Doomsday: PUBG System/C32 Dual Attribute Constitution
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Doomsday: PUBG System/C32 Dual Attribute Constitution
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C32 Dual Attribute Constitution

Lee Qiang nodded and asked again, "Can I follow you?"

Lee Qiang was a smart person. From the moment he entered this room till now, the shock and impact that Xiang Jing brought him was too strong.

He understood that he was too weak, and only by constantly becoming stronger could he have a foothold. Xiang Jing was the person who could make him stronger, and the power in his body was the most realistic proof.

Xiang Jing crossed his arms and asked him, "Have you killed anyone before?"

Although Xiang Jing was a little interested in his strong dual attribute physique, he needed someone who could truly help him. In the apocalypse, he wouldn't bring a burden on himself.


Lee Qiang said firmly. There was even a hint of killing intent in his eyes.

Lee Qiang didn't say anything. Xiang Jing could see from the momentum of a man who had killed no one.

Xiang Jing pointed downstairs and said, "Sure, I'll give you a chance. Kill all the people who were chasing you."

Lee Qiang didn't hesitate, got up, grabbed a kitchen knife from the kitchen and rushed downstairs.

Xiang Jing wasn't asking him to die. Those people's strength was only 18 times stronger than him. With Lee Qiang's current 20 times strength and his Lightning Attribute, killing them would be as easy as playing a game.

Lee Qiang came downstairs, and suddenly, several tall and strong men rushed out from beside him.

"Hey, kid, I thought these guys couldn't recognize you just because you were done putting on a show."

"Hand it over if you know what's good for you, and we can even leave you an intact corpse."

"You even brought a kitchen knife? Who are you trying to scare? Come here, if you have the ability, come and chop me."

Lee Qiang did not say a single word. He suddenly launched an attack and cut off the head of the person who was just hooting.

The kitchen knife was just an ordinary kitchen knife, but Lee Qiang was strong enough to turn the kitchen knife into a deadly weapon.

Seeing that Lee Qiang suddenly killed one of his accomplices with a single slash, the others didn't react and looked at him blankly.

"Dammit, he killed that pockmarked man, get rid of him!"

In an instant, seven or eight of them charged at Lee Qiang at the same time.

Electric arcs flashed on Lee Qiang's body. He was forced to retreat by the onslaught of the saber. The electric arcs on the kitchen knife made his body go numb.

Lee Qiang was like a madman who didn't care about his own life as he crazily hacked at them. All of a sudden, seven or eight people were suppressed and beaten by one person.

Lee Qiang saw the opportunity to get close to a person and used his saber to cut off his wrist. Immediately, a miserable shriek sounded and blood splattered out.

There wasn't much suspense in this battle. Lee Qiang was absolutely suppressing him in terms of strength, so they could only rely on numbers to survive for a while.

Not long after, Lee Qiang cut off the windpipe that was trying to kill the leader with a single slash. Under Lee Qiang's reluctant gaze, he turned around and left.

When he returned upstairs, he found Xiang Jing already waiting for him at the door. "Do you know where there are these metal fragments?"

Xiang Jing didn't have to ask to know the outcome of the battle, so he didn't say much.

Lee Qiang thought about it and said, "Seems like their boss has one in his hand."

"Okay," Xiang Jing snapped his fingers. "Let's go plagiarize their old nest."

Lee Qiang said in surprise, "Brother Xiang, they still have more than 40 people. The boss is already 30 times stronger than we are. Just the two of us?"

"What is it? Scared? " Xiang Jing glanced at him and walked downstairs.

Looking at Xiang Jing's back, Lee Qiang didn't say anything and followed his footsteps.

Half an hour later, in a small shopping mall in De City.


A loud sound rang out and the whole shopping mall shook and shook along with it.

Xiang Jing took out his AK, wore sunglasses, and had a cigarette in his mouth. He fired at the inside and threw two hand grenades at the moment. He was just like a gangster in a movie.

About three minutes later, Xiang Jing changed his AK into a Wind Breaking Hammer and led the way with the hammer.

They killed their way to their boss's room without any obstructions.

Bullets and grenades were only useful to Evolver, who was at a low level and weak. Generally, those at level 10 and above could only resist bullets with his body.

Furthermore, in the system store, these basic firearms were not considered expensive. Now that the Laser Gun, which was a science fictional item, was here, the pistol and rifles were nothing.

With Xiang Jing's crazy bombardment, other than cleaning up the fish, it also caused quite a bit of trouble for Evolver. He also used Wind Breaking Hammer s to crush him all the way in.

Lee Qiang, who was standing on the side, was completely stupefied. He thought that he would be in a life and death battle, and he was even prepared to die here.

However, he didn't expect Xiang Jing to throw out a grenade like a magician when he got here. He even took out an AK-47 and blew up his base.

When he came to, he was standing in their boss's room.

Xiang Jing looked at the yellow hair who was on the verge of death from his hammer attack and asked, "Where are the metal fragments?"

The yellow-hair breathed with difficulty. He looked at Xiang Jing in fear and said, "I gave you the thing, can you let me go?"

The man in front of him was too terrifying. He couldn't even withstand one strike from the hammer with his own subordinates, yet he killed dozens of his own men. He was so strong that he didn't seem like a human at all.

