Doomsday: PUBG System/C21 Survival by Suture
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Doomsday: PUBG System/C21 Survival by Suture
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C21 Survival by Suture

Xiang Jing quickly pulled away to let Tang Yi attack.

With a deafening roar, the sky was once again dyed red by the fire.

Xiang Jing took the opportunity to throw a grenade at the colossal zombie after the shell exploded.

Afraid that the damage was not enough, Xiang Jing switched for another ten and threw them out.

Along with a series of explosions, the colossal creature's body slowly collapsed, finally turning into a corpse amidst the flames.

"Ding! Host has levelled up. Store has unlocked shotgun/parts!"

"Ding! Host has levelled up! Shop Unlock Rifle/Accessories!"

"Ding … Host has levelled up, store has unlocked sniper rifle/parts"

"Ding … Host has leveled up, medicine area unlocked … first aid kit …"

"Ding! Host has levelled up. Unlocked tricycle!"

'Ding … obtained 20,000 points. '…

A series of notifications sounded out in his head. Xiang Jing's first reaction was to send it out, and it was already advanced. Not only was it three levels consecutively, he even had twenty thousand hunting points.

It had to be known that after working so hard for so long, the total number of Hunting Points he had killed was no more than a few thousand. Now that he had killed this monster, he had collected 20,000 in one go.

However, he understood after thinking about it. It would be reasonable for him to have obtained so many rewards for killing this monster, which was a level higher than him.

However, it was all thanks to the armored tank's heavy firepower. Otherwise, unless he set up an inescapable net, he would have no choice but to turn around and run in the face of this monster.

"Da Da Da"

The battle at the front of the convoy continued. The effects of the battle had caused all of the monsters in Rao City to rush towards them.

Aside from the front of the caravan, the back was also attacked.

However, in the face of absolute firepower, these monsters could only become corpses under armored tanks.

When Xiang Jing returned to the car, Huang Lei asked, "How was it?"

"It's dead!"

After a short answer, Xiang Jing continued to close his eyes. In reality, he was looking at the things in the shop.

He leveled up three times and unlocked three different types of guns. With only one gun in each category, it was enough.

In addition, new drugs and vehicles were unlocked.

Although carrying the equipment didn't matter, the first aid kit was still a good thing. It could recover 75 HP in one go.

To ordinary people, this miracle medicine was equivalent to saving their lives.

The rolling smoke, the flames, and the pungent smell of blood made the road from the living area to the riverside bridge seem like hell on earth.


Without warning, a formless force spread out in all directions like a wave, engulfing almost the entire city in an instant.

Xiang Jing felt his brain go into a daze. In his daze, his consciousness went further and further away, as if he was going to fall asleep.

A sense of crisis rose in Xiang Jing's heart. He bit the tip of his tongue with the last of his consciousness. The scarlet, sweet taste and heart-wrenching pain made his mind clear up in an instant.

Wu Tie just came back to his senses and felt something was wrong with the car. He looked at Xu Binn, who had fainted to the side, and the car didn't crash towards the shop on the other side.

Xiang Jing pulled over the steering wheel with one hand and yanked the handbrake with the other.

The car stopped abruptly, so Xu Binn hit the front seat hard and didn't even wake up from the impact.


Before he could relax, the car had already moved forward. In the rearview mirror, he could see the car behind him turning off the engine.

Not only that, the entire caravan was in chaos. All of the machines had lost control, and the crowd fell to the ground as if they were cutting wheat.

The caravan came to a halt, but the horde of zombies was not affected in the slightest. Without weapons, it was as if there was no one there to stop them. They jumped at the fresh flesh and tore at the humans on the ground.

"F * ck!"

Xiang Jing waved his big mouth while Xu Binn was like a vegetable. Other than breathing and no other movements, the rest of them were the same.

Xiang Jing arrived at the back of the car and was shocked to find that the little girl was still conscious. However, her face was very pale and she looked extremely nervous.

"Xin, come here."

Xiang Jing carried the girl out of the car and looked around.

They were at the heart of the caravan. Although it was the safest place for them, it was also the place with the least guards.

At the moment, only the two of them were still conscious. Facing the corpse tide, Xiang Jing could bring the little girl and retreat, but the tens of thousands of people here could only be a meal for the monsters.

"F * ck, what the f * ck is this!"

At the same time, he looked around to observe the surrounding terrain.

Although he could take care of himself, he did not want his tens of thousands of compatriots to die here without any reason.

Seeing that the zombie army was getting closer and closer, Xiang Jing told the little girl to not move. He exchanged dozens of grenades and used the fastest speed he could muster to bury the corpses ten meters away from him.

Ten meters behind her was the same. Seeing the zombie army appear, Xiang Jing threw a few grenades at the place where the mines were buried and hid behind the car while covering the little girl's ears.

The sound of the explosion was deafening, followed by the collapse of buildings and the howls of monsters.

