Doggish Jianghu/C41 Qifen
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Doggish Jianghu/C41 Qifen
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C41 Qifen

That night, a lot of things happened, but there were only three things that could interest people in the underworld.

The first was that Big Bull had been stabbed to death in the street with a single stab. The person who had killed him was a mute who belonged to the same category as Big Bold: "Donghe Aristocrat".

In the end, this wasn't a big deal. Everyone would only be interested in this matter and wouldn't be surprised.

After all, everyone knew the relationship between the old cunning fox and Bai Baoguo, and there was even the incident of Bai Baoguo being shot.

The second thing was that the fox's reputation had been ruined by three people.

Six out of the more than ten bullies in the viewing gallery were severely injured by the mutes and Stupid Brother on the spot. The rest of them either fell to the ground and faked their deaths, or scampered off.

Everyone felt that this fox had lost a lot of face. There were so many people who could not defend against two of them. How much of a joke was this?

The third thing was that it had nothing to do with Second Brother and the rest, but it was related to an extremely terrifying figure in the Xinhe district.

That night, Fourth Brother Fire, one of Fox's men, brought more than ten people to a bar to drink.

"Damn it!" To put it harshly, Bai Baoguo dying is well-deserved! " Fourth Elder Flame immediately started bragging after getting the alcohol done, and started speaking the same words: "If it wasn't for someone making a move first, this daddy would have definitely killed that bastard Bai Baoguo!"

"Brother Fire is awesome, if you do it to Bai Baoguo, then wouldn't we already have a name?!"

"I already said that we didn't follow the wrong person. Brother Fire's temper is too bad!"

As he enjoyed the flattery from his subordinates, Huo Yuhao drank his wine with an elated expression on his face.

But just as he was feeling comfortable, the customer at the next table spoke up.

"Damn it, what kind of lousy bar is this? Is there water in the wine?"

Fourth Elder Flame's nickname came from his fiery temper. After hearing someone criticize his bar like that, he immediately threw the wine bottle in his hand at that person's feet.

"Fuck you!" Mixed water, my ass! "

After swearing, he also clearly saw who the speaker was. Then, his legs went limp and he almost fell to the ground.

"Yo, boss, you talk quite aggressively." That guest stood up and walked over, smiling as he asked, "Come, let's talk. I have never seen anyone throw a bottle of wine at me before."

"Wrong..." Your excellency has a large number of … I drank too much just now … "Don't take it to heart …" Fourth Flame shivered all over and whispered, "You want me to treat you to a drink? "Brother Fox and you are old acquaintances, you …"

As the saying goes, one shouldn't be afraid of godlike opponents, one should be afraid of pig-like teammates.

Fourth Elder Flame's submission did not attract the attention of the other lackeys. Seeing his big brother walking over with the bottle of wine, one of the lackeys who brought a firearm directly slammed the gun on the table, standing up and pointing at the customer's nose. "F * ck your mother!" Why are you talking to Brother Fire! "

After hearing this, Huo Yuhao's legs went limp.

F * ck! Even if you want to cheat me, you shouldn't do so in such a manner! Aren't you pushing me into a fucking fire pit?!

"Fourth Elder Flame, I'll have to call you Brother Fire from now on." The customer laughed happily: "F * ck, I really don't understand these days. So what if I have a gun?"

"Great Prince … "This is …"

Wang Qingshan was still laughing, but his hand had already grabbed onto the fourth elder's neck. He lifted the man up into the air like a little chick and slammed him down onto the floor.

Before those people could react, Wang Qingshan had already grabbed the five consecutive rounds on the table. The muzzle of the gun was aimed at the hoodlum who had spoken so harshly earlier.

"Come out and play, what's the point of having a gun?" Wang Qingshan laughed naturally, at that moment he did not look like a Great Prince with a gun pointed at others, but instead like a man who had lived through many hardships.

The hoodlum was already scared to the point of peeing his pants, when he heard the words Great Prince, he immediately understood who the person in front of him was.

In this era where they had already begun using guns, there were only three types of people that made the gangsters in the city most afraid.

The first was the Big Brother in Society, for example the various organizations' Polygonum cuspidatum L. If they offended some of the more famous old bloke, they would usually die a horrible death, or even their entire families. This was not a joke, there were simply too many examples.

Secondly, they are fearless youngsters. They are usually around 15 or 16 years old and basically have no brains. They are hot-blooded and dare to do anything. Under the protection of the law on minors, they are fearless.

The last type of person was called Wang Qingshan.

He remembered that there was a rumor circulating in the city that the person who said that was Jiulong Dong, the person in charge of the < Fu Ji >.

"If you want to live well, then you better not provoke Wang Qingshan. Otherwise, even a deity descending to the mortal world won't be able to save you."

I did not live in that city, so I did not know what kind of fame Wang Qingshan had made, even some of the kids who were still in school knew of this Great Prince's name.

Even today in 2014, if you went to that city, you could find a local person and ask who was toughest in the underworld in the '90s.

Their answer must be, the hardest one was only the Northeast Tiger from the northeast, Wang Qingshan.

"F * ck, could it be that in this era, every gun is really powerful …"

Wang Qingshan sighed and shook his head for no reason. He threw the gun on the table and stopped arguing with the younger generation.

