Doggish Jianghu/C47 Field
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Doggish Jianghu/C47 Field
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C47 Field

If the matter of Xiaoke seeking his second brother for revenge was placed in the old city for everyone to see a few years later, everyone on the street would think so.

Xiao Ke was courting death.

Second brother isn't the kind of person who is cruel and merciless. He has his limits, such as family, such as brothers, such as … Chen Wanhe.

Those who crossed his bottom line basically did not have a good ending, just like that grandson, Xiao Ke.

"Xiao Ke got someone to squat you?" Master Wu sat on the chair and frowned: Could it be that it's because of the dirty braid incident last time?

"Probably." The second brother swore, "This bastard wants to play dirty tricks on me, f * ck off to the university …"

"Tell me everything." Master Wu signaled Second Brother not to be anxious, and passed the cigarette on the table to him, allowing him to speak slowly.

After Second Brother lit up his cigarette, he told everything that Chen Wanhe had told him about how he had met them on the street and where he had taken care of those grandchildren.

Master Wu shook his head helplessly. He did not say anything for a long time.

"Have you taken a fancy to that girl?"

Hearing this unexpected question, Second Brother's face reddened a little as he nodded his head in embarrassment, "I've taken a fancy to it."

"Then you better arrange for some people to go to university. Those who mess around in the underworld aren't good people. It's not good for your family to say that it's bad for your girlfriend." Master Wu reminded Second Brother.

Hearing this, second brother couldn't help but tremble a little, as if he was thinking about the consequences of getting caught by Xiao Ke and the others.

"Why don't I get rid of the kid first?" asked Second Brother.

"We can't be in such a hurry to do this, there's still Da Ke behind him, and < Fu Ji > is behind Da Ke, but..." Master Wu thought for a moment, then told Second Brother to not be hasty, I'll ask first, then took out his phone and called Bai Baoguo.

When the call connected, the other side of the phone kept swearing, but Bai Baoguo was not cursing at Master Wu, but at some of the nurses in the hospital.

"You need to be fined for smoking in the hospital?! You must be f * cking broke! "

"Sir …" "This is the rule …"

"Rules your mother!" "Do you believe me..."

Master Wu helplessly interrupted the profane words on the other side of the phone, and said softly: "Baobao, something has happened over here."

"F * ck off!" You dog who doesn't have any discernment at all! " After Bai Baoguo finished shouting out those words, he felt that something was amiss, so he explained, "I'm not scolding you, just say it, what is it?"

Master Wu patiently told Bai Baoguo everything about Second Brother, why did he say he was patient, it was because Bai Baoguo had never stopped swearing, scolding Master Wu until his face turned pale.

"Is there a f * * king need to ask me about this!?" F * ck! I thought you guys were dead, but something big happened! " Bai Baoguo was infuriated to the extreme as he cursed, "Tell that trash, Little Northeast, to pick up the phone!"

When second brother saw Master Wu gloating while handing over the phone to him, he was also helpless. Bai Baoguo's voice was originally loud, when he was scolding previously, he was able to hear it clearly from five meters away, so now when he answered the phone, wouldn't that be …

"You piece of trash! Your mother's mind is filled with shit! "

Being yelled at like that, second brother immediately felt deaf. F * ck, his voice was too loud!

"Xiao Ke is messing with you, but you still don't understand what to do?!"

Bai Baoguo smashed his fist on the table angrily.

"Get rid of him for laozi! F * ck! What a disgrace! Ask the Master Wu to advise you! If I fail to handle this matter properly, I will go back and deal with you! "Two pieces of trash!"

The call ended just like that, leaving Second Brother and Master Wu standing on the other side with faces full of helplessness.

"Since Baobao has spoken, we shall do so."

Master Wu rubbed his temples and said slowly: "I have to let Big Idiot and the others take care of the things over there, so you should take care of this aspect, Xiao Ke."

"Directly get rid of him?"

"The whole university area belongs to Fu Ji Da Ke, if we fight head on, we won't be able to cause a ruckus." The expression on Master Wu's face was extremely calm, it did not seem like she was talking about killing someone, but instead, she was smiling and chatting with second brother, "Capture the thief and the king. We cannot touch Da Ke, but Xiao Ke can kill him first, it's just that we need to wait."

"Wait for what?"

"A chance." Master Wu said indifferently: "An opportunity to frame someone, this matter cannot be let others know that we did it, understand?"

"Xiao Ke and I are now enemies. I've only dealt with a few of them today, if he were to die, it would definitely be because of me." The second brother asked doubtfully, "Will framing be effective?"

"Yes, why not?"

Master Wu laughed and said: "You can wait slowly. It's just these few days."

"Then when you notify me, I won't be going to the hospital. There's nothing else for me to do right now anyway." Second brother laughed: "Are you coming with me to the Ballroom for a stroll?"

"Come on, I'm still busy checking the accounts." Master Wu had a wry smile on his face: "Big brother's identity as a laborer, you are talking about people like me."

When second brother heard this, he was also happy. After chatting with Master Wu for a bit, he took his China off the table and left.

