Doggish Jianghu/C80 Hand washing muddy water
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Doggish Jianghu/C80 Hand washing muddy water
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C80 Hand washing muddy water

The culprit behind this had already been found out. It was arranged by Old Teeth.

These murderers were also not from any gangs, they were just a bunch of local thugs looking for work. Almost all of them were drug addicts, so they had to take on this job in order to gather money for the drug.

"Old Fang is courting death." Bai Baoguo knew about this matter and evaluated the situation objectively: "He seems to be sick of living. You told Little Northeast and the others to settle this matter with Old Teeth, then you called Uncle TungYong and told him about it. This is considered giving him face."


"Oh right, let's not let Little Northeast go on this matter alone. Isn't that trash injured? Let Big Idiot go, and let the mute follow him. You must not screw this up. "


After a short conversation with Bai Baoguo, Master Wu had a plan that was direct but not brainless.

That's right, he felt that there was no need to think about this matter, he just needed to let Second Brother and the others attack Huang Long.

"Just the few of us?" His second brother frowned. He felt that the Master Wu's plan was a little unreliable.

When you see the people from Baobao, do you bring a bunch of people over? Master Wu laughed: Other than the Baobao wanting to start a fight, he would not bring a lot of people with him. It's basically just him and the mute.


"If you want others to be afraid of you, then you have to have confidence yourself." The Master Wu said: "The underworld is different. The more confident you are on this path, the steadier you will be. As long as you have a brain, you should be careful not to capsize."

"Aren't you our brain?" Second Brother laughed.


Master Wu laughed and waved, then said to the group of hoodlums: "Tie these people up and throw them into the sea, don't let them follow, clean your hands and feet."


In fact, Bai Baoguo was a old bloke who really knew how to express objective views. He was not wrong, Old Teeth was just looking to die.

The fourth elder brother had already been his brother for many years. Now that he had been stabbed to death by the Great Tiger, the old fox's faction could be considered to have been completely wiped out.

The reason why Old Teeth wanted to take on Second Brother was definitely because of two things. Bai Baoguo could guess it with just his toes.

One of them was to seek vengeance, to be crippled by others or to seek vengeance in the underworld? Moreover, Second Brother is now doing well, Old Fang thought. He must be feeling very uncomfortable. He definitely wouldn't let go of an opportunity to make up for his mistake.

Secondly, in order to make a name for himself, he desperately needed an opportunity to prove himself. If he continued to muddle along like this, he would either be killed by his subordinates or be hacked to death by his enemies.

Old Fang knew that a tiger falling to the ground and his entire family dying.

"The other side might be in too much of a hurry, let's go with our guns." "Don't be hasty when you enter the enemy base. First use your spear to stabilize the situation, then we can discuss further."

"Alright." The Stupid Brother laughed.

The mute also nodded his head, feeling that his second brother's words were reasonable.

"Sorry for troubling you, mute. I'll treat you to a drink when I get back." Second brother said embarrassedly.

The mute waved her hand, indicating that her second brother was too polite. They were all members of the same society, there was no need to say anything about it.

In the end, the mute took Stupid Brother to prepare a carriage to deal with the fellows. Second Brother then made a trip back to Ballroom to find Chen Wan He who was sitting in the booth in a daze.

In the first three minutes, they only spoke three sentences, or more accurately, it was second brother who said three words.

"Did I scare you today?" Second brother smiled bitterly.

Chen Wanhe didn't seem to be able to calm down at all. She looked at her second brother dumbly, stretched out her hand and grasped his palm tightly, nodding.

"I'm sorry little girl, I didn't think that this matter would implicate you." Second brother's face was full of guilt, he didn't expect to encounter such a troublesome matter today.

Chen Wanhe shook her head. Her eyes were red like a child who had been bullied. Seeing her behavior, many men would have the urge to hug her and comfort her.

"I'll send you back to school. That place is safe. I've arranged for people from the society to protect you." As second brother said this, he stood up. But in the next second, he was dragged back to the sofa by Chen Wanhe.

Chen Wanhe did not utter a single word during this entire process. She just silently looked at her second brother.

After a while, Chen Wanhe's shoulders began to lightly tremble. Because her head was slightly lowered, Second Brother could not see her at the first moment.

Her tears had unknowingly begun to flow out from her eyes. The sight of her silently crying caused others to feel heartache.

"Little Northeast... Can you stop messing around in the underworld … " Chen Wanhe said while crying, "I'm really afraid that you'll be killed by your enemies …" Just like in the TV … "If you die, I …"

Second Brother interrupted Chen Wanhe's words and pulled her into his arms.

"I won't die, I don't want to be part of the underworld, I just want to earn money." The second brother said word by word with a look of disbelief on his face, "When I earn big money, I won't be hanging around anymore."

What second brother said was indeed what he was thinking.

He now understood that the reason he was messing around in the underworld was to repay this debt of gratitude.


He felt that he was too hypocritical, that it was for the sake of money that he would continue to stay here. Otherwise, he would have long secretly helped Bai Baoguo a few times before bringing Big Idiot back to his hometown in the northeast.

"You don't need to mix around in the underworld to earn money …" Chen Wanhe's timid voice sounded in second brother's ears.

