Doggish Jianghu/C62 Where object
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Doggish Jianghu/C62 Where object
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C62 Where object

A few days later.

When second brother woke up, he saw a person sitting on the side of the bed. That person's body was very big and sturdy. To second brother, this person was very familiar.

"Fuck, how did you get beaten up like this?!" Who did it? " Second brother's voice was weak, looking at Stupid Brother's bandaged nose, he was a little worried: "You went to look for fat dog?"

"Yes." The Stupid Brother spoke in a muffled voice as he nodded his head: "Big bro, are you better now?"

"It's fine, just rest for a bit." Second Brother coughed a few times. "You and fat dog fought alone?"

Stupid Brother laughed foolishly: "That guy is pretty good at fighting."

"Nonsense." Second brother looked at Stupid Brother helplessly and said lifelessly: "Help me call the doctor over. Fuck, I still haven't figured out my current situation …"

In the Xinhe district, for a one on one fight to turn the Stupid Brother into this, the fat dog was probably one of them.

I wonder if you guys have discovered the characteristics of the underworld in that era?

In the Haicheng Black Road at that time, you might not be able to become a person with brains, but if you were able to become a person with power and skills, you were a hooligan, and if you had brains, you could still fight.

Uncle TungYong was famous for his machete skills back then, he was not the crafty old man that everyone thought he was. To put it bluntly, he was the same type of person as Bai Baoguo, and they could be both smart and ruthless.

Let's not talk about people far away, just say that Bai Baoguo was still not the leader of the underworld in his generation.

Jiulong Dong from "Fu Ji", Li Dasheng from "consanguineous consanguinity", Uncle TungYong from "Donghe Gui", Chen Baihu from "Sheng Yi'an".

These four people who spoke at the end of the nineties all relied on entering the path of cultivation. They were all treacherous and crafty characters. Each person completely occupied the two roles of the person in charge, thus they were able to succeed in their job transition. Note: Uncle TungYong is the founder of "Donghe Gui". He is not the person to be promoted, but the true founder of the society.

The old fox didn't understand this point, or it could be said that he understood it, but he still felt that the person who spoke with his fist was just a boorish fellow who couldn't do anything big.

It had to be said that his thinking was very accurate. However, this underworld that relied on schemes and tricks only arose after the millennium, which was the year 2000. Before this era, it was still a military era.

When the doctor told him the results of the examination, he heaved a sigh of relief. It seemed that he had recovered quite well. He just needed to rest more and he would not make any big movements. He would just need to rest for a few months.

Fortunately, he had been trained in his hometown. If an ordinary person were to be shot at, he would probably pass through …

Second Brother thought back to that night's scene, his face gradually revealing an expression of lingering fear.

Fuck, luck, really luck …

"What a fool."

"What's wrong, bro?"

"You went to look for the fat dog at the Fu Ji's territory?"

"Yeah, I went to the hospital to look for him." Stupid Brother was a little helpless: "I never planned to make a move at first, I don't like to take advantage of people when they are in danger, but he insisted on fighting me …"

Second brother sighed, he did not care about what Stupid Brother said, and asked: "They did not make things difficult for you?"

"No, fat dog is really to our taste." Stupid Brother laughed simple-mindedly: "He challenged me one-on-one and gave those hooligans a precaution. He said not to make things difficult for me."

"I also think that he's quite a good person." Second brother frowned: "But why would he sneak attack me? I don't understand this person. "

Just as second brother was thinking, he heard familiar curses coming from outside the ward. The next second, the door was kicked open.

"Damn it!" Isn't he still not dead!? What's there to worry about! " Bai Baoguo impatiently walked to second brother's bedside, and said with a face full of anger: "Do you know that I really want to get angry?" The look on his face.

"Baobao." Second Brother greeted with a smile.

"F * ck, don't call me, laozi wants to lose my temper just by listening to your voice." Bai Baoguo pointed at second brother's forehead with his finger, using a lot of strength, he scolded: "Do you know how much trouble your brother has caused me?! God damn you, a Puddler would still have the face to laugh! "

"I'm sorry, Baobao." Second Brother was a very quick-witted person, he reacted to Bai Baoguo's scolding and said guiltily: "I really shouldn't be in the limelight at this time, I've caused you trouble …"

"Motherf * cker, this is more than just trouble! "F * ck!"

Bai Baoguo angrily glared at the Stupid Brother who had guilt written all over his face. He gasped for air and sat on the bed, his eyes were slightly red, probably because he did not sleep well last night.

It wasn't easy to stabilize the situation, as long as he relaxed a little, and avoided being in the spotlight, he could temporarily ease the tension with the people from Fu Ji, and no matter what, Jiulong Dong would not be in a hurry to kill everyone.

Even if he had to ask the Big Idiot to take revenge for the Little Northeast in the future, it would be fine.

Bai Baoguo's face became even uglier as he thought about it, and sighed continuously.

"Oh right, brother, the mute came with me." The Stupid Brother said with a smile, "A loyal spirit, you have guts. A group of people were pointing knives at him, but he didn't run away."

