Doggish Jianghu/C48 Two streets
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Doggish Jianghu/C48 Two streets
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C48 Two streets

Second Brother looked at the girls with a reddened face. Seeing that they were all staring at him, Second Brother became completely embarrassed.

"Um, no need for that. Just let them go, I'll eat something myself." Second brother touched his nose and said with an awkward smile.

"You really don't want it?" The head waiter's expression became ugly, "Are you not satisfied with all these? I'll give you another batch? "

"It's not that I'm not satisfied. I'm not very keen on this sort of thing, do you understand?" Second brother expressed his wish to be Liu Xiaihui, and waved his hand, "If you don't mind, bring me a bottle of white wine."

"Fine, you want to …" The head waiter introduced a lot of wine to second brother with great experience. His tone was very eager.

The second brother directly slapped five yuan on the table: "Erguotou, go."

"Please wait …" The supervisor resisted the urge to laugh out loud and led the group of girls away.

Seeing that everyone had left, the second brother's face grew even thicker as he pulled the huge plate of fruit towards him. He quickly ate the fruit in front of him with a face that could not be described with words.

At the same time.

On Northeast Gang's territory, a shabby taxi was speeding along the middle of the road. It only stopped when a group of people appeared by the side of the road and waved at the taxi.

A large, bare-chested man walked out from the group of people with a simple and honest smile on his face. He walked to the car and opened the door for the person sitting in the back seat.

"Baobao, please."

"fat dog, you don't even know how to f * * king lose weight …" Bai Baoguo swore as he alighted the carriage, his face was pale white, it could be seen that his injuries were not as light as he said, his body condition was not as good as it was before.

As for the middle-aged fatty who opened the carriage door for Bai Baoguo, he was the dignified hall master of Fu Ji, fat dog, who was like the sun in the sky, walking on the street.

His specialty was his own weight. With a height of 1.8 meters and a weight of several hundred pounds, he was in no way inferior to a Japanese sumo wrestler.

Just because his innate hardware was too powerful, it caused fat dog's strength to be greater than his peers ever since he was young. After he mixed himself into the underworld, his reputation shot up like a rocket.

The most popular incident in the fat dog was that he had once challenged Wang Qingshan one-on-one.

Of course he lost, but it was not shameful. In any case, he wasn't beaten to death by Wang Qingshan, the living King of Hell.

There were very few people in the entire Xinhe district who could fight against "Northeast Gang" Wang Qingshan and still be alive, and fat dog was one of them.

But if that was the case, perhaps only the fat dog himself knew of the true battle situation that day.

Wang Qingshan did not kill or dare to beat him to death, but thought that he was too stupid. With a word from Jiulong Dong, who had gotten drunk, he went and risked his life to find Wang Qingshan.

"You are like me, a dog, so I find you pleasing to the eye. There's no need for you to have a fight to the death with a younger generation like you." When Wang Qingshan broke fat dog's third rib, he said, "But if there's a next time, I'll break your bones. If you don't believe me, come and try me."

Wang Qing Shan thought highly of this man, so he left fat dog alive that day.

Although Wang Qingshan thought this way, the mentally retarded fat dog didn't think this way. He felt that Wang Qingshan was talking nonsense, or maybe he was afraid of the《 Fu Ji》.

After he was sent to the hospital, he still felt that he had quite a bit of face, even Wang Qingshan didn't kill him.

That day, Jiulong Dong also went to the hospital to see the fat dog. When he heard the fat dog talking about it proudly, Jiulong Dong also went up to it and slapped it twice, swearing.

"Such a disgraceful thing!"

"Wang Qingshan does not dare to kill you? Damn you, stop bullshitting with me, in Xinhe district, who is there that he doesn't dare to kill? Damn it, even our previous dragon head was chopped off by him! "

"He isn't that good either. I left two wounds on him with a knife …" fat dog whispered, wanting to bring back some face for himself.

"He fought with you, and he wanted to let you go at first, so he didn't use his blade. If he took out the machete that killed those bastards in the movie, then you can just f * cking kill yourself. A single Wang Qingshan holding a big machete can match up to a dozen of the bare-handed Wang Qingshan." Jiulong Dong scolded as he slapped fat dog hard, his face turning red from anger: "You ignorant thing, you still f * cking have the nerve to follow me?! "F * * k you, you have embarrassed your father!"

From then on, fat dog never mentioned about his duel with Wang Qingshan, he just felt that it was a disgrace.

As long as Wang Qing Shan was present, fat dog would properly greet him and shout, Great Prince.

"Where's Jiulong Dong? Won't he come out and pick me up while he's inside? "

"The dragon head drank too much today, he …"

"I already knew his dog temper. Go in, don't waste time." Bai Baoguo scolded, he pinched his nose, took out his fingers and rubbed them on a little brother's body, then swaggered back into the house.

Very few people knew Jiulong Dong's real name, he had already used it when he first stepped onto the stage.