After the explosion, Xiang Jing shook off the dust on his head, picked up a handful of M16 and stood up.

At this time, the street was about 20 meters away from the front and back of the town, completely blocked off from the outside world by the collapsed buildings.

Xiang Jing ran back and forth in the car with his gun. There was an intermittent sound of gunfire as he killed the fish that had slipped through the net.

A few minutes later, they were completely cleaned up. Although nearly half of the people had been saved, the situation was not looking good.

The half of the people that were saved were basically ordinary people with very few fighting strength. Their main force had all been placed in the front and back of the battlefield. Their corpses were probably not even to be found now.

Besides, the explosion would not cure anything, and all the tanks were outside. If there was another colossal zombie, everyone would be dead.

Xiang Jing scratched his head in annoyance. Why would such a thing happen? And now, no matter how much he slapped them, they still didn't show any signs of waking up.

About half an hour later, when Xiang Jing was about to test if the pain from the bullets could wake them up, these people woke up one after another.

Xiang Jing gave a rough explanation, then brought the girl to Zhou Xiaobin's, Zhao Ziwu, and the others, asking them to gather the people in the organization.

Tang Yi quickly moved to have the surviving soldiers clean up the houses on both sides and gather the survivors.

Their original plan was now completely useless. The whole thing had happened too quickly, completely beyond their expectations.

Tang Yi's entire army had suffered a devastating blow, but he was the benchmark for this group. He had to bring the rest of his men out of here alive.

Xiang Jing counted the number of people. Including him, there were less than 50 people. A few of them were injured, but only lightly.

Including Tang Yi and everyone else, they roughly estimated that there were more than three hundred people still alive. However, most of them were ordinary people.

At this moment, most of the people had faces of despair, and looked dispirited. They were trapped in such a place, as if they were waiting for death.

Tang Yi was actively mobilizing the survivors to gather all the available supplies. He also ordered the messengers to send out distress signals to the nearby legions, telling them they still had a chance of survival.

Under the lead of the soldiers, most of the people started to move, collecting the supplies inside the vehicles.

Fortunately, there were several trucks carrying food and water that were not buried outside. It was not a problem for the people who were here to survive for ten days to half a month.

Xiang Jing also told the people in the organization to help. Before things become clear, it's better to take things one step at a time.

After settling the little girl down, Xiang Jing called Huang Lei to the side and pointed at the house above them.

Huang Lei nodded. The two of them quickly arrived at the roof of a building. Looking down from above, the ruins on both sides were densely packed with monsters.

Judging from the current situation, if the monsters continued to gather, they might even make it past the ruins.

Xiang Jing threw an assault rifle to Huang Lei, ten magazines and ten grenades said, "Be careful, meet up here in half an hour."

Huang Lei took the weapon in a daze. He was about to ask what was going on when he raised his head and saw that Xiang Jing was already ten meters away.

Huang Lei resisted the urge to give chase and ran in the opposite direction.

Outside of the ruins, Xiang Jing continued his exploration. Other than most of the normal monsters, there were also a lot of high level monsters and even a few mutated monsters.

After some rough calculations, Xiang Jing jumped onto the roof of a three story building and started shooting.

Puff puff puff!

Shooting down a group of monsters was no different from shooting down a group of monsters. However, to the entire monster horde, it was just a drop in the bucket.

The piercing sound of gunfire instantly attracted the attention of the monster horde. They all rushed towards Xiang Jing's position.

Xiang Jing threw down the two grenades and jumped onto the road. He got on the motorcycle he exchanged and left in a cloud of dust.

The horde of monsters behind him rolled across the street like a tidal wave.

Half an hour later, Xiang Jing returned to the top of the building. Huang Lei hadn't come back yet.

Currently, there weren't as many monsters outside the ruins as before, but there were definitely quite a few. However, they weren't a threat to the people inside the ruins in a short period of time.

After a few minutes, Huang Lei came running back with a face full of dust. His military uniform coat had disappeared to who knows where, while his white shirt had turned black.

Huang Lei said after a few breaths, "Fuck, I almost didn't come back. Luckily, I met a mutated dog. It went to great lengths to get rid of him."

Xiang Jing handed him a bottle of water, and when he recovered his breath, he asked, "How is it?" Have you found anything? "

Huang Lei poured most of the leftovers onto his head. He shook his head and said, "I didn't even find anything. You're saying this is strange. I fainted completely."

After thinking for a while, he asked, "Oh right, why haven't you fainted yet?"

Xiang Jing thought about it and said, "At that time, I felt my consciousness become very heavy and I felt an inexplicable sense of danger. I bit the tip of my tongue to wake up."

Huang Lei frowned, "At that time, I suddenly felt like my vision had turned black and then I didn't know anything."

"Forget it, let's go down first." Xiang Jing looked down and said, "The most important thing is to leave this place as soon as possible. I don't guarantee that I'll wake up if we do that again."

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