Then, he took a glass bottle of wine and walked over to Huo Ol'Ou's side. He squatted down and smashed the glass bottle onto Huo Ou's head.

Just like that, the wine bottle shattered. Fourth Elder Flame rolled his eyes and fainted.

"Damn it, I would be bullied even if I were to come out for a drink. Life is so tough …"

While muttering, Wang Qingshan left the bar feeling wronged, leaving behind those shocked customers who didn't have time to shout for help, and those scumbags who were so scared that they pissed their pants.

The next morning, the results of the examination that Huo Lao Si went to the hospital came out.

Of course, the most refined and reserved singing king in the city, Bai Baoguo, politely called Wang Qingshan to express his depressed mood.

"Your mother's, Wang Qingshan!" F * ck! Why did you do it?! I don't even need your help! "

"Don't f * cking bullsh * t, I'm going for a drink. He threw the wine bottle at me, how can I not retaliate?" Wang Qingshan held a fruit basket in his hand, rubbed his drowsy eyes and slowly said, "You are currently crippled, so you can't beat him … "Pfft, you're not f * cking useless, and you can't beat me either."

"Don't step into this muddy water!"

"What the fuck are you worried about? Afraid the fox will kill me? Or are you afraid that Uncle TungYong will kill me? " Wang Qingshan laughed disdainfully, "There are hundreds of people who want to kill me in this city, but I am still alive and well."

Don't interfere anymore. If you intervene again, I will get killed first by the Uncle TungYong. Bai Baoguo was infuriated to the extreme, forcing down countless of words that he was about to spit out. Bai Baoguo patiently said, "When he sees you walking in close to me, my threat is greater than a fox's. "Your father's hand is fine."

Wang Qingshan did not say anything.

"This is a trap, stop meddling in it. Wait until I'm done, I'll treat you to a drink."

"Drink your mother." Wang Qingshan was so angry that he slammed the table. It was obvious that after being deceived, this straightforward man from Northeast really felt like he was going to lose his temper. "I will make up for your mistakes today!"

"Don't come, I'm on the second floor. If you jump down, your father's wounds will open up again."

Hearing that Bai Baoguo had shamelessly submitted, Wang Qingshan could not find any reason to lose his temper and could only gloomily scold Bai Baoguo for not being a good person.

"Only a fool like you would believe me. Don't you think about who I am?! I am Bai Baoguo!"

Bai Baoguo sat on the sickbed, and spoke to Wang Qingshan who was on the other side of the phone: "Only I am a cripple, and no one else has crippled me yet, don't worry."

"Are you worried that you'll die?"

Wang Qingshan's voice sounded at the door of the ward, scaring Bai Baoguo to the point of trembling.

"Why are you calling laozi right outside!?" You really don't mind the price of the phone call, right? " Bai Baoguo was so angry that he almost threw his phone out.

Bai Baoguo hung up the phone, and fiercely glared at Wang Qingshan who walked into the ward with the fruit basket. She pointed to the chair at the side, and indicated for him to sit and rest for a while.

"I can't show off now, or I'll die."

"I understand."

"The Master Wu will help me take care of the hall. I believe him."

"I understand."

"Understand your mom... "Ah … anyway, you don't have to do anything. You just have to watch the show. If they need help, you don't have to intervene. You just have to let them train by themselves." Under Wang Qingshan's threatening gaze, Bai Baoguo suppressed his foul words and said impatiently: "Fuck, I'm a patient, how can you treat a patient like this? It's like you want to kill me. "

Wang Qingshan could only smile bitterly at this moment. With regards to Bai Baoguo's unyielding character, he really could not keep his temper.

"To be honest, I don't like a crafty animal like you." Wang Qingshan spoke very straightforwardly.

"Oh my god, I was too cunning and didn't I dig up your ancestral grave?" Bai Baoguo said unhappily: "To think that we've known each other for so long and had such deep feelings for each other..."

Wang Qingshan was silent for a while and then asked worriedly, "You really don't need help? "Your current situation is …"

"No need."

As Bai Baoguo spoke, he climbed up from the bed, gritting his teeth. After getting off the bed and putting on his slippers, he walked to the window and spat out a mouthful of phlegm towards the dazzling sunlight.

"I'll do it myself."

Bai Baoguo's upper body was naked, and his entire body was covered with scars.

There were knife wounds, gunshot wounds, and even some gauze bandages that were already stained with blood …

"Damn it, laozi will not lose." Bai Baoguo laughed out loud.

Wang Qingshan felt that the current sunlight was somewhat dazzling, following which he squinted his eyes, and looked at Bai Baoguo who was facing away from him.

At this time, Wang Qingshan suddenly realized that Bai Baoguo's aura seemed to have become more stable and scary than before.

"Great King, I will win."

"Fuck, I'm leaving."

Wang Qingshan threw the fruit basket on Bai Baoguo's bed and turned to leave.

At this time, Bai Baoguo was facing the sunlight and laughing, the scars all over his body were very eye-catching under the illumination of the sun, and every scar was very clear, these scars all showed just how hard Bai Baoguo's life was.

They all seemed to be laughing at him.

They were all jeering at everyone in the world who looked down on Bai Baoguo.

You all f * cking miscalculated!

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