Doomsday: PUBG System/C25 Return
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Doomsday: PUBG System/C25 Return
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C25 Return

"Ding! Host has successfully used fusion for the first time. Reward: 1000 Hunting Points s. Fusion product: One star non-attribute Gene Medicine s. Obtained one star non-attribute Gene Medicine formula."

"Potion recipe?" Xiang Jing was surprised and asked, "What is that?"

"When the host is fusing with a new item, the system will analyze the formula automatically. The host can collect the raw materials according to the formula and refine them directly into the finished product with the blacksmithing function."

Xiang Jing said in surprise, "Doesn't that mean that after obtaining the blueprint, you don't need to spend that many Hunting Points to fuse it?"


Xiang Jing was very happy, but thinking about his current situation, he still needed to use the Hunting Points.

Suddenly, Xiang Jing had a flash of inspiration as he asked, "Since the fusion of ordinary non-elemental Gene Medicine can be enhanced this way, then can I use the enhanced Gene Medicine to fuse and strengthen again?"

"In theory, it is possible, but due to the host's personal rank and attribute, the maximum number of times the same item can be fused is three times."

"Three times? That's pretty good. "Xiang Jing suddenly felt that something wasn't right and asked," What does it have to do with my level and stats?

"The number of times you have fused with the base has increased by 2. Every time the host increases by 10 levels, the host is now at level 10, so the number of times the fusion has increased by 3."

Xiang Jing suddenly understood. Previously, they had killed quite a number of monsters while escaping and had unknowingly reached lvl 10. Now, it seemed that leveling up would be useful as well.

Xiang Jing decisively merged four more times with ordinary non-elemental Gene Medicine and consumed 1000 Hunting Points.

He placed the five milky-white Gene Medicine s in his hands onto the altar. A moment later, two black spots appeared on one of the shiny silver tubes. The thick milky-white Gene Medicine laid quietly on Xiang Jing's palm.

"Ding … Host has successfully fused with the two star non-attribute Gene Medicine s. Two star non-attribute Gene Medicine s' formula has been obtained."

Xiang Jing clenched his teeth, spent 5000 Hunting Points points to exchange for 100 normal Gene Medicine, and 20 one star Gene Medicine were formed. Once again, four two star Gene Medicine were formed.

After placing the five two star Gene Medicine onto the altar, a yellow and purple light flashed. There were three black dots on one of the tube walls, and a thick milky-white Gene Medicine that seemed to be solid appeared in the center of the altar.

"Ding … Host has successfully completed the fusion process. The fusion process is complete. Three star non-attribute Gene Medicine. Three star non-attribute Gene Medicine formula has been obtained."

After spending a lot of effort and consuming nearly a third of the Hunting Points, Xiang Jing held onto the Gene Medicine in his hand, his eyes filled with excitement.


"Level 1 three-star Gene Medicine with no attribute. It can unlock a level one gene lock and increase your strength by forty times. It can be ranked 1-10 times. Every increase in level will increase your strength by four times."

"I earned it!" Xiang Jing was so excited that his entire body was trembling. He was now a Level 10, so after using it, his strength could be increased by 40 times.

Xiang Jing composed himself and asked, "Yuan, how many times stronger can a first stage Gene Medicine that hasn't fused with another attribute increase its power?"

"Ten times!"

Xiang Jing clenched his fists tightly and decisively injected the Gene Medicine into his body.

Xiang Jing felt his body become hot and dry, as if he was a person that walked in the desert without water. He was in so much pain that he wished he could live.

A series of light explosive sounds rang out from various parts of his body. Each time was as if someone had forcefully cut out a piece of his flesh with a knife.

The pain of the gene lock opening was enough to cause an ordinary person to suffer countless times over.

However, Xiang Jing still stood straight. His entire body was drenched in sweat and his eyes were bright.

He could clearly feel that with every explosion, every heart-wrenching pain, his strength increased by another level.

After an unknown period of time, Xiang Jing felt as if a century had passed, the pain finally subsided.

He was so exhausted that he staggered and barely managed to keep his balance.

Xiang Jing finally felt a lot better after exchanging the 100 Hunting Points for a Energy Recovery Pill and swallowing it.

When he opened his eyes, he discovered that his surroundings had completely changed.

The original cave, night pearls, and frescoes all disappeared without a trace. What replaced them were broken walls and ruins, the desolate sky, and the howling monsters.

"I'm … I'm back?" In just the blink of an eye, the world he was in had completely changed.

"The Host has already returned to Earth, as for the details, the Host is unable to inform others due to lack of authority."

Xiang Jing's expression was a little dazed. If he didn't feel the existence of the source energy and the earth-shattering change in his own strength, everything would have been like a real dream.

Xiang Jing came back to his senses and looked around. He was on a soccer field right now, so he guessed which school he was in.

"Yuan, can you pinpoint my current position?"

