Don't Open Wechat At Midnight/C5 Can the lock on the human heart be repaired
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Don't Open Wechat At Midnight/C5 Can the lock on the human heart be repaired
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C5 Can the lock on the human heart be repaired

I pressed the lock handle and pulled it hard. The door didn't open and I felt a burst of nervousness. The inspection just now was still in good condition. Why did it suddenly break again?

"Why are you in such a hurry to leave? Am I not good-looking? Or don't you like women? "Hahahaha!"

I like women, and I have to admit that Red Ribbon was indeed a beauty. But on this special day, combined with last night's dream, I really couldn't accept such a strangeness. I pressed the handle again and didn't answer.

The room suddenly quieted down. In the dim red light, I could only hear the sound of my hand pressing on the handle, but the more I rushed to open the door, the more I began to sweat.

"It seems like the lock is broken. I'll take it off for you."

I spoke a little shakily, but still I pulled out the crossways and prepared to remove the lock. I didn't get any response, nor did I look back. There was dead silence behind me.

But soon, I heard a very light and cold sigh, "The lock on the door is broken, but can it be repaired? None of you men are good. He clearly wanted something, but he just had to say it out loud. Since you're here, don't leave. I can fix the lock on the door myself, but only you can fix the lock on my heart. "

The voice was clear and cold, but I felt the red wedding dress getting closer and closer to me. When I said the last word, I felt that she had already arrived behind me. Although it was very tense, but at the moment of contact, I still felt like my whole body had been electrocuted.

"What are you afraid of? Are you afraid that I'll eat you? "Go back, I am yours today!"

The primitive instinct triumphed over the reason of the day after tomorrow, and my hands relaxed, dropping the screwdriver and the pincers to the ground. I gasped, my blood boiling.

I whirled around and opened my arms at the same time. I saw the beautiful but bloodless smile of Red Ribbon. She licked her lips, which was a fatal temptation.

I immediately forgot everything, leaving only the instinct in the depths of my heart. I tightly hugged her, and heard the sound of delicate pants and joyous laughter.

Her body was very soft, but very cold. I picked her up and threw her onto the bed that was bright red as blood. Under the dim red light, the smile on her face made my heart lurch.

There was only one thought left in my mind, and that was to warm her body with the warmth of my body, to warm her heart. Could this be the key to the lock that Red Riding White was talking about? I couldn't think about that anymore. I could only feel the blood boiling and the excitement in my body.

I forgot everything but joy. The surroundings were dead silent, but the breathing of the two became even more obvious. I felt exhausted, but the red wedding dress was not enough, I had to pull myself together again, until I completely ran out of strength and fell like a puddle of mud on top of that softness.

It was like walking in the darkness. I didn't know where I was going or what I was going to do. I had even forgotten my own existence. I only felt the warmth of the darkness and wanted to be one with it.

I heard baby cries, like a call, guiding me forward. Not far ahead is the endless abyss. However, I have never thought of turning back.

I was just one step away from stepping out when the sound of rolling heavenly thunder suddenly sounded. A bolt of lightning split the darkness like a sharp sword.

When I finally woke up, my footsteps didn't stop. However, I could feel the world turning upside down in my mind. Under the pain of my head splitting apart, I completely lost consciousness.

I was awakened by the pain in my body, and the first thing I saw when I woke up was the familiar face of Du Weizi and the conspicuous scar. Somehow, I felt that Du Weizi was extremely tired, as if he had just finished some heavy work. Moreover, from the twitching muscles of his face, I could tell that he was afraid of something.

"You're awake? "Don't move first. Drink this."

When Du Weizi saw that I had woken up, he immediately became pleasantly surprised. He grabbed a cup of water from the side and poured it into my mouth without saying a word. I didn't resist, because I knew he would never harm me.

However, the cup of water I drank had a strange taste to it, and I saw that the liquid in the cup was a little yellow and very turbid. A very strong taste of loess, I finally understood what Du Weizi drank for me.

I looked around me. I was back at 402, but I knew this was different than the last time. Because I remember very clearly that I did go to 401 and talked to Du Weizi.

I was about to sit up when I felt a few stabs of pain from my body. Then, I suddenly realized that there were several needles piercing through my bare upper body!

It wasn't strange to see a needle. I recognized it as Du Weizi's acupuncture needle. Even though Du Weizi's generation was in dire straits, his ancestors had once gone to the palace to practice medicine.

Du Weizi can't be considered a complete doctor, but he still retains some secret techniques of a medical family. I have never seen Du Weizi treat a patient before, but I know that he has always been carrying a set of acupuncture needles with him.

I pointed to the acupuncture needles on my body and asked Du Weizi, "What's going on here?"

I saw Du Xuanzi's face darken as he gritted his teeth and said, "Thirteen Needles of Ghost Gate!"

I shivered and thought back to the glass of water Du Ya had given me to drink. It was like I had a rabbit in my heart.

The water that Du Weizi just gave me was actually ordinary boiled water, but he added something to it, added it was the clean loess from our hometown.

This is a custom in our hometown. When we go out, we usually bring a small bag of our hometown's loess with us. People think that we can treat soil and water. I don't know if there is any scientific reasoning behind this. But he knew that his home ground had another important function, which was to get protection from the ancestors after being drunk by those from his hometown.

Du Weizi gave me a drink of my native soil obviously not because of the soil and water, so it was very clear that Du Weizi thought I hit the devil! Du Jianzi even pierced thirteen needles into my ghost door, which meant that I had hit evil to a very deep degree.

Evil Stab! Ghost Festival! Red Embroidery! What a shocking coincidence! I connected all of this together and was scared to the point that I was covered in cold sweat.

"How did I get back?" I asked with great difficulty. My heart was filled with contradictions and complications. I felt that reality was probably too much for me to bear, but I needed a truth all the more.

"How did what come back? Weren't you always here? "Don't you remember that after we finished our meal last night, you started to have a fever and continued to babble nonsense, tormenting yourself for the entire night?"

If it wasn't for my understanding of Du Weizi and the shocked expression on his face, I would have thought that Du Weizi was lying to me. But after receiving the answer, I was even more shocked!

He was dreaming the night before yesterday. Could it be that he was also dreaming last night? But why was the dream so real? The same scene and similar events?

All this may be explained by daydreaming, but I can't recall the fever I had last night.

Could it be that when I came back, I had already fallen into a muddled state, and everything that happened afterwards was a dream of mine?

I became even more confused. My face was full of anxiety. I looked at Du Weizi. "How do you know that I'm under the influence of this evil spirit?"

"How else would you know? Do you remember when we saw the paper burning on the side of the road? You've been acting weird since then, and the moment we got back to the house, you fell down. If it wasn't evil, then what was it? "

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