Don't Open Wechat At Midnight/C18 Du jianzi's phone was connected
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Don't Open Wechat At Midnight/C18 Du jianzi's phone was connected
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C18 Du jianzi's phone was connected

By 6: 30, the sky had turned completely dark, and my cell phone was filled with electricity. I excused myself and headed for the county hospital.

This place is only 200 meters away from the county hospital. As I walked through the entrance of the hospital, I realised that I still didn't know which ward Du Wenxiu was in.

I rarely came to the hospital, and I didn't know where to look. I caught sight of a young nurse coming down the stairs. I took a few quick steps and rushed over.

Naturally, the young nurse also saw me and intentionally avoided me. In her eyes, aside from disgust, there was also a hint of fear. I remembered my current expression and hastily stopped my steps. I anxiously shouted, "Hello! I want to find a patient. May I ask where I can go to?"

The nurse didn't run away this time, but she was still far away from me, and her eyes were full of caution. He pointed to a small window on the east side of the entrance.

"That's the information desk. Go over there."

"Thank you!"

Before I could finish saying the word 'thank you', the nurse had already left. I couldn't help but let out a sigh. I didn't know if my face could change back. From the looks of it, it wasn't as simple as being affected by the side effects.

However, I didn't have the time to think about it now. Following the nurse's instructions, I walked over to the information desk, lowered my body a little, and looked through the glass window.

A middle-aged woman wearing glasses was sitting inside. She just happened to look up and see me. She moved her chair back a good deal and looked at me as if I were a monster. I sighed speechlessly. This was probably what they called living a ghost, right?

"What are you doing?"

I felt that this was the first time this auntie had said these words at work. I tried to keep my expression as natural as possible and asked gently, "Hello, can you help me find out which ward Du Wenxiu is staying in?"

She didn't answer me immediately. She looked at me warily, then carefully moved closer to the computer. I saw her tap a few times on the keyboard before she said in a shaky voice, "Room B, Room 304."

I thanked her and, without looking at her face, went straight to the room she had told me about. The county hospital had four floors in total, and there was only one elevator for patients, and it was inconvenient. So I went straight up the stairs.

When I went up the stairs, the people I met all avoided me as if I had seen a ghost. I was starting to get a little numb, but when I got to the second floor and was about to head up to the third floor, I heard a curse.

"That bastard Ma Yunpeng, he really doesn't know his place. I never would have thought that he would not even let a little girl off." It's all thanks to Du Weizi for taking care of him all this time! "

I couldn't help but stop in my tracks. I didn't need to look up to know who it was just from the voice. Du Fenghe and Du Weizi, who lived not far from me, were considered the main family. In other words, Wenxiu was sent to the hospital by him.

He and one of his older brothers were walking down from the third floor. They seemed to be in a hurry to do something. I lowered my head, afraid that they would recognize me. But when they passed me, they didn't even look at me, and they continued to talk.

"Wenxiu, this time, it must have been that guy, Ma Yunpeng. If you still can't find it, we can only report it to the police!"

My heart skipped a beat. Wen Xiu lost! Is she not in the hospital? While I was still in a daze, Du Feng and the two of them had almost reached the first floor.

I immediately came to my senses and headed downstairs. At the same time, he heard Du Feng and the big brother from the main house sigh, "Say, in this whole family, Du Weizi's phone is dead set on ringing up, but this has happened to Wenxiu! The police will definitely call the police, but I don't think that it's necessarily Ma Yunpeng's doing. It's not like you don't know him, he shouldn't be able to do such a thing. "

I was almost moved to tears by his words. Finally, someone spoke up for me!

"Third Brother, you're too kind. On that day, it was not just one or two people who saw Ma Yunpeng enter Xiu Clan. Who else could it be other than him? Furthermore, the moment something happened to Wenxiu, that brat would immediately run away. If he doesn't have a guilty conscience, then why would he run away? "

"You can't put it that way. I always feel that this is a little strange. You can call the police, but you won't harm good people. "

"Don't worry about it. After the police report, there will be people who will find out the truth. Whether it is a good person or not will be known when the time comes." However, the most important thing right now is to quickly find Wenxiu and find a way to contact Du Weizi. "

As the two of them talked, they staggered out of the hospital's entrance. I think they went to look for Wen Xiu, and if they can't find her, they'll call the police.

However, from their conversation, I understood one thing. That is, they weren't sure who caused Wenxiu's harm. It was very likely that the rumors in the Wechat Moments had been purposely made up by some people for the sake of blaming others.

In fact, I'm not in that much of a bad situation. And how come Du Weizi still can't be reached? Did something happen to him too? Remembering the scene of me being urged to leave by him that day and the words that seemed like a postponement, my entire body shuddered.

I took out my cell phone and decided to try again. If I really couldn't make it, then I had to return to the capital immediately.

I dialed the number and walked out of the hospital lobby into the darkness. My heart is very nervous, but I did not expect that this time, Du Weizi's phone call was connected!

"Hey, Brother Du, what's going on these few days? You can't get through to the phone either. Where did you go? "

I am very excited right now, just like a child who has picked up a lost toy.

However, there was a moment of silence on the other end of the phone. After five seconds, the little bit of excitement in my heart was completely extinguished. I couldn't help but shout, "Brother Du, Brother Du, speak!"

There was still no response from the other end of the phone. Was the phone not working? This was also the case. Thus, I decisively hung up the phone and waited for about ten seconds before dialing again.

I was afraid that no one would pick up again, but to my relief, the phone rang twice before it was picked up.

"Brother Du, can you hear me?"

This time, there was some movement on the other end of the phone, but the moment I heard the sound, I suddenly had the urge to throw the phone away. This was because the voice that came over from the other side was not Du Weizi's voice at all, but the crisp laughter of a woman.

The laughter was so familiar that it made me feel like I was in a dream, because I remember it so well.

I once suspected that the red wedding dress was my fantasy, but now how to explain it? Compared to the doubts in my mind, I was more worried about Du Weizi's safety. Thus, I trembled and asked into the microphone, "Who are you? Where did I, Du Ge, go? "

There was a moment of silence on the other end of the line. After about four or five seconds, another burst of laughter suddenly rang out.

"Haha, you're looking for him. He's also looking for you. You lost him, and he lost you. Interesting! Don't you know who I am? Yet another guy who wiped his ass and refused to admit that he was dirty, haha! "

My head buzzed, and I looked out into the night and felt my body shudder. I suppressed the fear in my heart as my breathing became hurried. With great difficulty, I asked, "You're Red Ribbon?" Are you a human or a ghost? What did you do to Du Weizi? "

"Red Embroidered Uniform, Jin Zunliu, hahaha!" Is that guy called Du Weizi? No wonder you are so ugly and do not know how to appreciate favors. What can I do to him? He just wants to kill me. But does that guy think he can deal with me with his little tricks? "Haha, compared to him, I like you more!"

That sweet voice made me shudder. I am 100% sure that Red Ribbon is not a human but a ghost! I also finally understood that what I had experienced a while ago wasn't just a dream. It had happened.

I finally understood why Du Weizi urged me to leave so quickly. He didn't want me to die!

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