There are two of these nicknames. Up till now, I haven't been able to figure out which one of them is the real one, and it's also possible that both of them are.

Firstly, he had nine dragons tattooed on his body. His real name also had a character in it, 'East.'

Second, he was a felon from Hong Kong who reportedly stabbed a policeman to death in Kowloon West and then was forced to live and work in the less developed city.

"How much did this grandson drink?"

The moment Bai Baoguo walked into the house, he smelt a dense smell of alcohol, which made him feel a little disgusted.

The room was small, and apart from a large round wooden table and a few chairs in the middle, there was no other furniture.

Walking to the side of the table, Bai Baoguo pulled a chair over and sat down.

"Puddler, I'm here."

This was what Bai Baoguo said the first time he spoke. Most likely, all the friends who saw this sentence also understood why Bai Baoguo's stinky mouth was so famous in that city. There were even many people fighting to tear his mouth apart.

Sitting in front of Bai Baoguo was a skinny middle-aged man. He wore a very appropriate suit, but his posture was not that elegant.

He was lying on the table and hiccuping. In the beginning, he only stared at Bai Baoguo who was walking in, he did not make any other movements, but when he heard Bai Baoguo curse Puddler out, he immediately threw the ashtray on the table over.

"Fuck you, your filthy mouth is really …"

"Stop bullshitting, what we said today was true business." Bai Baoguo's reaction was surprisingly fast, his face did not contain any shock as he tilted his body, easily dodging the ashtray.

"I'll have to deal with Da Ke Xiao Ke. With this pair of kings in the society, I will feel extremely uncomfortable." Jiulong Dong's voice was very cold, just like his unique gaze.

There was an idiom that seemed to be used to describe him.

"Is it good?" Bai Baoguo took off his shoes, crossed his legs, and slowly dug at his feet: "If there's no benefit, why did I help you?"

"Bai Baoguo, do you not wish to continue staying in this place?" Jiulong Dong frowned: "You still dare to talk about benefits? "Don't you f * cking think about what your situation is right now!"

"Da Ke's men have too many streets, my eyes are red, f * ck, the owner's house does not have much food these days." Bai Baoguo shook his head and sighed: "How about we do it, and give all of the land to this good brother of mine?"

Jiulong Dong almost flipped the table.

"I'm just teasing you! Look at your dog nature! " Bai Baoguo scolded, completely exposing his infuriating morals: "When we were all walking down the road together, your temper was like this, now that you're the one speaking, why don't you know how to change it?!"

"I'll help you guys in the dark after we settle the 'Big or Small' part." Jiulong Dong suppressed his temper and leaned back in his chair, sitting up straight: "University Road, Green Sun Mountain Road, Hundred Trade Street, choose one of these three streets. Don't mention the other places, otherwise, if I became anxious, I would be afraid that you would not be able to walk out of this door."

When Bai Baoguo heard the last sentence, he stood up, laughed and rolled up his sleeves: "What did you say?"

"What the f * ck are they pretending for …"

The sound of a lackey's mutterings came from behind him. In this sort of silence, his voice was exceptionally abrupt.

By the time he had reacted to the situation, Bai Baoguo was already standing in front of him. It was as if his teeth were aching, as he drew in a breath of cold air while baring his teeth: "Since when did you little brutes become so casual?"

The man did not dare reply Bai Baoguo, but seeing that Jiulong Dong had also stood up and was walking towards him, he became unyielding.

He also did not make a sound, and stared at Bai Baoguo with his head raised.



"Why are you interrupting when all the brothers are talking?" Jiulong Dong burped and staggered over to the bastard that was sent flying by his own fist. Raising his leg, he ruthlessly stomped on his ribs, accompanied by the sounds of bones shattering.

Jiulong Dong did not stop. With a sickly smile on his face, he continued to step down.

After a while, he stepped on it comfortably, wiped off his sweat and walked to Bai Baoguo's side and patted his shoulder.

"Let's continue."

fat dog called for a few of his subordinates with experience, dragging the injured bastard out with a calm face.

He had already gotten used to this kind of thing. Jiulong Dong was such a big temper boss, he had been like this since the beginning.

"I want two of these three streets, the big ones are not for me to choose, the small ones are only for one street, are you kidding me?" There's no room for negotiation on just two streets. "

"Don't you want to wait for someone to send you off? At most, I will not bother with Da Ke and the rest anymore, and just wait for them to join hands with the fox to kill you! "

"Uncle TungYong has their eyes on Da Ke, do you dare a fox to meddle in this? Come on, do you really think I'm a child's fool? "

Bai Baoguo laughed sinisterly: "Right now, their movements are getting bigger and bigger. fat dog, who has no brains, can fight them, but just because they can fight them doesn't mean that they can suppress Da Ke and the others. You …"

"Two streets, College Road, and Hundred Trade Street. From now on, they are yours." Jiulong Dong yawned, rubbed his eyes, and walked out the door while shaking his head: "If we take care of Da Ke and the rest, these will all be yours. If we can't take care of them, they will take care of you.

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