Doggish Jianghu/C42 Double
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Doggish Jianghu/C42 Double
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C42 Double

There were a lot of hooligans under Bai Baoguo, but the ones that could be called out were only a few that Bai Baoguo had personally accepted as disciples.

Second Brother, Stupid Brother, Master Wu, Mute, Li Lao Bo, Duo, Hei Laowu.

The only two that Bai Baoguo could truly trust were Li Lao Bo and Mute. The reason to believe in Li Lao Bo was very complicated, it contained too many grudges and grudges from the previous generation, these things would be slowly discussed later on.

As for believing in mute … To put it simply, the mute guy's temper was too straightforward, his brain was like a twig that could easily be grasped by others. Bai Baoguo could immediately tell what the grandson was thinking by the look in his eyes, so Bai Baoguo trusted him.

The Master Wu was too smart, and Bai Baoguo could not trust him on this point, but it was not that he did not believe him, but he could not trust him.

From the very beginning to the end, Bai Baoguo had thought about all of the Master Wu's strategies in his head. After confirming that there were no mistakes, he then chose to implement them.

Stupid Brother and Second Brother were both newbies. Although they were very honest and did their best for Bai Baoguo, but Bai Baoguo had never really believed in them.

Last two moves and Hei Laowu …

"What a wild ambition." On the morning of the second day, Master Wu called Bai Baoguo. On the other side of the phone, he held onto the account book and said slowly: "Someone saw the people from Uncle TungYong and went up to look for them last night."

"You guys decide. I'm recuperating right now, so I can't get angry." Bai Baoguo scolded: "I'll do what I have to do. Fuck, I never thought that Uncle TungYong would actually play this game with me."

"We've already guessed it long ago. When we fought against the fox, the two of them didn't use their full strength and had been resting the entire time."

"Make the arrangements yourself and have someone deal with them."

"Got it."

After hanging up the phone, the Master Wu called for Second Brother over. He did not get alarmed by the mute, since that mad dog who loved to kill people the moment he attacked was not someone that could be casually used.

It was not the time to kill.

A few minutes later, Second Brother hurriedly came to the gamble room, followed by Stupid Brother.

"Northeast Brother, I'll have to trouble you with one matter."

"It's fine, go ahead."

"Help me collect these debts." Master Wu passed the slip of paper with the address on it to Second Brother, and then, he frowned: "You better take your people with you, these people …"

Second Brother threw a glance at the slip of paper and saw the two words, 'Double'.

"Aren't they like the Baobao?"

"Monkeys scatter when the tree falls. These people have already turned their hearts to others." Master Wu leaned on his chair and helplessly said: "It is not good to call a bunch of people over, since they did not say anything, but just calling a few people over, and is also afraid that they would go and send them off, so I can only call all of you."

"Why don't you come with us?" The Stupid Brother asked curiously. He didn't have any other intentions, he just didn't understand why this was happening.

From his simple perspective, the most important person under Bai Baoguo's command should be the Master Wu. After all, he was the one who arranged for him to take care of everything, just like the assistant factory manager who worked for the owner.

Stupid Brother couldn't understand why such an awesome guy didn't follow them and instead told the two newbies to go.

"I'm afraid of death. If they were to fight, with my physique, I would have been killed before I could get more than 100 meters away." Even if the other party is holding a gun and aiming it at your head, you better not give in. Don't be afraid of any accidents, as long as I'm still hiding behind the scenes and paying attention to your situation, Shuang San and the others will not dare to touch you. "

"Alright." Second Brother nodded his head, put away the paper and left with Stupid Brother.

Before he left, Master Wu even specially instructed him to return back to the hospital to rest as soon as possible.

Towards Master Wu's orders, Second Brother only smiled, he neither agreed nor refused.

This was the time when Bai Baoguo needed more servants, if he went back to the hospital, there might be some trouble if he did not have enough manpower.

"Bro, shall we go without the flame-thrower?"

"It's not like they're going to kill people. They're just going to collect debts. What's the point of bringing a blowtorch?"

"I feel like we have to start a fight with them today … I keep feeling that something is not right … "

It had to be said that Stupid Brother's sixth sense was very accurate.

That day, Master Wu took out a total of six addresses, all of them on the same street, about ten minutes' drive away from here.

After leaving the gambling house, second brother and Stupid Brother immediately got into a taxi and went to the first place on the street.

After entering, he revealed his identity first, then called for the person in charge, saying that this month's accounts should be settled, right?

It was hard to imagine his experience. When his second brother said he wanted to collect the debt, he started shaking his head like a person who had taken ecstasy. They all said they had no money and their business had not been doing well recently.

Whoa, this reason was convincing enough. At the very least, second brother and the others would believe it.

