Doggish Jianghu/C89 Goods
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Doggish Jianghu/C89 Goods
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C89 Goods

That evening, the van driven by the mute parked outside an alley.

"They're all drug dealers, so just attack them viciously. Don't let them have a chance to retaliate." Master Wu began to mobilize his strength before the battle. "Remember, do not use a blade this time, you have to use a spear."

"Is it necessary?" Stupid Brother asked.

"Yes, you haven't dealt with a drug dealer, so you don't know how scary he is." Master Wu seemed to have thought of something terrifying as he shuddered: "Anyway, don't be careless."

"Aren't we drug dealers too?"

"We're not. We're just here to sell. We don't rely on this to survive."

The Master Wu earnestly corrected his second brother, "Drugs are meat, drug dealers are dogs. If you dare steal the meat from the dog's mouth, or make it have no meat to eat …."

"Yeah, it can bite me to death." Second brother said, he opened the zipper on the gun bag and distributed the five consecutive messages to Stupid Brother and Mute. Then he got out of the car first, "Master Wu, you stay in the car and wait for us.

"You won't let me go?" The Stupid Brother pitifully muttered: "It's so boring to be idle here."

"You're too big to be a target." Second brother said.

Hearing that, Stupid Brother could only sit in the car helplessly, as he watched second brother leave with the mute.

In the alleyway that was not bright enough, Second Brother held his five consecutive shots, sticking close to the wall and carefully walked inside. Following closely behind was the mute who was observing his surroundings.

Right now, they had raised their vigilance to the maximum, because Master Wu had said that this matter was not simple.

The route in the passage was complicated, the destination mentioned by Master Wu was the old house in the deepest area. Second Brother and the rest walked for five to six minutes before stopping at the right corner of the redwood door.

At that time, Second Brother was also a little nervous, but when he thought of Master Wu's orders, he gritted his teeth and calmed down.

"Ready." Second Brother looked at the slightly open mahogany door and said to the mute.

The mute nodded.


Second Brother raised the gun and put his hand on the trigger.


The mute's eyes became even calmer. This was the sign that he was going to attack.


If the Stupid Brother won by virtue of being able to resist blows and being born with a monstrous strength, then Second Brother and Mute would have the upper hand by relying on their reflexes and speed.

When second brother reached the last number, both he and the mute rushed towards the door at the same time.

It was an ordinary hall, but there was very little furniture inside. There were 7 or 8 people standing in the empty room. As for whether there was anyone in the bedroom, it was hard to say.

After smashing open the door, second brother did not directly shoot at the people inside, but the mute did not care, and without saying anything further, he pulled the trigger and fired twice.

Four people instantly fell on the opposite side.

"Don't move." Second brother said, pointing the gun at those people, following Master Wu's instructions to leave him alive: "If you guys move, don't blame me for getting angry."

"Bro, which world are you from?" This person's skin was very dark and he wasn't tall. From the sound of it, his accent was local and had a southern feel to it. He had a very heavy Chaozhou accent: "Come to the Chaozhou Gang to eat the black, you don't have to play this way right?"

"Don't force me, put down the guy in your hand first." said Second Brother, his eyes fixed on the pistol in the man's hand.

"Whose side are you on?" That person tactfully raised his hands and asked.

"None of your business." Second Brother said, "If you don't embarrass yourself, then I'll shoot you. Shall we try?"

Hearing this, that person threw the gun on the ground without saying a word. He looked at his second brother happily, without the slightest bit of panic.

At this time, the people from the other side of the bedroom also rushed out.

And they were not carrying blowtorches, all of them machetes.

"The two of them sure have a temper coming for us." The person said with a smile.

Without even thinking about it, the mute pulled the bolt on the gun and shot this "Chaozhou Gang" hooligan in the abdomen.

"Didn't I tell you to stop talking?" The second brother saw that the rest of the men had no intention of leaving him behind so he sighed and shot a shot as well. However, the bullet had hit the other's leg instead of the vital points on his chest, so everyone could see that he had no intention of killing them.

Only then did the hall become quiet.

Mute signaled his second brother to search the body while he watched them from the side. He would shoot them if they moved even the slightest bit.

"Don't move, my bro is very excited. He might get excited if you guys move around too much. If you get excited, you might even open fire." Second brother said confidently to those drug dealers.

Then, he brought Mute with him and walked over. Under the covetous gazes of the crowd, he fished out handguns and daggers from the bodies of a few drug dealers who were no longer able to move.

When he finished searching the body of the last person, he couldn't help but sigh.

