Doomsday: PUBG System/C26 Triad
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Doomsday: PUBG System/C26 Triad
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C26 Triad

Seeing that they were not ready to talk properly, Xiang Jing was too lazy to be polite with them.

With a surge of power, he instantly appeared in front of the flat-headed young man. Grabbing the muzzle of his gun and forcing it open, the ultra-modern Laser Gun was instantly smashed into scrap iron.

Xiang Jing directly carried him out of the car, stood him on the roof, stepped on him and shouted, "Your boss is in my hands. If you want him to live, then stop!"

The rest of the people were still shooting forward. They only reacted when they heard Xiang Jing's cold shout. They all turned around and pointed their guns at him.

"Don't move!"

Xiang Jing stared at them coldly. He stepped on the throat of the teenager with a flat head. With just a little bit of strength, his life would be taken.

"Nobody move!" The young man with short ears shouted, "Let go of our boss, we'll let you go!"

"Leave?" Xiang Jing picked up his buzz cut? "I wanted to come here before, but now I don't want to."

"Tell them to put down their weapons, I don't want to waste my breath." Xiang Jing glanced at the teenager and said.

The flat-headed youth was now like a fish on a chopping block, waiting to be slaughtered.

Just from Xiang Jing's movements and the speed that he was so fast that he couldn't even see him clearly, he knew that he had met a tough opponent.

He had seventeen times the strength, but in the hands of this seemingly ordinary youth, he was like a little chick.

Although Xiang Jing didn't have any lethal weapon in his hand, he would only be alive for a minute if he attacked. The difference in strength was so huge that he couldn't even think about resisting it.

"Put your guns down!" The short-haired teenager shouted at the top of his lungs.

Their boss was in control, so they had no choice but to listen. The deaf youth took the lead and threw his weapons on the ground one by one.

The flat-headed youth turned his head and said, "Brother, if there's anything we can discuss, we can take whatever you want, but please let us go."

Xiang Jing let go of the flat-headed teenager and jumped off the car. He picked up a handful of Laser Gun at the same time.

Seeing Xiang Jing let go of his boss, the deaf youth quickly pulled the teenager back. He bent down to pick up the gun on the ground, but was stopped by the teenager's hand.

Xiang Jing was too strong. The flat-headed young man had experienced that kind of power himself. It was completely crushing. Now, everyone's life was in Xiang Jing's hands. Whoever wanted to live or die was up to him.


"K1 laser gun, able to deal damage to level 5 creatures and below. Grade: lousy."

The Data Analyser did not have much valuable information, but why would this kind of weapon that only appeared in science fiction movies before appear here?

Although the technology of the current world was very advanced, it was still too early to develop such a weapon.

Furthermore, Xiang Jing had seen it before, there were similar Laser Gun s in the system store. However, even the lowest level Laser Gun s, in terms of power and performance, were much better than the laser gun in his hand.

Since he couldn't figure it out, Xiang Jing asked the teenager while pointing at the gun in his hand, "Where did you get this gun from?"

The flat-headed youth replied honestly, "In exchange."

Xiang Jing shouted, "Explain it clearly!"

The short-haired teenager could not help but shiver, and quickly said, "We collected the materials and traded them with the Triad."

Xiang Jing frowned and asked, "What is Triad?"

Triad has always existed in times of peace, it's a transnational smuggling group with an eye to the sky, when the day of doomsday arrived, their Triad s began to roil and shatter, but who knows what happened. A year ago, their Triad suddenly reorganized, returning with great strength, annexing all the forces in the surrounding cities and counties, and this kind of weapon appeared a year ago.

Xiang Jing stared at the flat-headed youth and asked, "You said that this weapon appeared a year ago?"

The flat-headed youth nodded seriously and said, "That's right, a year ago, a tornado appeared in the sky after falling down."

"One year!" Xiang Jing was surprised and asked, "What is the date of the new year?"

The flat-headed youth was a bit confused, but he still replied, "April 24th, 2022, April 24th, New Era 001."

"One year! One year! " Xiang Jing stood on the spot in a daze and muttered to himself.

He did not know if there was a mistake, or if he had fainted for a year, or if the time in that world was passing differently from here.

He clearly felt that it hadn't even been half a day, yet a whole year had passed.

Many things could be explained in this way, but in this world, in this one year, there would be even more unknown dangers appearing.

Xiang Jing, who was proud of his 40 times Strength, instantly woke up.

After another year passed, the little girl's life or death was unpredictable and the worry in her heart could not help but grow.

After tidying his thoughts and calming himself down, Xiang Jing asked, "Do you guys understand the Triad and general situation of the forces in this area?"

"Big brother, third brother!"

