Doomsday: PUBG System/C23 That Finger
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Doomsday: PUBG System/C23 That Finger
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C23 That Finger

Xiang Jing stood on the spot and didn't dare to move at all. This benevolent looking old man was definitely not someone to be trifled with.

Right now, it was better for him to not change his mind. This sort of existence was not something that he could afford to offend.

After calming himself down, Xiang Jing felt that it was better to go along with what he said, "I'm looking for a girl. She's about this tall, with long hair, wearing white clothes, black sweatpants, and small shoes."

Saying that, he gestured at the little girl's height, "Have you seen her before? We were brought here by a tornado. "

The old man seemed to ponder for a moment before shaking his head. "No, I've been here the entire time. I only saw you fall from the sky."

Following which, the old man pointed at the sea of flowers and said, "You can go to that sea of flowers to find the old man, maybe he knows about it."

Xiang Jing thanked him and prepared to leave. It was too scary to be with such an old monster. It didn't matter if what he said was true or not, it was better to leave first.

"But before this, young man …" The old man appeared in front of Xiang Jing again.

He said with a smile, "I have a question to ask you."

Xiang Jing stopped walking and resisted the urge to run away as he asked, "Please ask."

The old man pointed at the trunk and asked, "Do you know how old this tree is?"

Xiang Jing originally thought that the elder would ask a difficult question, so he carefully sized up the ancient tree.

He looked at the other side of the tree from where he was. He didn't know how long it was, but Xiang Jing couldn't see the end of it with his current eyesight.

After thinking for a moment, Xiang Jing said, "Probably over ten thousand years."

"Hehe." The old man chuckled and continued, "Ten thousand years is only a tenth of its long history."

As he spoke, the old man looked at the ancient tree, his gaze somewhat unfocused. He then asked, "Then how long do you think it will take for this tree to reach the horizon and reach the edge of the sky?"

Xiang Jing was slightly surprised. He didn't understand why the old man asked that, but he still seriously thought about it and replied, "Millions or even tens of millions of years."

From Xiang Jing's understanding, the edges of the sky could be the atmosphere or something like that. This tree had already grown for a hundred thousand years. If it really grew that tall, it would be a conservative estimate even if it grew for millions of years.

"Oh, looks like I've already completed 10% or even 1%."

The elder looked at Xiang Jing with a smile that was not a smile, "Young man, sorry for wasting your time. This old man will send you down to find your friend."

Xiang Jing was about to refuse, but the old man didn't do anything. The branch under his feet stretched out and supported him as he fell down.

Before Xiang Jing could come back to his senses, he had already fallen to the ground.

When he looked up again, Xiang Jing felt his heart palpitate. The rest was shock.

After patting his face to clear himself up, Xiang Jing walked towards the sea of flowers.

Putting aside whether he should find the old man who the old man spoke of, the sea of flowers and the waterfall were both the targets for him to search for the little girl.

This sea of flowers looked surprisingly good, with all sorts of colors. It was so beautiful that one couldn't even begin to call out the names of all kinds of flowers. They were all competing with each other for beauty.

A gust of wind blew past the flower petals, causing the sea of flowers to sway like waves.

It was as beautiful as a painting, it was unbearable to destroy even a single flower.

Xiang Jing composed himself and was about to walk into the sea of flowers when the flowers near him started to shoot out light yellow pollen, shooting out tender green roots from the soil.

Just as Xiang Jing wanted to resist, his head became dizzy and he was immediately tied up like a dumpling.

He then fell on the sea of flowers like a lonely boat being sent to the depths of the sea of flowers by the waves.

When Xiang Jing woke up, besides his head moving, the rest of his neck was wrapped by layers of roots, like a green ball.

The surrounding plants were shockingly large. They were at least two to three stories tall, but it wasn't hard to tell that they were all flowers.

It was hard to imagine that flowers could grow so big.

However, Xiang Jing knew that now was not the time to care about why these flowers were so big.

In front of him stood a skinny old man with a head full of messy white hair. He wore a large red flower half the size of his head, and his clothes were filled with flower patterns and petals.

However, Xiang Jing knew that these were just appearances. The pressure that this old man gave him was no less than the old man's.

Seeing his dressing, Xiang Jing asked tentatively, "You are?" Old Senior Hua? "

Hua Lao looked at Xiang Jing coldly and asked indifferently, "Uncle, do you know when that tree will grow up to the sky?"

Xiang Jing didn't understand, so he nodded and told Mr. Hua about the conversation between the two of them.

"Sigh …" Hua Lao let out a long sigh, shook his head and sighed, "That stubborn old man has remained the same for so many years."

With a wave of his hand, the root binding Xiang Jing slowly loosened and placed him on the ground.

"Brat, it's good that you can come here. I've never seen the little girl you were talking about before. Go to the waterfall in front of us and take a look. Maybe you'll get the answer you want."