The mute who followed Bai Baoguo in had a slightly reddened face, he waved his hand at Second Brother, signalling him not to bother with the words of the Stupid Brother, saying such small things were meaningless.

"Do you feel better?" Master Wu asked, his face was pale, he should be tired.

Second Brother said with a forced smile, "I feel much better."

"Calm down for the next few days, f * ck up, don't cause trouble, don't show off." Bai Baoguo said helplessly: "I'm going to the main hall now, that old bastard Uncle TungYong wants to see me."

Bai Baoguo stood up and waved to the mute.

"Mute, come with me."

"Don't you need me to follow you?" Master Wu frowned.

"You should rest. There's no need to follow me." Bai Baoguo yawned and slowly walked away with the mute.

After that, Master Wu chatted with Second Brother for a while, asking mostly about Second Brother's injuries. In the end, he also rushed over to the cashier's office to take care of his matters, leaving Second Brother and Stupid Brother behind in the sickroom.

"While you were unconscious, someone went to Ballroom to find you." Stupid Brother smiled mysteriously: "Guess who it is."


"It's that beautiful female student."

Stupid Brother couldn't remember Chen Wan He's name, so he could only clap his hands. "Damn, it's sister-in-law!"

"F * ck!" "Don't talk nonsense!" Second brother shook his head with a flushed face, "We have yet to find a target."

"Sooner or later." Stupid Brother winked and laughed: "Brother, honestly, do you like that girl?"

Second Brother did not hesitate and immediately nodded. He said, "I like it."

"Then why don't you? Just tell her clearly and send her a bunch of flowers. Say to her, I want to be your partner, isn't that fine! "

"F * ck, I feel like I can't speak with you anymore. Hurry up and f * ck off." Second Brother wanted to kick him out with a reddened face. It was indeed a bit embarrassing to talk about such topics with an old virgin like him.

There would probably be people who would be curious, wasn't Stupid Brother also a virgin boy from the Chen family, why did they think that he was very good at this stuff?

There's only one answer. I've watched too much TV, really.

"I'll go buy some food. Let's continue chatting." Stupid Brother laughed loudly as he stood up and walked out of the sickroom. When he opened the door, he was stunned for a moment and asked: "Why are you here?"

"I …"

"Yes, I remember I gave you the address yesterday." Stupid Brother laughed: "Sister-in-law, let's chat for a while. I won't be bringing any food back soon. The food you bring is even sweeter than the ones I bought outside."

Who said the Stupid Brother can't speak? F * ck! Look at how full of yourself this time!

"Why are you here?" Second Brother also asked the same question as Stupid Brother. The moment he saw Chen Wan He, he began to think.

What was the reason for her going to the hospital?

You can't say that I started a fight with a customer and was sent to … Oh my god, this reason is pretty hard! Not bad!

"I heard that you were injured …" "I've come to see you …" Chen Wanhe's face was very red as she said helplessly, "You must be hungry! I made you chicken soup! "

"How did you cook chicken soup in the dorm?" From this, it could be seen that his thinking was very wild and unrestrained.

"I took it home to boil, this is more nutritious than the ones outside …"

"Sister-in-law, go ahead and sit first. I'm leaving, hahaha!" Stupid Brother very boldly brought Chen Wan He into the ward, then quickly left this "conflict zone".

Chen Wanhe didn't know what was going on today, but she looked completely absent-minded. Her face was flushed red, but this young lady's appearance was extremely tempting. At that moment, second brother was stunned.

"How's your injury?" Chen Wanhe silently walked over to Second Brother's bedside and pulled over a chair to sit down. With a somewhat conflicted expression, she said, "Even a big idiot would have told me."

"What did he say?"

Chen Wanhe did not continue with this topic, instead she asked, "You're a gangster, right?"

The smile on second brother's face froze, and he didn't say anything for a long time.

"Actually, even if you didn't tell me, I would have guessed it already." Chen Wanhe slightly lowered her head. "I'm not stupid."

"Sorry …" "I've been hiding this from you for so long …" Second Brother's voice was very low. If it wasn't for Chen Wanhe who listened carefully, she probably wouldn't have heard it clearly, "Actually, I'm not a bad person … "Really …"

"No need to apologize to me." Chen Wanhe smiled innocently, "Anyway, you're not a bad person, right?"

"This …"

Second Brother couldn't react in time. He felt that the contrast between Chen Wanhe and her was too big, no?!

"Is what you said true?"


"I heard it outside the door, you said you …" As Chen Wanhe spoke, her face became redder and redder, and her voice also became like a mosquito. She timidly asked, "You're not joking, right?"

"What are you joking about?" He really didn't understand what Chen Wanhe was asking about.

"That is …" You said... "You like me …"

"F * ck!" Second Brother subconsciously swore. This was probably his catchphrase as well. "Why would I joke about this!? What I said must be true! "

No matter how stupid second brother was, he could still react now. His pig brain had instantly evolved into a thick-skinned pig's brain. He forced the words out clearly with a blushing face.

"I really like you, really." Second Brother asked tentatively, "Why don't we have a partner?"

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