At this moment, accompanied by the roar of the engine, the second brother, who had gone to inspect the warehouse, came back in a hurry.

Before the car could come to a stop, a young man wearing a leather jacket jumped down from the car. "Big Bro, everything in the warehouse is normal. Nothing was lost …"

Seeing that Xiang Jing and his brother were standing in a confrontation, he raised his gun and shouted, "Brat, raise your hands, otherwise, the gun will be useless."

The man in the jacket was scared and cold sweat trickled down his forehead. He quickly pressed down the muzzle of the gun and said, "It's a misunderstanding."

Seeing that Xiang Jing was thinking about something and didn't care about their side of things, he felt relieved and said, "Friend, if there's anything, let's eat and talk."

Xiang Jing thought for a while and was indeed a bit hungry. To be honest, he hadn't eaten for more than a year. Fortunately, his body functions had changed, otherwise, he would have starved to death long ago.

Half an hour later, in a classroom that had been cleaned up, the three brothers and Xiang Jing were sitting on the floor. The pot in front of them was steaming hot, and the smell of meat was drifting in the air.

The trio's eyes were filled with pain. Normally, they would not take it out if it was frozen in cold storage. However, they had no choice now. The situation was better than the people they had. They had to serve Xiang Jing well before they understood the situation.

After a short conversation, Xiang Jing had a general idea of their situation. They were all students of this school, called Huang Xin with a flat haircut, Fang Liangji with his Xiang Jinget on, and Xu Hangchao with his missing ears.

Xiang Jing was confused as to how he came to be here, so he casually made up the excuse of being the heir.

After eating two simple bites, Xiang Jing asked, "Tell me about the situation here."

After taking a sip of the soup, Huang Xin said, "Brother Jing, there's a saying in De City: 'A nation under a country, three subjects, and twelve marquises'."

"This nation belongs to the Triad, and the subjects of the three forces are forces only second to Triad. The twelve marquises are all subordinate to them, but all of the powers here are subordinate to the Triad."

Xiang Jing looked at him and asked, "Then what level do you belong to?"

"We …" Huang Xin scratched his head in embarrassment and said, "We belong to one of the twelve marquises."

Xiang Jing nodded, "Alright, then just tell me about the three sides' officials and Triad."

"Alright." Huang Xin thought for a moment, as if he was trying to figure out where to start. After a while, he said, "These three sides' officials are called Tian He, Di He and Ren Feng. Boss was originally one of the three hall masters of Triad, and his strength is basically twenty-three times stronger.

From the name, it could be seen that the Triad was like that of an emperor. The three officials below were like dukes, all on the same side as each other.

As for these twelve dukes, they were all disguised cannon fodder for the Triad and resources.

"I'm not sure about the specifics of Triad, I only know that their guild leader is very powerful. It's said that the three hall masters together aren't his match, and there are also quite a few fighters being groomed by his subordinates. There are also a lot of powerful firearms as well, so all we got in exchange for them is what's left over."

"Alright, I got it." Xiang Jing nodded and smiled.

If what they said was all true, then other than the Triad's president whose strength was unclear, no one else was his match.

However, this kind of weapon was only left over for them to play with. Xiang Jing looked at the laser gun and fell into deep thought.

Perhaps, he could obtain some useful information from the Triad.

That night, after he figured out Triad's territory, Xiang Jing left the school alone and did not let anyone find out.

With his current speed, he was like a gust of wind, making it impossible for the zombies to discover him.

Half an hour later, Xiang Jing arrived at the entrance of a four star hotel. This was the home of Triad, where there were patrolling people and surveillance cameras around the clock.

Xiang Jing stretched his arms and legs. Forty times the usual speed and strength started to gather together. He burst out in an instant and turned into a bolt of lightning, arriving at the hotel lobby in an instant.

The moment he stopped, aside from the man in his hand, the two guards outside the hotel hall all fell to the ground.

Xiang Jing looked at the man in his hand and said, "Answer my question, you don't have to die, otherwise …"

The big sized man nodded his head like he was pounding garlic. He looked at Xiang Jing in fear, he never thought that there would be someone that dared to trespass into Triad's territory, and even swagger like that.

The key point was that no one knew when this youth appeared, how and how he made his move, and only he was awake.

He simply could not afford to provoke such an existence. He had no choice but to confess.

Furthermore, the big man was in despair. Why was he so unlucky?

Xiang Jing asked, "Where is your president?"

The burly man pointed with great difficulty, "Presidential Suite, Sky Garden."

"Okay." Xiang Jing knocked the guy out easily, found the layout of the hotel and got on the elevator towards the presidential suite.

From the time Xiang Jing entered until now, only a minute had passed. The interrogation took 30 seconds.

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