"Sure. Host, concentrate your mind and think. The map will automatically be generated."

Xiang Jing focused his mind, and immediately after, a virtual map filled with technology appeared in front of his eyes. The green light representing him was flashing, and he was at a high school called Yucai Middle School.

After confirming his position, Xiang Jing asked, "Yuan, can you help me find the girl Feng Xin's position?"

"Unable to complete the host's request, Feng Xin did not have a locator installed, so it cannot be detected."

Xiang Jing put away the map and frowned. It seemed like he was the only one who entered that world and the girl was swept away by the wind.

"Girl, don't let anything happen to you!" Xiang Jing prayed silently.

Looking around, apart from a few monsters wandering around the edge of the football field, he didn't see anything else.

From the looks of it, the map could only locate its location, it was unable to detect other creatures.

Xiang Jing focused on the monster and activated the Data Analyser. However, he found that the things he analyzed were very different from before.

"Ordinary zombies

Level: 1

Strength: 1 fold

"Attribute: None"

There were only three short paragraphs to the introduction. Xiang Jing thought about it and decided not to pursue the matter further. He decided to test out his own strength first.

After having his strength increase by forty times, he wondered just how much stronger he would be.

Xiang Jing walked towards the edge where there were three zombies.

Smelling the smell of fresh blood, the zombie let out an excited roar and pounced towards Xiang Jing.

Xiang Jing stomped with his left foot and punched upwards.

In just a split-second, he crossed several meters and arrived in front of a zombie.

Although he was shocked at his own strength, he was already prepared in his heart. He clenched his right fist and swung it out.

What Xiang Jing didn't expect was that before his fist could touch the zombie, the strong pressure caused the zombie's head to explode like a watermelon.

From beginning to end, the zombie didn't even have a chance to react before it died. The corpse even took two steps forward.

Xiang Jing grinned. His body was like a gust of wind that swept across the football field. In less than a minute, only a dozen monster corpses were left.

Xiang Jing turned around and left without even looking.

Now that the system's repair was completed, Xiang Jing could see how strong the enemy was. Xiang Jing only needed to be careful, and he would definitely be able to live better.

Xiang Jing left the football field and prepared to find a way out. Now that the girl's life was uncertain and the world was in chaos, he had to find her as soon as possible.

However, on the way, Xiang Jing noticed that the school was unusually deserted. There weren't as many monsters as he had imagined, but he would occasionally bump into one or two of them, but they were all very low-class and didn't pose much threat.

Xiang Jing walked around for a long time before he finally found the gate. Just as he walked over, he noticed that there were quite a few off-road vehicles rushing towards the inside of the school.

At this moment, a few people rushed out of the guardhouse near the gate. They removed the obstructions and opened the metal door, waiting for a few cars to pass before quickly blocking it.

Not long after they had blocked the door, a group of monsters rushed out from the street and rushed towards the gate.

In such a short time, Xiang Jing was already exposed in their field of vision. At the same time, several guns that he had never seen before were pointed at his head.

Xiang Jing now understood why there weren't so many monsters here. It felt like this was a stronghold that was cleared out by the people in front of him.

Xiang Jing looked at them calmly and said, "Do you believe me when I say that I'm just passing by?"

In one of the jeeps sat a young man with a flat head. He said coldly, "Ol 'Three tie him up. Ol' Two go check the warehouse to see if there are any more supplies."

A youth with only one ear came out of another car, holding a rope as he walked towards Xiang Jing, while another car ran towards the depths of the school.

Xiang Jing had already analyzed their data the moment they blocked his path.

The most powerful one was the flat-headed youth who spoke. He was at least level 17, and had 17 times the strength. The second and third brothers he spoke of were also 14 times stronger, and the rest were basically all around 10 times stronger.

It could be said that this was a team with strength that was strong to the point of exploding. With their current strength, they could easily clash head on with a small army.

However, Xiang Jing felt a little strange, based on the timeline, these people were growing too fast. He had to kill a giant zombie and hundreds of thousands of monsters to barely reach level 10, these people wouldn't grow so fast even if they were killed from the beginning of the apocalypse.

As he thought, the young man with missing ears had already arrived in front of Xiang Jing and was about to tie him up.

Unexpectedly, Xiang Jing shook lightly, and the young man without an ear was sent flying and fell to the ground.

Seeing Xiang Jing resist, the short-haired teenager pulled the trigger without any hesitation and opened fire along with his accomplices.

However, these strangely shaped firearms didn't shoot out bullets. Rather, they shot out a bunch of hot lasers.

Xiang Jing felt something was wrong and jumped out of their encirclement. He raised his hand and said, "Stop, I have no bad intentions. We can talk."

However, the only response he got was a continuous stream of lasers, each of which left a hole in the ground.

Xiang Jing didn't want this thing to hit his body. Although it might not be able to hurt him, it definitely wouldn't be easy.

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