Hua Lao pointed to the front. The layer after layer of the sea of flowers seemed to have a mind of their own as they parted to form a path in the middle. At the end of the path, one could faintly see the waterfall of the Flying Spring.

Just as Xiang Jing wanted to thank him, he turned around and saw no trace of Mr. Hua. He shook his head and continued walking forward.

After more than an hour, Xiang Jing finally passed through the sea of flowers. Hua Lao was the one who made the way for him, otherwise, he might never be able to walk out of the sea of flowers.

The moment Xiang Jing stepped out of the sea of flowers, the flowers behind him merged together again, layer upon layer. It was hard to tell that there was a path here.

When he got closer, Xiang Jing felt the majestic waterfall, comparable to the ancient tree.

At the bottom of the waterfall, there was a clear pool of water. The water splashed in all directions, creating a hazy mist. It was possible to see fish swimming in the water.

However, what made Xiang Jing's heart palpitate was that the water was too clear, allowing him to clearly see the scene under the water.

The bottom of the pool was pitch black, as if it was an unfathomable abyss. No one knew where the water was flowing to, and there was no sign of it overflowing.

Xiang Jing avoided the pool and searched for the girl's figure nearby. After searching for a long time, he didn't find anyone, and there was no sign of anyone moving.

"System detected, in progress."

Suddenly, a cold notification sound came from the system in Xiang Jing's mind. Then, Xiang Jing found that he couldn't control his body and threw himself into the water.

"What the hell?"

Xiang Jing dived into the pool and rushed towards the dark bottom of the Tan Abyss.

The extremely fast speed formed an extremely strong water pressure, causing Xiang Jing to have difficulty breathing. He couldn't even open his eyes, and his consciousness gradually became blurry.

Just when Xiang Jing felt that he was about to suffocate to death, he suddenly felt his body lighten and he fell to the ground.

Xiang Jing stood up, rubbed his broken forehead and looked around vigilantly.

This was an arched space, and the pool of water that had just fallen was right above his head. However, for some reason, the water flow had been blocked outside.

From here, he could only see a speck of light on the internet. The surroundings were all stone walls with some inscriptions on them.

Right in front of him was a night pearl the size of a soccer ball floating in the air. It was shrouded in a hazy layer of mist, and it looked very magical, causing this area to be illuminated.

Xiang Jing had just steadied himself when his mind was in turmoil. It was as if he had just got off a roller coaster, then a deep purple ray of light shot straight towards the Night Pearl.

The Night Pearl seemed to have sensed something and a bright yellow light shot out. In that instant, the two rays of light collided with each other and the two colors of purple and yellow interweaved in the air.

The Night Pearl flickered and dimmed as if it was breathing. Each flicker caused it to shrink a little.

Xiang Jing's consciousness seemed to sink into a bottomless abyss.

It was a world of bloody seas and mountains of corpses, filled with white bones and thunderous drums.

In a trance, he saw tens of thousands of huge battleships in the boundless starry sky. They were all fully equipped, with countless excellent equipment. At this moment, the legion was crazily slanting their firepower in a certain direction.

Pushing his vision through the layers of battleships, he only saw that in the heavy encirclement, it was not some prehistoric beast, but a man.

Black hair, yellow skin, a handsome youth in a long robe, holding a three feet long blade in one hand.

There was no sadness or joy on his face, and his eyes were deep as if they were filled with the vicissitudes of life. One man and one sword stood proudly in the air.

He moved, his sword hand slowly raised, pointing at the enemies before him like a tsunami.

With just that one finger, no one could block the tip of the sword. No one could fight against it, and no one could survive.

The once mighty army suddenly vanished into thin air, as though it had vanished into thin air. A blank area suddenly appeared within the encirclement.

There was still no sadness or joy on his face. It was as if his sword attack just now had only been aimed at the air.

Then he raised his sword again and let his body go in a circle. After this circle had passed, the stars were still the same. However, the battleship from before was no longer there. Only one man remained standing proudly in the void.

When he was the only person left in the starry sky, the sword was raised again and pointed straight at Xiang Jing.

Xiang Jing's consciousness was still shocked by this person's strength of killing countless people with a raise of his hand. When he regained his senses, all he saw was the tip of the sword.

Even though it was not close to him, the devastating sword qi instantly engulfed his entire body, killing him, leaving him in a fine state.

"Ah!" "Ahem!

Xiang Jing sucked in a breath of cold air, his eyes were wide open, and his entire body was trembling like a sieve. Only after a long time did he finally calm down.

Just that single finger attack had brought a huge impact to his consciousness and was deeply engraved in the depths of his mind.

"System accepted, repair 99%, 100% automatically"

"System repair completed, automatic arrangement completed."

"System restart successful! System intelligence awakened!"

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