After Second Brother left, Master Wu returned to his own table and sat down. He leisurely poured a cup of tea and drank it all in peace.

The Master Wu had a special characteristic.

No matter what time, as long as he came up with a plan, then the entire plan would yield more than just one reward. What he loved the most was to have two birds with one stone.

He would make sure that the road was clear, and then he would throw the dirty water on others after he had dealt with Xiao Ke.

Chen Gu secretly transferred Da Ke's attention to others and asked him to do his best to deal with them. I remember that he and Xiao Ke are brothers, if Xiao Ke dies …

"Take your time, take your time …"

Master Wu muttered to himself. He picked up the account book on the table and started reading it silently.

In the nineties, there were almost always three kinds of places to take root in Seahold, with the exception of the houses and villages at the edge.

Ballroom, Red light Street, gamblers, these three places were also known as the three main local characteristics.

The Ballroom that second brother took over was similar to the other Ballroom.

Just by relying on women and wine, these two things could earn money. "White Face" was not very popular in Xinhe district at that time.

Although there were some venues that sold this, they didn't have much of it. Most drug addicts who wanted to suck the white mask skate would go to the South Harbour Region, where "Chaozhou Gang" was created by this sort of thing. It could be said that in that city, "white mask" was a very popular thing.

As I see it now, the underworld has to rely on "white face" windfall, or on smuggling to make money, as in "The Wannabe."

Although "Donghe Gui" had many people, they were still like the older generation of the Jianghu. They relied on women, protection fees, and logistics to make money. Although their business was broad, it was still not as profitable as "Bai Mian".

This meant that sooner or later, they would be destined to walk the path of selling "White Face", or else they would be beaten to death by other societies that relied on this to become more powerful.

Of course, when second brother entered the society, no one told him about this, including Bai Baoguo who had already figured out how to walk the underworld.

He felt that the Little Northeast had not sunk deep enough, and if he told him about the future now, he might scare him out of the martial arts world.

You let him fight, you let him run the business, but you let him sell those things? Come on, is he that kind of person?

Only when he was forced to leave the underworld or unwilling to leave the underworld that he could earn a lot of money, would he naturally understand that it was not worth it to leave the underworld for something as heartless as' White Face '.

He should be able to figure out how to use drugs to harm others and earn money for himself.

It was only until that day when the dirty braid was set up by Second Brother that Bai Baoguo briefly introduced Second Brother to some of the businesses within. After all, if he did not speak of it now, he would know after going to the scene.

After saying that, Bai Baoguo realized that he had guessed wrongly. Second brother did not reject that item at all, and had even displayed an indifferent attitude.

With regards to this point, Bai Baoguo curiously expressed his doubts, and asked second brother why he did not feel that it was resistance, does he think that this kind of thing was not devoid of conscience?

Second Brother's answer was very unique, and completely convinced Bai Baoguo.

"They are all brainless fools. Serves them right to die. Besides, I didn't force them to sell it, they were the ones who were willing to buy it. If I was to be blamed for this, then wouldn't those who sold arsenic in ancient times be lashed to death?"

"F * ck, your words are quite f * cking reasonable." Bai Baoguo sunk into deep thought, then nodded and praised: "Good reason, this is a good reason."

When second brother arrived outside the main entrance of Ballroom, a few underlings who were watching the scene saw him with their sharp eyes. Then, each and every one of their faces were full of smiles as they quickly walked in front of second brother and greeted him.

"Good day, Northeast Brother!"

"You must be here to have fun tonight! This little one will lead the way for you! "

"Northeast Brother, you're here. I've arranged a private box for you, I'll bring you there now."

After entering the Ballroom, one of the foremen, Wen Feng, rushed over and bowed to Second Brother as he brought him to a private room on the second floor. He said that the boss had gone out and would probably be back tomorrow.

"You can play however you like today. This little one will treat you to food." The supervisor was very good at handling people and sent second brother a pack of cigarettes that he had never seen before. He then arranged for someone to bring him a bunch of champagne and finally said, "The ladies will be here soon. Pick whatever you want. I'll take my leave first."

Before second brother could refuse, the supervisor had already ran out to urge the young miss.

"This table is quite expensive …" Second Brother looked at the fruit plate and the champagne on the table in confusion, muttering to himself, "When I add up Big Idiot and myself, it adds up to 18,000 RMB per month. This table should have at least 1000 RMB …"

Suddenly, he remembered something the Master Wu had told him.

Aside from the fixed amount of money that the boss would pay monthly, there were also other benefits that the boss would give to him in private, such as the money he would get from eating, drinking, and playing with the Stupid Brother.

Although the number of red packets was uncertain, most of them wouldn't be less than three thousand. If it was more than the protection fee, then it would depend on the relationship between the boss and the boss.

Just as second brother was calculating how much the things on the table were worth, the door to the room was suddenly pushed open. A group of girls walked in and stood in a row, looking at second brother in a proper manner.

The supervisor waved his hand, "Pick whatever you want. If you want a few, I'll arrange a few for you."

Second Brother was stunned for a while before coming back to his senses. He then gave the supervisor an answer.


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