Doggish Jianghu/C68 Yao yao
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Doggish Jianghu/C68 Yao yao
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C68 Yao yao

The mute was still the same as usual, always following the Master Wu and working everywhere, acting as his bodyguard.

The second brother felt that he had nothing better to do, not to mention his recent hormone secretion was a little out of place. He felt that he could no longer sleep very early in the morning.

After bringing Stupid Brother to eat breakfast, he quickly went to a certain university to find his target. In order to not appear to be extremely thirsty, Second Brother specially bought breakfast to send over as a show of his sincerity.

He had to show his respect here. As soon as his injuries improved, he could walk around and go to the school to see the girls. His second brother was really too awesome. He could produce a book called "The Mysteries of Hormones" by himself.

Bai Baoguo was still a cripple in the hospital, his life extremely carefree.

That day, Stupid Brother seemed to be the person who had been abandoned. He ate breakfast alone in Ballroom and enjoyed the slightly sad and lonely feeling.

"Big Foolish Brother, would you like a drink?"

"Borrowing wine to worry me is more worrisome, I better not drink anymore." Stupid Brother shook his head at his little brother.

When the lackey heard this poem, he was stunned for a moment before an astonished expression appeared on his face.

Damn, is this still that stupid Big Foolish Brother?! It didn't look like it!

The little brother knew that the Stupid Brother was easy to talk to and normally did not have any airs of arrogance.

"You recently went to night school?"

Stupid Brother took a bite of the Soup Dumplings and lightly shook his head.

"There is a golden room in each of the books. Read more and you will understand."

In the 90's Sea City, the person who was the most pretentious was none other than Li Dasheng. That high quality bumpkin who combined both Chinese and foreign powers really made a lot of people want to kill his entire family, but he didn't know that.

A rising star was gradually rising from "Dong He Gui".

According to second brother's instructions, Stupid Brother would usually chat with Master Wu as long as he had nothing to do, and had more or less learned how scholars speak shamelessly. Of course, even at the end of the conversation, he still did not understand what some of the poem and some of the complicated words actually meant, but his innate talent in posturing could still be considered natural.

No matter what time, he would be able to say something that would suit the situation. This was enough to fool quite a few people.

The lackey was also fooled by Stupid Brother's tricks, he laughed and nodded, before asking.

"You were really impressive yesterday, being able to beat fat dog to such a state!"

"Chess to match." The Stupid Brother said in an elegant manner, and the next sentence was completely exposed: "If we fight to the death, we have to kill him."

"I saw you go to the hospital yesterday. Are you feeling better?"

"The doctor has dealt with it for me. It feels good now." Stupid Brother said happily: "That doctor's skills are still quite hard."

There were only two people on the scene, Stupid Brother and his little brother. The waiter had not woken up, and the door was not open.

The lights were dim and the atmosphere was gloomy. Stupid Brother raised his head slightly and scanned his surroundings, immediately feeling even more lonely.

"Go and get two bottles of soda. The one that's going to be frozen is drinking comfortably." Stupid Brother put down his chopsticks and said to the hoodlum.


Just then, a few angry curses came from the corridor of Ballroom. There was also the sobbing of a woman.

The series of sounds was getting closer and closer to the hall. It seemed like someone was coming.

"What's going on? It's been difficult for us to calm down, so why are you making a ruckus so early in the morning? " Stupid Brother scolded unhappily. It was obvious that he was angry at this kind of person who destroyed the atmosphere, but he was also curious.

There shouldn't be a woman's voice here, what's going on?

The hoodlum who had just brought the soda for Stupid Brother also heard the curses of the Stupid Brother, so without saying anything further, he turned his head and shouted loudly.

"F * ck!" What was there to cause so early in the morning? I wonder the Big Foolish Brother likes peace and quiet! "

At this moment, those people also walked out from the corridor. Three men and one woman.

If second brother was there, he would have definitely recognized the woman. She was the woman who had only been on the stage that night and had almost been forced out.

The woman was being held tightly by a young man and tears were flowing out of her eyes. However, she did not dare to make a sound. Instead, she used her hand to cover her mouth and let out a whimper.

"Good day, Stupid Brother!"

"Morning, Big Foolish Brother!"

The two youths standing behind the man and woman shouted out to Stupid Brother politely.

Stupid Brother looked closely and immediately felt that they were familiar. Weren't these two grandsons one of the hoodlums that watched this competition?

He remembered that they were also from "Donghe Gui". It seemed like they weren't here to cause trouble.

"What's wrong?" Stupid Brother lowered his head again, eating his Soup Dumplings and asking, "Bullying a little girl so early in the morning?"

Suddenly, the young man who was dragging a woman ran to the Stupid Brother's table and said while trembling all over.

"No... No Big Foolish Brother … "It means …"

"What is it?" Stupid Brother raised his head and glanced at him.

He saw that the man's face was pale and his body was thin. He looked like he was smoking a big cigarette. His entire body was trembling.

"This woman... How much do you think it's worth?! "


"I'll sell her to you!" The man trembled even more violently, and even spoke in a crazed manner, "Do you have face here? Can you give me some? "

"This is not a noodle restaurant. If you want some noodles, go out and turn right." Stupid Brother stretched out his hand, pretending that he did not understand what the man was saying, and asked: "Are you a trafficker?"