"Are you going to fight or something? Every one of them is carrying a flamer? "

"Don't be arrogant …" When our boss finds out about this … "I have something good for you all …" The hoodlum from Chaozhou Gang said while coughing out blood, his eyes already starting to glaze over: "Brother Hassie won't kill you! "F * ck!"

After he roared with all his might, he suddenly twitched a few times and then stopped breathing.

The looks in the eyes of the mute and second brother were filled with regret. Damn it, this seemed like a leader, how could he die after taking a shot?! Master Wu still had something to ask!

"Who else is from Chaozhou Gang?" Second brother squatted down and tried to maintain his amiable expression. "If you don't tell me, I will shoot you one by one."

"Him! He's also from the 'Chaozhou Gang'! "

Ten minutes later, Master Wu walked into the house under the protection of the Stupid Brother and very politely closed the door.

"What a waste of my feelings." Master Wu sighed, "I thought you drug dealers were as powerful as the ones I met before, but now you're just a bunch of trash …"

"The grandson wearing the black shirt is from 'Chaozhou Gang'." The second brother pointed to the middle-aged man beside him. That man's thigh had been shattered by the mute's spear. Now, he was lying on the ground, twitching non-stop.

Hearing that his second brother had pointed him out, that person trembled even more violently. It was obvious that that person was afraid of what he would have to experience personally in the future.

The underworld.

They are all underworld people!

According to the rules of the martial arts world, "Chaozhou Gang" was inserted into the Xinhe district with a single kick. These local gangs definitely had to take revenge on us …

It all depended on the other party's intentions whether he wanted to chop off his hands or feet!

It had to be said that the middle-aged man was scared to the point of peeing his pants. Even if his second brother and the others didn't do anything to him, this grandson was completely immersed in the world of his imagination.

"How much stock did you get?" Master Wu gently asked, then added: "If you say that you understand, I will let you go. After all, Hai Xi has something to do with me, so you can't go against the brothers under his command."

"May I ask who you are?" the man asked, enduring the pain.

"'Donghe Gui', Master Wu."

Hearing the three words Master Wu, the person hesitated.

"You are a benevolent person, I have heard of that before. However, there are some things that I cannot say, otherwise, even Longtou wouldn't forgive me …"

"I have to say, it's better if you explain it clearly to me now." Master Wu guided him patiently: "You said now, you can live, and still have a chance to run. If you don't tell me now, you might have to stay in Xinhe district today."

With that, the Master Wu revealed a smile: "Are you going to say it now?"

The man nodded without hesitation. "Speak."

After understanding it, this was just one of the many stalls in the Xinhe district that received "Chaozhou Gang", but just this stash alone contained two catties of drugs. That's right, only by weighing it would people be able to come up with an idea.

According to this bastard, the purity of these two catties of white noodles was as high as 95%, and they were processed into common goods. In other words, with a purity of 60%, they could be processed into at least 10 catties or even more.

10 jin was 5000 grams. The market price of common goods was about 100 yuan, which was double the price of "Wall Ash".

According to the one hundred yuan calculation, this five thousand grams would be five hundred thousand yuan.

"Fat fish, I've often heard that Hai Yang is a god of wealth. I didn't expect there to be so many goods." Master Wu rubbed his hands together, his expression extremely excited: "Have you guys started processing the goods?"

"I haven't had the time to process it yet …"

"That's good." Master Wu laughed: "Where are the goods?"

"In the wooden box in the corner." the man said.

"Alright, big idiot, go take a look."

Stupid Brother nodded his head and followed the Grand Master's instructions to open the wooden box at the corner. A bag of pure white flour was placed inside.

Immediately after, the Stupid Brother gave the bag to the Master Wu, meaning to let him determine if it was real.

"This is what I hate the most …" Master Wu helplessly opened a corner of the bag, and used his nose to sniff the smell inside, then sneezed: "It's real."

"The purity isn't wrong, right?"

"I can't tell the purity. After all, I'm not a drug addict …"

"Sure, then we're done with this." Second Brother put away his spear and stretched his body comfortably. He then asked Master Wu, "Shall we go back now?"

"Let's go back."

Seeing that Master Wu was really leading his second brother and the rest out, the drug dealers who were lying on the ground, not daring to say a word were all stunned. Their eyes were filled with the joy of escaping from death, but in the next second.

"Stupid ah, go and make up for it with a few shots for them. Leave two alive to inform others. Remember to destroy the person from 'Chaozhou Gang' …"

"Wu!" You despicable scumbag! "


"You're not despicable and yet you're a gangster?" Master Wu laughed sarcastically and helplessly, as he muttered with a voice that only he could hear clearly.

"If I wasn't a villain, I would have died a long time ago …"

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