"Fine, a few days." Second Brother nodded and brought Stupid Brother to the next venue. However, he did not expect that the next venue would also give him this reason.

From the first to the fifth, they all said they had no money and would have to be given a few days.

"Looks like I'll have to cause a ruckus today." Second brother said to the Stupid Brother.

"I think so too." Stupid Brother nodded his head: "They all said that they had no money, isn't that nonsense?"

That's right, many of them were still holding on to their Chinese cigarettes and crying about how poor they were. Second Brother looked at the cheap cigarettes in his hands and felt helpless.

As second brother walked along the road, he thought about what he should do next.

The sky slowly darkened as dark clouds covered the sky. It seemed like it was going to rain soon.

The last stall was a Ballroom. There were basically no customers in the hall during the day, so when he walked in, he could see more than twenty hooligans scattered around the hall. They were either smoking and chatting, or sleeping on the sofa.

There was a burly middle-aged man sitting in a booth at the side. He was slowly eating the porridge on the table.

When second brother and the rest entered the Ballroom, they were not obstructed at all. Everything was as smooth as flowing water.

After entering, second brother looked around, looking for the person in charge at a moderate pace, not caring a single bit about the hoodlums who were staring at him with unfriendly gazes.

"Little Northeast?"

The man who was eating with the plate raised his head and waved at his second brother, "Come over and sit."

"You must be Twin Brothers, right?" The second brother asked politely. Looking at this man's appearance, he remembered that they had met a while ago. Although they didn't talk and just glanced at each other, the second brother could still vaguely remember.

"It's me." Duo Fan nodded his head and asked, "Are you here to collect debts?"

"Yes, we should pay for this month's debt, Master Wu is already urging us to do so." Second brother kindly said.

He thought for a moment and said, "Business hasn't been good this time. I don't have any money."

"You don't have to do this, do you?" You don't have to do this, right? The second brother laughed and said, "I see that your gambling business is pretty good, what do you think?"

"We can't move on at this time." Double Fang Xing said flatly, "Come and collect from me after a while, I …"

Halfway through his sentence, he was surprised to find his head pressed down on the table. The chopsticks he used to eat earlier was in his hand, and the tip of the chopsticks was pointed at his eyes.

"Duo, I remember that when the Baobao was still around, you didn't ask him to forgive us either?" Second Brother laughed out in anger: "Right now Baobao's body is injured, are you f * cking making trouble here? Do you think that..."

"Monkeys scatter when the tree falls." He was not a delinquent, and the number of knives he had received in his life could not even be counted. His second brother was unable to stop him immediately.

He then said meaningfully, "Do you think that makes sense? The Uncle TungYong is our society's Polygonum cuspidatum L, I feel that it was right to follow the dragon head. "

All the hoodlums had already brought out the fellow, and quickly rushed to where Second Brother and the rest were, before surrounding them.

"Try touching me?" Both of them laughed with incomparable confidence: "If you touch me once, you won't be able to leave this place."

"It's fine. Anyway, you will accompany us in death." Second Brother pushed his chopsticks forward a little and asked with a calm expression, "Let's make a bet and see if I dare to stab you to death."

His second brother was also a bit scared. After all, Wang Qingshan was surrounded by so many people with sabers in his hands, so he was not afraid at all.

But he remembered the words of the Master Wu.

You have to be tough, and you don't dare to touch you twice.

"If I don't make things a little harder now, I will be making a fool of the Baobao …"

Second brother sighed in his heart and looked at Stupid Brother as he scolded: "Even though the tree is falling and the monkeys are scattering, the tree has not f * cking fallen yet! "Fuck you!"

Stupid Brother held the ashtray on the table and smashed it on his head, causing blood to flow out immediately.

It was clear that he had good physical fitness. This time, he did not knock him out, but only made a hole.

"I'll give you half an hour. Bring me the money, I know all the debts. If you don't have a penny, I'll unload your hand!" Second brother scolded: "Master Wu is still waiting for us to return. Don't buy time with me, I don't have time to bullshit with you."

With a cold tone, he asked, "Do you think you can get out of this door?"


"I can walk out." Stupid Brother smashed his hands together again and again, and then said with an honest look on his face, "My brother will have to go back and change his medicine later, don't waste his time, otherwise I will cripple your hands now, if you don't believe me, you can try it."

Ye Zichen clenched his teeth and suppressed the urge to scream out in pain. At the beginning, he thought that second brother and the others were just two incompetent things that could only use their fists to make a name for themselves.

But now he realized that the two of them didn't seem to be that simple.

To dare to lay his hands on so many people, he truly had guts. From the looks of it, he wasn't a soft persimmon, but a tough one.

"If I give you money, how am I going to mess with you in the future?"

"Then stop messing around, I'll send you off right now."

After saying that, he clenched his chopsticks with a sneer on his face.

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