Don't Turn Round At Night/C17 Clam venom
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Don't Turn Round At Night/C17 Clam venom
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C17 Clam venom

"Say something!" I shouted, "Call Grandma Sun out! We have something to talk to her about!"

"No, we can't let her find out!" The woman said.

What do you mean I can't let her find out? I don't know why, but I suddenly had a bad premonition.

"Hurry up and go. I don't want to see you, or my grandmother will beat me to death."

I don't know where to start. " I came here for your grandmother, not for you. It's just that since you guys haven't opened the door for a long time, I have something urgent to take care of.

At this moment, Fatty also climbed up. He was stunned when he saw that it was a woman. He looked at her expression and seemed to understand something. He then said to me, "Let's go, we've gotten into big trouble!"

Before I could even agree, I was pulled down by Fatty.

It turned out that this was the reason why Zi Yue told us not to wander around. Miao Jiang had a custom since ancient times that men and women could only come back after sunset to express their love for each other.

So, did that woman misunderstand?

As we were walking, the old witch came again.

I called out strangely to the old witch. I didn't expect her to really come towards us, and then the woman ran out with her.

"Grandma, it's him. He tricked me out during the day and said that he would come find me at night. He really did come just now!"

So, this old witch is Granny Sun, should I be happy or should I feel unlucky?

Wait, when did I lie to this woman? I don't know her at all! What are you talking about?

I was very confused, so I walked over to the woman and said, "The first time we met was just a moment ago. When have I ever lied to you?"

I didn't expect this girl to become so much stronger and actually say that she wants me to marry her!

What are you talking about?

In order to avoid trouble, the fatty told me to hurry back to find the purple moon meeting and get to know each other, but this time the old witch didn't agree. She actually wanted me to marry her granddaughter.

"Kid, you don't dare to accept the honor? When I was at the riverside, I saw that you guys were sneaking around, so that's what happened! "

He was truly at a loss for words. Originally, he should have been looking for an antidote, but now things had turned out like this.

"We're not from here, and we can't run far. I have to go back tonight. I'll tell you guys after I find the antidote!"

"Young man, it's not so easy to find the antidote for Miao Jiang's poison."

I was extremely depressed. My mother was still waiting for me to save her. At this moment, I really felt that as long as mother was in trouble, I wouldn't be able to help her. Just as I was feeling extremely helpless, Zi Yue walked over.

I asked her why she was here so suddenly, and she said that tonight was the worst time to come out. She forgot to remind us, because she was afraid we'd get into trouble when her granddaughter and granddaughter were lost at the end of the river. At this moment, I really wanted to thank Zi Yue from the bottom of my heart, but it was already too late.

"Who is she? Who is she to you? " the woman asked me.

"What has it got to do with you? I don't know you, why would I tell you?"

"Zhi, are you sure it's him?" The old witch asked about her granddaughter. So her name was A Zhi, and she had such a pretty face. Who knew that she was such a scrooge? One couldn't judge a book by its cover.

"A Zhi confidently said that it was me. I was really speechless." "I can't be bothered to tell you. Zi Yue, let's go, we can't be bothered with them, we ran into a group of lunatics."

He had thought that Miao Jiang's folklore would be simple and unsophisticated, but it turned out that it was nothing compared to those big cities!

Zi Yue whispered in my ear that we were probably engaged to be married! Married? I've only seen this on the internet, is that true? A Zhi wouldn't think of me as the man who adored her, right?

"How can you be like this? He was just saying that he would treat me well in the day, and he just came to my house to find me. Why is there a purple moon now? What are you trying to do! " The old witch could not persuade him at all. It seemed that not only was the folk style impure, even the mental state was not good. Yet, in front of someone he did not know, he actually began to cry.

When Zi Yue saw the situation, she told me and the fatty to go back first. She went to the back to explain, and I thought, "She's a local, so they wouldn't dare to bully Zi Yue, so they went back with the fatty first and didn't think too much about it, but I was still a little worried. After all, a girl is out at night, not to mention protecting the two men, so after walking for a while, we came back to find Zi Yue, but didn't find her!"

When we went back, we found Zhi sitting alone by her well, smiling eerily.

When I approached her, she suddenly looked up at me with a smile that had never been there before. It was a strange smile at night.

"Where's Zi Yue?"

"She's dead, you're going to marry me!" She was still smiling.

I'm starting to wonder if Zhi is crazy.

"If you don't dare to take responsibility for your actions, then Zi Yue deserves to die. She can only die, haha."

Fatty and I are in disbelief. How is this possible? Zi Yue couldn't possibly die.

"That's right, she is dead. If she is here, she can only die." The old witch came out with an unknown bottle. She told me that it was the poison of a clam, and that Zi Yue's corpse was in it.

"You dare to kill? Are you not afraid of retribution? "

"Hahaha, what do you think retribution is? We are not human. "

The old witch didn't kill me. Instead, she locked me up with Fatty. When we left, she even slept with us because she came for something she shouldn't have, which was why she ended up like this.

The place they were locked in was pitch black, and the breathing at night was exceptionally obvious.

Why did she know that we would definitely come back to find Zi Yue and capture all of us? So, Zi Yue really died?

Just as I was lost in my thoughts, a voice came to my ears.

It was Violet Moon! She's still alive?

No, she was dead.

It turns out that after A Zhi killed Zi Yue, he placed her body in the toad's poison bottle. Zi Yue came to find us for help, but she is indeed dead now. She said that she wanted us to surpass her, but she still has her unfulfilled wish.

But we're all trapped here. How can we help her?

Apparently, Zi Yue saw through my thoughts and told me how to get rid of the toad's poison.

Although the old witch and A Zhi were not human, they were not powerful characters either. The toad's poison was a new type of poison that was made using Miao Jiang's venom as its foundation. The antidote was very simple; it only required a drop of his Yang body's blood and a drop of his Yin body's tears to cure the toad's poison. However, if Zi Yue wanted to reincarnate and have her body surpassed, she would need a part of her body, even her hair, which was also a difficult problem.

I dripped Zi Yue's tears onto my palm and bit my hand a little bit more, the blood mixing together with her tears. Fatty lured the old witch over, but due to the old witch's lack of security, she thought that we were sheep who had been punished, so she relaxed her guard. I slapped the bottle in her hand and it exploded, killing the old witch as well.

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