a lot of wine that day, otherwise, it would not be so easy for me to play this chess piece."

Just as the Master Wu had said, the three murderers who wanted to kill Bai Baoguo were all young men, the kind that would ignore anything even if they were hot-blooded.

Normally, when fighting, he would be extremely brave and fierce, and he even liked to talk with his spear. This kind of person was a target that the Master Wu needed to use.

"I have investigated their guns before and told Baobao about it too." Master Wu laughed: "Everything is going smoothly, let's start with chess, creating something out of nothing has already been done, the second chess game has only started today."

Bai Baoguo nodded his head, and said word by word with a smile: "Using a knife to kill."

On the surface, we are blades, and the ones we kill are foxes. However, there is a blade that can truly kill people secretly helping us, and this person is naturally the Uncle TungYong.

"If he wants to change dynasties, you don't need to think about it to guess. According to his plan, both you and the fox will die, and then his trusted aides will be able to sit in a stable position." Master Wu lightly tapped his head with his finger, revealing a wise and farsighted expression: "This chess game is very toxic, but it's also very weak."

"His influence is much greater than ours. It's not easy to deal with him." Bai Baoguo could not help but frown as he spoke till this point.

Master Wu looked up at the moon outside the window and asked softly, "Baobao, do you remember the time you saved me?"

"I remember, you really didn't lose face back then, you …" Bai Baoguo suddenly shut his mouth, because at this time, he had already realized that the events of that day had indeed left too deep of a scar on the Master Wu's heart.

The reason why the Master Wu turned from a good-for-nothing university student into a very dark Grand Master was probably because of that matter.

"You saved me once, and you even showed me kindness of knowing what is good for you." Master Wu smiled: "I owe you my entire life, so I will definitely help you fulfill your dream. It's extremely difficult for you to become the biggest flag in 'Donghe Aristocrat', but it is barely possible for me, because I have already decided what to do next …"

After that, Master Wu gave Bai Baoguo a general summary of the following steps.

"Fuck." Bai Baoguo could not help but exclaim: "You are even f * * king more sinister than me …"

"To deal with the old fox, this is the only way, we can fight the people from the old fox's side now, but we definitely cannot let the old fox die in the hands of the Uncle TungYong. It's easier for us to win if he's alive, but if he dies, it'll be troublesome." The Master Wu sighed, "This time, the fox is probably going to die. He is a smart person, the next step is definitely to kill you and force the hell out of Uncle TungYong."

"So he's coming to the hospital to repair my knife?"

"That should be the case." Master Wu nodded his head: "He definitely won't come tonight. The hall has too many things to handle, I think he would probably be busy to death.

"This time, our acting is not bad, but don't let Mute and the others know, especially Little Northeast, his temper is too direct, and will easily expose his weak points." Bai Baoguo gloomily scolded: "God damn, you're just like that idiot Wang Qingshan. Wang Qingshan definitely believes that I was killed by a fox."

"Probably." Master Wu was also amused by his words.

At that time, both he and Bai Baoguo had never thought that on that night, the entire Xinhe district, which was part of the fox's territory, would be shot by Bai Baoguo and that incident ignited a fire of war.

That night, at around 11 PM, Second Brother was smoking a cigarette, followed by the mute and Stupid Brother. The three of them got into a taxi and arrived at the closest club, a nightclub that belonged to the fox.

The mute was not on good terms with Stupid Brother, but their relationship with second brother was still pretty good. Maybe it was because second brother was a polite person, but the mute thought that second brother was a pleasing person to look at.

Thus, when second brother mentioned going to the fox's territory, he immediately followed.

"If there are too many people, we can use our guns. If there are too few people, we can use our guns." Second brother said.

"Don't do it, your injuries are worse than mine. If you do it, you might have to open the wound." Stupid Brother said in advance. Hearing this, second brother nodded and agreed.

At this moment, the mute suddenly pulled Second Brother and secretly pointed at the ten or so people standing outside the nightclub's door, making a few gestures.

Naturally, Second Brother could not understand, and could only guess.

"Fox's men?"

The mute nodded.

"Which one of you is the leader?"

The mute pointed at the young man with dyed yellow hair.

"Alright, let's do it." Second Brother brought Mute and the others and walked up, exhorting them, "Don't kill him, he's just sending a message to the fox. It'll be fine if you go and stab him."

This time, the mute did not react and did not seem to hear anything.

In the Xinhe district, there were not many people who could recognize second brother Stupid Brother with a single glance, but there were quite a few who could recognize a mute with a single glance. After all, he was a hoodlum who was born and raised in this city.

Before second brother and co. reached the entrance of the nightclub, the person opposite seemed to have noticed them.

The group of hoodlums exchanged a few words, then entered the nightclub. They took out the machetes hidden behind the counter, and the leader of the hoodlums led the hoodlums towards second brother and the others.

"Mute, what are you doing here?"

"Who are you?" Second brother casually asked.

"Big Slap, I'm following Brother Jin Bao's example." The yellow-hair raised his blade and pointed it at second brother's nose. "Who the f * * k are you?"

"I am Little Northeast." Second Brother replied politely. Then, he took out the Fifth Company's rifle from his bag, raised the muzzle of the gun, and pointed it at the big dent: "Let me stab you?"

"F * ck your mother, you dare to act cool in front of us with a gun?" Yellow-hair replied even more elegantly, "Just let me chop you to death?"

"Come on, it's no use using a gun to bully people. Bro, go smoke a cigarette first." Stupid Brother took out his machete from the bag and walked towards the group of hoodlums with his machete: "This group of people are as thin as monkeys. We can't help but hit them. It'll only take two minutes."

Second Brother thought for a moment. Before he could say anything, the mute took out his dagger and rushed forward.

Before the group could react, the mute raised his dagger and stabbed into the huge, shriveled stomach.

"F * ck, this is killing." The second brother hurriedly rushed forward, thinking to himself, "Dummy is really an animal. He attacked ruthlessly, and charged straight for the kill."

Dummy was a dog, this was something second brother understood on that day. He also understood a principle that had been passed down since ancient times.

A dog that likes to bark doesn't bite, a dog that bites doesn't bark.

If this dumb dog went crazy, no one would be able to stop it.

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