Don't Open Wechat At Midnight/C16 What a disgrace
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Don't Open Wechat At Midnight/C16 What a disgrace
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C16 What a disgrace

I walked out of the police station and declined the offer. It wasn't just because I was against the police cars, it was also because if the villagers saw that I was being sent back by the police cars, they would drown me with their idle chatter!

Under normal circumstances, I would go to the side of the road to wait for the bus back home, about five dollars. But today I decided to spend it all on a taxi.

One reason was because speed could save time. The next step is convenience, being able to be delivered directly to my village. Of course, these weren't the most important things. It was because my body was extremely weak right now. Not only did my legs turn weak from walking, but even my eyes had turned black after standing in the sun for a long time.

If I keep going like this, I'm afraid I won't be able to work. I'm very worried about my future! The distance from here to my hometown, Xu Jia Village, is about 40 kilometers.

But the young driver I found looked at me as if I was easy to bully, and opened his mouth to eighty. Thirty dollars is not a lot, but this is obviously going to be my fault. Furthermore, this is already considered as a doorstep.

Thus, without saying anything further, I turned around and left. It's not like you're the only taxi. There are plenty of cars parked by the roadside.

"Bro, don't leave. How about this? How about 60? If you're good, leave immediately. We're not waiting for anyone."

I haven't even turned my head, and I'm still sixty. Do you really think I've never been in a car before? That guy probably had been idling for a while. Seeing that I didn't pay him any attention, he hurriedly caught up and chuckled. "I saw that you're from Yishui County. Get in the car and leave immediately. Fifty."

He pulled at my arm.

I stopped in my tracks. The price was already fifty yuan, so I looked at him. Without him pulling me over, I got into his car. That guy was quite straightforward. As expected, he didn't wait for anyone and directly started the taxi.

"Are you going to the Xu Residence?"

Under normal circumstances, the people who were most familiar with the surroundings of a county town would definitely be these taxi drivers. Moreover, these people were usually well-informed and gossipy.

"You must be someone from the Xu Clan?" Have you ever heard of someone called Ma Yunpeng? It seems to be for decoration. "

My whole body shuddered. I didn't think I was that well-known. Even in the small village of the eight hundred people in the Xujiazhuang village, only a quarter of the people knew who I was, much less an outsider.

I'm sure this is the first time I've met this taxi driver, and I've never met him before. Since he asked about me, it means one thing. Did I do something famous? Or is it that my two days in the police station have been advertised all over the streets?

I thought for a moment, and based on the principle of being careful in all matters, I said, "You can say that I know him, but I'm not too familiar with him. He lives at the south end of the village, and I live at the north end of the village. "What, you know him?"

The taxi driver chuckled and said, "Who in the Yishui County doesn't know about him? That heartless bastard, even the heavens won't let him go!"

F * ck me! F * ck me! F * ck me! I'm Ma Yunpeng, okay? How am I completely devoid of conscience? No, I have to figure this out. Otherwise, based on his tone, I might really be taken away by the heavens after I enter my hometown.

I tried my best to calm myself down, but my body was still shaking. I felt like I might have left some aftereffects. He stared at the driver and asked, "I haven't been home for a while. What has he done? Do you hate him that much?"

"Hate him? I can't hate him, but that son of a bitch isn't a man. You didn't know it was normal. It was most likely because of what happened yesterday. Today, the news had spread throughout the entire Yishui County. I've been to Yishui County a dozen times a day, how could I not know? "

He would never have guessed that the heartless bastard he spoke of was sitting in his car right now, listening to his curses. I did give in to this taxi driver, and it was fine to talk things through, but there were a lot of comments.

I was burning with anxiety, but I didn't dare show it. I had to figure out what was going on. Thus, I tried my best to calm myself down. I asked, "Just tell me what he did. Although we aren't close with each other, we are still fellow villagers. He has always been an honest and honest person."

Before I could finish, the taxi driver snorted. "Honest? How could an honest man do such a thing? This is too fucking inhumane! "

I really want to kick him to death. Can't you get to the point? However, I knew that I couldn't rush it. Based on his evaluation of me, if he were to know that I am that heartless bastard, who knows what he would do to me?

"What did he do?" I felt like I was going to break down when I asked.

"Since you are from the Xu Clan, you should know a person called Du Weizi, right? Du Weizi was also a dry decorator, and he was the one who brought Ma Yunpeng out. According to the craftsmen, he could also be considered half a master. What if he failed to repay her kindness? In the past, there was a saying that went 'lead the wolf into the house', and that was precisely Ma Yunpeng! "

The taxi driver was spitting away, looking indignant. Fortunately, I didn't rush him this time, so he continued, "Yesterday, Ma Yunpeng went back to the Xu Family Manor. You should know that guy's family. He was alone, so he went to Du Weizi's house.

Didn't Du Weizi have a daughter? I heard that she just enrolled into some university. I heard, I heard, that little girl looks pretty handsome. Think about it, if Du Weizi isn't home, what good will it do if he goes with a single stick? "

I finally couldn't hold it in anymore and retorted, "Don't talk nonsense. I know Ma Yunpeng and Du Weizi have a good relationship. They both treat his daughter like a niece!"

"You do know people's faces but not your heart. You should know Ma Yunpeng's age better than me, right? You know how old Du Jianzi's daughter is, don't you? When dry firewood meets fire, do you think it will be okay? "

"Is this all his doing? Who told lies? It's impossible for Ma Yunpeng to be that kind of person! " My emotions were very agitated, but it was no longer a matter that concerned me alone.

"Hey hey hey, don't worry, just listen to what I'm saying. It would not be fresh if it was spread out by someone else. The key thing is that something happened to that little girl this morning! "

I was getting nervous. Something had happened to Wenxiu! I can f * cking have an accident, but I can't let anything happen to Wenxiu. How am I supposed to explain it to Du Weizi?

In my excitement, I couldn't control myself any longer, so I jumped up and grabbed the taxi driver by the shoulders, forgetting that he was driving right now.

There was a sharp screech of brakes and the car came to a halt.

"You want to f * cking die and not implicate me, okay? Do you know that it can kill people?"

I calmed down in the face of the taxi driver's roar at me. He quickly released his hand and said, "I'm really sorry. I was excited. I have a good relationship with Du Weizi and his family. I couldn't control myself when I heard that something happened to his daughter. It's my fault. I'll give you a fare. "

Maybe it was because I was more sincere, but more likely it was because of the extra fare. The taxi driver's expression softened a little.

However, a pair of vigilant eyes still stared at me. "You can be excited but if you dare touch me again, I won't be polite. At that time, it won't be a matter of money."

I nodded in apology, and he started the taxi again. I then asked, "What happened to Wenxiu that girl?"

My heart was beating rapidly. I had already made many bad guesses in my head, but I kept telling myself that these were only guesses.

"Of course there's been an accident, and it's very strange as well. Otherwise, how would it spread out so quickly? Now Yishui County's big and small circle of friends have almost been reposted, aren't you from the Xu Village? Didn't you read WeChat? It's probably been flooded with messages! "

After what happened just now, the taxi driver didn't seem to be willing to talk to me anymore. After saying that sentence, he concentrated on driving his car. I snapped out of my daze and quickly took out my cell phone.

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