"This can earn money quickly and a lot of it. Besides, didn't I want to marry you?" Second Brother emboldened and put on a very calm expression: "You're from the city, you can't possibly let a poor country child marry you, right? Your family can't agree to it. What's more, if I don't have any ability, I really feel that I have wronged you. "

Chen Wanhe's tears suddenly stopped. At this moment, she finally understood how much this man who held her loved her.

Even if her second brother was lying, Chen Wanhe would instinctively believe it because she felt that her second brother would not lie to her.

Of course, this was not a lie. Her second brother really did think that way.

"Stop crying. Come, I'll take a taxi back to school with you." Second Brother let go of Chen Wanhe with a blush and coughed a few times. "If there's nothing else tomorrow, let's go out and play."

"Alright." Chen Wanhe wiped her tears and blushed as she murmured, "This is the first time you hugged me …"

"Let's go, stop dawdling." Second Brother pretended that he did not hear Chen Wan He's words, held her hand, and swaggered out of Ballroom under the gazes of many delinquents and young ladies.

At the end of the day.

Chen Wanhe lightly tugged at the corner of her second brother's clothes and asked in a low voice, "You really want to marry me?"

For the university students of the nineties, the matter of marriage was still rather far away. Thus, after Chen Wanhe's instinctive joy, only anticipation remained in her heart. She couldn't help but ask this question.

"Comrade Old Mao once said that a relationship that doesn't have the goal of marriage is to be a f * cking hooligan. Do I look like a hooligan to you?"


"F * ck." Second Brother retorted shamelessly, "I think I'm quite a decent person, really."

"I'm not talking to you anymore. If I don't go back now, the auntie will talk about it again." After that, she looked left and right on the street. Seeing that no one was passing by, she gritted her teeth, as if trying to cheer herself up.

Following that …

Chen Wan He gave her second brother a light kiss on the cheek before quickly fleeing the scene.

"Hehe …" Second Brother looked at the girl who turned around three times in a row in a daze. He let out a laugh that was similar to that of the Stupid Brother, and muttered: "Why don't you kiss me … …" Sigh … The first time I kissed you, at least you've left a deep impression on me … "

At this moment, Second Brother was about to call out to Chen Wanhe.

He intended to tell her that he never made a decision, but he had already made a decision. However, before he could speak, he heard …


Stupid Brother's shout scared second brother so much that he almost jumped on the street.

"F * ck!" Are you tired of living?! You dare to scare your brother?! "

"Hurry up and get on the carriage. Be careful that the target is running away, the Master Wu is already rushing us." Stupid Brother sat in the front passenger seat and waved to second brother, "Hurry, you've all been lazing around here for a long time."

After getting on the car, Second Brother did not hesitate and gave Stupid Brother a wok of food, swearing: "Can't you let me, your brother, enjoy a bit of warmth?"

"No matter how gentle you are, the enemies of our revolution will all feel warm." Stupid Brother laughed and said: "If we let them escape, just think about it, how warm and touching that bunch of grandsons would be."

"Don't talk to me, I won't bother anyone when I see you." Second Brother sighed.

After the car started, Second Brother thought for a moment, then took out his phone to call Master Wu.

He felt that he should not ask Bai Baoguo about this, but the Master Wu.

"What's wrong, number two?"

"F * ck, when I hear this form of address, I feel like my balls are hurting …" Second Brother muttered, "Fuck, this must have been brought over by Bai Baoguo …"

"Why are you looking for me?"

"I'm just curious, Master Wu." The Second Brother probed, "If one day I want to leave the underworld, what would be the consequences?"

Second Brother felt that he should bear some responsibility towards Chen Wan He. If he could really marry her, then he definitely couldn't continue to be a gangster. If he continued to fish for gold in this bloodthirsty martial arts world, he truly felt sorry for that woman.

"What's wrong? Do you want to wash your hands in gold? " The Master Wu asked in a joking tone.

"No, I'm just a little curious about my future path."

"Let's put it this way. Withdraw from the underworld and wash your hands using a golden pot. This is rather difficult, but it doesn't mean you can't do it." The Master Wu said calmly: "I'll have to see how you're doing. If you're bad, then you can wash your hands clean, since there aren't many enemies that would seek your revenge, and if you survive to a point where you can nurture a Wang Qingshan like the Northeast Tiger, then you'll never have to worry about him for the rest of your life."

"What if you are like the Baobao?"

"Impossible, if the boss goes back, then he's dead." Master Wu said very straightforwardly: "Just the people who seek revenge will have to flatten his doorstep."

"What if it's me?"

"You …" Master Wu thought about it carefully and gave an answer: "Do you have an enemy?"

"Basically, all of our enemies have died. Da Ke Xiao Ke, the grandson who caused all of our enemies' deaths, and the one who's about to die, Lao Ya."

"Then it should be fine." Master Wu said uncertainly: "However, you still have to die."

"Fuck?!" "Why?!"

"Think about it. If you were killed by a bastard, how much fame would he gain?" Master Wu laughed and said, "In the underworld, fame is equal to money. If one has no reputation, who would bother with him?

"I understand …" After Second Brother finished, he chatted with Master Wu for a while longer before hanging up.

The mute looked at Second Brother in the rearview mirror and did not react.

Stupid Brother also turned his head back, but did not say a word.

The carriage descended into an inexplicable silence.

In the end, second brother forced a smile and cursed.

"Damn it, this is a puddle of muddy water …"

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