"No …" "That's not it..." The man trembled as he said, "This woman is already on stage, and she doesn't even want to go on stage. Isn't she just a whore with a memorial archway? "F * ck me …"

Stupid Brother thought that his thinking was very good, but he obviously could not keep up with the way this person thought after his drug addiction flared up.

"Can any of you tell me what's going on?"

It was as if the bastard who was chatting with Stupid Brother understood a lot of things, and passionately came close to Stupid Brother's side and talked about the inside story.

That girl's real name was never asked. She was called Yao Yao anyways, she was a university student.

The person who used the drug was also a hoodlum from "Donghe Gui". In the beginning, the boss that he followed was not a very famous person, but it was said that he had already caught up with Hei Laowu.

They had been in love for two years.

"A relationship is still like this?" Stupid Brother asked in disbelief.

"With such a high level of addiction, who would care?" That bastard shook his head and continued.

One of them was a good student, the other a gangster.

Two years ago, that guy called a bunch of friends for his birthday. Yao Yao's roommate had a good relationship with that guy, so she called Yao Yao over.

Who knew that when people saw a lady with beauty, they would have a change of heart. With the help of Yao Yao's roommates, they successfully drugged her and then gave her away.

This girl's home was foreign, so there was no one who could help her. Moreover, she was the kind of steamed bun that accepted everything. If she was bullied, she would be able to endure it.

In the end, she was really silly. She actually agreed to the man's request to have sex with her the next day.

In the beginning, the man was pretty good to Yao Yao, so everything went according to her wishes. But after a while, he became addicted to drugs, and without any money, he made Yao Yao call home to get the money.

In the end, the man had forced her to sell it directly to make money for her drug use.

Yao Yao didn't want to come to this kind of place to earn money, but there was nothing she could do about it. After returning home, that man didn't just force her with his words.

If an unfamiliar woman was threatened by a gang like this, would she dare to disobey?

"Why didn't she call the police?"

"Who knows? Who knows, maybe he really does love someone." The bastard shrugged.

Throughout the entire process of this bastard's explanation, that Yao Yao had been crying the entire time. Her face was filled with an expression of fear; she was most likely afraid that she would be sold by this man.

"Big Foolish Brother! Are you going to buy it? If you don't want to buy it, I'll go look for someone else! " The man trembled even more violently. As a result of his drug addiction, he had already forgotten about etiquette. He swore and said, "You actually don't f * * king accept this kind of good business! I'll go find Brother Hei! "

"Fuck, how can you talk to Big Foolish Brother like that! "F * ck!"

"Big Foolish Brother, don't mind me! This grandson was so addicted to drugs that he couldn't even recognize his own age! Don't be angry! Let's help you talk about him! "

From the looks of it, these two thugs had a good relationship with him and were speaking up for him.

"Go get me a bucket of water and fill it with ice cubes."

"What are you doing with this?" The hoodlum who did not speak up asked.

"I told you to take it, why the f * ck are you blabbering on like that?!" Stupid Brother scolded him: "Oh right, what's your name Hua?"

"Third Bro."

The Stupid Brother nodded, indicating that he remembered it.

"Go get it. Pour more water."

With that, the Stupid Brother very politely made the drug addict sit down, and told him, "Don't worry, I'll get you some noodles right away."

"Thank you!" Thank you! I will remember your brotherly love! " That scumbag's smile twisted as he said, "Hurry up, I'm waiting to ascend to the Immortal Realm!"

"Right away."

Stupid Brother said, then he turned to look at the two hoodlums who followed him: "You guys came with him to sell people?"

"Yeah, he said he can share the profits with us." One of the hoodlums laughed and said, "I don't want to do that. We don't lack money, but we have never played with this woman before. We've always wanted to play with her, so this time …"

Stupid Brother nodded and said, "Oh."

"Stupid Brother, the water you wanted is here." Ol 'Three carried a huge ice bucket and walked over step by step. It was probably because it took a lot of effort for him to lift it, and his face was covered in sweat.

"Put it here." Stupid Brother pointed to the ground.

Then, just when everyone was curious about what this ice bucket was used for, Stupid Brother already had one hand on the back of the drug addict's neck, and used all his strength to push his head into the ice bucket.

"You two bastards." Stupid Brother said with an expressionless face. His temples throbbed as if he was about to lose control of his temper.

Being yelled at like that by the Stupid Brother, the two of them started to tremble.

"Third Bro, hold him down." Stupid Brother said to the scumbag: "If he breaks free, I'll press you inside."

"I got it, Big Foolish Brother …"

Looking at the muscular figure, the third brother felt fear for the first time.

Damn, it's freaking scary when the Big Foolish Brother gets angry …

The third brother thought, and without hesitation, he pressed down on the man's head, because he felt that Stupid Brother was not joking, if this beast really broke free, then his own head would really be pressed down.

Stupid Brother walked in front of the two hoodlums, raised his hand and viciously slapped one of them in the face.

The force of the slap was beyond everyone's imagination. In any case, that bastard was sent flying. Once he crashed into the booth, there would be no sound.

"Fuck you!" Stupid Brother roared in anger.

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