"Sure, I promise," Xiang Jing agreed readily.

"Yes, it's over there." Yellow-hair pointed at a painting hanging on the wall.

Xiang Jing opened the portrait and there was a safe box embedded in the wall behind him.

He swung his hammer forcefully, and sure enough, there was a piece of metal inside, along with a lot of mutated Crystal Core.

Xiang Jing was surprised for a moment. He originally thought that the item would be gone after the system was improved, but he didn't expect it to still be there.

After putting the metal pieces away, Xiang Jing asked the mutated Crystal Core that was in the bag, "Why are you collecting these things?"

The yellow-hair man looked at Xiang Jing with a weird look, and said honestly, "Collecting mutated Crystal Core, you can exchange it with the military government for the materials and power you want, just like the currency in the peaceful era."

"Is there such a use? "Confiscated." Xiang Jing impolitely accepted all of them into his Interspatial Ring.

However, at the same time, he felt that it was a little strange that he did not notice that the mutated Crystal Core could not be found after killing so many monsters.

"The mutated Crystal Core that the Host obtained from hunting monsters has automatically converted into experience points and Hunting Points. The things in the system store are countless times better than those in the military government. Host doesn't have to worry."

Xiang Jing understood, Hunting Points were equivalent to mutated Crystal Core, but they couldn't be used.

However, Xiang Jing didn't mind. Just as Yuan said, the system store had countless good items, which the military government couldn't compare to.

Thinking about that, Xiang Jing immediately transformed those mutated Crystal Core into Hunting Points. There were more than a thousand of them, which was pretty good.

After getting what he wanted, Xiang Jing did not stay any longer and left.

Just as yellow-hair breathed a sigh of relief, a cabbage knife was placed on his neck.

Recalling his dead comrades as well as the injuries he had suffered, Lee Qiang couldn't control himself. He said with a cold expression, "Brother Xiang said to let you go, but I didn't say anything."

As the sound of his voice faded, a cold light flashed as he directly took the yellow-hair's life.

Xiang Jing, who was walking on the street, exclaimed happily, "The Chinese culture is vast and profound."

Afterwards, Xiang Jing followed Lee Qiang to the entrance of Hetero-Space, which was in the underground parking lot. However, since there was no key, they couldn't enter.

Furthermore, Xiang Jing discovered that only when one holds the key fragment would there be a reaction at the Hetero-Space entrance. Normal people would not be able to find it in the past.

Since he was unable to enter the Hetero-Space, Xiang Jing was not in a hurry and left with Lee Qiang.

That night, Xiang Jing sat alone in his room and thought. Previously, he was too conflicted on the issue of the lack of Hunting Points, so much that he did not buy Level Two Gene Medicine. As a result, his strength did not increase.

This was also why he didn't dare to provoke those powerful monsters.

However, he changed his mind. First, he would raise his strength to the maximum. Only by increasing his strength would he be able to kill more monsters.

After making his decision, Xiang Jing decisively opened up the system store. He spent 12,500 Hunting Points and bought 25 second level non-attribute Gene Medicine.

Not long after, a level two star non-attribute Gene Medicine appeared in his hands, and he also received the same level one and two star Gene Medicine formulas.

Xiang Jing endured the pain and injected the Gene Medicine into his body.

The pain of tearing his body apart and the feeling of intermittent heat and cold welled up from within his body once again, and it was even several times or even a hundred times stronger than the first level.

Xiang Jing clenched his teeth and persevered, tempering his willpower amidst this pain.

Half an hour later, everything quieted down. Xiang Jing jumped up from the bed and threw out a punch that made a sonic boom.

Xiang Jing clenched his fist. Adding the Wind Breaking Hammer s and the Gale Hammer Technique, breaking through 70 times wasn't a problem. His strength had increased by more than half.

On the second day, Xiang Jing placed a water attributed Gene Medicine in front of Lee Qiang.

Since he was prepared to bring him along, naturally Lee Qiang's strength couldn't be too weak. Although he had twenty times the strength now, it was still not enough. Furthermore, a Level 1 Water Attribute Gene Medicine was also not expensive, only one hundred Hunting Points.

Lee Qiang had experienced the Gene Medicine once yesterday. Although the process was painful, it was accompanied by a powerful force.

Lee Qiang injected the water attributed Gene Medicine without hesitation.

After going through a painful period of pride and tempering, his strength had once again received a tremendous boost, and this time, it had even doubled.

Xiang Jing asked in confusion, "Yuan, what's going on? How did his strength directly increase from 20 times to 40 times?"

"Because Lee Qiang has a dual attributed physique, every increase in rank could increase one's strength by two folds. Before, Lee Qiang only injected a thunder attributed Gene Medicine, so he only had one fold increase in strength, and now, he also injected a water attributed Gene Medicine, which is completely activated. Adding the strength of two Gene Medicine s that are ten times stronger, his overall strength will increase by two folds every time Lee Qiang raises by one rank."

Honestly speaking, Xiang Jing was jealous. He had spent thousands of Hunting Points and used an upgraded version of the Gene Medicine, so he only had a strength of sixty times.

Even if Lee Qiang counted the thunder attributed Gene Medicine as bought, it was only 200 Hunting Points and they already had 40 times the strength. It was truly infuriating.

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